Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/257

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CHA £26,400. ile lived eight years after this transaction, leaving in the acvoral tables of assignation, In these cmploymente, at his decease, his brother, WILLIAM CHAPMAN, surviving, who lived for several years the King (JAMES I.) found him so faitlifnl, diligent, and afterwards, and left at his decease, ao only eon, BENJAMIN CHAPMAN, who entered as a cornet into a otatod that he woe gonrrooS et pcratotipift otirpc orhtn— regiment of cavalry, raised by the Earl of Incliiquin; aud dna”) created him, 25 Dcc. 1620, Lsr,6 t’isolf, ii,/, Boron obtained from CnoMwcLL, when Captain Chapman, a grant t’/iorlrrncsi, with limitation of the honour to his nepliosv, of a large estate at Kilina, otherwise St. Lucy’e, formerly a Sir William Canifoild, Knt., sin of tioorgo I anhfrild, En1,, preeeptory, or cell, of Knighta Hoopitallere, eo. Wcstmoath, liP., rrcorder of Oxford, by Mactim his wile, clan, of llicliard where he resided during the remainder of his life. Ito m. Taverner, of Wood Eaton. his lordship ci. a bachelor, IT Aons, dan. of Robert Farkinoen, Esq. of Ardeo, and had Aug. 1627, and was o, by the said two eons. The younger, Thomas, settled in America; and SIR WILLIAM CAnLeceLo, ae 2nd baron. Thie nobleman the elder, WILLIAM CHAPmAN, Eeq., s. his father at St. Lucy’s. He chancellor had moved to know the pleasure of tho House, m. lamay, dan. of Thomas Nngent, Esq. of Clonloot; and whothcr lie ehonid ho admitted to this place, having dying in i734, was s. by his eldest son, BENJAMIN CHAPMAN, Enq. This gentleman m. Anne, dan. it was resolved that his lordehip should ho admitted, inasmuch of Robert Tighe, Req., by whom he had three eons and two dane. He d. in 1779, and was o. by his oldest son, I. BENJAMIN CHAPMAN, Req. of Eillna Castle, who wae (ancestor of the Earls of Kingston), by whoni lie hod seven created a Boronel of lrolond, 10 Feb. 1752, with remainder, sons and three dons. Lord Charlomont was a. at his in default of male issue, to the enale deecendauta of hie decease, in 1640, l’y his eliloot oon, father. Sir Benjamin so. Miss Anne Lowthor; but dying Tocy, 3rd baron, who also a. tho late lord as governor e. p. in Aug. 1810, was s, by his brother, 10. SIR THOMAS, who had previously recoivod the honour company of foot, in garrison. This frt was n place of ofknighthood. This gentleman, 8. 20 Oct. 1756, m. in 1568, considerable strongth mid importance during the rebellion Margaret, dan. of Jamea Fetherston, Req. of Bracklin Caotlr, of 1641 ; but his lordship snifored hiniecif to be surprised, in the eo. Wsatmeath, and had isaac, L MoavAou-LowanEE, late baronet. II. BENJAMIN-JAMEs, present baronet. III. William, of South Huh, co. Weatmeath, 8. in Nov. 1012; os.4 Aug. 1841, Louisa. 3rd dan. of ihe late Colonel Vanaittart, Eooonr, 4th boron; who d. a few months aftomvarde, of SbotteThrook, Borko, and has issue, I William-Eden. 2 Thomas-ilobort, 3 Franeis-Montogu. I Caroline-Margaret. Sir Thomas ci. 23 Doe. 1837, and waa o. by his eldest son, HI. SIR OIONTAOU-L0wTHER, 0. 10 Doe. 1806, 31.P. for his brother. His lordship having filled, after the Restoration, Wesimoath from 1636 to 1041 ; ci. 17 May, 1652, and was a. by his brother, the prooent SIn BENJAMIN CHAPMAN. Ormtien—Il Fob, 1782. Aroco—Porchovron, arg. and gn.; in the centre, aersecont, by whom he had fonr sooe and three dans., of whom, coonterehanged. (‘not—An arm., osobowod in armour, holding a broken 0. WILLIAM )tbc 2nd, bnt oldest surviving eon), o. as 2nd spear, encircled with a wreath of laurel, all ppr. ilIotto—Crescit sob pondere virtus, - &at—Kiilna Castle (Athboy), co. Weetmeath. C U AR LEMON T. OHARLEMONT, EARL OF (Sir Jamos-Molynenx Caulfofld, K.P.), Viscount Canlfoild and Baron CanlfeiJd, of Charlomont, in tho poorago of Iroland’, and Baron Charlomont, of Charlomont, in tho on, of Armagll, in that of the United Kingdom.; lord-liout. of the co. of Tyrone, and liont.