Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/197

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BUC B U C C L E U C H. BuCCLEUcIIANDQuEENSB052Y,DuRF.oF (Sir Walter- Sir Walter Seott was o. by his grant see, ‘Francis llontagu-Donglas-Scott, E.G., K.T., D.C.LJ, Sin WAITER SCOTT, of Buccleucli. This was a person of Marquess of Domfricsshirc, Earl of Druinlanrig, rare qualities, wise, true, stont, and modest, lie eignod Bucelouch, Sauquhar, and Dalkeith, Viscount Nith, the assoctation in eupport of JAMEa VI. in 1567, bnt sub ‘Thorthoiwold, and Ross; Baron Douglas of Kinmount, seqnonty tniaaed to the party of tho Queen, to whoni hr Middlebie, Dornock, Scott of WThitchester and Eskdale, in the peerage of Scotland; Earl of Lady Slargarct Douglas, oldest dan. of David, 7th Earl of Doncaster, co. York, and Baron Tynodalo, co North‘umberland, Angus, and dying 17 April, 1574, was s. by his only son, in tho peerage of England; captaingonoral Sn WALTER Scovv, of Bucolonch. This powerfnl elnoftain, of the Royal Company of Archers; lieut. no way inferior ti the bravest of his ancestors hi courage nd sheriff-principal of Mid-Luthian and Roxhurghshire; aiad inti’opidity, roesived the hoiaonr of kniglsttaoud Iron, colonel of the Edinburgh militia; 5. 25 Nov. JAM E5 VI., by whom ho was appointed warden of tho west 1806; s. his father, 20 April, 1819; no. 13 Aug. 7829, marches in 1590. llaving subsequently e in-ted on a predatory Lady Charlotte Thynne, youngest dan. of Thomas, one of his attendants, KiNiioNT WiLL, froni the castle of 2nd Marquess of Bath, and has, i. W,Luan-Heieav-WALTER, Rail of Dalkrith, late H.P. for his sojourn in England, family tradilion statoa that he was Edinburghshiro, lerd-lie,’t. of the cc. of Dumfries. brought i,,to tlae preecnee s,f Queen ELizaEETiJ, who demanded, 0. 9 Sept. 7811 so 22 Nov. 1559, Louisa, 3rd dan. of the Duke of Abercern, and has WALTeR FRANcIs, engage in deeds so despemte and proenunptuonst “ What Lsrd Edo/ale, 0. 17 Jan. 1861 ; John - Charles, 0. 35 is it,” answered the undaunted chieftain, ‘‘what is it that March, 1864; Georgo-William, t. 71 Aug. 1066; and a oiae dares not dol” ELJzAOETH, struck with this reply. ascii, 0. 15 Jan. 1855. ai. Henry-John, late MP.for Setkirksliire, 0.5 Nov. 1832; said to a lord in waithig: “With te,a thousand such men, so. 1 tug. 1663, Cesily-Susau, youngest dais, of Joh,i, 2od our brother of Scotland might shake the firmest throne in Lord Wharnehd’e, and hae John-Walter-Edward, 0. 10 Europe.” Sir Walter was olzvated to the peerage, 16 March, Juno, 18sf; a son, 0. 30 July, 1887; and a dan., 0. 1606, as Lsrol Sosti ef Rsscclecch. His lordship ,iftcru-ar,ls, 15 July, 1888. in. Walter-Charles, late capt. 11th hueears, 0. 2 March, in the Nothorlsuds, nuder Maurice, Prince of Orange. lie 1831 ; in. 7 Oct. 1055, Anna-Maria, 4th dan. of Sir in. Mary, dan. of Sir William Kerr, of Ceosford, and sister W. l1i. Cradoek-I{artopp, B-mt., and has Frances-Walter, of Robert, lot Earl of lloxbnrgh, and dying in 1011, was s 0. March, 1860 ; Henry-Charles, 0. 16 Juno, 1882, and by his only so,,, Evelyn-Mary. iv. Cl,arlee-Themae, commander RN., 0. 20 Oct. 1539. Leant IVhitetmcstor aimii Eck’mialc, and Earl of Rucelesch, with s. Vietoria-Alexandrina, in. 23 Feb. 1865, to Lord Schomberg remainder to his helix whatsoever. This noblcnaan was H. Kerr, 2n,i son of John-Wiliam-Rohert, 7th also a militai-y character, and had the command ef a mgiment Marquess of Lothian. ii. Margaret-Elizabeth. in. M sry-Charlotte. His grace is 5th Duke of Bneclench and 7th Duke of FRANcis, 2nd earl, who ‘ii Lady 3largarot Losly, only Queensbury. 