Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/246

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C A It l. 25 April, isIs), third bin. of John 1 tsidssn, Esq , and s)nehee. Jaeqaea Carlier d. 17178, leaving several children, wolow of the hex, Wallet Trevelyati, hut had 55(5 other ot whom cite, jostle. lIe ii. Its Sept. ISIS, and as as o. 1 sy his only st-is, Ronrnz—J onto, 2osl baron, who was I. lit Jan. i7t’d and of nsiliths and tnrnsber of Ihe Canadian legislative assembly; 555. 1st, 17 June, 1 s27, FIlial to tb-Katherine. don, of Cecil be sic 77 Sept. 1777, Ceeile, dan. of Charles (iervatse, of Chateassgoy, Wold, let Lord Forester, soid by her ewho sI. 27 July, 1FIJ), t’tesuis, Ishlitsis of Quebec, osso of the nsost distingnished prelates had, Cetil-Kathcrine-ilory, o. 0 June, lou, to Lord Colville of bishop of that church wIse was ever sunsnaened Is the legisla— Cal coin. Ills lordship so, 2ndly, 10 Aug. lv 10, Chorlotte-AngOStOAonot’ello, live council. Ihy lIsts lady (soul sI. 8 Feb. 1783), Lieutenant- yooogrst don, of l’essr-ltul’erl, 10th Lord Willoughby Colonel Jacques Cartier left at liii death, 27 3lareh, 1114, a do Erolby, ond by her had, CI1ARLIs-I1OBERT, preseul peer. ‘WILLsA;s-Ilcstsv-PEtssssntao, capt. 10 the gren.-gds., MY. nsihitta, I. 29 Aug. 1774, who .,,. 4 Sept. 1791, Ilarguerite, dan. for Wyeotnbe. I. 2s Fel,. t°10. Itoperl, b. 17 lice. 1s12. Ang’isla Ciotnrnlioa, ci. 7 ‘July, 1 0,14, Is Lioot.-Col. Archibald having had by lire (ache ci. 26 A1uil, 1145) several children, of Canspbell, Soots faiilier goardi, of ltlytlioo’eod. Eva. Lord Carrioglon was for snotty years in the Itoose of Cootmono is tire jtresent lie Goonoe-Ertrsse CARTtEtI. bolero his aeel’5sion to the family lion oars. Ito Is solo Cecalissu—2 1 tog. I alO. by sign-nianeal, in 103.), the sstrnante of CoanInoTow, in place dress—Per foss go. and or. a feos of the last, in chief an ef isis patronymic SMITH. lIe wao lersl—lirnl. end coCos— ornsisse, atati iii bass five p:ihhcts ssf hiso first. rotnl’ runs of tile CO. Iturlsinghaai, and etsI. ol the royal Ilstokt Cecil—An aiselsor in bend ninisler, so., cable, ppr., pendont militia. lit 1. 17 Marsh, I cite, and was e. hy his eldest sen. hlaerefi ‘‘si tsy a gold clsaits, an cseistctseen, go., charged with a Cuoetcn-Itonnav, 3rd and pSt’rOnt Lean Caatstwovon. fle,eCo,,e Irish Ilarony, If July, 1790. Barony, Groat Itrilain, 70 (Id. 1797. Asic, fir, on a chevron eoliied, between three desssi-grimoo, the two in chief respoetant each attire, ia. a notllot for stiltrreoee, ga Cocci—Au elephant’s head, erased, or, eared, go., charged on tiso neele wills I Isree henri-dc-ho, two ansi one, ar. .v,spjwett cs—lure griffisss, so., wings elevalesi, or, Ihe dexter charged wills Ilirer Ihenri-de—lis palossise gold, the sinister wills three trefoits, slim cd, palen soc of the last. 2Islls—Tenax et fdelis. Set’lo—Wyconshe Abbe;-, anti Gayhsnrst, Non-port Pagnell, Poeloo. Ts,rts Austin—S. Whitehall. C A Il ‘1’ I E R. CAI1TIEB, Silt Ggnttnc-Evtr.teyr, PART., c,f the city of Montreal in, the provinoo of Qitelsoc, in the CAnYSFGRT, EARL fl (Cranvillo-Lovoson Proby), ilunsiniun of Canada; nainieter of Baron Corysfort, of Carynfort, co. W’icklow, in tire militia in tho privy council of tho peerage of Is-olaisel ; B,sron Caryofort5 of Norman donsinion of Canada ; 5. 6 Sept. Croas, co. llnntingdon, in that of the Utsited Kingdom; 18111 01. ItbI sine, 1846, Hortenae. dan. of Eclu uarcl-1 laytnonch Fahre, 1825 late capt. 74th higlalandot’o, controller of tho Ecci. of Mcsntretd, and has had honsohtdd from 1859 to 1866; o. bin father, as 4th issue’ t. Margaerile.Joiephine, Is. 27 April, 11-17. tt. Otarie-hIerlense, b. 77 Jots. 1249. t. Reine-Viclorlo, 1. 