Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/238

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C & B Sir Thomas S. in April, 1005, and was e. ho’ his eldest son, Goversssr ‘f Jamaica. lie ‘is. Atstce, dait. sf Edward, Lord VII. Sin. Ilnync, lj. 15 Jan. 1779; who so, 3 Oct. 151st, llsssvard, of Eseriek, by wham (‘a-ho ti. 1096) ho lsad issne, ElizaheOh, only dma. of Walter Pal Ic, Esq. of Harley, Co. Devon, and had s”st’t’, i. W.stTess-l’orsc, present baronet. Is. Ilenry, I. 21(101. 1 sf5. its. Thomas, 7. 331ay, I ol S ; a. 14 Dee. 1043. Charlotte, stan. Mary, st 10 Sir Jolsn Fonwiek, ttaet., who was exeented for of tile late Sir William Curtis, Hart., awl Inn issttr, I I lenry-Wsllietn, is. SI Mae, 1045. 2 .klfrest-Cstrtis, ii. 27 Jan. lOot. 3 ‘l’hosnas-Ceraid, C. 27 Jane, 1849. 4 File—Walter, is. 5 Nov. 1551. I Ehzatseih—Constanre. w B ,l’oel—t’alls. lit Itoh’ ‘tribes, cleat sf flattery, Devon, is. htnw.sssn, Isscl cam-i; sake s. Eliscslseth, class. and ga-heir of 20 (let. lots; ,.‘ . 21 J ole, I 0th-I, Citarh’t IC tlarnslsy, n istose Sir William L’vedato, of Wickbato, Hattie, .‘snd relict of Sir of the lire. It. C. t’hflen, ranets of Slanriseelar and rector Willians lierkely, List,, and was a. 53 April, 1692, by his of Scions tots, Oxssn. lie €2. 71 Oct. 15’L’3. 6’, ct 77.a—2 Aeg. 1101. ci as.,-— Or, three lions, paesanl, in pale, en. Crto1A issainosast, cite tOettstIOlt set oft’ wilts l’alisndoes, or, Arthur, 1st Earl of lfeeex; and dying] Slay, 1719, was e. by a desssi—lioa iesoattt Iltereotsl, on. Ss’pptis’f,’o-— Two antelopes, go., aesstrst and nagolest, aeg. .,if,,’t,,— Nil eonsrire silt. 0, ole Ilacretnise, ttear Nesrtsn-Atsl,ots,aed Tivettott CasIlo, Ssnsderlatssl, and heir ssf hor mother, Aratsetla, one of the Deronsisire. CARLISlE, EARL OF (William-Georgo Howard), Viscount Tho earl ,f. 4 SepI. 1778, and was a. by his soss, Howard, of Morpet]t, co. Nottituruborlanri the Thistle its 1705, amid installed a lctstght of the Garter in Baron Daero, of tJil]oo]antl, senior no-heir to (Ito 1797. Ibis hos-dshits us. its Starch, 1770, ltargarot-Caroline, Barony of Clifford, and cit-heir to the Baron- of das,. of C. rasts-illo-t,evesssss, let of Stafford, lOG., (.iroyotock in ltssly orders, Rector of Londeaborongis, ansi by her ladyship (who 5, 27 dan. 1814) had issue, Co. York ; 8. d3 Feb. 1508 o. his brother no 8th carl, is. Wsths,ns, 5. 15 Dee. 1781; s1. 2-5 Jan. 1943. 