4Liicacic. Sin Ricnsen LB Save, the nndonbted ancestor of this Scott. of Highcliostor, aftorwards ci’oatrd Earl of Tai’ras for family, was a person of great distinction in the reign of life : at time time of her marriage the countess was bn0 ALEXANDER III. of Scnthind. lie in. the dan. and heiress eleven yeas’s of age, and Mr. Srstt foon’too,,. Tise alTiur of Siarthockotone of that ilk, by whom he obtained a made a eoi,siderahlc noise, and b re-sins mma,ittcr of discussion considerable estate in Laoarhshire, and, as a feudal lord before the pros iicial Syaosl if life, iii 5659, npou as thereof, swore fealty to Enwann I., of England, amos 1596. accusation against tim prusbytery fur gi’anthig a svareu,nifor Upon his marriage, Sir Richard assumed the cognizance of Murthockstone, which was a bend azure, into his armorial was, hoarovor, absolved, becanse the o,-dcr was grounded bearings, diapering thereon the c,’coccnts and star, the arms upon an act of the (ic,acral Asaonsby, allowing s’ichi cnar of Scot, aa since borne lay the Dnkes of Bncclench. He ed. riagos in case of necessity, or fear of rape ; and timo ladys in 1329; and from him lineally descended Sin Daviu SCoT, of Branxholni, who sat in the parliament countess died in two ycai’s afterwards without issno, ,,nd held by JAMEs Iii. at Edinburgh, ones 1487, nuder as e. by her sister, the designation of “Dsa,i,,us lie Bi,ecisoch,” boing the fist Aann, 2nd countess, 0. in 1631. Tlds lady, who n-as of the family so designated. The grandson of this Sir David, esteemed tlaa greatest l,eircss a,id f,iest wiuinm,, of her Sin WALTER SCOTT, of Bronxholm and Bncclouch, o. in tin,c, is’ io 1663, James, Ds,kc of Moumonth,, E.G., illegitimate 1-192. This bird, a bi’ave and powerful baron, and warden of the west marches of Sc,itland, is celebrated l’y historians of Richu,rd Walters, Esq. of Hmivrrforda-est, co. l’r,nbroke. for deeds of valour and in ‘guanimity doring the minority His H-ace, nion his man-iagc, assumed tIme i,amc of SCOTT, of JAMEs V., and for an aboi’tire attempt to rescue that a,ad latmself and l,hs dncliese were created, Cii April, 1673, monarch from the onutmi of tho Earl of Angus; on which Done and DucnEss of DUCCLEUCn, Earl and Cicals’s of Sir Walter Scott hos founded The Lay of the Last idinsirel. DaiOcilh, Earsa and Barssess of Ivhiicheat,e ash L3k,ists, is, Soon after the king had aassnnod the management of his S’cstiasd, with remainder to their heirs male, in dcfmasilt of own affairs, ho privately s ‘licited the aid of Bucelcuch, who, winch to tise hci,’s whatever desccndhiig from tOo dnko’s bcing apprised that JAMEs, accompanied by Angns and a body, soiccceding in the estate and Earldona of Bncolenob 147 BUC considerable retinue, was coming to Melross, raised about 1005 horse of his friends and followers to relieve tho king. The adboi’onts of Biseclci,ch and Angus Caine in sight near lielroes, IS July, 1826, and a sanguinary-conflict ensued; hut the earl n’as snccessfnl, after the fall of a numbor ot men of rank on both sides, Sir Walter Scott himself being wounded and barely cseaiiiag fn,ni the field, lie was afterwards distinguished at the battle of Pinkie, anas 1547; and eventually lost his life in a s-encounter with Sir Walter Kerr, of Ceasford, iia the streets of Edinburgh, 1152. Sir Waite, in. lot, Elizabeth Cai-michaol, of the Ilyndford fanuly, by whom he had two sons. Hs si. Indly, Janet, dan. of John Botbunc, of Croich, “of lie;huns’o line of t’icardic,” and had two sons and three daus. The last lady of Sir Walter was a woman of niaacnlino spirit, as appeared from her ridhig at the head of her elan after her hnsband’s murder. remained faithful, imotn’ithstanding her extorted resignation of the Crown, oad her captivity in England. lb is warfare against the English, and br,ldly ,‘ooeued Carlisle, lie waa delivered up as a hostage upon an ailjnatmont of the feuds botsvoen the Engliah and Scoto. During in her sieoal arbitrary manner, how lie d.,rod to as a military commando,, attained eaosidorablo reuown WALTER, 2nd baron, who was created 16 March, 1619, isnder the States of Rollaud, against the Sparuas’ds. His lordsldp am. Lady Maa’y Hay, dan. of Francis, Earl of Errol, and dying in 1633, was s. by his only son, dan. of John, Eai’l of Rethes, and aridoav ‘if Lord Dalgonic by whom he loft, at his declase 10 1651, two dons., aid way s. by the older, Maav, Countess of Bueclench. Her la’lyslnp ma. Wdtcr the ia’mreiage without proclannti’ in, The presbytory frisnds were appreliensiro of her bring earned off. TI s’ eon of C,,sns.Es Ii., by Sirs. Lucy Waltea-e, dan. L2