Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/151

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BLA BLACKWO OP. Baoocgwoon, SIR FRANCIS, Dart., lient. RN., b. 11 of Niddrie, and has issue, Nov. 1838; s. his brother, as 4th baronet, 26 May, I. Dxvsn, 8. Sept 1855. 1854; rn. 17 Dec. 1861, Laura-Olivia, 2nd dan. of ti. James, 8. Dcc. 1354. Robert S. Palmer, Esq. of Merrion Square, Dublin, iii. Edward, b. Starch, 1858. and by her (who ci. 6 Nov. 1865), has had, - i. HaNav-RoBcaT-TEMFLE, 9. 6 Oct. 1862. I. Lanra-Gwcndaltnc. Sm Jonas I3LACEW000, Bait of Ballyleidy, en. Dawn, as. Doreas, eldest dan. and es-heiress of James Stevenson, P.sq. of Kfllyleagh, which lady was created a peerces of Ireland, after his decease, as Boonoasees BUFFERIN ANO CLANESOTE. The famBy of HoNTEa-Basanis paternally deseensled from They had, with ether issue (ace BUFFeRIN), I. TEE Hoas. Sta HENaY BLoocaw000, K.G.B. and O.C.R., Cesstep), and maternally from the very assetent house of b. 28 Dcc. 1778 (youngest son), who, having attained high BLAIR of Daasi-cp, a scion of BLoom of Blair. rank in the royal navy (he was vice-admiral of the Blue) L Janice HONTEa, Esq., 8. las 1740 (2nd son of John was created a Baronet, Sept. 1811. SIc ci. let, 12 Jan. Hunter, of hirownhill, by Anise, dais, and heir of William 1792, Jane-Mary, 2nd dan. of Lanneelat Croabie, of Tnbrid, Cnn,singhame), MI’. for, assd lord provast of, the city of Eaq., and was left a widower, 19 Jan. s798, withent issue. Edinburgh ; ss. in 1778, Jane, stan. and heir of J,,hn Illair, His 2nd wife was Elisa, 4th dan. of Martin Waghorn, Eaq., Esg. of Dnnskoy, by Anne, sister and co-heir of line (with capt RN. (m. 3 June, 1799), by whom (who ii. 10 Oct her only sister, Lady Catheai-t) of David, 20th Earl of GasaRia, ISe2) he bad an only son, llstanv-MARTIN, 2nd baronet. nssma of GLoom. Dy this mars’tage be had fonrtecn children, Sir Henry as. Srdiy, 9 May, 1888, Harriet, dais. at’ the late twelve of whsm survived infancy, namely, Francis Gore, Req., Governor of Grenada, and by that lady Jona, Isis successor. (who it. 5 May, 1851) had, Arthar-Johnstsoe, gentleman neher to lbs Queen, i. 25 April, Gavin, 3rd barsact. 1858; is. 2 March, 1830, Cecilia-Genrgtana, relict of the late James, svha inherited the eel ates of Dnnskey and Robertland, John Wright, Esq., jun., of Lenlon hall, Netta, and has isaac, Arlhor-Stevensoe, 8. in Slay, 1832; ‘a. 18 Dec. 1888, ltohert, a captain in the army, it. usass. in 1799. Harriet-Sydney, Duchess-Dowager of Manchester; and Harriet-Cecilia, it. 1855. Francis-Price, 8. 25 Slay-, 1889, capt. R.N.; ss. 12 Oct. 1848, Tha,na,, major-gas. in the army, C.n., inheritar of the Jemima-Sas-ah, 2nd dan. of the late James-Cmnbame Strade, Nag., and has iesae. Harriet, ci. 7 Sept. 1841, to Cecil Pane, Req. Sir Henry was the hearer of the dsepatehes announcing the vletoryofTrafalgar. He it. 14 Dee. 1832, and wase. by his son, II. Ssn HENRY-MARvIN, capt. RN., 8. 11 Jmoe, 1081 as. Archibald, d. at sea, in the E.l.Cn.’a service, 1758. 19 Aug. 1826, Harriet-Louisa, youngest dan. af J. -M. Jlnlkeley, Ilenry-Dsmdas, d. in 1799. Lag., and had issue, s. Hacisy, 3rd baronet. II. Pa.aaess, present baroiset. ccc. Percy, eslanial eec. far Tebaga, 8. 18 Itay, 1840; it. 1 Jane, al aasse, in 1831. Jemima, it, 20 Dcc. 1864. June, 1888. c. Anne-Charlotte, ci. 26 June, 1858, to Frederiek-Pelham Mr. Hunter Dish was created a Baranet 27 June, i7So, and Warren, eammander, RN. is. Georgioa-Laoisa, iss. 1 Sept. 1884, to Andrew Stirling, Esq., dying in 1787, was s. by his eldest sass, eldest san of Charles Stirling, Eag., of Huiravansido, Stirling- II. Sin Jonas, at whose decease, taos, in 1800, the title shire. its. Charlotte, is. 14 Oct. 1868, to F.