Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/195

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flU Gen. Brewnrigg m. 2sadty, 27 June, 1818, Sophic, dan. of sheriff of Galloway, by whens he bad six sens and sevess the Rev. Dr. Bisoett, of Knigbton house, in the Isle of daus. He it. 1 Nov. 1792, and was s. by his eldest anrviviiig Wight, by whom (who it. 25 April, 1837) he had no iseno. non, Sir Robert if. 27 May, 1833. Crealisn—9 May, 1818. Arms—Avg., a lion, rampant-goardajit, as., graspieg in the Robertlssnd and Fairlie, by ivhosn he b;od issue, dexter paw a sword, pommel and hilt., or, the blade enlwined s. Mscnaca., 8th baronet. by a serpent, plir.; between three crescents, gn. and as an is. lVilliam-Cnsii,gli;;ns, of tIme Beml;ay civil eerrice, 1. 24 heneurable angmcnlatien (granted by iCing Geeane IV., 23 March, 1822), a chief, enabattled, yen, thereon a representation of the sceptre of the ICing of Randy, or, and the banner of the said king being gn., within a berdure, with a ray of the inn issuing from cacti angle; a lien, passant, gold, holding a sword, ppr., in ealtire, the whole ensigned with a representation ci Chic crown of the kingdom of Randy, also ppr. (‘rests—]. (of heneurable aegoientation) A densi-Kandian, ppr., the body vested, arg., and betted, or, cap of the second, in the dexter hand a sword, atsd in the sinister a representation of the Kandian crown, also ppr. 2. A mnral crown, or, thcreois a sieord, erect, entwined by a serpent, ppr. Motto—Virinte ct m.picntia. Tosalt Haute—lI, gaton Place Vcst, BRUCE, EARL, off AILESEURY, MARQUESS. BRUCE, LORD, arc ELOIN, EARL. B II U C E. BRUCE, San WILLIAM-CUN]NORASI, of Steulaouao, holding a sceptre in his right hand, all ppm., sinister, a lion co, Stirling, late capt. 74th rcgt., 6. Sept. 1825; inherited rampasat, an., armed and langned, gss., mrosvned n-ills Itsaaav l’s aa 9th banonct, at the decease of isis uncle, chain, em. 14 Dcc. 1862 ; an. 21 Aug. 1850, Charlotte, dan. of the Ron. WaIler O’Grady (are pool, GUILLAMORE, V.), and has issue, s. M50RAEL, ii. 19 Nov. 1813. is. William-Wailer, 6. 27 Sept. 185d. s. Grace-Kathcrins. ia Corinasa-Marta. IL iii taut. This family claima a common ancestor with “the Brua of Bannockburn,” ssamely, Sir Robert de Ems, a noble Norman, who caine in with the CoNQUEROR. (See Rcosss.) Sin ALEXANOER IIRUcE, of Airth, lineally descended from Sir Robert Bruce, Knt. of Clackmannan, iii. Janet, dan. of Alexander, the 5th r.ord Livhsgntotac, and had several ions, of whom the eldest, Sir Jehss Bruce, was ancestor of the Brucea of .Airth, now represented by Richard.Leslie-BnUce Dnndao, Esq. of Blair Castle. Robert, the youngest, became progenitor of the Brueen of Rinnatrd; and 1. WsLetsns Bssuce, the second cots, obtained from his a 1icrsvvvJuesees-LLOvn, hisut. Celdatream guards, 8. 5 father the lands of Stenhonoe, &e., in a chaster, dated 28 Jmae, 1611. Thia gentleman, who was created a Baronet of Bees Scof La, with remainder to hio heirs mate whatsoever, 26 June, 1629, ci. lot, the beirese of Lothian,by whom San ALa.RAROER BRUCE, of Airth, whe to. Janet, dau. ef he had an only dan. ; and 2ndly, Rarhael, dan. of Joseph Alexaaader, 5th Lord livingston, had three sons, viz., Jobnstoss, Esq. of Itittoun, by whom he had iwo eons, end was e. at his decease, in 1f30, by the eider, Ii. Sin WsLLsAae, of Stenhonoe, who is. lIchen, dais, of John (Sir), whose male line is exlmct, Sir William Douglas, of Cavers, hes’ftabhe eheriff of Tiviotdale, WsLLIasI, ancestor of the Eas’oaiets ef Stenhouse; and tae by whom he had a dan., and an only eon, his successor, the reigsa of JAMEs VI., who had the