Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/184

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BRO eastern division of Suffolk; 5. 21 Feb. 1779; assomed the Broukea of Cheshire; tise Broekes, Lards Cohham; and the additional surnanso of Veac, by sign-manual, in 1022, aud Brookes of Oakley. ci. 3 April, 1043. Horatio-Ooorgo, 0. in 1790; a heat-gm. in tho army, cot. of Wst.s.sAs; BnoKE, of Aatwell, in the co. of Northampton tha 80th regt.; who so. in 1525, Frederica-Sophia, dau. of the (fuurth in descent from Sir Nicholas Broke, herd uf the late James Bore, Esq. of Cecil Lodgo, Itorts, and ‘1.30 Aug. manor of Cheater Waver, co. Was-wick, where he was buried 1000, leaving one child, horace, b. 20 Sept. 1027, who si 0 Stay, 0000, Charlotte, oldest dau of b’rampton Gurdan, Esq., late Mr., of Letten, Norfolk. Elizabeth, so. 7 Slay, 1795, to Edmund Tumor, of Stoke OAKLEy and Rnshtess. He so. the niece of Sir Thomas P.ochford, Esq., and d. in 1001. isabella-Mary, so. in 1790; to Gen. John Levessu-Gower; and and heir, sl.20 Slay, 1017. Thurland, 2. uses. ta 1005. Anna. The eldest son, I. Sm PnsLip-Bowcs-Vr.ssc BooKe, fart, of Broke Hall, SIP. for the eu Northampton, and by her had a sen and co Suffolk, 0. 0 Sept. 1776, rear-odmh’al of the Blue, who essecesser, was created a Baronet 2 Nov. tsl3, for the gallant victory THOMAs BRoKE, who m. the dan. of Giles Puulton, of he achieved 1 June previously, as capt. II.Si.S. ‘‘ Slsannon,” Deshoreugh, a;sd was father of Tsouuan Bnoac, whose son, by over the United States’ frigate of superior force, the ‘‘Chesapeake” Jane, his wife, dan. uf Thomas Moore, Eeq. of Bonrton, waa He so. 25 Nv. 1002, Sarah-Louisa, dau. of Sir ARTHuR BROKE, so. Cathcrissc, don of Sir Edward Watson, William yewle Middleton, Burt. of Shrublaud Hall, and of Roekingham, and granddan. of Sir Edward Montague, of had issue, 5. Pussor, Sed baronet. is. Geossns-NAvu.saseL, present baronet, iii. Charles-Aeten, so. 10 Siarels, 1049, Anna-Maria, 3rd dan. successor, of the late John hlamiltan, Esq. of Snndrsun, Ayrshire, and Sits TuoasAs BROKE, father of dying 1055, left surviving issue, Jane-Ann and FredericaGeergina-Horatis. ARTHuR Bsn,Kn, Esq., who es. Dorothy, eldest dan. of Sir 1. Louisa, Sir Philip el. 2 Jan. 1641, and woes. isy his eldest eon, 11. Sin POILIP, capt. RN., 0. 15 Jan. 1404, who ii. uses. Northanopton, lousy. Caeas.ce I.; who so. Charlotte, dan. of 24 Feb. 1555, and was e. by his brother, the present Ssos Sir John Welter, Knt , chief baron of tho Exchequer, and Br.oaE-SIsonLn’roa, Dart. BROKE, OR BROOKE. DE’CAPELL-Bltoolcg, Son Wiain, bachollo- in 1762, and bequeathed his ratstes to the dons, of MA., of Oakley, cu. Northampton his deceased brother, so-hich eventually demolvmd npoo the Is. 12 June, 1801 ; a. as 3rd I. Bscaaon-BsseoEn SuppLr, Esq, F.R.S., who assumed, baronet, at the dcceaee of his by sign-manssal, in i757, upon succeeding to the estate of 1,rother, 6 Dee. 1858; ns. 23 April, GREAT OAKLEy, the ssn’name of DnooKa, iii obedience to 1829, Catherine, youngest dan. of the testamentary issjssnctioms of his gs’est-uncle ; and he Lew’is-Thomss, 2nd Lord Sondes, adopted at the same time, the srigissal oon’ssasne of his and has had isstse, s. Ricoxnn-Lrwss, 5. 7 April, 1531, 5l.A.,barrister-at-law; It. Werge, and 1usd by her (who ii. 7 Oct. 1816), od.lO Oot. lss;7, Mary—Grace, elder duts. of the Von. Edward s. Asosns, second baressel. Trollepe, HA., archdeacon of Stew, and reeler of 55. WsLrsss, present baronet. Leasiugham, Linesinshire (see TsotLopo, 3;asv.). 5;. Wilhia;,s. Itenry-Werge, 5. 1522. 551. Arthur-Watson, 0. 1836, late capt. 4th hussare ss. 3 Ang. 2000, Eleanor-Frances, dsss. of the Late Thomas Thsrnhlll, Esq. of Pixhy Hall, Yorkshire, and An ancient 515, in the I;ritishs Museum gives a list of Eughish Rirldsowsrth, Norfolk, and grand-doss. of the late families who easne mb Ireland in Chic times of IIcNaT II., Lady Louisa Forester, and has two daus., CatherineHoneria, RscsAsn I., and Joua, in which sssay be fsund that of James and Edith-Julia. iv. George, 6. 1838 ; sl. 1939. Charles-Edward, 6. 3544. s. Careline, d. an infasst, 1040. 