Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/22

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xx THE ROYAL FAMILY. Thomas, of Rrotherton, Earl of Norfolk, who was invested wilh tlso office of earl-marshal of England, brissg she first so designated, his predecessors having been styled sinsply marshals; This prince so. Alice, dan. of Sir Roger Italys, Knt., by whosss iso left, 1 Margaret (sole isoiress after use densiso of her youngest sister), wlso was created Dnrhess ef Norfolk. Iter grace as. Jolse, Lord Segrave, by solsoos site had a sian. and heiress. Eliaabells, wIse ,‘s. Jrstsn, Usrsl Mosvtsray, ssnd o’as grandmother of Margaret do Sloo’bray, wife of Sir Robert ilowarsi, froas svhss,sss the 1 ‘akrs of Nssrfolk sterive. The dssrlsess so. andly, Sir O’atlor Slanssy, It .G., and by him she left a dan., Asse, wife of Jsslsss de Ilaslissgs, Dirt of Pesssbroke. 2 Alice, sss. to Ed svard ste Monlagss and 5. issnoless. Edmund, is. S Aug. 1801; snrnainrd ssf Wossst lock, Earl of Kent; usrtseaded in 1329, leaving two sons and a dan., by his wife Margaret, dan. of John, assd sister atsd heiress of Tlsosssas, Lord Wake, Edsoard I . - sucresssvety Earls of Kent; both 5, sssneless. John, ,m Joass, called The Fssis’ dint’? of K,sst, us. 1st, to William Mssntacnto, Earl of Salisbnry t 2ndly, to Sir Thomas Rolland, E.G., Lord hlolla,sd; and 3rdly, to Knwaan The Block Prince; by the tatter of whom she had a son, Rscnaoo, who o. to the throne, as second sf that name. ICso EDWARD I. d. at Bssrgh-oss-the-Sands, near Carlisle, 7 July, 1307, and was bnried in Westminster Abbey be was n. by tbe I’rinco of ‘Wales, as EDWARD TIlE SECOND, styled the same as Ilrtmtv 111., surnamed of Curtsnu’vose; 5. tisere, 25 April, 1284 crowned 23 Feb. 1307-8 w 23 Jan. 1307-8, Isabella, dan. of PHiLIP the Petit’, King of France, and had issue, Enwamsn, Pris,ce of Wales. Jalsn, of Eltlsasss, createsi Earl of Corn’ratt; s?. in youth. Joan, sit. Dane tleuro, King of Seetlan’? ; and 4. tssnetess. Elea,ssr, sss. Reynald, Count sf Gadder,, and had issue. The King, who was deposed 20th or 21st Jan. 1327, was barbarously murdered at Berkeley Castle, 21 Sept. 1327, and was buried at Gloucester. He was a. by the Prince of Wales, ao EDWARD THE THIRD, styled the same as Hwnitx- III. until the 13th year of his t reign, when iso assumed the following etyle, Dci Gratil, Rex Auglim et Franciie et •r Dusminus Hibernim ;“ 5. at Windsor, 13 Nov. 1312 Re. ‘21 Jan. 1329, Philippa, dau. of ‘‘ William, Count of Holland and Ilainault, by whom (who sl. 15 Aug. 1369) he had issue, 8 Enwaan, sarnasned The Block Prince, from the colonr of his armours I. at Woodstock, 15 June, 1330. TIsi, gssllant soldier, the isssesortal hero of CREte ansI PrtTcTtERa, sss. in 13f I, isis cousin, Juas, consmonly called The Fssir Moist of Kesst, dan. and heiress of Isis grrat uncle, the Earl of Kent (see EnwaEn 1. TIso lady had been us. preciously to Sir Tltosssas Iloltand, KG., and to the Earl of Sahsbury), by whom he had two sons, Edsvard of Angssulassse, s’rtnce of Walo,, t. 1351, trIms 4. in Gaacony, v.p. 1372, and Rtcnasn, afterwards King. The Black Prince 4. in the lifrrinse of Isis father, S July, 1378. Lionel (f Antwerp), Dsske of Ctareocs t 8. at Antwerp, 29 Nov. 1338, who s’s. 1st, in 1352, Lady Elizabeth do Bnrgh, dan. and heiress of Wiltiasts, Earl of Ulster, by wisona he had an only child, Pssss.spra, wIse os. Eslsssnnst Istsrtinser, Earl ssf Staccis (lineally derived from the marriage of Ralph, Lord Moritmer of Wigmssre, wills the Princess (twiadys, dass. of Llesvelyn ap lorsoertls, t’rhsoo of North W’ales), and had issue, e. Rnnrs, Earl of March. II. Kdassnst (Sir), solso