Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/154

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BLA. j. SuvatoeR-JOTTN, lient.-eol. rifle brigade, and military lords of sessioti, 1593; made LORD JIma TREASURER OF see, to the governor-general of india, 9. 1 Felt. 1533. ii. Arthur Rodney, comm. It .N., It. fit Jnly, I 014. iii. Charles-tilbort, capt. 2 rd royal Welch fuotliers, ii. 1 Nov. 1537. Itinrgc. I. Grrr.r.irc IlraNr, 31.11., one ‘f the 1sltyoicions in ordinary Jatnes (it’i, Kit. This cecticasams heissg involved is a qetarrel ti the ICing ito nil rr of thu ltt’yol (‘oUt .ic’,f Liii ti— CeLtic, in I ,o,i’loti foil’ n of the lloyd Sociolies of Lon’l’ n and Edml,urgh;a proprietor of the Fe5 .il I itotitation, atol a menu or of (be 1 a portal Ac eletny of Sciences of Si. W’teei oat, if srhiens presently. Prtersl erg was created a ll,Lri’not 211 1 se. I sit. tic svas Walter, 51(1., c-ho had tseo dans., namely, 9. at Blanctield, e,,.Ayr, the seat of his father, Gilbert Illanc, Loq., 25 Aug. 1719 (0. S.) and ho u 11 July, hoe, Ellzahctl,, nnl dan. of Al’. Oardnrr, Eoi , by whom (who of. in July, 1 old) In. h.el leone, Oilhcrt.Gardacr, of. 20 Feb. 1033, oust. liroii—Sevotoro, lr050ii I liar, lid. Charles-Collins, cal. in the army, ft. 7 Nay. I 799; ii. 17 Oct. 1533. Louisa, emfortss”tely dross ned, 24 Aug. 1 013, at the ago of 39, in a laces of ,ealer on her father’s estate. Sir Gilbert of. 27 June, 1534. Crcalioo—fO Dcc. 1012. A c;es—Arg., an a fcssc, sa., a mullet, lselsreen tue crescents, Itia lordship ii. 8 Starch, 1d17, and seas 5. by his elder our- sf the sell; is base, a rose, u. hi 11w rentre chief point as rio tug 5 ‘ii anchor, erect, cstseincd Ity a scrpcsl. ppr. (‘test—A sss’orcl, creel, ppr., jemnoel and hilt, or. SIolt,—I’aritiir pan belle. Feals—iilasuefieltl, A rslnrs and ‘fits Pastures, Derbyshire. BLA NTYRE. BLANTYRE, B.tnox (Charles Stuart), in tOo so. of fs,nr dune. his lordship it itt 1743, and was e. by his eldest Lanark, in tile peerage of he’ tiand a reprseentativs IVaLTEn, OtIs Isaross, who dyissg s’ato., in t75l, was a. by lord; DL.; 6. 21 flee. ISIS’s. tea ldtie laron, at the hus 1 sr,’ther, demise rsf hia father, 22 heist. I s;lfl te. 4 Oct. 1542, IV it.oa.mi. Otis ion ems a’; svhsse decease, in 1776, inose, the Lady Evolj n. Snti dan. of t teorge I hestaville, dn,i 1 ‘ar ate ties, u tided to use tiext I collie,-, U tike of Sutherland, and has had loans, i.’rrn, Mister s; Bloelpes, lient. Argyll militia, t. K,tthsm’imi,s, slass.sittsl heir of I’ati’ick Lintlssy, of Eagles— 17 July, litli. I. Mary. ii. Ellen, to. 15 dnne, hOff, to the pressnt Sir David ii. l’atrirk ISinl, sf p:aelcoeairsur, pen. in the arnsy, G.C.51.G., B.urd, Bert. Iii Evelyn. iv. Gertrude. v. Dlansbe, if. 7 Sept. 18110. itin rage. Sir Tnevas STEwART, 2nd o’m of Sir WilIPun Stewart, of Dolswintes-i aml Genies, o,icest or,,f the Fleerles’f C ,dl,,ss ay, got front Ins father the l-,t,,l’. ,f Mint,,, Sinlaws, at,d 31cr— l,otcll, in the en. of html ‘nrgh. sf which lie nil tsvo charters nn,ler the great seal, 2 Nv. 1476. lie si. lit 131)0, asid svas s. by isis eldest e,,n, Sin J5UN STrsvanT, of Minin. who svas e. by his son, tR itensnr STeseanT, of Ilinto, sobese eldest son’s nceesoer, SIR JoaN STnsvART, of Ilinto, so and left by his first wife, a son, 31 (Sir), ,f II hit’,, wit, see male line became cxthict iii the ll,’rson of Sin Jetty Se,.c CRC, wbtt ri. in the exj’eslili’sn to I erie’,, iii 1(97, Sir .tohit Stewart iii. Vt’itliaims, I. 1770, heist, gen. si. ttaai. 1837. left, by Isis second mite, M.trgaret, d,oi. ,f lames Stewart, lv. Cliaries-Fretticis, issrrister-at-tasv, 1,. 