Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/187

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PRO Murray, Esq and st 1799, leaving, with ether issue, a son and heir, Utsay, of Dublin and of Drooko hill, vs. Elizabeth, dan. of 11ev. Travers ltume, and it. 1816, leaving issue I Hsrsssy-Vanouas-Bneuar, Esq., eel. is; the army, CD., late male representative of the Broeke family, as. 1836, Augusta-Mary, only dau. of Gen. Sir Vit— Thomas, tin 1803. leughby Cetten, G.C.B., ussd 1’. 1959, having had George-Augustus-Frederick, of Ashbrooke, en. Fermanngh, issue, sf whirh else 2nd dan., Hory-Geergiuua-Elizabeth, vs. 28 Jssly, 1664, Edwsrd 4.-Dean Paul, Esq., and d. 11 June, 1865; 2 Onstavus-Travers, lute capt. 15th regt.; 3 Basil-George; and 1 Elizabeth- Jane, ns. to Rev. Rietsard-James ltobsnss. Sir Hessry Brnoke vs. 2ndly, Anise, dais. ef Sir George St. George, Ksst., and by her had (with two duos., Elizabeth, so. to Gs;stansr, let Viscount Boo, and Anue, Os. to lions, miss 1817, to W’itlians BArry-Irvine, Esq. of Castilo Hither Brazier, Esq.) a son, THOMAS, of whom presently, Sir Sleury so. lrdly, Elizabeth, dan. of Jles;ry, Lord tloewr;s, llau-iet-Elizabetl;, sus. in 1045, to the l;cv. Guy-Pereiva and by her also had issue. His son by hio lied rife, Tuowas Baouscv, Eaq., or. Cathes-isse, oldest dan. of Sir Sir IIe;sry it. 21 31a;-ch, 1834, and was o. by his son, John Cole, Burt. of Newhend, cc. Dublin, assd sister and coheir it. Sin AnT;sun Dsssiestrv, lt.P., t. to 1787 cur. 1.1 Dee, of Sir Arthur Cole, created Lord Easselagh iii ; 714 (‘re 1841, thu lIon. Julia-Itens-ietia Ansau, bite snaist s,f honour BunKv’e .kxtisses Pevrsgr), and was father of Hnwav BROOKE, Esq., SEP. far the eo. Ferneanagh, who to the Quseso, and youngest das;. of Go;;. Sir George As;son, sa. ha 1711, Lettlee, stan. of Sir. Aldernean Benjamin Bssrtesu, G.C.B., aced had leone, of the city of Dsehlis;, and left at his daeeaee, in 1761, hsnidcn ;. V;ncen--Aunx.ssovn, present tarenet. daus., two sosse, viz.. Aavuon, ILI’. for Fermanagh, and privy rsnnaillsr, created a Baronet of Ireland in 1764, whirls honour ceased at Isis demise, in 1781 (see Bunan’s E.ctisef Jtoie;i efop), when lie A,-s,ss (for engraving one Bisuosee, of Norton Priory)—Or, a left, by Isis wife, ltargnret, only dan. of Thomas Farteseoe, cross, engrailed, per pate, go. and sa.; a crescent fur difference. Esq. of Reyneld’s Town, en. Lunch, ns;d sister of else 1st Lard test—A knock, or badger, paasant, org. Clermont, two dana, his co-iseirs, Selina, is. to ‘flromas, 1st Viscount de ‘s’esri. Letitia-Charlotte, os to the l1ighi PIn;;. Sir John Parnrll, S’s.ora JJess.’s—13, Eatnn Square. Bare. PRO town, SIP, for en. Datum, and has had issue, I Robert; 2 llessry-Capel, it. young; 3 Iiirhnrd-Edward-F;-ederiek, lieut. 