Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/165

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BOL Esq.; Berkeley-Craven, 8. 1842; Aabeey - Beauclerk - tesagle, no 3s’d huron, 13 Jnly, 1850; Itt. 12 Match, Lennox, 8. 1846; HeneyAugustus Bolingbreke, 5. I 847; 1844, his cnnoien, Letiti;e, youngest duo. of the lab Louisa-Diana; and .&rabella-Cenilia.-Francns. I 1-leney-Geerge, 6. in 1798; din 1821. 4 Charlee-Wittiane-Genige, 5.3 Ieee. 1809; en. 20 Nev. 1934, Col. (Jeuwfttrcl, of Nnwfinld, ill Ayrnhire, and lean huth, Anne, dna. of 1’. Gibson, Req., and d. 12 July, 1850, leaving e. WeLLtAan-Tnoaeae, 5. 31 Juee. 1045; oilS _teeg. 1000, AlBtiha-Freferinn-)lury, issue, Frederick-Charles, 5. 1845; Henry-Craven, coaliaunderR.N., 9th and present Burl nf Seurbc’ongh. 0. 1837, Ia. and been dan. Edward-George, is. MenryJhibnrt, 0. 20 Sept. 1846. 8. 1840; Anne, iii. Jenne, 1864, to Capt. ll.-J. Iliekuian, 00th rifles. I Slaeia-Arabella, ne. in 1032, to the Rev. Charles Goring. 2 Louisa-Diana, in. 33 ,lnn. 1840, Richard Vincent, Ret1, of iv. Aneiae—Luetnet, b. 7 A tip. 1030. Stratford, and , 6 Hey, 1805. Elizabeth, ii;. 0 Starch, 1841, to the Rev. Geevge Carter, 31.A.; and d. 27 Get. 1040. He vs. 3rdly, 1021, Caroline, dan. of J. Pureene, Req., neil had by her a ceo, Welbere-W’ifliain-Glie-er, who d. at Siadeira, Cnn.eono P,ouvnv, nr Powena-n, 5th Dtekn ef Boltose, 4. he Nov. 1803. Hie lnrdehip ii. 5 Slay, 1787, and won n. lay bin elder eon, Gcnuun-RsgsnAnen, 3rd Vieceunt Buliosgbrekn, 6. 6 M.ereh, Jnn.w-Slunv Puuonv, (in aehone, in failure of the mule 1761 cc. 20 Feb. 1783, Charlotte, dun, of the Rev. Themne leone of bin bnnthos’, his grace nutailed the greater part Culline, acid had, Ilccneev, late peer. lIen ladyship dying of tue extnseeive eet;ttee. ‘fl-its lady in. 7 April, 1776, iii 3003, be so. flndly, i’s 1804, Isabella, Boniness iluen;peseh, Tecoasue Getnn, Eoq., 0. in 1716 (foe nan unenenat of thu by whom (wise d. in 3848) he hnd, e. Ferdinand, 5. 10 Get. 1804; ci. 1026, Selinn-Chnrlette, dun. ta the lttekn nf llntlueed, whe,e loreI-tineiteieueet of I nelew d, ef Maurice-St. Leger iteatinge, Eeq., and ii. 10 (Jet. 14 5, and was ew;;nst of tien privy e;e;isicil ha thest kingelsein. In leaving had iee;se, I yneeneNsen Wlnn.inai-htlvexiee., in tidy erdere, vicar nf t7tG, Sir. Grde, having inherited, ha right of htn wife, the Frasupton-upen—Severes, 0. 1917; Se. Ctenrlntte-Luey— great netatee of the Duke of belt on, eeeee;ned icy eigiaeenaneiul, Itnenileon, dun. nf the late Jelnn Dalyefl, Req., unit hue evue elevated tn the peerage. 211 Get. t7tl, an Iluococ DaLTON, issue, Heery-t’erey end Aline, twine, 8.23 lInrrb, 1e54; and Feedinned-Juleu, t. 15 Gel. 1801. 