ho,sesar of crowning III. SIR WiLLIAM. This gentlemasa ns. Miss Elpbissotoue, that monarch’s queen. lie st in 1d31, leaving, with several dan. of Sir Robert Rhphinstons, of Quarrohe, and was a. at other children, his decease by his eldest eon, IV. Sin WILLIAM, who isa. Margaret, dan. of John Boyd, The Rsv. 5lsrnAaL BRUCE, who settled at Rihlissehy, co Bog. of Troehs’igg, by whom he had three eons and several Down, but was driven, with ether naissisters, thence isato daiss , and was e. by the second, but eldest surviving eon, Scotland, in 1051, by Coloasel Vonablee and the partiamen* V. Ssa Rovvnr, at whose decease, nnss.,the title devolved The 0th eon, Patrick_Craufari Emef, Esq., formerly in the npen his brother, Vi, Sin M5C5IAEL. This gentleman ceri dan. R ICe’s service, was afterwards a merchant and banker in of General Sir Andrew Agnew, Dart. of Loehnaw, heritable London. lie sis. and had issue. 145 B II U Vii. SIR WsLs,saai, who ci. in June; 1799, Annc-Celjuhsnn, ds,is. of Sir William-Cunningbans Pairlie, Bart. of Nev. 1798; ci. in 1820, Jane, dan. of William Carhi, Rsq. of London, and if. at Bombay, hI Nov. 1842, having Isad issue, I lVsassss-Cuasanwaas, present baronet. 2 Ronald, 0. 1811, late an officer in the Ilasnbay army. 1 Michael, 8. 1832, capt. Benshay army; si l.orine, eldest dau. of Col. Wilson, Bombay army, a;sd has isaac. 4 Arthar-Neil, 5. 1839; Bsnshay arasy; ci. 1065, Macian, eldest dan. of Dr. J. 9inrray, Bengal army. 1 Aonc-1-larrict, s;s. 1st, to Capt. Simpson, Bonitn’ Ni.; and, 2ndly, to the Baron Gerstein yen lislsensteia, Prossian army. 2 Eninsa, •ss. 1st to Major Simpson, Boeihay eavnhry; end, 2ndly, to Col. R.-L. Taylor, CE., Resibay arnly. I Ada-Catherine, s;.1l Jan. 1885, James-William O’Grady, lient. tt.N., only surviving son of she lien. IV. O’Grady. in. Alcxandcr-b’airhe, of the Madras civil service; so. 1st, in 1527, Sliss harriet Catheart, and has, with one daa., Alexander, George, and fenr other sons. lee ai. lndty, 18 Ang. iSfO, Jaasettc-Diekio, 2nd dan. of the late itohcrt Perry, Rig., hID., Glasgow. m. Anne—Celqulsenn, rl. in 1816, sums. as. lhary-Agvew, no. in 1028, to George-C. Heir, Rig. ef Drn more, eo. Aberdeen, and has two dane. Sir William ii. in 1827, and was a. by his eldest son, VIII. Sin MICHAEL, who wan 5. 31st htareh, 1796, and yr. 10 Jane, 1812, Isabella (who st llNsv. 1867), only child of Alexander Otoir, Esq. of Scotstenn, by Margaret his wife, dan. of James Gordon, Esq., of the cc. Banff. Sir Michael es s.p. 14 Dot. 1962, and was a. by his nephew, Sin WSLLIAM-CuNmonase Runes, the nih asid present bart. BRUCE, Stat RENRY-HERVEY, of Downhill, cii. Londondcrry, MB. for Coicraine, 6. 22 Sept. 1820 formerly in the lot life-guards ; g. hia father, as 3rd baronet, 22 April, 1836; nt 12 July, 1842, Marianne-Margaret, only don, of the late Sir J.-G. Jnckes Clifton, Bart. of Clifton, Notta, and has issue, Oct. 1843. is. james-Andrew-Thomas, R.N., 1’. II July, 1846. IL{ilCitflC. Rev. MonsaT BRUCE, 5. isa 1554, is distinguished person in L C’rc,tlisso—26 June, 1629. Arose—Or, a saltier and chief, go.; in the dexter canton, an escacheon, arg., charged with a chief, sa. Cre,f—On a cap of dignity, an ann frons the slsaislder, cooped fesse;vays, holding a sceptre, ensigned en the point svitls an open crown, as that worms by RoesaT I. of Scotland. Setppsrtes-e—Dexter, a knight in arrnons-, irhth a sword by his side, the vizer open, and a plaice of featisers in isis helmet, crown, and gorged with DAvID Ii’s, eh;sined with an antigno .hfsltoea—Oven the crest, ‘Fninsns; “ under the shield, “Be well, and desbi not.” Seab—Stenhonse, cs. Stirling. p BRUCE.