3Liitcac. PnsL;p DE-CaPcLL accompanied Pita-Stephen into Irola;sd, Willians Supple was father of assd had large grants of lands fr Isis services there; these lands, comprising the estate of Aghadoc, in the cs. Cork, with the mansion-house, the remains nf an aneissil castle, have remained ever since (a period uf nearly 700 years) in his descendants, snd are still held by the orighsal tenure of heirs ss of Richard Fitzgerald, Esq. of Condo;,, and dying in knight’s service, viz , the annual isreses;tatio;s of a pair of spnrs at Easter. The fansily of Baoore Isoned originally from the house of ArlhurBrooke, Seq., (as staled in the lineage of Brooks) sod latham, or Leighton, in Cheshire, from which, in the time left an only child, of STesusew, three eminent brassehses sprang, viz., the DsoaAan-Baoowc SUPPLE, who assumed hiss surnames of lIECAPELL 134 BRO in 1271), exchanged, in 1472, the manor of Astwchl, and other bade, with Thomas Lovett, for the manors of GREAv Billings, lord-chief-justice of Enwswr.s lv., and had a ssn Juno BROKE, whu so. lot, Margaret Lovett, and it was in consequence of this masviage that the exchange of eststoa, mcsstiened above, took place. This Jshn sa. indly, Isabel, dan. of Thomas Wake, of Btisworth, called the Greal Wake, Bonghton, chief justice lcsajs. HEses,v VIII., by whom he had Edward, who eettled in Ireland. assd an cider son, his Thomas Neville, Knt, of Ilslt, cc. Leieester, and was,, by his soss, Tnes.mAs BROKE, Eoq. of Great Oakley, M.P. for the co of was E by his eldest son, TseooAs BaouKE, Eoq. of Great Oakley. This gentleman, dying sam., was a. by his brother, Crmoliew—lst baronetcy, 1st Slay, 1661, whicis becnme oxt’mct; Aavnuo BssooKc, Req. of Great Oakley, who us. Dorothy, Aress—Qasrterly s 1st and 4th, SIsunLEToN, arg., fretty, so.; only child and heiress of William Wheelowes, Esq. of Gayton, on a canton pee chevron of the second and os, a unicorn’s head, eo. Northampton, and had issue, likewise per chevron, gn. and gsdd, the horn of the last, and sa.; s. WnaxLcs, his successor. 2nd and 3rd BseKc, or, a cross, eugrailod, party per pale, sa. is. Arthur, us. lhary, only surviving child of Zaechcua Creole—h SIsouLETess, a garb or, banded, yen, between Iwi, Isbam, t2.D., prehendary of St. Paul’s, End hod two dons., Mar-, us. to Diehard Supple, Esq., of Aghadee, co. Cork, and had an only sen, ttscuann-BsooKE SUrPLE, of whom presently. Dorothy, ss. to Theosas-Cecil Slaunsehl, Esq. of Thorpe Balsor. Os. Noothasnpton, and d. ,, P. Artisur Brooks, 2. before his elder brother. sss. Thomas, 2. sims;. Mr. Ms-coke was s. by his eldest sen WnEcLcp. BROOKs., Req. of Crest Oakley, who died a ossly child of Mary, by hoc husband, Diehard Supple, viz family, DE-CAPELL, instead of Stipple, also lsy re’yal licence. He sic. IS Aug. 2758, Mary, silly dan ansi heir of General s. Mary—Anne, si. 26 April, tOM. is. Sephia, sa. 7 AIsril, loll, to William llihhouso, Esq. of Sketohhey ball, Hinokisy, ce. Loicostcr. 2nd baronetcy, lNov. 1011. and ga. wings, sa.; 2 baoau, of isenoorable augmentation sot of a naval crown, or, a dexter arm, emlsowcsl, encircled soitb o w’rooths of laurel, ppr., and grasping a trident, of the first; I BEOKE (fssoilp), a brook, or badger, passaut, ppr. Msihs—Ssevnmqno tridcntcns servonsus. Scalo—Bm’eko Hall, near lpswich, cc. SuffoUc, built by LordChief-Baron Drake, in 1526; Shrabland Park, Noedham,Suffellc. *JTahllflii of E3cQtapcf. Chsappell, othorsvisc Capoll, otherivise Suppic, Baron. PHiLiP DE-CAPELL bad a granb, as nhready stated, ofAghadee, cc. Cerhs; and hns doseendasst, WSLLL&us SUPPLE, Esq., hivi;sg hi 1525, sss. Cathsarhse, dau. of Sir Richard Susytise, of Ballynatra, cc Wa;es’fersl, by Story, his wife. dau. of Iteger Boyle, lather of Richard, 1st Earl of Cork. WiLLiAM SUPPLE, Esq., whose son, by his first wife, the sister of Sir William Fitzgerald, WsLLrsu SUPPLE, Fsq., high-sheriff of the cc. Cork, is 1704, os. the eldest dau. of Sir Diehard bbull, and was s. by his son, Rseussn SUPPLE, Esq., who us. in 1714, Mary, dau. and cc- IllS, hehl,with two daus., .‘sIabehla, who ii. asssss., and Anne, wife of William Bull, Eaq. of Dublin, ass ossly scsi, BscuAsn SUPPLE, Esq. of Aghadoe, who is;. blary, dan. of Baeeec, and was created a hineo-e-r, as above.