7 Juoe, I 093, decoaoed. Sir Goorge, a cliotingstisheil tssenshor of the Canadian Tnoatsn Ptseov, Eeq., oldest sets of Sir Ibenoago Proby, bar, and a leading psditician ansi otateoman in Not., lIP., assil grotislsoo of Sir I’oter Prohsy, sf dlramptun, Canada, han filled various Isigis apponatmente tisere. lorsh ssioyor esf Loudest in tti77, who woe created a’ Baronet He was ono of the delegates for Canada East who 7 31 tovh, I fst2, ci. Prances, dnit. of Sir Thotnan Cotton, attendosi tho conference in Estgland on the tsnbject Esst’t. ci l’ssstsshngteti, cc. Iluntingslsss, s,sth left an ossly snr— cf the Confederation of the liritish Nortla American viving sltsn., _liee, scm is. Thosssaa Vfosstwssrtls, Esq., asid iruvincen. Ho was Provisscial Secretos’y in Jan. woe sssufber of Tbss,ias, titarqsseoo of Ilocloissghom. Sir 1855, attorncy-general of Ls,wor Cssttacla in May, Thotoao dying thou wittsoist toale i’s.stto, tbe baronetcy 1556, tnetnhser ssf the execotive council, atael was devsihrs’’i opsiss his I sr,stber, 1srensier of the Cataaslian (lcvertatnent from 1858 to ,Istos Paonv, Esq., at sshsse decease, in 1710, those estates 11 lid, anti again apposotod Atti srney-General in posoed to the tsext male heir, 1861, which office lie cisutissned to hold nntil the Witesaas Pnstssv, Esq. (elder son ci Charles, 3rd son of Sit union of the British North American provinces, Peter Prolsv, lsy hia wife, sbon. of Tsrriauu, oh London), 1 July, 1867. Since then, Sir George lion been, gov-’rnor sit Purt 1St. George, Madras, who iii. Henrietta, and still is, a member of the Qnecn’n isrivy conncil dos,. of tftst,ort t’nrnwall, Esq. of Ristvingtoss, eo. Hereford, for Cassnd,a, and tninister there of tuihitits and clefs-ace, by svhoto he had a slams., Edithia, the wife suf Sir John and member of the Honse of Cummona for Oslss,rtie, BatS. sit Newt’,wss, co. Tipperary, amid an unly son, the district of Ms,ntrea} Eaet. FTc wan created a Joita Pnssnv, Eoq., 31.P. for the cc. Ilnntingdnn. Thhn baronet, 24 Aug. 1865. 1Lthitiit. The Carlier family were aaseng Ihe earliest notilera in Iv. Chat’Is-n, coltt. heN., coniushsionor of Chathans dockyard, Canasta. I’tranr Csnnce, of Prallier, iii Aniou, France, a lineal descendant of sine ci the collateral retati cr0 of -lacqas s Carticr, ot SL 3Iale, the celebrated navigater and shiseeverer of Canada, hail Isy Marie ltsstsnsier his wit,’, a scsi, Jsosires Csa-stca, is. 1710, niso snsigrated to Canada in 1739, and si. C Jidy, 1711, Marguerite, ,laa. of Aheholan tilonjeon, and annt of tihonsoignear Signai, the first arcisbisisop of 196 CAR JacQues Cstrrtre, b. It April, 1710, seas a lieuh-nant-colonel by Celesie l’lessis lsh wife, first e,sstnn sf ilonaeignonr of tise tteesan Catholic Church of Cataods, and the only sets, Jss-Qs’El Cornea, a lieutenant-colonel in the Canadian of Joir1ds I’aradis, Esq. If St. Antoine, assd sl. 29 ohlg. 1141, wlsoas nnrrire (is’itlt Ibree sbus.), three sons, Silvestre, COme, and lltorgc-EliennO, SCsI seas crealed a baronet as above, and thossr-dc-iii, or. Ibm ls—Frsiste et sans del. lies 1, lessee—Oh on treal. CARYSFORT. P.C., late UP. far co. Wicklow; 5. 14 Sopt. earl, 3 Nv. lStiS; iii. 19 Joly. 1853, Lady Augusta- Maria Horo, dun. of William, 2nd Earl of Lietosoel. 3Ltllcitur. oxpit’rsl (See Bs’nwu’s Melissa lltsrnst,leqe), hsst tier entaten gootlensats -s. Jane- Leveoona, oldest dais, of Johns, 1st Lard tlowor, and bath lsy her (who ii. II Jour, 1720j, t . Joisa, liii sisc cessor. st. Witliaas, ci. issios. ‘l’hsomes, Isitlesh sit the altec-h ef Tieatsderoga, in tlufi. it, iIhs h’oscisolt, aatl hod isoste, I t’hsarlcs, its lsehy orders, rector of Sbonsvieh, co. Northanatttdsn ‘os - .005ass, doss, of fheos’ge Cisc-cry, Esq., and 2ndlm’, Calborisse. assd dan. of the Ver1 11ev. Ihaptist-John Praby, eo,I if I Jehftehd, aisd has osse survivissg d oo., Susan. 2 lheory-Fs’aisrii. 1 Sarohs iii. to Adsssirot Pigoll. 2 Charlotte, i,t. lit. me Col. Tlsosisai Pilcainse ; and 2ndly lo the 11ev. John }‘eorsrs.