37th regt.; 4 llans-Ilamiltan, lEN.; 1 Annetle-Thnsnaeina, ;a. 6 Feb. 1862, Thsnras Iterwiek, Esq. ;1 ficrtrnde-Franees; 3 Carolmne-llarriett, sr. 7 Aug. 1866, to Capt. 4-11.-Il. ltvrnn-SlaxweII, eldest son ef Sir Jelsn llcron-Itaxsselt, hart.; and 4 Edith-Geergina. DL. of that en., tin 1805; os. 21 April, 1833, Lady ArahellaGeergiana Hastings, dais. nf hans-Francis, 11th Earl of hun— tingden, and has issue, Henry-Francis. major 48th rcgt.; Arthur—Tl;omas, Iierst. H-N ; George-ltasiiugs, lace 48th regi., is;. 12 Sept. 18t8, Deatriee-Georghsrs, 2nd dau. of Sir John-Craven Carden, Dart.; Lionel-tiodnlphin; FrancisTheophilus; Leti;ia-Cesrgiana, is. 27 July, 1861, to Jasnes hawkins, Esq. sf81. Fenton’s, Itowsh; a;sd I lerenee—Selina. Irvine, co. Fcrmnnagh, and a. to July, 1038. L’Estrange, rector of Itnoekhride, ro. Cacao. is. Harry-Vesey, lient. 92nd highlanders, t. 18-11. s;s. Arthur-Basil, 8. 1047. s. Ces;slanee-Iles;rielta, Cseulisss—7 Jan. 1022. S ot—Cole-Breoke, eo. Fermassagls. B R 0 U 0-HAM. BFGIJCHAaI AND VAn, BAI;oie (William Brougham, 1813, a. 4 Nsv. 1886 ; Jnliana, a. n Jan. 1887; end hlarwictFrances. M.A.) of Brottgham,.eo. Westmoreland, and of High. Thomas, in holy orders, rector ef Uglin, co. Curlew, vs. An;se. head Castle, en. Cnmberlnud Is. 26 Sept. 1795; a Elizal;eth, dan. of llngh iIe;sry, Esq. ef Ledge Park, en his hrssti;er as 2nd isarnu, 7 May, 1868; i;r. 12 Aug. Riehard-Prittie, s,s. Sliss Elizabeth CaD, and 7. 12 Dee. 1036. 18d4, Emily-Frances, only elan, of Sir Charles- Georgc-FredericO, sue. Jane, dao. of liicl;ard G;aee, Esq. of William Taylor, 1st Burt. of Hollynomba, co. Sussex, Doley, Queen’s Co., aud sister of Sir William Grace, Dart. asnd has issne, Letitia-Deborel;, sss. to Robert howard, Esq. of Castle 5. ttesuv-Cnanes, Is. 2 Sept. 1836. Anna-Maria, rse. to the Rev. Jasnes-Agnew IVeIssler, of Ashfield, ss.Wilfrid, bent. 17th lanee;-o, 6. 22 Jan. 1842,-ia. 4 June, Elizabeth, us, is; 1009, to Willia;n-ltenry Carter, Esq. of Castle 1803, Signs;a Franeceea Vigeati, only rhild of Signor Goetano Vignoti, and has is,ne, I Wilfrtd-Francis, 8. 28 Nov. 1864. I Mabel, 2 A dnn., 8.24 Sept. 1607. iii. Deginatd-Thsmas-Duslley, 7,. 2 Der. 1553. harriet, so, in 1834, to the Hon. Itebert Lccson, and s7, his s. .tliee-Eleanern, so. 30 Nov. 1063, to ;he lIon, and Rev. Tl;onsas Edo-ardee, hrs;lstr of Wilhinm, 3rd aud present Lord Kensington. is. Esnily-Evelyn, a. 23 April, 1807, to Lirnt. FrancisSandys was created a Daranet, 7 Ja;;. 