Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/159

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BLO of lxworth in Suffolk (which barony ceased with Sir Wiliiasn It. Stn GBOROE, who sit. Mary, dau and heirevs of Bloimt, Baron of Ixwortb, who was slain fighting under the Richard Kirkham, of Blagdon, eo. Bevon, Eoq. and had, banner of Moutfort, Earl of Leiecster, at the hattie of Lewes, with other issue, and subsequently attainted, by parliament, in the reign of s. WALTER-EsssessAal, his successor. HENRY 111.); and the Barons of Monntjoy, of Thia-veston, ml. George, whe si. 1st, Shary, dan. ef ttcory, 5th Earl ef cc. Derby, which barony expired in 1611. (See BURRO’S Rxtossct Peerage.) Its settlement in England is traced to the Conquest, and it$ genealogy deduced from the Bisaifi, or George Cary, hint, of Ter Abbey, and had, .Blsadi, of Italy. Runoopa, 3rd Count of Guionen, had three eons by his wife, Rosetta, dan. of the Count of St. Pol, oil of whom accompanied the NORMAN, in his expedition against England, in 10ff; and, contributing to the triumph of their chief, shared amply in the spoils of conquest. One of the brothers retm’nod to his native country; tho other two us. Edward, of Blagden, who ci. Anne, dau. of Sir John adopted that which they had so gallantly helped to wiii, and abided there; of these, Sta Beaiterr LB BLearY was the Itt feudal Baron of lxworth, but of him presently. bra W5LEIAR EL BLsuieT was a general of foot at Hastings, and had grants of seven lordships in Lineetnshire. His son was seated at Saxlingham, in Norfolk, and the great-grand- dan. of tisat gentleman, MARIA EL BLOUaT, sole heiress of her line, marrying, in the Sir George it. in 1667, and waa s. by his oldest son, next century, Isa STEPHEN ER BL000T, uoilrd the families III. Sm WALTER-RIRKHAa5, at whose decease, withont of the two brothers. The elder son, Ssn RODEnT LE BLOUNT, had the command of the CoreQUEcoss’s Sir John Throeksnorton, Hart, by whom ho had snrviving ships of war, and is styled Dux NAvsual issue, Edwarst and Walter, successively harts., and three MsEsrAr.snas.” His portion of the Spatia Opivsa embraced daus. Ha et. in 1751, and was s. by his elder son, thirteen snanors in Suffolk, in which county he was the V. Sm EDWARD, who so. in 1752, Prances, dan. and heir first feudal Baron of txworth (the place of his residence) of William Stolinenx, Eaq. of Sheohomngh, in Laoeazbire anit Lord of Orford Castle; he ss. Gundreda, yosmgest dan. hut ilying e. p. in 1765, was s. by his brstber, of If enry, Earl gerrers, and had a son and heir, GILBERT ER BLOUNT, 2nd Harost of Ixworth, frsm whom of James, 5th Lord £taton of Fos-far, and had issue, we pass to WILLIAM LB BLOURT, 6th Baron of Ixworth, who was Edward, 5. 17691 to. 1001, Prances, dan. of Francis Wright, etasidard-bearer to Simon de Montfort, and foil at the battle of Lewes, 14 Hay, 1254. He was attahited and the Barony of lxworth forfeited. He left no issue, so that the holy orders; and five dans., Mary-Frances, is. to Sir Edward representation of the family devolved npon his uncle, Ssn STEPnEN LE BLOUeT, who sass stated, MARIA ER litoont, Bart.; Constantio-Cattsertnr; Apolhonia; Prances, BEOURT, heiress of Saxlingham, and had two sons, Sia ROBERT, his heir. SIR JOHN, who ot. Constanve, one of the sisters and heirs of Sir Walter it. 5 Oct. 1765, anit was a. by his eldest cost, Sir Richard do Wrothasn, jostles of the Cosnoson Pleas. The elder son, SIR ROBERT BLOUNT, Os. Isabel, dais, and es-heir of the youngest dan. of Thomas Itiddell, Esq. of Polton I’ark, anit feudal Lord of Odbmsels, by whom ho acquired tho manor surviving son, of Belton, us Rntlandshsre, assd had two ernie, SIR RALPH EDWARD, else preseot baronet BLOUNT, (from whom derived the extinct Lords Blount of Boiton ; and Nieholaa to Blosssst, who took the name of Crealiesi—5 Oct. 1642. Crske, ancestor of the Cnosers oP STUDLRY Pnsoav,) and