2 Jelen-Henry, neajer 92nd regt., 0. 1828; vi. OApnil, 1031, of Belles; Cuelle. lie 4. 20 July, 1007, lending inouo, Margaret, dun. nO Major-Gee. Warren, CII., and line neon, cc. Theinas-Pneelelt Gnde-Pnwlett, is. 16 Get. 1li7; in. 7 Feb. Chnrlee-Ferdinand, 0. 1005. 3 Charles-Louis, and 4 Rebert-Fnederie, 2nd eec. of legntiou at Fekin; Ovine. is. Charles-Robert, 8. 21 Nov. 1807; cc;. in 1041, Jane, fan. of the loin ‘I’leemne Gibson, Req., and d. 21 Jan. 1844; his wsdew see. 2ndly, 22 Juice, 1048, Sir Percy-F. Shelley, Bnnt. 1. isabella, deceased. en. _kntonia, deceased. His lnrdehip if. in 1634, need wan e. by bin nose, Unony, 4th Viecnnnt llnlhegbreke, b. in lB;ereh, 1786 vs. 3 Juee, 1612, Maria, 2nd dave. nO Sir Henry-Paulet St. Jeten Itildmay, Burt., by whom (evho d. 2; Dee.t610) he had mono, Jlnnay, preeent peer. Speecer-Slildncay, t. 1822, RiCO.; n;. 1 Feb. 1042, Dane, enly dun. of the late Cupt.Clutterbunk, of the 11th regl., and d. 20 Aug. 1049, lenvinghy her (who d. 19.17)4 dau., wlen is deneened. Icinrin-Leuten. en,ll Jlnrch, 1839, to Jnbn-Lnnrielen, 2nd ccii WsLLsAar, lied baron, 0. tI Get. 1702; ne. 8 Slay, 1010, nO Godfrey-John lOnelier, Beg., lace of Denheud Bull, Wilts; Slea’ie, eldent dan. of Guy, let Lend Dornhnetnr, Nil., bet nbc d. 2 June, 1061. Anne-June-ClearInlIe, in. 21 April, 1838, to Lewrenee-Retiert by her (who 4. 16 Nov. 1003) had no inene; be 4. 13 July, Sheave, Req., lete of the liii dragoon guarde. leabetla, en. in 1557, Fnederin-G.-IV. .llarlnel;, Req. F.neily-Annbella-Jnne, 0i. let, in June, 1040, so Wellinm-Cenhet Areen—Sa,, thece eae’erde, in pile, points downwards, org., Sneith, Leg. of Bitteewell Rail, ne. Leireeter, wIned. 9 Slarrh, poneconle end tRite, or; nec a caselen, of lien second, an eeeneheeee 3847; and Indly, 14 Jun.1953, to Ftedenick-Gnidart Weblie of the field, nleargeel with a ealeeeoce, hneeiniet, ppn. hlnrlnek, Req., lain of lien tloeko licence, liurehfleld, Ginuereterebire, teeD—A falcon, ricing, on, charged en nice brenet will on and 4. in 1851. His lordship 4. 1 Get. 1011. Criulineen—Buennel, 22 Ilny, 1611. Borne Si. John of Lyfiarsi leeJajaart,,’n_Tirxten, a hind, ppn., gorged with e danel cocoon;, Tregnze, end Viscount llnlingbrnke, 7 July, 1712. Buron St. John on, and changed en lice ebonlelen wiih a noon, avg., barbed, vent, of Railereca, and Vienonnt St. John, 2 July, 1716. Arnie—Avg., ended, 1014; eiieisten, a Coraish cbeugh, tepe., changed with a en a chief, gn., teen meillete, or. Great—A nnount, vert, hencefrom men, ne the dexter. u falcon rising, on, dsenatly gorged, ge .Se’jeperfn;’n—Dexten, JIeile—Ayinez