Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/20

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THE ROYAL FAMILY. ____ Uo;rnI TLincac. JWILLIAM, DUKE OF NORMANDY, styled “Willielmus Rex Anglorum,” b. at Falaise, in 1025, surnamed I/se C’ouqaeror, from his triumph over Harold at Hastings, on the 14th Oct. 1066, was crowned King of England by Aldred, Archbishop of York, at Westminster Abbey, on the 25th of Decensher, in the same year. William sat. Maud, or Matilda, datt. of Baldwin V., Count of Flanders, and had (with other children who ci. in infancy) Bebert, surnamed f’ss’sfksoe, seccessar te the Dochy ef Nermandy, d. in Cardiff Castle, 10 Feb. 1134, and left us issue, Richard, killed by a stag in the New Forest. amid ,t. a ysath. WILLI5ss-Rs:rus, successor ts lbs cresvu ef England. Ilewsy, successor to the crown ef England after his brother. Cicslio, who look Ihe vsil at the nsssnsstcry of Fdcamnp, and was the first urn, and aftonvsrds the second abboss, of lbs famous abhcy of the lloly Trinity, founded at Casu by her royal mother, the church of which (ushers Queen Matilda was intsrred) suIt exists. The 5.sdy Abbe,, Cicelie uf. al the Ilaly Trinity, 13 July, 1126. Coastanhia, so. ta Ala,, Fsrganl, sisal of unitary; and it. issucloss in 5120. Alice, costrartrd to harold, shs ci. yosnsg, 1000. Adsia, knswn as “the friend of lbs poor,” sco. to Stephen, Earl of Blois, and had four sons and a dau., yb., 1’ihiam (an imberuc) so. sod bad issoo. Thoobald, who a. to the Earldomn of Bins. lleory. Bishop of Wincheslor, sl. 6 Aug. 1171. Sreraea, who o. his uncle siesry upon else English throne, ManS, ccc. Richard, Earl of Chester and was drowned o’ith luer husband to 1119. Agalha, ci. sInce., but boirotbod to Alpisonso, ICing of Gallicis. tissndred, sss. William do Warren, Earl of Surrey; ci. 27 May, IsSO, leaving issue, WILLIAM tue Wassry, Earl of tVan’en sod Scm-ey, now represented by the Duxxs or Nosross. Reyrold, one of the adlserents of hlesbert Courtbose. Editha, wlso, by her 1st husband, Cerard do Goarnay, Baron of Gossrnay, tsad issue, 1 Hago de Gourray, aocestor of lice Lords of tiournay. 2 Gondred, us. Nigol do Albini, Scutifer Conquestoris, and sros mother of Roger do Mowbray, ancestor of the Moweeays, Duers or NosroLme, from whom derive, maternally, she stowasns, Dress or Noes’oLe. 3 A second dao. us. Richard de Talbot, and had two sons, via., Gcoffrey do Talbol, auceetor of the Tolbots of Boshall, co. York and Ilagh de Talbol, a000stor of the EnasLo or Sarewsorax. W5LLIAM TuE CONQUEEOR diod § Sept. 1087, at Ilermentrudo, a suburb of Ronen, isnd wss interred in thu Church of St. Stopbon, at Cson; he wan s. in hio English dosninions by his 2nd son, WILLIAM THE SECOND, surnamed Rssfseo, stylcd “Dci GratiS llox Anglornm,” b. in Normandy; crowned 26 Sept. 1087. ‘l’hio monarch wss accidentally slain while hunting in the New Forest, 2nd Aug. 1100, and was bssriod at Winchester: as he died unmarried, the crown devolved upon his next brother, HENRY THE FIRST, styled the eanac as Wut.LsAot II., and snrnasnod Beusecies’/c, bat Selby, co. York, in 1070; was crowned 5 Ang. 1100. Ho us. 1st, 11 Nov. 1100, Matilda, or Mend, dan. of MALCOLM III., King of Scotlsnd, and niece of Edgar Atheling, tbc last of the Saxon Princes in succession to the throne, by whom he had issue, William, b. 1102; use. 1119, Matilda, dan. of Folk, Ceunt of Aujsu, but was lost at sea 20 Nov. 1119, and left no issoe. 