sottled in North Britain. m’s. John (Sir), pot to death in 14240. p. Iv. Elizabeth, sss. to henry Perry, the renowned Hst’par. v. Plsiltppa, ii. 1st, to John blasttssgs, Earl of I’ensbroke; 2ndly, to Richard Pitcalan, Karl of Arundet; and 3rdly, to Sir Jolsn Poynings, Lord St. John; bot 1. s. p. ‘the eldest son, Ronro, Eusri of Starch, so. Eleonara, dan. of Thomas, Earl of Kent; and d. in 1318, leaving a son, Edmund, Earl of Starch, wise 4. issneles, in also Castle of Tries, Ireland, where he was confined by itersox IV., and a dan., Anco, wits ni. Richard, Earl of Caesbridge, and was ntothcr of Rscnsen, Duke of York, Regent of Prance, and Protector of England; sue Cecily, dan. of Ralph, Earl of bVeslnsorclaad t and beissg slain at Wakefield, in 1180, left, wills other issue, a ssn, King Ensraan IV. Lissnrl, Duke of Clarence, as. dndly, Vintassie, dan. of Galeasius, Duke of Sttlan, but had no oIlier issue. John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, Earl of dticlsmond, Re., King of Castile and Loots, 1. 1340; ta 1st, in 1359, Blanche, yomsgest dan. anst co-Iseiress of Itenry, Dnke of Lancaster, by whom he had, llraax, svho o. to the crown, as 4th ssf that natne. Philipisa,ss. to Jons 1., King of Psrhsgal. Elizabeth, as, lit, to Jolsn Ilotland, Duke of Exeter; and tndly, to Sir John Carnsoall, KG. The Dulte . 2ndly, in 1372, Constance, eldest dan. and co-heiress sf Prvra, King of Castile and Loon, by whom he had an only dan., Ka’ruaosso, who as. terser Ill., King of Casliho and Leon. TIte Prince sss. 3rdly, 13 Jan. 1315, Katharine, dan. and co-heir of Sir Payne Roelt, Eel., a native of Hainantt, and Godoons king-of-arms, and widow of Sir Hugh dc Swynfarst,* by wltssnt tsr Isad preciously to hit marriage, tlscre sona and a dan., who were legitimated Ifor all parpotes Isut succession to ttse crsssnt) by an act of parliatncnt in tIme 2ttlt of Rscuaan it., the Iegitinsatisn having been preceded by a steolar act of the Pope. Thrso chitslrer were, Jotsn de Iteanfort, Slarspsem of Soasersrt atsd Dorset, who sit. Stssrgaret, daa. of Thsntas Itolland, Earl of Kent, and had a sssn, Jshsn, tssske of Ssssscraet, sohose only dau. and heir, Margaret, so. Edmnnd Tudor, Earl ef Richstnsnd, and was mother of King lImier VII. Ilenry de hleas,fssrt, Cardinal of SI. Eusstlsins; in 1317 tuishop of Lincoln, and in 1420 Bishop of Winchester; fi. hAp. 1417. Tlsottsas de Deattfart, Duke of Exeter, ,t... p. 27 11cc. 1427, asad was buried at ttowy St. Ednsnndt. Joan de Iteanfort. st. 1st, to Rosen, J.srd Pet-rers of Womsne; and 2ndty, to Ralph Neville, Karl of Westmoretand t and s]. 13 Nov. 1440. John of tiaunt s?. in Peb. 1391. Ilis dnchess, Katharine, snrvived hint fear years, and sl. 10 Stay, 1403. She had by her 1st husband, Sir I lngh Swyttforst (trite d. in 1372), an only son, Sic Thousas do Swinfard, who, on the death of his mother, inltcvitesl sattse la,sds its Ilainanli. Edmund, Earl of Cautbrislt.’e and Dsske of York, whose tue tarvivitsg toot (lsy isis Itt wife, Isabel, yonugett dau. and co-Iseirets sst l’rcre, Icing of t’ashite ansI Less,t), wcre Ed,card, Earl of httitland, Duke of tlbemaelo, and subsequently Duke of York, E.G., wtss stat killed at Agt,sconri, and st. a. os t attsl This lady had been governess to tite date’s datsplstct, lsy isis first soifc. t It lint recesttly beess disrovercd titat in tlso origitsal patent of legitimacy to the Reaurnssve (svhsich, as it was ratiaed by parliament, partiansent alssne could alter), Ilte exce1stissss tsf inheritance to the crown does not acrstr; the soacds “cxecepta digttitate regali” being inserted only by ttte caution of haney 1V. in Isis csnfirntatian ten years atteru’ards.