Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/209

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BUll BUll VII. SIR HENRY, who so. Cicely, oldest dalI. of Patrick lLtllcagc. Netterville, Eaq. of Loitgfsrd, co. Galway, and had issue, TooslAs BURKE, of Gortenacuppogue (new Marl,le hill), of whom the 3rd dan., Cieely, was to. 1 April, 3762, to died at an advanced age in 1714. During tss civil wars in Edmund Burke, Esq. of Mcelick, 00. Galway. Sir Heury the time of CHARLES I., and subsequently in the revolution was s., in 1756, by his sos, of 1685, hie predecessor and himself lost a considerable VIII. Sta ULI0K, os. Elizabeth, dan. of John Carroll, portion of their lands ; but he still preserved the estate Esq. of Ardagh, eo. Galway, niece to Sir Daniel O’Carrell, upon which he resided, and tt is now the seat of the and granddaughter of John OCarroll, of Dsagls, co. Galway, baronet. us married into the family of Tully, groat landed who was moved at five years of age ittts Ctsnnanght, by proprietors its the county of G;slway, and owners of the Oliver Cromwefl. By this lady, Sir Buck had a don., Garbally estate, at present in the possession of the Earl of Susannah, who ot. William Netterville, Eoq. (sod oviss l’y Clanearly. The sen of this Thomas, bios mother of Robert-W 111am Nettervibe, Esq. of Cruice- JOHN DORKE, is. Mary, dan. of Carroll, of Killorsn, who roth, father of the present Viseenut Nettervillo) and an was nearly allied te the Donslsns, of the county of Golway, only son, his successor, and to the Carrolls, of tIm King’s County. Dy this lady the IX. SIR JOHN-HENRY, nnhappily an idiot, and being so linrkeo acquired the ostate of Killoran. Mr. Burke si in declared, his estates were settled, by an act of parliament, 1791, at the ags of 80, and was s. by his son, to pass immediately to ths next male heir, his cousin, Sir I. THoMAs BURKE, Eaq. of Marble hill, who was created John Burke, smincntly distinguished and crsated knight of a BARONET OF IRELAND, S Dee. 1797. Hs so. Christian, don. St. Jago, on the field of battle. The Knight of St. Jage of — Browsie, Esq. of Limerick, and had issue, so, Elizabsth, Lady Eurke, widow of his esnsin-gernosu, Sir JOHN, late baronsh Buck Burke, Bart. of Glhssk, by whom he had a dan., Mar- Jamss, who d. in iSIS. garet, m. to Cormel O’Brien, Es1., and a son, Rickard, who Maria. so. to Maurice-N. O’Connor, Eoq. ef Msunt Pleas, to ths estates of his father on his denoise in 1761, in eon- soot, King’s County, and had, woth ether daus., Catbcrtt,e, whom. John Otway, Ind Earl of ilesart. sequence of his half-brother, Sir John-Henry, being, as J,slia, so. to Malachy Daly, Esq. cf Itaford, co. Gaiway, above stated, an idiot. This and had two dons., tune so. to Anthony Nngsnt, Err1, of RscKAan BURKE, Esq., sI. 1 Feb. 1783, Joloannah-Harist, Pallas, and Maria, so. ts Indrew Blake, tlsq. of Firhonglo. eldest dait. of Joseph Blake, Eoq. of Ardfry, and sister Elizabeth, ss in STarch, 1799, to Jol,n-Thomas, 17th Earl of the 1st Lord Wallseourt, by whom (who so after of Clanricards, and (she rf. 16 March, 1614) had issue, his deesass, Dominick Daly, Esq., and is deceased) he had, Buck-John, present Marquess of Claiss-icardo, with two dous., the dowagsr Marchiooess of Sligo and ths late JOHN-IONATIUO, 18th baronet. Countess of Hewth. JosEph, 11th baronet. Anne, so. ts Sir henry-Joseph Ttehborne, Dart., and ,l. his Honsea, ,a. to C. Taaffe, Esq. of Rookweod, co. Galway, widow II Aug. 1813, and is deceased. Elsau,’r, so. 1st to Nicholas Drowns, Req. of Mount Hazel, Georgina. ss, in 1819, Francis Blake, Esq. of Cregg Castle, and after his decease to Perry-Llinton-Sydnsy, 6th ViaEs. (ialway, and has issue. er,nnt Strangford, and bad issue by both marrisges. ITsr Mr. Burke ,6. in the minority of his s]dest aosi, ladyhip ci. 26 May, 1817. Ssa JOHN-hENRY, ths 5th baronet, ci. 1814, and ovas .