1622; s;s. irs 1782, itarnirt, Dogmere, reyal Canadian rifle regt., 2nd son of W. Dug;nore, Esq., Q.C. of Ssvnfflsom, Norfolk, and Cannes, France. iii. Sykil-M;;ry—Granvillt. Francis, 8. irs 1794, licr;t. 7th dragoon guards, sbiu at 1Ev lordelsip, who in a barrister-at-law, wan M.P. for Sontlawark from 1831 to 1835, and was for many Butter, tin 1198, reeror of Ahavea, Dnookehoro’. vs. in 1014, years a manter in Chantery. - Letitia-Jane, dan. of Edo-aid Arehdall, Eeq. of Riversda;e, co Fermanngh. ‘Liitcitgc. The fannly of Brougham is sf Fawns; desce;;t, aud derives forces, West Indies ,‘ess. Ca;eline, dan. of P.-Fitogitrben its eus-non;e frss;u Btrs;u;saas, ;sftersvnrsle c,;liest Droughasu, Richard Itorvard-Dcooke, of Casfie Howard, eo. Wieklow, l’arnister—at—law, a parioh 1;; Wertms,rela;;st, the ancient Br,,rars;n;, er llrovouiaenn;, b. in 1005, anss;mest, hr sign-;;;a;;oal, 3 J;ns;. of the Eosuous. In the Jlisrs’s’,’y f Aaf,’s;isr’o Iter V. a Ln;;di;;io Lsgr;valliss;n ash V;shliusn’’ (I.os;slou to of Deoosen, a;;d the arose of Howard, quarterly wisa Iris 1551cr- vol coat, on succeeding to Castle Ptesrard, cc. Wiekios-, ai;d carlisle), it is stated lh,so ‘‘ Vertoris (Drongh) ad Drecavo, Eoeklelon, Queen’s County; vs. 3 June, 1837, t”raoecs-Cssroline, St.P. xx. risihi quidem B,-sror;;sss owe .b’s’oeglsesss.” Camden, sister of the late James-Hans Hamiltsv, Esq., of Abbe;s137 used FuANess Dueoan, Esq., who 5;;. isa 1768, tta;;nah, dan. of Henry Ps-ittie, Esq. of Dnnalty, oo. Tipperary, assd deter of the lat Lord Dunally, by whom he had, Hnsav, his successor. Francis, CII., lieut.-cel. 4th feet, deceased. Artisor (Sir), E.C.D., hiesre.-gen. in she aro;y, ccl. Sons font, vs. tstarianve, dan. of tire 11ev. Villiau; Ssrcyd, of Nese Church, Isle of Wight, and d. 26 JnIy, 1943, having had (with a dan., Jutiana, who d. 10 Dee. 1038) a son, ArehnrBeresford, an emcee 23rd fusiliers, 6. 14 Nov. 1017;ss. 4 Jan. 3842, Franees.Staris, dan. of Capt. Itugo Wemyss, and s;ieee and heiress of Geo. David-Dnnglas Wemyss, governor ol Tynemouth forts, and has hod issue, Franeis-Clrarleris, 6. 0 Dee. 1843, an officer lot royatn; Arthur-Vivian, a;; olhcer 83rd regt., 8. 9 Dec. 1046; WilDan;-Doesglas. is. 6 Sept. Itildare. Howard, cs. Wicklow. cc. Longford, and a-his widow, it Ang. 1058. Martin, co Nildare. SelinaCaroline, John Trant, Esq., nephew ofJel;a, lot Earl ol Glare, lord chancellor of lreland, and eldest son of Dn;ni;sick Trove, Esq. of Ihovea, co. Tipperary. widowin Jan. 1850. Sir. Brooks was o. at his decease by hie elstoet sore, 1. ItENuv Bnooav, Eeq. of Gels-Brooks, 8. is; 1770, wl;o dan. of the Uon. John Butler, a;rd gra;sddars. ef D;ir;sley, Jot Vieeomet La;;eshorengh, by whon; he had issue, Waterloo. Ileecy, deceased. Aa’rnun-De;NsLEY, 2nd baronet. htdrvard-Basil, 8. in 1798, nsnjor-genenal, ee;;smandcr of tl;e flenehy, Esq., LL.D. 1838, the sr;rname of Itowonu, in additin;; to, end before Ihat