Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/144

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BER tamed, however, hIs share of an estate whIch devolved aspen him in right of his another, Isabel. lIe it. in 1506, and hIie lordslnp was a. by bin eldest son, was a. by his son, MAURICE (by right 0th lord), who was made a knight of FmsenammcK-atunusvce, Ith earl, who eras constituted lordh’euteuai,t the Bath at the coronation of lIensY liii. Ito to. Catherine, dan. of Sir William liorkeley, Knight, of Stoke Cliffisrd, of the cities of Bristol and Gloucester, countable of ihe castle co. Glonccstor, hut having tie benz, was a. at his decease, of St. Briavel, and warden of the forest of Beau; also keeper 1326, by his brother, TIJOCtAB (10th ]ord), who had a censtoand in the celebrated of Gloucester. His lordship to. 30 March, 1755 (by a first battle of Ploddola, fongl,t Sept. 1313, and for his marriage, which eras not proved to the satisfaetioia of the signal services there received the hononr of kasighthood Irons Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey. lie as. Eleanor, dan. of Sir llarsaaduke Constable, of Flaanborongh, so York, and (who d. 30 Get. 1044) had issue, avas a. by his son, Tnoaais (by right 11th baren), who as. 1st, Mary, dan. of t. Wm.iass-nvzbtanemsur, I. 20 Dcc. 1700; created, in 1911, George hastings, 1st Earl of lluntingdots, taut by her had ii. llarasrn-Fanncaics-Fivz-Ilaisesnoe (Sir), adnetral of tho 110 issue. ito as. Sndly, Anne, dan. of Sir John Savage, of idue,, created Il000N Pmvzllaaniaon (see I/sat lithe, Frodsham, ci,. Chester; and dying 19 Sept. 1534, was a. by a posthumous seal, HENRY, 12th lord, who on the death of EDWARD VI., the III. Aagnslus-Filzhlardinge, 5. 26 Slareh, 1789; ‘mm. in ISIS, last male heir of Mcmlv VII., s. as heir to James, Marquess of Berkeley, to BeosELey CAS’rLta AND LaNes, and thus recovered the ancient b’aioum md precedency of the family. His lordship a. Catherius, 3rd elau. of henry Steward, Earl iv. Frsneis-llenry-Filzhlnrdinge, S. 7 Bee. 1794, SIP. for of Surrey, and dying 26 Nov. 101:1, was a. by his grandeon, Ueer.oc, 13th baron, K. 13., who vi. Elizabeth, Said d,au. v. Titos,as-31,,scvon-Frrznaaninr.r, 5. 19 Oct. 1796, rIo ji’re and co-heir of Sir Miohael Stanhope, of Sisdborn, eo. Snifolk, and dying 10 Aaag. 1030, crass a. by his only ssaredving son, Ceocon 14th lord, created ii Sept. 1879, Boesn Jleaeba-sy, vi. Gnoson- Cnaseee- GRANJ’Lnv -P1vzlhannlzann, 5. 10 yeb. ‘5- giiw nail Broese, l-’iecoonf Iloiabp, and EAnL or Benieeenv. His lordship e. Ehtealieth, dau. and co-heir of John Massiaagberd, Esq., treavurer of the East India Coanpany, and dying 14 Get. 1095, was e lay his elder soil, Ceicuves, 2nd Earl, Ku., who had been previously senonioned II lice. 1501; 2 Enes-esn-Srrs’rvov-F rrz-Haanione, late to parliament (H daily, if 09) as Baeoe Beak, Icy 0 ldeeivfey. Ills lordslnp a. Elieabeth, dam, of Baptist Noel, elI. Craven-Fitoblardingr. 5.1505; as. lii, in 1519, Augusta, Viscount Campden, and had four eons asset three clans. * lie evidow of tlse lIon. G.-IT. Toilsot, and by her (echo ii. in 1841) ,t. 24 Sept. i7io, and seas a. by his 2nd, but eldest surviving sole, JAMES, led earl, a distinguished naval officer, wise lead t. 3lare’—lleterietta—Fitzllardingo. summons to parlianavist, 7 llaroh, 1704, as Las-i B u-oh-p. n. (‘aroline-Fihzlhardimsge, em. in 1029, to Jooaes Siaxse, Esq. his lerdohip el. Lady louisa Lennox, eldest does, of Charles, lot Duke of ltiehm,,nd, and was a. at his decease, in 1710, in. Eneily-Elizntelh, isis 1319, to Slojer Sydney-A. Capel. by his only soil, Auuusrus, 4th earl, ItT.; t. It Feb. 1715-If. This nobleman bits lordship if. S _tsmg. 1510. On his demtoe, William-FitnRorditige distiugnishod himself as a nailitary officer, atael eblainsel the courtesy tithe of Visrsiuist Dnrsley, and had a seat in the tlse esisimanel sf e’iae of the regiments eenlsodieel to seaareh louver homise of l’orlia,nemmt mnmdur that designation, pa-csznted against the Scotch and English rebels, in 1743. lIe or. ,Ebealaeth, don, of henry Brax, Esq. of Charhoreugh, 00. Earl Berkeley; but aonee doubts lmoe-iaeg arisen touching the Bereet, by whenm (who as-. after the earl’s deeeaoe, Robert, mnaz-riagz nlmou enhish the pelitiommer’n right to the