“ Sir Thomas ii. ho 1813, and was o. by his elder soil, at his decease by his cousin, II. Sta JOHN, eol. in the arnoy, who so. 18 May, 1812, X. Sm JoRso-IONAYIUO, 0. 19 March, 1794 ; a. 1st, Mtsa Elizabctb-ishsry, eldest dan. of the late Eight Hon. John Ball, sister of Hughes Ball, Esq., by whono (whs C.sloraft, M.P., and by her (who d o7 Jan. 1919) had issue. in 1830) he had issue, Georgians-Sidney, ci. us u.,aud TnoNAs-JOHN, present baronri. Matilda, so. to Count Hsnry Merrstti. Sir John as. fndly, Chas’leo-Granby, 8. 14 Nor. 1814, master of the Cossrt of eldest dan. of WilDam Dasvsois, Esq., of St. Leonard’s lull, Common Pleas Ireland; so. 20 Jutse, 1843, Emmo-Jans, Bsrks ; Settle, eo. York; and Manchester 5q. London, ly youngest dats, of the late Ralph Croyke, Req. of Marten whom (who ,(. 6 May, 19111) he had no issue. Its a. i 104°, and ilawalilfe, es. York, and l,aa, t’liok-Ealph, clock el the peace, eo. Dublin; 5. 21 Oct. 1841; Granby-James, assd was e. by his brother, 8. 19 Dec. 1810; Philippa-FDzab Ci; torI En’,soa-Ft-suces. Xl. Sm Josrro, 5.31 Jan. 1786, who oS dog. 1816, Looiss, Janoes-Hessey, wajor-grn. lateBombaykngine, rob. 27Feb. oldest dan. sfW’illiano, Lord Huntioglower, sod by her (wIts 1916 si at Bombay, 19 May, 1912, Slarisss-llliza, dan. nt 1838) had issue, Majs,r-General D. t’rispin, and baa four setsa snd Iwo tlsns. Edward-Hows, k 15 Sept. 1817. JoaN-LIoNEL, pressnl Sarosct. lliekard, 9. yoosg. Manries-William-Otway, 5. in 1519, drowned in Nsse Inuisa-Maria, es. in ISIS, to the Itsv. Jaceb-Moolagn Msou, Esalasod. 31.A., rcctsr of Silk Willoughby, co. Lincoln, and iT. leaving Ilonry-Dliek, capt. 93rd foot, 8. 15 July, 1821; ci, in the issoe Crimea, 1931, Kathet’ise-Elizahsih-Camilla, as. 25 Sept. 1851, to William- Elizabeth-Anne, solO Jan. 1890, to D.-O’Cesanor Benehy, Lionel-Felix, Lord Doatinglswsr. Esq., iormerly B P. for Kildare. Gssrgtna, ci. young. gushy, ,T. young. Caroline-Jane. Sir John ,T. 14 Sept. 1847. Sir Joseph ci. at Nice 30 Oct. 1565, and was a. by his only son, Sia JoKa-LiosaL DOKEE, the 12th and prcscnt baronet. Crnzlioa—9 11cc. 1797. Arsos—Ermineis, a cross, gn. ; in the first quarter, a lion, s’amlsatst, sa. C,cst—A cr.t-aC’eotisa—I Aug. 1628. Arise—Or, a cross, gn. ; in the nsountain, sejont, guardant, ppr., collared and chained, or, first quartsr, a lion, rampant, sa. Crest—Out of a ducal Molts-—Bog roy, ung foy, ung by. Sc,c;—Marbls Shill, coronet, or, a plums of five ostrich feathers, org. Motto— Lougbrea, co. Galway. In hoc signo viness. SBURNARY. BURKE OF MARBLE HILL. BURNART, SIn WILLIAM-EDxcWARD, Bart. of Broughton Hall, co. Oxford; 6. in July, 1 824 ; BURKE, Sin TBOS1AS-JOBN, Bait, his cousin, as 4th hart., 1 Aug. M.P., b. 7 June, 1813; formos’lv of Lodhnry, avlaich lady d. 17 _______________ 1853 ; ste. itt ISle, Carolitso, dun. f Marble Hill, co. Galo’ay, late ________ of the late Willism lleeeo, Esq. Oct. 1857. of the 1st dragoons; ssc. 21 Fob. ILIitcagc. 1857. Mary-Frances, 2nd dots, of Jona P,URNANY, Esq. of Kensington, as. Clara, doss. ef Sir Anthony Nugent, Esq. of Pause, Edsvard Wood, Knt., and had, ovhth ether issue, John, mauy years misstater to the Sn-iso f’,snt’ins, as d co. Galway, and laas issue, secretary t,s the Earl of Wsldegrave, when anslsaooad’.r e-strsardinary ta this eo,srt of Fr,utee. I. JOHN-CHARLEs, 8. 7 Feb. Edward, of Clsvolaud-row, St. Jame-’s. st Man’. dos. and losir of Thomas Greese, Req. of N,srlands, and lad is. Henry-George, t. 1859. issose. III. Thsmas-Malaehy, S. 156-h. ;vsottAat, of whsm presently. iv. William-Anthony, 5. 2 April, 1566. Da,siel, in holy srders, rector if Jjanwell, lliddlssex. Y. Slauriee-Dernard, 5. 1807. Carolina. as, to James Waldo, Es,1. of harrow, s. Julia-Catherine-Anne. The Sri son, 159