Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/233

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C A 111 CAM PB EL L. tCAMPBELL, SIR DONALD, of Dun. mtW ‘U staffusage, Argyll; hereditary captain of Dunstaffeiage Castle ; I’. r5 Oct. 1829; a. his brother as 3rd bart.J 3 Aug. 1863; Oi. 11 Nov. 1862, Eliza-Mary-Charlotte, only dan. of William Moore, Esq. of Orimoshill, co. Westmorcland (see iiunics’s Loaded deaf ep), and has had a dan., Edith-Islay, 6. 1 Oct. 1864. 3tiizrac. The Campbsllo of Dunstafflage dcsccnd from Cohn, 1st Canspordown, and Baron Duncan, of bundle, no, Earl of Argyll ; and since their separation from tl,c parent Forfar, 8. 2S Slay, 1811 ; s. Iris fnthor, as lid easi, stock have possessed the estate, and are hereditary captains 30 Jan. 1867. of the royal castle of Dunstaffnage. The charters of the family show a line of thirteen descents from Cohn, Earl of The family of DuNcAN of Lesa’Ue, illustrious in our naval Argyll, in the year 1490, when ALexANDeR L’AMPBcLL, younger son of the earl, obtah,cd history, is of remote asrtiqnity; it was originally dcstgsiatcd from his father a grant of the lands and castle of Dunstaifnags. which orcomits for the crcet, a dbo,asslled ship, new borne lb was direct ancestor of NicL CAairncLL, of Unnotafibage, who 6. isi 1751, aird wss who lived some two hu,,dred years ago, having been supercas’ge a. by his son, DONALD CAMPaELL, of Dsuista±iags, Is. Dcc. 1t22; who place, Dundee, was ,,vertaken by a trn,nessdsue storm, tn so. 29 June, 1754, Anne, eldest dan. of Dugald Campbell, of which the elup became almost a complete wreck, and the Clenamsckrio, in Argyllshh’e, and had, with five dana, five crew were reduced to the sstnsost distress. Contrary, however, sons, s. Dugsld, b-is 1751; ,l. s.p. ii. NrEL, his heir. in. Angus, 8. in 1770, of Dron,ikill, is Bonshartonshire; so providentially escaped from. so. 11 Jan. 1799, Lilias, dae. and heir of J.-D. Duchasan, ALexAanen DUNcAN, Req. of Lundie, cc. Angus, as. Esq.; and dying 29 July, 1910 (his widow survived until Isabella, dan,, of Sir Peter’ Mmray, Bart. of Oehtertyre, 23 June, 1051), left an only child, BONALn, 0. to his uncle. ;,nd had issue, Iv. Alexander, 8. 12 Jane, 1772; a,. 0 OcI. 1807, Anne, dan. ALexAeoss, his successor. of Professor Wallace, of Cambridge, and 5. 1 Sept. 1942, William, an ensisent physician in London, who ‘s’as created leaving an only rl,lld, John-Alexander, 8. 10 May, 1916, lieut. 7th Madras cavalry. v. John, bin 1771. Donald 6. in April, 1795, and was o. by his son, NIEL CaMrnELL, of Dnnstaffiiage, who d. in 1999, and was Mr. Duncan was s. l.’y his elder son, s. by his nephew, I. Sin B0NAI.n CAMrBELL, Bard, of Dunstaffnage, 8. 1 April, who no. HELEN, dais, of John IIal;ta,,e, of Gleneagles, Ml’. 1800; created a baronet 11 March, 1916 ; ar, 21 June, 1921, or t’erthsbire, and had issue, Caroline-Elisa, 2nd thu. of Sir W. Plomer, of Sssarsshrook, As,exAanes, a heat-cal. in the army, who inherited lb ce. Essex, and by her (svho €1. 17 Sept. 1811) hod tso,,c, i Asians, RN., 2nd barneet. is. DoaALn, present baronet. us. Wiflian,, 8. 21 June, 1631; drownrd at Donstathage, 17 June, 1994. iv. George, late capt. 71st regt., 8. 24 Sept. 1823. s. Lanra-lsiay. Sir Dns,ald ci. 10 Oct. 3920, a;sd was s. by his eldest son, II. Sin ANous, RN., who was 8. 