Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/243

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C A it I. ROBERT, his successor. n. John, of ttleoae, who was eroalod a R”rsoet of Ross’ high treasssss, lust rsceived a tsardoss so far as Isis life auth Scotia, II April, 1666, as. 1st, Miss Saisdelands, and had two estates, while Ins hone,srs sunk sssssler the att:sinsslcr. If is daus. ; she eldest as. to Ferguson of Isle, and tine second to los’dship s’s. lot, Lady Grace llnsslgssmery, lrsl dss,s, ,,f Alex— Sir Robert Laurie of ltaxscelttoun. He is. 2ndls’, Lady Margaret assder, 9th earl of Eglintoss, ass’l hssl to’s slaos., Johnston, dau. of James, Rarl of Harifell, hut by thot Kuphemia, sf. ycong. lady had oo issue ; ansi 3rdly, Violet, slats, of ltiddell of Liargaret, ci. isis’s. in 1761. Staining, by wisom he left, at his decease, in 1603, I Sm Jona, of Glenae, 2nsl baronet; who sss. Itenriet, dass. lie as. Sndly, fined, dan. of Alexander Urqedsart, of Newball, of Sir William Murray, Dart, of Slantsolse, and ii, 1659, having had issue, Sin fleshier, of Glenae, 3rd baronet, of shem presently, lIe as. 3r,lly, Margaret, dais, of Jssinn bIansilt’ sn, s’f as the 6th Earl of Carnsrnth. 2 JaTsses, who joined the standard of the Cnoeacnnn, and liassgsssir, without sssu’s’ivisng lassie ; sssnsl 4llsly, illargsts’et, 3rd was talten prisoner at Preston, 1715: he i5. bliss Grahans, sites. ef ‘hIs, snas ‘issesst, Esq. of 1l:smbssrossgh tir.nsge, ins and left a son, John, wlso se. Rennet, dao. of William, ltls Viscount itescam, who as. 24 Stay, 17111, Elieat,elh, dais. sf1 tirhard Kenmure. 3 ‘fhonsas, colonel of the Seem Guards; so. lance, only dan. of the 2nd marriage of Fergtsaon, of Craigdarroeh, and ,t. 1743, leaving issue, David, merchant of Glasgaw. John, captain in the anny, joined the rising of 1712; he His lordship 1. us 1737, ansi wsss a. hy his older son, at. a dan. of William Tildesly, Rsq. of Losige, and had a son, settled in the island of St. Christepher. htary, as. to Willians, 7th Viseosssst ltessmssre. I Agnes, as. to Sir John Johnston of Westerhall. t. Mary, at. to Sir James Moirhaad, of Laehep. The earl was s. by his elder scsi, Honour, 2nd earl, who bad, in his father’s lifetime, two sin. Alexander, 5. 23 Aug. 1760;d. issues, in 1700. charters of the Barony and Lortinlsip s,f Carsswatb, dc. ho iv. Jslnn, b. 19 Nov. 1761; whe ii. leaving a dan., flea-lane, Robest, master of DaIzell, 14 June, 11334, and 23 Jssiy, 1631. He o. to tho title in 1639, and was, with five other earls, 1, Olargaret, s’s. in 1770, to Sir Robert Grierssn, Rart. of Lag, accused of having written a letter to the qneen frons Derhy, issformissg her of the design of the Sects to arm against the king ; for which they were summoned before the C’snvsntion He ci. 3 April, 1757, whom his eldest surviving son, of Estates, June, 1643. The whsls obeyed the stsmsnons, Roescnr Dxe.zeec, inherited the estates, Isnt sIll net with the exeeptioss of the Earl of Caruwath, who retired assume the honssura. This gentleman was a sssenslser s’f the into England. He was, 24 June, 1641, dererned to have faculty of Advocates in 1776. He sss. Anne, dais. sf tiavish incurred the penalty of 210,006 Sests, for his eentssmaey lie Arssnstrosng, Esq., advocate, by wham be had (svith two net entering his person in prison, upon some svords epekon dssns., iltargarot, the wife of Olajssr Ds’ssglao Stna,’t-ilalzell, by bin to his majesty, wberesvith the Estates were dissatiefled; and Ehicabeth, of henry Douglas, Esq., 3rd sen of Sir and docreet of forfeiture was passed against him, Charles Douglas, Dart, of Kihead) a sen aud stseeesser, at his 23 Feb. 1641. He wan at the battle of Naseby, 14 Jtme, decease, 11 Feb. 1301, 1645; and to him Lord Clarendon impsstes the loss of that Jonsic DAt,eeLs., Esq. of Glenae5 an ssffsoer in tlso roya Asssvy action, sayissg; ‘The king was on the psint of charging at a-ho fell in action off New Orlessns, Ii Oct. 1514 ; sound dyissg the bead of bin guardu, when Carnwath (a mast meyer snapeeted ua’ss., the issssc male of the attainted earl, h{sshesl’a eldest of isnfldelity, osor yet one from whom his majesty son, Alexsnsdcr, called 7th earl, became cxetmset, whiels would have taken counsel iss such a ease), laid his band trssnsforrost the estates to suddenly oss the bridle of the king’s horse, and swearing Rssaear-As.xxAesnEn DA5.erce, a lieutenant-general in the two or tbree full-mouthed Scottish oaths, said, ‘Will you go as’my; 5. 