5 Dec. 1864. Riacar. Lonn WI Tlosvans,, SlId cots cf Thomas, 4th Dttko of Nut, ‘1k, was r,’storctt its hlsc,d, I sy act of pttrliatnent, in 1603, astel havlstg ta. Elizabeth, stats. stf Thomas, asset sister and c-heir of tIe’ ‘rgo, Lord lOero, of Gitlesl,snd, f. cc Euttn.r’s El5tt5 ‘t.t. 5 Mt.. esttl Peseoge) lseeasote its her right ltrcl)rtebortf Nass’’rilt (‘‘utile, itt l’sttstlsertattd, the asteiesst seat of tlso Daere faststly. His l’’nichip aeqstirrcl ,slsc,, itt bite santo saastner, llittderskelle, tiso she of Castle howard. lie lsssd istic;’ tttiea t. Posese ISir), s. Margaret, dan. of Sir John Carryl, of I tastings, in Sctsscx, tstsd tlyisg before his father, left, wills otiter issste, WtLrtatt, selto e. his grantlfal Iser. Wrighl, faq. of 3iaptes’ley, eo. Netts, and 7. 8 Oct. 1908, - st. Francis (Sir), ,,f d’,srto Castle, its t’a,stlsenlansl, aneester of ttse I lowane,o ci’ ft ‘l’s, (.fer,’,,’lc,’ Noorot.n.) Lard Wiitttana, wit’’ was wssr,len f Site cveeiern tatarehes, ansi ktsowtt, ls’ the st,snso of 14,sl,l Willy, r Belted Wilt ifeovanl. ‘1. ill t 645’, ansi was e. by Itis grattslossss, Sin Wts.s.saas H’ ‘w.s,sn, List , svh,,;ss. 31 are’, etsiest class. of Williar,s, t.s’rst Itsuc, t,y n-It’ ma lse had eeveeal ehitslrots, (of Isis ,l,sns,, ll,srv, os. Sir .3, ‘sssallsssts Atkisso, ltttt , assd fr,,,st this sssarrksgc ,les5rc (las f;ssasihes sf Ant sits, es’ J5’,,’e Is Fi,’snil5, she,, cc if’,rlc fe-c lius;Iet-,’s Ls’,s,le,l Getup), an,l wst’, a. his slIest ossrs’ivissg ss’ss, Cssssss,ns I loora sit, sotsa was oreatesl, ft April, 1061, B,ss’ess flees-c, of Gill,’l-’Ls’l, I 1ecr’a,, I JOse,’ “u s.f iferyst It, and E,sssi, ssF Catst.tsw Ills 1’ ‘sslahils wts’s ont seqssettlly anthaoessdsr to the Czar s’f Slstsesvy, and depssted its carry Ilso ensigns of the order of tise (l,srter to Cssanta-:e Xl., Kitsg of Sweden, from which taller sssissis,It retssrssieg, he svtte issotsstted as Isle majesty’s proxy at Witsds,,s’. lie was afterwards made dl. in 1940, 188 CAB PnseAttn. isis sareesser. i5resteriek-Cisristian, is. in Denmark, 5 Nov. 1661, slain at ISo siege of Lntzetttbnrgit, and tsssried in Westminster Abbey, Ii (let. 15144. Isigls Ireasen, 27 Jan. 1697. SIte 1, 27 Oct. 1708. Anne, s,s. to Sir ilirhard Orahans, Itarl., ‘iaeennt Preston, (5,’, post, ssmler Gas SIAM st, hare Csstisaritse, st. sss’s,s., and lsnriest in Westsoinster Abbey, II Oct. 1684. Tho earl ef. 24 1”eh. 1010, assd was e. by hts sets, silly ossrvivissg soss (his ossly doss. Mary S. sssssss.) II.sesLno, 3rd earl. This ncshietasass filled the high offices of fts’st bid sf 1150 Treasssry, es’ssstahle of the Tower, and gs’venssr of Whisleer rssstle. His iss’dshsip its. Aassse, ttaes. of his el’loot son, Jlrxnv, 4th nan, E.G., is. ha 1094; wha ci. let, fT Nov. 1717, Lady Fratsecs Spesseer, dan. of Charles, 3rd Earl of es-heirs of henry Cavessdish, Dsike c’f Newcastle, lsy whew he had, with three suns (echo all died us the lifetisne of the e;srl), tss’o slasts., viz., A000es,La, s. to Jonatisan Cope, Req., oan and heir of Sir .1 oa,stl,an Cope. had, of b.teesrerne A1’lsey, ro. Oxford, to ss heIst her hsdvohtp, convoyed 11w seat a,tsI nsanor of Over— ion-Loogooviille, part of the Nesvcnstle esloto, and S. in 1758. lls.ono, is. Is Tlsotnas Dnnosnsbe, Esq. of ltehnesley, 00. York, and ci. in 1770. his ios’dshijs so.. ftsdty, .8 Mote, 1742, IsalselIa, dOn. ef W’ilhiato, 4th Lord Byron, ls’ wtss,,n (os-h’’ ,l. 22 Jams. 1795) Iso Isad, Fonnnmsscx, 5th earl. A tine. Frnnees, s. in 1708, to John Radcliffe, Esq,an-J S. in April, 1559. Ithiznlsellt, s. itt, in 1789, Is 1’elet DehtssS, Esq. ansI Sofly, 13 dan., 1794, to (‘afttaia (‘Inst-bet tharnier, I hE,, selso was oofssetnnatrty,trowned, 10 Dee. 1750. 11cr Isdyslsip ci. its bane, 1513. J aliaoa. Fnnnonis’so, atts esn-l is. 20 Stay, 1749, elected a knight o sv. llenry-Edss’ard-John. M.D., prel.’endary of York, dean ol Lis’hfleld, anf rector of Doniaghon, eo. Soiest is. 14 Dee. 1791; sss.l3 daly. 1524, ltennietta-Ehtznbss’lbs, don, of lehobnd htavissg Isad, I George, is. It Jane, 1026, barrister-at-lass--, st. in Slay, 1412. Slarion, only child of Edo’ord Sontham, Esq,, 31.0-, tsnd widow of W.-Loigh tienoctl, F-sq. 2 doiso-hienry, coin. It.N.. is. 30 Nor, 1527, 1 Edn’ard-ltencv, rapt. RN, is. 7 done, 1932. 4 d’ltarbes-,bshtn-t scary. 71st fact, 1.25 SeIth. 1531 ;us. 3 JnIy, 1s82, Lilta, dams, of the bate Cnpt. N-h. Darrant, Madras atsny, ansi grasiddon. of George Dnerssnt, F-sq. of Tong CacHe, Salolt. I blenry-Foederick, t. 9 Nov. 1144. I dsslia-Sianio, sss. I Stay, 1569, 10 Iho Rev. Peter-S.’ Iting Salter, of Gorleston, Sotfolk. S Chorlette-htenriella, s. ill Sept., 1813, to tlso lIon, and Pev.Arebsiisald-Georgo C’anaplschl. Sad sen of Earl Casedos’. I Emiby-Georgiana. 4 CoroIino-Oeayta. 5 Ehizabolls-ttent’totta. She st. Sadly, 16 June, 1919, lIon, II. F.-C. Cavtndish, and CARINGTON, BARON, Sf0 CAHBINOTON. CAR LISLE. i, Onssnoo, 6th earl. is,. Frederick, is. in 1745 nsa)er of htsssars, killesi at Waterloo; left isstse, Isy l”ranees-Stssao5 his seife. only dais. of Wiilltam—ttoney Lantbiets, Esq. of Lansbton ttatb, an wily son, Fonnnolen-dons’, Privale Seerelaa’y to use Earl of Catliolo srlsess l,ord-Lienleoant of Irelnnd, is. 1 Marcus, 1814; s. I dole-, 1437, Lade is’aony Carcodish, sister of the labs of I seronolsire, sissl bias isesse, 1 Wilhiato-Fredoriek, 0. 20 Jstoe, 14101 2 George-Francis, 8. 14 April, 18401 3 Ft’rslerirh-Compton, is. 24 data. 1547 4 Alfred John, is. t4 Out, 1545 5 Oeratd-Itiehard, is. 3 Nov. 1913; I Lossisa-tth’sstctse; S ltat’garet-Faaay 3 RuStS-SusanLoaisa.