1500; ,t. 2 Doe. 1850. of C’ar’lenald, an t’nly s,,n, WALTrR S’rewanr, who, having l,ecn lrnnght op with .lIargoret, a. 1009, to time Ilev. Andrcsv Stuart, and si 1039. Jastre VI. sn,,lcr Ce ige it,islnoiaii, hal the Priory of Ill;en— this hs’rilehip tt it’ 1792, and was a. by his eldeet son, lyre cetisferresi sims huts lty tleit ne snitch, aol is deoigti:sted Enernr W’.CLTmR, 11th baron, t. in 1773 ; es. ‘20 Feb. 1811, Csmniendatsr ef h-mt3 re, in 1 ISO, svhieii be was at ‘pointed F.inny-hlhat’y, tmtd don. of the thou. John Rodney, by Lady one of the gcntlcmsen of the lsedeliatnlser. tie seas ssv,a’n of the privy connoil, ai,d e ,mistitnto,l keeper ,,f the privy ° tip 5h;trgarof, dao. and heir of Thomas hialliberton, Esq. of seal, 11 Nov. 11Sf ; appointed one of tlse extraordinary Eagtcseairnic. 101 IV sl.Trn, lrd baron. This utablemami as. titary, dan. sf Sir Villt,ne tUnic, of tlewallan, 1 cit having no iersio by Gmat lady (whit’ st. fndly, 1dm Brisbane, Esq.), wan n at his decease, in 11141, by his brother, Arm saisrn, 4th baton, wiso ts,. Margaret, don, of John Shasv, of Grcens,ek, anti grniddau. naatorn;dly at Sir John lt,,miat,sti, sf tts,ssston, by svlinm he had a sen and dan. lie wa. o. 1 y tic fs,rnser, ,bLex soi’t.e, Ith tenon, svho of. in 1794, and svae a. by his eldest son (I ‘y hit second svife, Anne dan. of Sir linbort tlamseilt’sn, titmilar L, ‘ru Prcssnsossnan), Warren, u’th leersmi, one of the representative peers ; at ivh’sse decease, siess., in 1713 ths barony devolved upon his lsr,,tl,er, Eoi’eirr, 7th lsar,,,u. This n,,l,leman us’. lot, Lady Helen Lyon, dan of dcliii, 4lti Karl of Strathniore, but ity that lady load no ssn’vivimsg issue, Ho ci. Indly, Margaret, dan. of Wilti,ins hay, Esq. rf Drnnssleicr, a,sd had six sons and sots, Art xatiist n, bIb 1 sn”sn. This Itoblenuals tie, in 1771, erdrtiic, Fts’1. ,°1 ty wls,sns (svhn of. lIce. 1912) ho bad issue, BLA Se oTL.eNn, 131W ; and elevated to the peerage of that kingdent, 10 JsiIy, list, sss Banoo on’ J4LANTvRE. His lordship cc Nicholas, dan. of Sir Stones Somerville, of Ca,ssbnsnetbaai, aittil li,sei, witit r,s,c datmglster, Amitse, ts, to ,Jslui, 8th Lord Alsoritothy of Salts’s, three sons, viz., srilli Ste Ct estee Wharton, sell of l.eril Witoeten, a (feel i-es,tIied at lelisgesti. 9 Nov. 1809, ss herein beth the conutsat— ottl.s cli. Sir ,lan,rs It-ft a sei,losv, L’orothy, den, of George, 411t 1-lid of II anlinçd,’a, to-it hiath ito issue. ‘rite lady sebse— qneitlly,c. lletserl, 2nd Earl of Iloseoniman. PsaNces-SorniA, one of the celebrated beaahes of her unto. King Cnasrru II. outs siipi’ooed to has e been deeply ctsotnourt,l of this lady, and to have even enntcasplated a ,heorce fr”ns the <mccc in order to marry her. llnt to the king’s erect iiidigaaticti, site tt,arriod, withoetl isis conseist, Charles, flu Duke t’f t;irlnnond and henoox. Lard Clarenden was I li’s,ialst to have ltrenteted the itsatehi, to prevetit the oIlier Scotia. The tnarriage look place privately, aed wet hutdicly declared is A;irit, 1007. Sopina, ,o. to the Il,’to. Itetiry Esdh-etey, master of the house— hs,,l,l to Caantrs II. atsd Ja’oios it., 4th son of ‘l’lmonias, hot it’isee’ntih lieilleeluy, and was mouser of Astite, svife of Jansee, Duke of Ecrwick. WILLi.tsi, 2nd l,eir,,n, who it. Helen, elan, of Sir Wiliiam Scot, sf Areirties end was a. at lain decease, in iSIS, by his I. tlenensuw’.srrrs, his snecesoor. eel, of 11w 4 111, reel., tttst gets erner esf llatta, 9. in 1777; to. in I sit, t’otltrniou-Flenetetta, dais, of the lien. Jehe Kodocy; and ‘1. 7 bet,. ISIS, hess ioig had, Ilol ‘cnl—tlenrs 1,. in IStI; ‘I. lot 1512. 2 Alrseatidcr—Chiarlee, of Eeigiesroirisic, ft. in 1014; in. 1850, Elcahetht-Frederica, don, of l.ord Jobn-G. Lennox. 3 (‘Imeirhrs, 1,. in hell 1 t’ him 1511. 4 firorgi’, It. in 1523. 0 Willi,eiis, I’. tie I sad; si. itt 1840. Patrtele—Litietseiv, 9. its 1012. S h.oniso,os. 21 Nov. 1040, the late light lee. George Tonetinst’n, bishop of tlibrailar; and of. II Sept. Isle. 2 Cahlierhie-Slargarel, ist. 0 Rept. 1040, to Captain BryanlIt,luae lls’hsse, of Peinht—IIolsse, en. York. 5 Jane-France,,,, - 25 June 1s45, to Adm. the lIon. George Grey, ilK., seo of the late Earl Grey. 4 Mm1 —Janet. 5 Uiniiv-Ihetii’ietla. hi ili’lcn-Elie,tlseth; to. 24 Sept. 1810, to the 11ev. Thomas lhnnttey tireenc.