Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/200

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BUC lone] of Engineers and governor of Granada (who 9. 5 Oct. hod the name, style, and title of Baron Bnei,hnrst 28), and by her had ioouo, i. Henry, Lord f?e,’deosJ, 0. in Oct. 1212; in. II Slay, 1532, Jane, 2nd dan. of Archibald Toi’rie, Seq., an,l 9. 21 tIer. 1836, leaving issne, 1 Harry-Shipley. 8. 21 Aug. 1531; ,I. 21 Sept. 1549. 1 John-Berry (a dan.), s. her grandl’ather,tl’.e 7th ear], ao Warr, and the heirs male of his body, lawfnlly begotten, heiresa of entail in the estates of ]irrburTh and liolno’s issue, to the third surviving s,,ms of the said Elizabeth si 5 April, 1856, to George Eden l3iber Ersk,ne, in holy orders, son of the 11ev. Pr. Hiber, inrnn,hcnt of Roelianipt’n, Countess lie La Warr, by her said hoabaud, and the Surrey, and by him ‘who 1. at Beulogne. 23 heirs male of the body of such surviving third son, July, 1868) has had, ieorge, 6. 24 May, 12:7; henry, lawfully begotten and to he begotten; and in defanit 6. 17 July, 125’; .Jane-ilallid”y, 9. 72 Sept. 1065 of such issne, to the fo,mrtlm surviving son of the said and Verooici-31.o’y-Stnart. it. 6 Oct. 1866. 2 Elieabeth-Shipley, S. in 1848. ii. DAVID-STUART, present earl. iii. Goorge-l.’ranrio-_t]bany, 0. in Sept. 1821. ie. John-M’Lenglan-Fraser, 6. in Starch, 1825. i. Mary-Margaret. ,e. in loss, to Wtlliam-ilrowne C’’nstable, So,1, of Wallaee-Craigie, es. Forfar, who 9.19 July, son of the said Elizabeth Ceontess lie La Warr, by 1632, o. p. ii. Ohriotian-iaabella, is. 4 June, ISiS, to John Gordon, of eneh fifth snrviviiig soui, lawfully begotten and Faq. of Atkenhead. eo. Lanark, an,i has issne. HI. Alicia-Diana, ol. let, 6 Jnns. 1243, to the lion, and to be begotten ; and granting, directing, declaring Leo. 8oinerrille-Ifay, who 9. ‘25 SepL 1853; asad Sndly, 5 and providing that if the said Regbaald-Windsor Jan. 1858, to James Young, Esq. The earl ,e. 2’idly, 26 June, 1830, ]‘ilieal.eth, youngest dan. these letters patent, sIsall succeed to the Esridom sf of the late John Harrey, Faq. of Castle Seiuple, eo. Ilenfrew Dc La Warr, and there shall, upon, or at any time and by that lady (who 9. in 1838) had issue, i. Msnry-Dast,1, 0. 51 Aug. 1831; 1.70 July, 1827. i. Elteaboth, or 18 Dee. 1235, to Tienry-Lee Harvey, Eeq. other yonnger son, or any heir male of the body of of Cache Semple. ii. Margaret, ‘.24 April,]850,ti’ the Her. William Vincent. shall happen, the sneeession to the hononra and lie i. 3rdly, 26 June, 1625, Caroline-Rose, youngest dun of dignities thereby created, shall devolve upon the non the late Janses-Pri,ar,’se SIaxwelh, Es,1. of Tnppendenee, of the said Elizabeth Countess lie La “uvarr, or the cc. Kent. lOis lordship inherited the h,,uonrs, as 12th earl heir who wonld he next entitled to sneeced to the and 7th baron, on the decease of his uncle, 19 April, 1829, asid elignity of Baron Bnekhnrst, if the person sum He 9. 