Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/18

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-i THE ROYAL FAMiLY. ALEERT-ERWARD, PRINCE OF WALES (See p. xvii). PRINCE ALFRED-ERNEST-ALBERT, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Coburg-Gotha, DUNE 00 EDTNIIUII011 (see ti/at title, post), EARL OF KENT, and EARL OF ULSTER, KG., K.T., Captain RN,, 6. 6 Aug. 1844. Created a peer of the United Kiogdom, as Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Kent, and Earl of Ulster, by patent dated 24 May, 1806, with limitation to tho heirs male of hie body. PRINCE ARTHUR-WILLIAM-PATRI0E-ALEERT, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Cobnrg-Gotha, KG., liout. bA., 8. 3 May, 1850. PRINCE LEorOLn-GF.oROfl-DL’NCAN-ALBERT, Dake of Saxony, Prince of Cohurg-Gotho, 8. 7 April, 1853. VICTORIA-ADcLALDE-MARIALOt’ISA, Priacree 1102/el of England, Ps-iscess Royal of Prussia, Duchess of Saxony, 6. 21 Nov. 1640; vi. at St. James’s Palace, 25 Jan. 1858, to Prioce FREDERICK-WILLIAM-NICROLAS-CHARLeS, Prince Royal of Pruooia, KG. only son of WILLIAM-Louis, King of Prussia, and has had, Prince FREDERICK-WILLIAMVICTOR-ALBERT, 6. 37 Jan. 1835; Prince ALBeRT-WILLIAM-HENRY, 6, 14 Aug. 3863 ; Prince FRANCIS-FREDERICKSIoloalnan, 6. 13 Sept. 1804, d. 1$ June, 1506; Prince JOACUIET-FREuERICE-ERNEET-WALDEMAR, 6. 10 Feb. 1868 and two dana., Princess VICrOEJA.ELIZAEETII.AUCUSTA-CRARLOTTE, Ii. 24 July, 1860, and Princeea FREDRRINAASIELIA.WILHOLEIINA-VICTORIA, 6. 12 April, 1806. PRINcEO0 ALICR-Slaun-MAav, Duchess of Saxony, 6. 25 April, 1843; so. at Osborne, I July, 1862, to His Royal Higluiese Prince FREUERI/’K-WILLIAM Louis, OS Hcaoc, KG., eldost eon of Prince Charles-William-Louis, of Desse, aud grandson of Teas/s II., Gnusd Doke of Hesso-flarmstadt, and nephew of Loule III., the reigning Grand Dnke, and has, a I’rinco, 8. 25 Nov. 1866 ; the Princess VICTORIA-ALBERTA-ELIZABETH-MATILDA-5IARY, 6.5 April, 1661; the Princess F,LIeABETH-ALEXANDRINE-L0UIEE-ALICE, 6. 1 Nov. 1864; and the Princess IRENe-MARIELouisE-ANNA, 8. 11 July, 1866. PRINCESS DELENA-AEOnOTA-VICTORIA, Duchess of Saxony, 6. 25 May, 1846; Es. July, 1866, to His Royal Higkaeoo Prere FRCDERICK-CHRI0TIAN-CIIAnLEI-AUOt’eTUo. of SCRLOEWIO-HOLETEIN SORnERDUROAnOUOTENBnRO, K.G., a Major-General in the Dritiah Army, and hae PRINCE CTIEIOTIAN-VICTOR-ALEERT-LCLWIQ-ERNEOT-ANTON, 8. 14 April, 1807. PRINcEOO LOuIea-CAROLINE-ALBERTA. Ducheee of Saxony, 6. 88 March, 1848. PRINCEeO BEATRICE-MARY-VICTORIA-PEODORE, Ducheee of Saxony, 8. 14 April, 3857. Arms—Quarterly: let and 4th, gu., three lions, pasaant-guardant, in pale, or, for England; 2nd, or, a lion, rampant, within a d,,nble treesuro, Ilory-counter-fiory, gil., for SCOTLAND; 3rd, ac. a harp, or, stringed, arg., for IRELAEn; the whole inciroled with the Garter. Cs-cot —Upon the royal helmetthe tmperialcrown, ppr., thereon etatant-guardaut, or, a lion imperially crowned, also ppr. Sapporlero—Dexter, a lion, ranspant-guardant, or, crowned ae the crest; sinister, an unicorn, arg., armed, erined, and nnguled, or, gorged with a coronet eonipoeed of crooeee-pat6e and floore-de-lia, a chain affixed thereto, paeaing between the fore-lege, and refexed over the back, of the last. Crest ojlcsllaast—On an imperial crown, ppr., a lion, sejaut, affroni0e, gu., imperially crowned, or, holding in the dexter paw a sword, and/n the sinister a sceptre, erect, ales ppr. C,-eel of 1,-clued—On a wreath, or and ao., a caotle, triple-towered, gold, from the gato a hart epringing, arg. Mot/e—DIEU we MON Dweir, in the coiopartmenthelow the ahield; with the Union roee, ebamroek and thietle engraftod en the same stem. grosris of Eeglosd (see first page of lsiroduction)—A circle of gold, issoing therefrom foor crosses-paWs sad four Seurs-de—lia, arranged alternately: frons The erossoo-pattOe arise tiro arehesi and golden diadcmo, ornamented as ills pearls, closing at the lop under a inoand, surmounted by a cross-palt1e, alec gold, the wisole enriched with plecious stooes: cap of crimson velvet, turned up ernune. 1 E50LAND—The red End white rose united. 2 SCOTLAND—A IlsisUe, 1 Bo:lg/o—- 3. IRELANO—A harp, or, the oti-ings, arg. 4 IRELAE0—A shasirock leaf, vert. Th0r ;t 5. WAirs—A dragon, passaat, wings elevated, gu., upon a mount, vert. 5 5e5 The arms of the three royal dynasties of Wales were!. NORTH WALEs, Quarterly: or and gss., four lions, pasaant geardant, coonterchanged. II. SOUTH WALes, Gu., a lion, rampanT, s ithin a bordure, indented, or. in. Poswre, Arg., a lion, rampant, ea. (The Black Lion of Powys).