leyatstk. afalcen, wings displayed, on, dnealhy gorged. gu.; einieter, Seveln—hlnekweed Panic, Buelegetoko, itunie; and Boltnn hull, an eagle, winge dieptayed, en, charged en the brenet with lice Lnyhns’n, no. York. lenmee. Tue humee in an nnnient badge nO the fancily of Tregt’ze. Tones Heeean—46, Fnineeb Gardens, Sontie Besseingten. end ii an antique shield. vinenee;t geld, nilhin erlueb are nice Huncee’ nrnte, per putt, erg. und gn., charged wills a ereeneet, en., thereon u lubie of three points, or. Molts—Nec qu.wnere, ,ncc epernere henernen. ,Sou;—Lydierd Tregene, no. Wilts. B ON eldest dues. of ttich;;rd-heonge, cit. Frederick, 0. 0 Nov. 1849; 4. 1 Jttly, 1030. s. Jean-DIary, oilS Boy. 1066, to Ccl. the lIne. A-IT. Cnth cart, 2nd sen of ClerIcs-Murray, 2nd Earl Catiteuri. kilhcztgt’. 1701, tenvissg a natural daughter, faieeily of Owen, refer to Buo;wni’s L,eneini &‘enlry), who was secretary tn the Treneeiry in 1702, teed afterwards secretary the adelitionni eeereeuieee and arms of Poeeor’re, and 1. Wseasaes, lain barnn. loll, n.elitta, 4th dan. of the late benny G’h’nien, Req. nf Blatherwyeke Park, no. Nentlnanepton, aced d. It Jest. 1043, mating by leer (who it. 9 Slarnh, 1059), I Wioosses-Itnciov, peeennt peer. 2 Thenaae,e Ii. 24 Jan. loll, in hely erdene, reeler of Wnndey, Yenkolnre, NA.; re. 19 Feb. 1046, Elinnl’nih June, dnei, nO Slnrseeuelukn Wyvill, Req. of Cneeetoteln heir— ten, en. Peek, and hue ieene, ‘l’hnncue—Cleurtve, lirest. 4$Its fnnt, 0. I Fete. 10•t9; Seance, ii. 27 July, 1050; BhznbethsLetitin; t.neeiea-Barhel; nod Hnnriettu-blarin. I Aneiae-Chenles, 0. 21 Apehl, I $20; cc. 14 July. 1051, Annehllarihu, only child of Christeileer Toplenne, Eeq. of 11141- dinlinna lIntI, no. York, end teas. Aniiuo-CleeietoplereTheneus, 0. 17 Starch, 1802; blerenee-Ansnn-Lntitiu; Ediih-Blunelne, it, 1056; Amy; ned Letitia. The eldeet noes, 1010, when the title devolved oce bin nephew, WiLLIAMHe.nnv, present peer. éteile, go., gorged with a dueul coronet, an., and holding in the Onale u eulsisen, Isle. BONHAM. BONBAM, Stw Ononen-FrnAtegI0, Bert., ii. 28 Aug. 1847; n. his father u.s 2nd bent. 8 Oct. 1863. LIitcitgc. CAn’eAsN Sowunt Bodnune, of Dneett Ilense, en. Sconce, 0 1077 (descended feone George lloehnns, of Shsnwu’ I lull, Bonnie wIno wae greet—grandson ef Sir ‘l’leeineae Benheni, (eeC. of Shies- way Itull, cheruB of Eeeex and Ilente in 1520 ieee; mb); in. 9 Feb. 1712, Jane, eldeet dun, of Andrew Pineee, Req., end if. 28 Fnie. 1745, leaving, wide ether eluldnen, ‘l’hie gentlnnsun and leie beelhnc, Anaius-Chnnlne, hove hen grnnied use precedence of a baron’s ye’nnger rl,ildnnse, ]3OLTON.