Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/219

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BYR bad a son, 0. 30 Oct. 1062, and a dati. (twins), and another son, 0.21 June, 1005. iv. John-henry, it. 21 Bay, 1012; d. 23 Nov. 1013. v. Honry-Edmusicl, 0.22 Jan. 1044; iii. Id Oct. 1067, MaryIlotalind, only dan. of 14ev. Abbott Upeliers, of Kirby Cane, Norfolk, and has a son, 0. 31 ?tng. 1060. vs. Charles-Louis, 0. 1 Fob 1046. cit. Francis-William, 0. a Any. 1317. I. Anna-Cecilia. ii. Catherisss-Elizabells iii. Laura-Priscilla- sv. Sarah-Evelyn. v. Itachel-Jane. Sir Edward ci. 12 Juno, 1330. Cceetiea—6 Jn]y, 1840. Aiosa—Arg., a lion, eanspant, tail elevated and turned over the hoad, sa., between two mullets, of the second. Crest—A back’s Iscad, eossped, gis., attired, or. gorged with There wcro fire other tons, assd a ilan., Sharp, so. ti Sir a collar, of the last, therefrom pendent an esenteliests, 01g., charged wills an Africans head, sa. Seppnr;n-a—Dexrer, ais African, so., wreathed about Use head Sin Joiax heRoN, K.B., lIt’, for the town of Nottiegham, and Inies, vert ; sinister, a buck, gu., attired, or. Malts—Do ht with tisy might. Seats—Caine l1one ,Crosisvr, Norfolk; Pellfield, Dorset. 3’ewa Iloese—23, Upper Brook Street. B Y R 0 N. The Bruseco deduce from the Conquest, u-hen they appear WmeLsaas, 4th han in ; w-hio or. I t, Mar3—, class, of John, to lsavo seen extensive proprietors in the eossssty ef 3rd Earl of Bridgewater, lint by thot lady (who ci. 21 Apt-il, York. tiaLoss nn RURON, at the time of the survey, held divers wisens lie had three sosss mel sue dais., all of whens a. osses. tnassors in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire. Amongst assd Ordly, in 1720, Fs’asscoo, 2nd class, of William, f,ord those in the latter eessuty was Itomeley, its the park of Berkoley of Strattosi, aisd by her (svhooi. fisdhy, its 1740, which stood a castle, called Itorestan Castle, wInch lie- Sir Thomas hay, East.) had (with three yessmsger sans), came the chief seat of the eas-ly Byvons. The grassdsoss of s. WtLs,soas, hits sssccessor, Ralph, boo uc Bunow, feudal Bonnie or lIenasTaw, retiring ss. John, adsssiral fiN., 0.0 Nov. 1732. ‘lInt gentleman, wheis teeep. Hvienv 1 II., front seesslar affairs, professed hissioctf a msnk, and held the hernsitage of Kersale, belonging to the priory of Lenton. lie left a son, Sin Rnonn ne Bunore, from whons we paso to his lineal descendant, Sin Itienoan BYRON, Knt., who 01. Joan, 2nd dan. of William de Colewick, of Colewiek, co. Nottinghcnu, by which alliance considerable estates came issto the fancily. The grandsoss of this sisarriage, Ssn NscnoLAs Bvnow, Kut. of Clayton, cx Lancaster, was a. by his eldest son, Ssn JonN Byeioae, who received the honour of hnighthood from Hnaonv VII., for the good services he hod ron- tiered that prissee at Bostrorth Field. This gentlonsan dying without issue, 3 Nay, 1408, was a by his brother, Sin NscnuLos BYRON, who was made osie of tlso henighto of the Bath at the marriage of Prince Arthur, eldeot son of Itcienv VII., ii Nov. 2502. lIe 1. in 1503-4, an’l was a. by his eldest son. Sin JOHN BYRON, Kist. This gentlensan had a grant, 25 May, 1040, of the Pnsoav or Nrwovnnr, with the soasser of Papilwick, amid rectory of thc same, with all the closes about the priory, &e. his son, Sin Jsnie ByRoN, KB., was father of Sin JOHN BYnON, lt.B., who iii. Atone, clilest clan, of Sir Richard 3lolyssetsx, Bart., and had, JOHN, his sneeessoi-. Ilscaian, of whom hereatler. flebcrt (Sit-), eel. of foot, on the royal aisle, and gorernsr of mis. kieharf, in holy orders, MA.; iii. ia 1763, 3Iary, dau. of 169 B YR Liverpool, i. Locy, dait. of ‘l’liemas West, hoed Delaware, oad left (with oilier chtl’Ieeis. who d. e. p.) a dots.,, who ii. 1663, Charles llalfonr, lfsg. of Castle Ilalfonr, eo. Fernianagh, sod had a dais., Lucy.. io . 