peerage Earl Nngent) be had anrviring issue, i. Frrnestete-At’orsvr’s, his successor. n. George-Crantsid, CCII., an admiral in tlse royal navy, had not substantiated his claim. anil somztinee local high admiral of Portugal; is. in 17111 10. in 1104, Emily-Charlotte, dan. of Lord George Lennsx, and Csvnliissa—Barsn Berkeley. alleged to lie derived frnm she dying ia 1810, left issue, I George -hleney -Frederick, b.C.E., lOTS., and 10.5W.; and to belong of riglmt to time Isnesessor ief timat ancient fortress, gesersi in the arosy, csl. of the 15th regl.; I. in 1700; as, crealed by writ, 21 June, 1295. Earl, Viscount, Baron (Mowbray, in 1015, Lucy, eldest dan. unit co-heiress of Sir Thomas Arm,ia—Gn., a ehev., beteneen ten eroases-paiSe, six in chief Sutton, hart., anal has issue, Charles-Aseheton- Fitzltardinge, colonel, CE., ii. 1010; and fosr in base, org. formemly of 1hz Seots fastlier-gnarda, anal canansonded Creot—A neitmv, gu., lnbrlled and garnisbed, or, charged evith the 11ie0 regt.; d. 25 Sept- 1050, on board the Sinela, off a chevron nod crosses-pot/c, as in the arms. Sovetra. Alexsnsler-Eenry-ltaslings, 5.1824; d. 8 June, 1054. George-Lcnoox-Eaeedon, an oflicer in the army, ii. 1827. Careline-llsry, 11.30 Sept. ISIS, to Major-General Randsl Eomley. 2 Charles-Lennsx-Grenville, 5. 1006; si. in 1827, AngustaElizabeth, doo. of J. II. Leigh, Esq. of Stenelciglm Abbey, and sisler of Chs,,des, Isle Lord Leigh, and hat issue tars daoa., Alice and Gvorgiana-Lsoisa. I Aone-Lonisa-Enaily, ci. 1st, in 1007, in Sir Thomas-SInsterman Ilardy, Bare.; and Indly, 2 Get. 1840, to Lard Seaford. 2 Georgiana-Slary, vi- In Adm. Sir 0. F. Seymour, RN., G.C.E., CCII., nephew of the Sharqoees of hbertfnrd, 1 Slary-Caroline, si. to henry, 5th Duke of Graften. i. Grnrgiasa-Augnsta, ii. lsb Is George, 5th go-I of Grsosrd; and, lidly, 10 tIme 11ev. Samuel Little, 1dB. lice ladyship ci. 24 Jan. 1020. ti. Elizabeth, ass. let, to William, Lerd Craves; 2ndly, II Oct. The lad dau., Lady Elizabeth Berkeley, s,. Sir John Ccc- main, Bare, of Drayton, in Norhhainptsnshire, echo u. issoelcss 1710, leaving hit estate to hit undoer. ifer ladyship at. 10 Dcc. 1709, end beqoeathed the grcatzr part of her property to Lord Gesrge Saokeillz, 2nd son of the let flake of Bernet, erho BERNERS, BARON (Hnmry-William Wilson), 8. assumed. in consequence, the surname of Germsin, and was 23 Fob. 1797; as. lot, 24 Feb. 1823, his cousin, created Visrsnnt Saekville. 94 I3ER 1791, to his Serene highness Chrislisu, Slargrsvs of Bradon— bnrg, Anspach, and Boyronth, snd d. in lS2s. and euntos rotulornm of the eo. Gloucester, and of the deer and w,eedn in the said forest, aisd high steerard lbenso of Lords), and, by a second marriage, 36 lIay, 17Sf, Silos 3hary Cole, of the cv. Gloucester, and by her liaron Segravo; and, in 1841, EanL Fivzllanntsoc; if. aooi. 10 Oct. 1e57. jisit) 1. 17 Gel. 1007. Ilary, eldest dan. of Sir John Bashwood-King, Bare., and Imas hsd, anus other issue, a son, Augushis—tillney, is. 10 July, 1039; and a dan., Georgiana-llary. vi. 6 Atamib 1542, io I.ieul.-Col. St. Vincent — Williaue lltetzthe, sf the royal Seots Gteys, end 1. Imis endow, 4 Aptil, boy. Beietsl. present Bane or Bznacenv, hut he does net assume the title. 1000 so. 1524, Caroline-Slartha, youngest don. of the late I’asd lienteld, Etq., and has had issue two sotss, 1 Swinborne Fitzllordingr, is. 20 Oi-t. 1521; cm. 4 March, 1882, Eliza-llaria, only deem. of the late John Grey, k’sq. of Whamlands, Neethnnahcm-land, and Ti-eOn, Fliatshire, and widow of Edward Dixon, of hlnrsley I loner, Werecstemleire, nnd if. rslit. lad life-guards, 5. 18 July, 1027. had a dao. lIe ass. 2ndly, in 1045, Charlotte, dth dau. of the late Gen. Onslow, and endow of C. Neenion, Eaq. The Hon. t’,’sren I;erhcley 5. 1 July, 1055. ache ‘1. 1 Shard,, 1004. Berkeley, his lordship’s eldest son, who theme bore a petition to the ei-ow’n for a writ of etmetnuns, as mooted, the petitiemi woo ivferrod to the tieuse of Lordn anit their lordehips caine to a resolution that the petitioaeer feudal lezitre of Berkeley Castle since the lime of liansy 11., Ac. Ac.), 11 Sept. 1709. 0,a3spsseba-e—Two lions, nr, the shtistcr dncally croevned, gas., collared and chaimmed, gold Jlolls—Biets avce smous. BERNARD, ViSCOUNT, 000 BANBON, EARL. B B R N B R S.