11 Sept. 2557, and was a. by his son, D.tvID-STUART, snceeeding to the Earldoua of lie La Warr was desd prevent earl. B U C K H U II S T. BUOEssURST, BA lIONESS (Elizabeth Saekville-West), 43671 he reth-ed in 1363 ; b. 10 Sept. 1823; a. his’ of Buekhuret, in the eo. uf Snssex. her ladyship, father as 3rd duke, 29 July, 1861; m. 1 Oct. 1851, ly Inarriage Cunntess Delawarr, was, by patent dated 27 April, 136.1, created a Baroness of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and lre]and, “by son Harvey, Bart., and has issue, the name, style, and title of BARONEsS BUciesithiesT, I. Mary. Ii. Anne. of Boekhnret, in tlse county of Sussex, tn hold to her the said Elizabeth Countess Dc La Warr, wife His grace established before the House of Lords, of George-John, Earl Do La Warr, for and during the terns of her natural life; and after her decease to 160 BUC of hinekhnrst, in the county of Sussex, unto RseiNALD -Wlsnsoa SAcEvmLal’:-WEsT, now second surViVing son of tile said Elizabetls Countess IJe La end to he begotten ; snd in default of sneh Elizabeth Countess lie La Warr by her said husband, and the heirs male of the body of such fourth surviving son, lan’fnlly begotten and to be begotten; and in default of such issue, to the fifth surviving her said boabsnd, and the heirs male of the body Saekville-West, or any other person taking under after, the occurrence of such an event, be any any such other son, then nnd so often as the same without issne male.” The Baroness is the yonnger dan. and eventual ce-heir of JonN-Fnsngnieie, 3rd C,’ ,,,hiees——Earl of Boehan, 1485. Lord Car,lress, by tac of DUKE OF DonsEv, and deeeende directly frsm parliament, 19 July, 1656, and charter, 10 June, 1215, to John, Earl of Siarr, and his heirs, assigns, due. ; assigned to TnoslAs, 1st Earl of l),,rset, who was created BLnon Heniy Erskine, his 3rd son, and the heirs male of his body, of B1eKndnsv, 3 June, 1507, tnt that barony 3 Jan. 1617—16; confirmed ts Dartd, Lord Cardrnss, and hits not being t’ Iseirs female became extinct, with the Aees—lnot registered in the Lyon office’ Quarterly: let, other titles of the 5th, and last Duke of Dorset, 22 an., three garba. or, the fen,lai arms of the EAmurI’oae July, 1843 (eec for linesge, &i., BonieR’s Extinct or Shuve; 2nd, iinarteriy. dint and f,,urth, ar. a bend I’etween Peerage). Her ladyslnp is the wife of GEoneE-Jonee, six eross-erosaists, fltehde, or, for MAcmu; sersnd an,l StIs andpreeent EAmIL Dsm.twAEn. (See that title, pest.) tlur,1, arc., a pale, saf,’r Easijixe ; 3rd, quarterly, flirt ‘Crasflsa—llApril, 1261. 43-se-—Quarterly, orsed gn., abend, and fenrth, or, a fesse ehe’1ny, ae. and arg., fer SvrwAnT of vale. Si’pj’’ ‘l,,’,—Gua either sub, a leopard, arg., spslled, es Kirkhihl ; seoe,ad and Ilnrd, ae., three garbs, or, for Cuaivn, BUCKING HAM. BUemeINonAM AND CHAND05, DUKE AND MLaQUESI OF (hiichard-Plantagenet-Cansphell Temple-NogentBrydges-Chandns-Grenville, P.C.), in the peerage of the United Kingdom ; Earl Temple, Viscount and Bam’on Cobhanl, in the peerage of Great Britain; Earl Nogent, in the peerage of Ireland ; Lord Kinloss, in tIme peerage of Scotland; Lord-Lientenant I of Bucks; was appointed Lord President of the I Council in 1866, and Secretary for the Colonies in Caroline, only dan. of Robert Harvey, Fag. of’ Langley Park, Bucks, nod sister of Sir Robert-Bate- Hi. Carelins-Je,nima-Ehirahaeth. 21 Jnly, 1863, his claim to be Lord Kinloss, in the pees’age of Scotland. heirs and assigns whatever, 20 Feb. 3563—4. Earls of Tinehan; 4th, arg,, threr bars genaehles, gn., slursnounted of a t,,,n, rampant, as,, annsd and membored, ar., for S” Over all. cia an esroeheon, go , an eagle, dislayed, or, lacking towards the sun in its splesdanr, placed t,,wards the dexter elnef p”iot, hue-mg a roat of augmentation for the lordship cC Canonoss. CresT—A dexterarni, holding a chub or baton, ragnled, ppr. Seppsrteu’s—Twe ostriches, ppr. itsits—Jodge nought. Seuuts—Amondsil, ama,] Kirkhihh, Liuhithgowehire.