1st, II tigli SleUth!, Esq., and 2ndl’, to ltla2 sicy Towoler, Esq. 1k lice 2nd linsband, she had a sois, llla3-ney ‘h’osenle-—1talfonr, Esq. of ‘I’ois’siley Ilahl, co. I .oseh, graedtttlier of the prescat hiLAYaEY Towae.rv-ltoLrerss, lssq. of Towslsy Ilall. Philip (Sir), wiso, after snasy signal services its Yerkslnre, was killed at flie head of his regioseist, iti the general shoi sit of York by Ihie parliantcnhir- arms-, is 1644. Tlsosssas (Sir), who coinsnaedcd the t’riisce ef Wales’s regi— nient, tinder the Earl sf Nerthasnptsn, at his battle of itolihon Heath, 18 3tarcls, 1641—3, and received a ii aned his time ttsigli, ti3’ whorls lie was lint hsio i/c co,,cta 1. lIe a. at Oxford, SUre. 1643. ‘l’hiomao Lneio. Sir J,itisi was s. liv hts elelosh son, in the reigsi cf 3 osmno I., anil foe the c’. Nettinghamis isi that elf Cnanens I., a faithful afflict-cut of, and gdtasst officer usnilor, this latter ssnfortmsate pnmseo. She JoIsts com— misided the corps of resai-ve st the lksttle of Edge hut aisci the victors- of ilcoiiidaway iiowsi, 3 Jnly, 2044, w-hsereiis Sir William Wailer was rrnted, was ehstefiy owing to i.hs sheill and valour, hisn-isig, at tl,s henrI of his regiment, elsargeil Sir Arthur I husilrigg’s onirasoiers, and after a she rp conflict, its which Sir _trlhi,se reeds-ed sistoisv w-iinnda, ccii— pelleil that impesietral he reghsient (as Let-il Claresiilon writ -o) to fl3- Sir dotisi thys’ois, having gis-eis auseli proofs of Ins courage, asiel lila six vdhsnt hieothcrs at that time ft llowis-g his loyal exansple, he was, in eonoidorstioss thereof, ed— vasscecl. 24 Oct. 1642, to the clignita’ of a I tari,n of the realns 1)3-the title of LoenBrnoie, efdisetitcile, hsttr rs.palalineej Lescseostei’, with linsitath,n, its default of hue ow-is male boise, to each of Isis hrothe,e. Ills lorihelsip ii. twice ; host dying its 11i42, issisehost, the harossy devolved sspon los bri itlsor, Iisessann, dsiel has’oss. This snil ilonsass s-eec-iced the haosa.insr of ksnghithoed from CtianLas I. Ito was one of the valiant eolosselo at the battle of Edge thihl, and ssshssqsscsctly gevernor of Appnlty castle, cc. Wostiasoreland. 0_tayel, who w’rote the lives of the loyalists, says, he deoos’ves to tas BTnnN, BAn0N (Cenrge-Auson Byron), of Roehdale, elirossieleel for his govorrinient of Nnw:srk sind mass- diii’prisoo eo. Lancaster; s. (hid June, 1818; a. his father of the enensy. IIio lorclohip ci. Ittieat ‘etli, ‘iou. of George Rossell, Eoq. of llatthifi’e, in Notthnghanishtre ,-end as Stie baron, 1 Islnrch, 1868 ; Nc, :1 Assg. 1843, LucyElieabetls-Jano, dyissg its 1679, w-as 5. by lila only sisrvivissg oi’ii, eldest dais, of tho late 11ev. William hS’iLciaas, 3rd has-ois. ‘this ssotihesssan ‘ii. Elisabotit of Johis, Vioconat Chaworthi, lIe ,t. 1:1 Ni,v. 1604, assd o. h3- his soss, 2703) had no bone. Ito es. dssdlv (its 1708), FrasseesWilllasniisa, 3rd dass. of Wihhiasn, lot Earl of Porthassd, icy a nsidslsipsaiass on board ilte ‘Wager,” coo of Lord Ansats’e eireomssavigatissg sqisaehrsa, was rash away opon a ihesohote islsssd in the Snntis Seas, and afher eodisring five 3-ears of great hardshil is tisero (of whirls iso teshhhshieih, 1760, a well— kisosrsi Xs.i’r,ati ‘c), relcirtied to Eoglassil, 174°, and attained hiigbs s-ante its isis gahlatst profsssion. Ito i. Soldsia. slats, of John Trevantuon, Esq. of Carhays, es. Corns-all; and dying 1736, left, I Jshia, an officer his mite at’:tiy ; salts to. I at, 1779. Amelia ia’Arcy. Baroness Conyers, dau. and hseir of llshert, 4th Earl of Iheldeesmesse (st-hose prerheiss ttsarriage wills the I eke of h.eeds hiatt bcon ci issoired his’ act of hiarhiasssei.h), and by hser iadystttp, u-ho a. 26 Jots. 173-I. had. Assgtssha, oi. in 1007 ho Liesst.-Coh. height, 10th drags., and had issae. She d. Nov. 1051, aged 67. Captain Bb’rots in. 2nd!3’, Cahhsi’rimso C onion (hisssahly slcscetsdod fi’o,ss lIsa Earl of hhsntl-, and use l’ntseerss dante, clan, of Jaasns 11. of sesslaisd), and by her left an only sta, Gnoner-Gonnoie, who s. as 6th heed. 2 Gesrge-Ansan, capt. hl,N.; Ic. its 1730: ii. Charloite— ltessm’ietta, class, of Ilohierl Dallas, Esi1. of liahhas Castle, lit Jassiatea, asscl by her (who is. 1791) left at Isis decease, ‘5 1793, Gnenon-AN50N, 7th hcas’osi. Jnlia-Iharia, c.37 3103’. 1017, to Ihie 14cr. P.shiort Iteaih, feflow oISt. Joist’s College, Oxfer-l, ams’h is. 1053. 1 Frances, cit-to Gee. Charles Lrinlt; and .1. 19 Oct. 2023. 2 Jishiana—Ehieabehhs, is 1st, lIsa btems. Vibhiasss hhvon, eldest son of lIsa 31h ,lonh; and 2ndhy (22 Sell. I7S3i, Sir llcdsert Wihmsiol, Part.; asel it. 10 3ttsrchs, 1700. 3 £tognsla.Bareara-Cherhelte, ci- to S’iee-Adnsirah Christohihser Parker, and a. 1024. wrenonmb, rector of Langforcl Esoex.