-C. Aehworth, Req. cv. Lesisa-Cectlia, as. 28 July, 1867, to Capt. ReginaldAlleyne Dorothea, 2nd dan. of the late Edward-Slay MacKenzie, Clement, 88th regt. - Sir Henry d. 7 Jan., 1851, and was s. by his elder son, III. Ssa Heasav, who was 9. 7 Stay, 1328, and was a M’Kenzie, eldest dan. of Gcos’ge, 8th Lord Ehbank, by lieutenant H.M.S. “Leandor.” He it. tans. 26 May, 1854. whom (wha it. 22 Hay, 1320) he had issue, Crcetiess—l Sept. 1814. Arrss.s (fsr cssgs’esieg ccc arws sf hoar’ Dorresas)—Az., a 2 Eowaao, present baronet. fesse ar; in chief a crescent arg., betsveen tsvs mullets of the 1 Staria-Borathea, us. iu 1359, te Waiter Elliot, Nag. of second, and in base a masrle voided of the field. Creel—On a coop of maintenance go., turned up erm., a Sir David is. 2udiy, 35 Jan. 1825, Elizabeth, 3rd dan. of Sir crcseest erg. .ltfolfe—Per vias reetae. B L A I R. HUNTER.BLAIE, 5cR ED WARn, Bart. of Blairquhan, Creufbsss—27 Jose, 3786. co. Ayr, e. his father as 4th hart., 26 Dec. 1857; 5. three bugles, vert, garnished, of the scraed, ass anasulet, or, for 24 March, 1818, late of the 93rd highlanders; isa. hiUNTas; lad, arg., ou a chevron, gil., behwecntlerec crassorosaleta, 4 Jnne, 1850, Elizabeth, dan. of the late George treasure, dery-countarfiery, or, for KaciasEex efCnteeszss; lrd, 101 BLA Wanehope, Esq., brother of William Wanchope, Req iv, PorliesCronsartis, 8. 12 Sept. 1359. v. Watler-Cusarlos, 5. 1 Sept. 1560. vi. Eeginald-Stassley, 8. 1861. vms. Johes, is. 26 Jnly, 1865. vmss. A son, 8. 25 Get. 1868. I. Dora-Thomasissia. III. Helen-Constance. 3LtllCaC, the Iirnsrnns ef Haatesetess, cc. Ayr (see Bnssan’s Landed npon which aecasioss he assUmed the additional our— Iient.-eel. of the Ayrshire militia, and thrice SOP. fer the es- Wigtssvn. tie st. taos. deeply s’egi’etted, 1822. Forbes, e. to ths estates of his brother James; it. ceases. 1831. estates of his brother Janses, was wamadad and made prisaner at the battle of Talaves’ss, acid detained in Fraace until the peace of 1814. lie was a secomtd time wannded at Waterloo, 1815, amid pramotcd to the rauk of licnt.-rol. He asmbaeqnsntly served as brigadier-general ice the Iturmese war, in India. lie sIc. 1820, Riles, dan. of J. Narris, Nag., aisd d. 31 Aug. 1049. Anne, ass. 1791, to William Stare, of Caldweht, Nag., assd has issue. Clsosestina, ass. in 1808, ta General Birch, rayal engineers, and d. 18 June, 3844, leaving issue. devolved npan hie next brother, David. III. Sia DAvmn-Itucvcn BLAIa, wha as. 1st, 2 July, 3815, Req. of Nawball and Cromartie (brother of George, 7th Marqneea of Tweedds.te), by the Hon. )tarta-Hncvay I James, 8. 22 Starch, 1817, 31-P. for Ayrshire, col. iii the dialler guards; killed at leRermans, 5 Nov. 1854. Welflec, and has issue. John Hay, Dart., of Haystsn, ci. Decides, by Mary-Elizabeth, 2nd dan. of James, 16th Lord Forbes, by wham (who it 2 Aug. 1859), he lead, I Jobs, 8.18 Oct. 1825; ,a. 22 April, 1852, EmGy Williams, yaungest dan. el the late Edward Grant, Esg., and has issue. 2 David, 8. 22 Jan. 1827, heut.-col late Seals fosilier-guards. S William, haut. rayal horse-artillery, t. 38 Jan. 1828; it. 28 Jan. 1859. 4 Charles-Forbes, 8. 15 Stay, 1829, deceased. 5 Arebibald-Thamas, 8.5 Jan. 1052. 6 Henry-Arthur, 8. iS June, 1833. 1 Stacy-Elizabeth, ass. 22 April, 1832, to Robert-Vases Agnew, Nag. of Bambaivoeh, ca. Wigtas, and has had issue. 2 Jane-Anne-Elica, so. 36 Oct. 1302, to Philip Lniley Sclatsr, Eag., 2nd sen of William Loltry Seluter, Nag. of h3cddington hlanse, Haute (ccc BusEs’s La,ecle,t Geon’y). Sir David served as colonel of the Ayrsbire militia during the late war, and war ei,nvcnar and vice-lieutenant of the ce. A. lie it 26 Dec. 1357. Arm,se—Quatlerly m let, arg., en a chevron, gu., between fitctsde, sa., three fiance-dc-lu, all witbis a double It. Alicia-Story. Iv. A dan., 8. 30 June, 1811