Stn WILLIAM BLOUNT, who s’s. Lady Isabel its Ifesueltamp, (‘reef——Au armed fost in the tan. dan. of William, let Earl of Warwick, and widow of Henry J[atto—Lox tua via mea. Lovot, of Rimloy Lovet, co. Worcester, and dying in the Seola—Sodingtets, co Worcester; ltawley lIall, Shrspshire 9th or 10th of EDWARD Ii., left a son, ha WALTER LB BLOONT, Rnt. of Ockha, otherwise Reok, in the cc. Warwick; who so. Jehanna, 3rd sister and es-heir of Sir William ste boding-ton, and aeqnirest the R,,fale of Esdisgisso, which to this day eontinnso one of the principal seats of tho family. Sir Walter it. in 1133, and was a. by his elder son, SIR WILLIAM LE BEOUNT. This gentleman ma. Margaret, dan. and co-heir of Theobald do Vordon, second baron de Verdon, but dying issneless,° left his property to his brother, Ssn JOHN BLOUNT, who si. Isolda, dan. and heiress of Sir Thomas Monntjoy, whence the title of Mostntjoy was afterwards aosnmod as a barony by a member of the family. From thia Sir John we pass te his lineal descendant, SIR GEORGE BLOUNT, Rut, of Sodington, who so. Eleaner, dais, of William Norwood, Esq. of Leekhampton, Gloucester- t. Wsu.EtAas, b. 15 Jsily, 1640. shire, and was a. by his eldest son, 1. SIR WALTeR BEDUNT, Rut., who wao created a Baronet, is. Jobn-Ovs’ingtoss, A.B., barriater—at-law, b. 27 Nov. 1642. 5 Oct. 1642. This gentleman snfforod severely in the eanso tss. Edward-Herbert, 5. 21 ,Jan, 1047. of CHARLES I., and was imprisoned at Oxford, and in the iv. Staurieo-Rohert, 0. 28 Slareh, 1849. Tower of London. He ra. Elizabeth, dais, of Oeos’go Wylde, v. Arthssr-Ilonry, b. 21 Aug. tS5O, Req. of Dreitwieh, cc. Woreesler, serjeant-at-lew; by whom vs. Abrahasn, 8. 5853. he had four surviving eons (all of whom, like their father, s. Rate. TI. Harnette. iii. Nicela-Sophia. bore arms under the rsyal banner) end four dans. He was a. at his decease by his eldest aen, * liii widosv so. for her 2nd hissband, Marcus lfasse assd for lllunden, Eoq. of Castle Bls,ndeus, 51.2’. for the co. Etikenny, the third, John Crophell; by the latter she hart a son, Thomas Crophoit, whose dau. and heir, Agnes Cmphuhl, so. Sir Walter Heveroox, Rot. family of Sir tlalph Sadleir. 109 BLU Thomood, sod widow of Charles, Viscount Cullen, but by that lady had no issne he so. Sedly, Constanlia, dao. et Sir I EDWARD, whe inherited as 4th baronet. I Constantia, to. to Sir John Smythe, Earl. of Aelon Bunsell. 2 Iiary, so. to Edward Diekenson, Rsq. 3 Anne, 4 Elizabeth. 0 Catherine. Gatee, Bart. of Iiestdrombe, co. Oloocesler, and left at his decease, in 1726, four daos., viz., I Elizabeth, so. to Hugh, 4th Lord Clifford. 2 Slary, so. to Edward, Duke efNnrfslte. 3 Ann, ii. uaoi. to 1769. 4 Itarriet, iii. lit, to Peter Proli, of Antwerp; and 2ndly, to Philip Itoward, Esq. issue, 12 May, 1717, the title devolved upon his nephew, IV. SIR Eowann. This gesstleman so. Apohlonia, dais. of Vt. Sia WALTER, who is. in 176 6, Mary, doss, and co-heir WALTEa, hit heir. Req., and had tisue, WAETER-A0T0N, NoaaoT EsNo oo Asrss ; Edward-Charles, is. 1034, Gertrude-Prances, youngest dao. of WittianwCltarles Jeroingham, Esq.; Herbert, Iteut.eel. in the army, it. 10 Itay, tS6O Georget and livEry, in so. 1652, to hi. Pewoat, Eeq., jon_i and Laura. George, b. 1171; os. lit, Elieaheth Coorteoay, dau. of John Chiehester, Etq. of Arlington; Indty, Fanny do Mansigny. VII. Sir. WALTER. This gentleman Ia. s Nov. 5792, Anne, Swinbns’ne Castle, both re. Northumberland, and bad one Arsto—Barry-neluolde, of six, or and so. BLUNOEN, Stst JOHN, of C’aetle Blnnden, co. a DL. of that cc., Kilkenny, 8. 21 Doe. 1814; barnstot-nt-law; a. ae 3rd baronet, at the decease of his uncle, 1 March, 818; at. 22 Apnil,1839, Elizabeth, Brd dan. of the late Johu Knox Eoq. of Dnblio, and has issue, itiitragc. I. Jonre BLLINneN, Req., only sisrviving son of John Atsd one of the representatives of the elder branch ef the B LU N D EN. ousJtj IJLI rJu