10 Aug. 1927, and as. 22 naval service ahc,ut the year 1746, under Robert Haldanc, Sept. 1952, Sophia-Elizahrtb, eldest doss, of Admimi Sir then raptain of the “Shcreham” frigate; three years afterwards John MacBougahl, R.N., K.G.B., of MacDongahl, which lady 50 guns, a ship equipped to receive the broad pendant of cl. a. ‘. 18 June, 3917. Sir Angus ,l. 12 Aug. 3861, and was Cemmodere Keppel, commander-tn-chief on the Slcditerranean s. by his brother, Sin DossaLn CAMPnELL, the lrd and present baronet. C’enfio,s—ll Slaccb, 1816. As’ssc—Qnarterly: lii, as., a castle of three towers, arg., he was made commander, and in the year 1761 post-captshs, mnonned, en., standing on a rock, ppr., doers and windows, go., and appointed to thee “Valiant,” of 74 guns. in which ship, on the top cf the middle tower a cock, and os each of the under Admiral Keppol, he acqerired considerable reputation others an eagle, or; 2nd, gyronny of eight, or and sa.; 3rd, or, at the rapture of the Havaunah. Captain Duncan distinguished a fesse, chequy, as. and org.; 4th, gu., a boos’s head caboseed, or, between a crescent and epur-rosvel in fesse, arg. C,’esf —An anchor, in pale, entwined by a rope, all ar. JIstfs—Vfgilondo. ,Seaf—Dunstaffcage Csetle, Argyllshire. C A M CAM PElt DOW N. CAMPERDOWN, EAIIL OF (Robort-Adam-Philipw Haldanu Dnucan-Haldano), Viscount Duncan, of }Liitrar. of Seaside, and there is an authes,timted heraldic traditin,s over the arms of Camperdnwss. A member of the family, on board a vessel hound from Noiway to his native to all expectations, they were enabled to navigate their crazy, crippled ba,’k irrto pert, and the parents of the thus ferteusately rescued sen immediately ads1,ted the crest alluded to, in cnmmcsneratieu of tl,o dangers their heir had a Baronet 14 Aug. 1754, hasisg bees previously appsintrd plrysician-extranrdisary to the king. Sir William m. Lady Mary Tuften, eldest den. of Sackville, Earl of Thanet, but ,t. s. p., sehen the baronetcy expired. ALEXANDeR Duecan, Esq. of Lundie, prevoet of t);uidco, estate of Luedie, and 5. s. l) AnAM, of whom presently. Katherine, no. her ceusia-gsrmsn, Ja,,,es Haldsse, Eu1. of Airthrey, cc. Slirling, and 1. in 1774, leaving issue, Itabert oh Airthrey, and James-Alexander, faiher of Alexander 1-laldane, Esq., barrister-at-lase, a,,d other children. llargaret, sr. to V,’illiam Tait, Esq.; and ,i. 27 Bee. 1818. The younger eon, Anon DuncAn, 8. at Dundee, 1 July, 1711, entered the he was a midshipman on hoard the “Centurion,” of station. In 1715, Mr. Duncan obtained his lieu- tenancy, and was appointed to the “Norwich,” a fos,rthrate, commanded by Capt. Barrington. On 21 Sept. 1729, himself in the famous encounter with Den Juau de Langara, off Cape St. Vincent, on the 18 Jan. 1790, and after seme further efficient service, ho was, 14 Sept. 1787. promoted to ho rear-admiral of the Blue, and, passing through the intermediate grades, was appeinted, 14 Feb. 1799, admiral of the White. In 2795, he was sppnhsted commander-in-chief in the Seas, and hoisted his flog en board the “ Prince Gcsrge,” of 58 guns, but aftenvasnis removed to the “ Venerable,” of 74. In this eemmas,d he I had the honour of achieving a splendid victssy off t’auspcs’down, CAMPDEN, VIScOUNT, 5ff GAsieseoRounN, EARL. 11 Oct. 2797, ever the B’stch fleet fthen subject to the French government) nuder the brave Admiral ne Winter, who was taken prisoner and surrendered his sword on beard the “Venerable.” Duncan was elevated to the pcrrsge, 10 Oct. 1797, in the dignities of Baron .Dssnran of 188