13 Pels. 1768, deoeennded fran lt,,laen’t, yssssnger SOil upon your death in an instant?’ and lsefsre his mejest of the attainted Earl of L’arsssvsdh. This gentlensan was nnderstood what be would have, turned bie horse sound, s’estored to the EsaLuoss by set of parlisssnent, 26 Slay, 1526; upon which the word run through the troops that they sss, 1st, 23 Sept. 7789, Janso, dma, ssf Samuel Pastes, Req. of should march to the right, which led them both from Cork, assd lsy hen’ (who ci. 3 Ssmst. ITOh) had an only dan., thargint’ tbe enemy, and assisting their own men; sspen Rlinabeth, ci. young. wbicb they all turned their horses and rode open the spur, lie sss. 2ndly, 26 April, l7f-l, Assdalsnsia, dau, of Lient,-Csl, as if they were every man to shift for himself.” This Arthur Us-owns, by whons (who d. in 1023) he had isssss, nobleman as. Christian, dan. of Sb’ William Douglas, of 5. Tuosisn-lleaav, 8th earl. Drnnslanrig, by whom be had two sosss, Gavsa, his successor. William, sf sousa. in 1f47. He d. soon after, and was s. by his elder son, GAVIN, 3rd earl; who was made prisoner, fighstissg cinder the royal standard, at Worcester, in 1631, and detained for several years in captivity. His lordship as 1st, Slargrave, eldest dan. and se-heir of David, Lord Cansegie, and had three children, - Jasmos, dtls earl. Jsna, Stls earl. Jane, sss. to Claude ltnirlnead, Esq. of Larhsp. He m. lndly, ltary, oldest dssn. of Alexander, 3rd Earl of Kollie, but had no other issue. He ci. in June, 1674, and was a. by his elder son, Jassea, 4th earL This nobleman iso. Lady Mary Setssn, s. gnsma-Istania. den, of George, 2nd Earl of Winton, and had an ossly dan., Mary, who rn Lord John May, 2nd son of John, 2nd Starqness The earl as. 3rdly, 71 Oct. 1530, Jane, relict of 11.’sjor Alexassder of Twoedd ale. The earl dying thus without male issue, in 1653, the hsnonrs of John Cornell, Esq. of Corneisden, :ss,d ltaerll Hall, cc. devolved upon his brother, Jouce, ith earl ; who d. nuns, in 1762, when the estates and and was a. by Isis eldest soss, hensurs reverted to his kinsman (refer to doseessdassts of TnossAs-iIeNnY, 5th carl, sn-Iso was 5. 2 Se1st. 1797, assd John, 2nd son of the 1st Ran), Ssu Reexar DALZELL, 3rd Baronet of Glenao, an 6th earl. Riglst flees. Henry Crallass, an:d widosc of Jsshrs lllaehford, This nobleman having boon taken, in 1711, in open rehelliun Rsq. of Altadore, cc. lvieklosv, whirls l:ssly 5. 23 Sept. ISIS. against Geonoc 1., was eendemned, with nix ether lords, for His lordship es 2ndly, 2 3ha3, IS3i, leahella-hhiza, widow 193 C A H and bssd a son, ALexis vex. Ys,rkslsis’e, Isy svhess’ he had a sass, ActIons, Rsq. of Wiseton tIall, Notlinghansshire; and ,t. 31 daly, I7SS, leaving, iescsr-ALexaNpeE, who scan restored to tlse EAncnosn or CAaNwsrss. lilioahelh, it. ants,. id Starch, 1819., who assssmesl misc ossrld.,sss s,f Cas-ssa’ssth ; and, nsari’ymg Mt—s I’ilie:sl dli Jssekson, had issuss, I. ltiehard, 8. 21 July, 1753; a,. in 1773, Sims Elleabetis Johnston; and ,(. 9 Jsshy, 1753, lesscisg an only dan., Elioabotls, ns. is Alexander Grierson, Esq. of Lag. is. RoarEr. as. Is Josas-SI. 1,eako, OlD. svho Ct,. in 1S39. is. Elhabelh. ti Acthnr-Alexsnder, 5. 19 Sept. 1739; lient.-geoenal in the army, eel. 4Stln regt. iii. Harry-tlnrrard, eel. E.1.C.S. ; 5.11 Nov. ISO-i ;sss. Ii Nov. 1527, ls:sbella, only dan. of the htev. Alexander Cansspbehl assd by hrr (seho ci. 14 Oct. 1067) han hasi isssse, 1 Armhssr-Jehn, 8.0 April, 1629; st. 9 April, 1649. 2 Itssbert-Assgnstnn, Seems fns.-gunrds, 5. 13 Get. 1836. 1 Elessnor-CarOwath, si. 29 Slay, 1567. 2 Rdith-lsalsella. lv. fisbert-Alexanderileerge, h’enL-cal., CD.; 5. 19 Ang. Isle; s’s. in 1046, Sarah-Resnhhy, eldest dan. of John llarrsi, Esq., and by her (who ‘1. 2 Sept. 1019) has had, I Dsbent-llarnis-Carnwath, 5. 1 July, 1647. 2 Arthur-Edward, 5. 29 Dee. 1891. 1 Of any-isabella. 2 Chanletfe-Esnma-OIaUde. is. Rleanon-Jaoe-Elizabelh, ci. 4 3tay, IsIS. ems. Charlottc-Atsgnsta, ci. 27 Pee. 1044. Morrison, of tlssnssornisnry Park, lliddlcsex, and dan. Kent, whiels lady sO, 14 Slay, 1563. The earl 5. 1 Jssn. 1979, sss. 1st, 9 Sept. 1834, istary-.isssse. otsleat d:sn. of the late 0