30ATILOA, or OLson, stytesl “Msstildis imperatrix lfessrici Regis hEad Anglosism Domiaca,” l,elrolhed and wedded in her eighths year (1110) to Use E.ssrreoa 11mev V. of Germany, hut he dyimsg a. p. 1120, she so 2odly, 3 April, 1127, Grorresy PLasrasoeseer, Count of Anjsu, and ci. 15 Sept. 1107, having by Isisu hast (scull two other sons, Geoffrey, Count of Nantr, and William, Count of Foictsu), - 11mev, wlso .s.le the English thareur, as 2nd of tisat name. Emusa, wIse sss. David, Prince (by usurpation) ef North Itales, younger sass of Owayn Gwyredd, Prince of North Wales, from whom derive the Wynns of Owydyr, and tlsc Vaughaus of Nannao. HENRY I. act. 2ndly, Adelir.a, dan. of Godfrey, Duke of Lonvainc, and niccc of Pope Calixtna, but by her (who act. 2ndly, Willism de Albini) ho had no issue. The King died at St. Denie, in Normandy, from eating too freely of lampreys, 1 Dcc. 1135, assd u’as interred in Reading Abbey: he was a. by (the youngest eon of his sister, Adela, Connteee of Eloie) his nephew, STEPHEN, styled the same as HENRY I., 3. at Blois, 1104; crowned 26 Dec. 1135; ate. Matilda, dan. and heir of Enstaco, Earl of Bonlogno, and had issue, Ersvare, East of Beutogne, wtse scs. Constance, sister of Looms VH, of France, but ci. 1102. Ills widow usc. 2ndly, Iiayoeond, Cosmt of St. Giles. Williamn, Earl of Mertaigne and Roulegne, ci. op. in 11 59. Mary, Ceuntees of Beulogne and lttermaigne, s,s Matthew, younger eon of Theodore, Csemt of Flanders, sod had issue. The pretensions of this monarch to the throne were opposed by his cossein, the Empress Mun, cud the contest finally terminated in a compromise, by which STEFIsEN was to sway the sceptre dnnissg his life, npou condition of its slevsslviog upon HENnv PLANTAOENET, the eon of the Emprrss, at his decease. He dmed at Dover, 25 Oct. 1154, ansi was buried near his wife, in Faversham Abbey, Kent; he wan a. by HENRY TIlE SEC’OND,* styled “Rex Auglite, Dnx Normanim et Aquitanite, &c.,” 3. at illantos in 1113 ; crowned 19 Dec. 1154; no. in 1151, Eleanor, (the divccrced wife of Lousa Yll. of France), dan. and one of the co-heiresses of William the Fifth, Duke of Aquitaine, by wbom (who ci. 1204, and was buried by her hnahand’s eidc, at Fontovrand) he had issue, Williars, b. in 1102; ci. in 1110. Ihenry, b. in 1101; crosrrcd, by cosumnand of his father, King of England, as “Rex IThus,” 11 Jone, 1170; sa. Margaret, only dau of Looms VII, of Francs, and was again crowned, scitis his consort, at Winchester. He ci. a. p. in 1162. Rscnassn, successor Is tlse crown, t. ho Sept. 1157. Geoffry, Earl of Bretague, who was accideatally slain in a tournament at Paris, leaving by his consort, Ceretanila, dan. of Ceuaa Is Potil, Earl of Richmond and Dulce of Brittany, a dau., Meaner, who d. aasa. in 12-11, sad a ear, Aavor.a, en whom, on the demise of his oncle, Escuasso I., the right to the crown, accordiog to modem usage devolved, but who was put to death in 1263, in his 17th year, by his uncle, King Jon,’, or scceuat of his preteasions to the crown. Joax, successor to his brother RmcaAats. The first of the Pnasvaoenevs.