-col. of the Armaglo militia; b. 6 Oct. 1820; o. his undo RE 3rd earl, 20 Dcc. 1863; sic. 18 Doe. 1856, Elizabeth-Jane, eldest dan. of Lord Athlnmnoy. TtInntgc. This noble family springs from ancoetors of great antiquity and worth in the co. of Oxford. Thoir descendant, in the reign o’ ELIEALETH, SIN Toov CJ0LYEIL0, a distinguished and gallant soldier, was omploysd by her majesty in Iroland, against the formidable O’Ncile, Earl of Tyrone. In 1615, Sir Toby was appointed one of the council for the province of Mnnotcr; and, the next year, joined in commission with ihe Lord Deputy St. John and others, fe’ parcelling out the oocheatod lands in tdloler, to ench British undertakers as nero named 207 CHA prndcnt, that llio majcety deemed him highly deserving the pooi’age of Ireland, and accordingly lliy patent, which took hio seat in parliament, 4 Nov. 1624, after the lord hronght neither writ of summons nor patent ; whereupon as they were all sotiofied that he woe a lord of parliament, his lordehip to. llary, don, of Sir John King, Knt. of the fort of C’nos’loinont, and there rcoi,lod, with his 22 Oct. in that year; and being made prisoner, with hie whole family, was subsequently lint to deatle by the orders, it is eaid, of Sh- I’boltm O’Noils, Title unfortunate nobleman dying worn,, was e, by his brother, from the effects of an over-dose of opinm, wlion the barony dovolvod open his brother, WILLIAM, 5th baron, This nobleman apprehended Sir Phelim O’Noile, and had bins executed for the niurder of eevenl high ond c,snfidentiol sitnationa, was advanced to a viaconnty, as Vieroo.oi Coolfeiid of Ctwrlcoisiii, 6 Oct. 1665. He a, Sarah, 2nd dost, of Cliirloo, Viscount tirogheda, viscount, it. Tohy, of Clone, in the co. Rilkcnny (3rd son), had, with a dan,, Edith, ii. to Wliliatn, Lord Castle Burrow-, several sons, who all ci. a. p., save Colonel William Canifeild of ihaheendnti’, is the Queen’s Co.. lient.-gevcrco of Fort Oeorge NB., whose only eons to leave issne were, 1 Woile-Toby Conhfodd, Req. of Eahesnihnff, and Cat- combs, Wilts. cohitain 3rd dmgeon-go:o-da. I. in 1732; m. let, in 1765, Jensie, dan. 01 James, 3rd Lord Enthvon; and Sndly, in 1166, Anne, don of Junotban Cope, Itoq., only non of Sir Jenithan Cope, let hart. of tlroworne, Oxf,irdobire, amid ‘istrr of the n-hole bloid of Sir Jonotb,ni Copo tho 5th bart.— Buwac’s E.efi,ci Baiwc’ogij. by the hattir el whom )wbo anrvircs, the as idosv of llenoionr Francois Is Chartier de Behloville) be left at his decease, in Ang. 1506, Edwin-Tcdy, his heir. Edward-Wars’en, in holy nrdera, lit. A as. 1st, Anne, dan. of the late Joho Fybits, Enq., by w’hom be had, Edward-Wade, ii. 1829. sa. 1856, SlargaretElicohoth dan. of Rev. J.-ti. Croft, and it. 1857 Elizabeth vi.. 15 Jnmio, 1051, to Joe.-W. Cottoll, H.E.I.O.S. ; Mary, ia 1556, to Rev. F.-R. Stratton; Katherine ; and Anno-Fybns. Ito am. Jndly, in 1842, Sfilhicont, yiinngost dan. of Joseph Ilcilicar, Esq., and by her has a son, gmncia-Wliliam, 0. in 1613; and a dan., Once-Henrietta E,nma-Ashwohl, as. to Fred.-Wm. Campbell, Req. of Borbrcck, Nib.: and ci. in 1617. Sophia-Fmncoe-llary. The eldeol son is the prosont, Edwin-Toby C:tnldfeiid, Eoq., commander RN., of Eahoendnfi 8. 14 Jams, 1793; aod saw’ mnch ocr- vice during the French rcvolntsossary wor, and was taken prisoner an a boot-eligagolnent after a moot galLant svsiat.ancc ogoinet an everwbelnsiug force. tie ‘a. hot, Frances-Sally, dan. of the late Ryhes Irwin, Req. of the co ef Fermatiogh. and by her Iwbo it. in 1111) hoe issne, Henry-Colir, 51 A. sic. 20 Apnl, 1647, Anno-Liioioa. youngest dac. of turn late J.-R, Fnincklin, Eaq.; Sophia-FrancomAnne; and Lonisa-Lavinio, so. in loSe, to the 11ev. Ha’so Atkina,mo, 91._k. Ho oi, 2ndly, 5 May. 1546, Ahcia-Almec’ia. yonngoot don. of risc late Lsent,— lion, Sir David_Latimer-Tinhing B iddrsngti’n (we p. 206, note), and widow of Henry J’ool’ y, Eeq., capt. RE., and has had by hoc an only son, Edwin.JameeStuart-WiddrhigtOn, 8. in 1546.