Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/263

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CHE who all ci. s. p. and two daus, namely, Gertrude. the wife IV. Sin JnuN, 6. II May, 1764 ; icc. let, 20 Oct. 1705, of Sir Charles Hetham, Bart., and Elizabeth, wife of Henrietta, eldoet dan, of (iocrge-Ilarry, 5th Earl of Stamford Samuel Hill, Esq. of Shenstone. He ci. 27 Jan. 1725-6, and was s. hy his eldest son, Pnztoe-Bonreen, 4th earl, the eelchrated LORD CeresvcaneLn. I. JORN, present baronct. In 1725, ho was appcinted ambassador to the court ii. Gconuc, of thilton hence, Itucko, MA., in holy orders, of Holland and in 1710, elected a knight of the Garter, and made lord-steward of the househeld. In 1744, his lordship was admitted into the eahinet, aod in the following year appointed lord-lieutenant of Ireland. He is. Ilelesina (who ci. in Jan. 1937), de Sehnlemburgh, natural dan. of King Geonoc I., created in 1722, Countess of Walsingbam and Baroness of Aidborough. His lordship dying, however, without issue, 24 March, 1773, was s. by his kinsman, PHILIP STANROPE, Ee4. of Mansfield Woodhouse, as 5th earl; 9. 28 Nov. 1751; installed a knight of the Garter, and appointed master of the horse. His lordship in. let, in 1777, Anne, dan. of the Rev. Thomas Thistlethwaite, DO)., and hy her (who ci, 20 Oct. 1796), had a dan., Iiarriett, who Mr. George Chctwode is. 2udly, I Sept. 1840, Mrs. Leslie ci. usm. in 5001, He ‘Is. 2ndly, in 1790, Henrietta, led dau. of Thomas, Oat Marqucss of Bath, and had by her ladyship Jeuss, don. of the late Dr. Shipley, dean of St. Asaph, (who ci. in 1813), Goonoc, 6th earl. Elizabeth, d. case. in 1821. Georgiana, in. in 1820, to Frederick West, Esq., grandson widow of Charles-Spencer ltickctts, Esq RN. of John, 2nd Earl Delawarr; and ci. in 1024. The earl ii. 29 Aug. 1010, and was s. by his only son, Geoson, 6th earl, who was 8. 21 May, 1805, aod ci. 30 Nev. v. Richard, 8. 15 Jan. 1804: major-gm. in the army. 1830, Anne-Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Cecil, lot Lard Forester, vi. I’bilip, 0. 18 May, 1503; hoot, iCE.; an. aud ci. in 1844, and bad issue,, present peer. Evelyn, in. a Sept, 1881, te Ilenry-lloward-Melyneux, 4th and vii. Frederic, 6. 21 June, 1810; lots an officer in the army; present Earl of Carnarvon. The earl ci. 1 June, 1866, andwao shy his son, Cc0000-FulLsr- s. Henrietta-Dorothy. ic. 0 Feb. 2808, to Ssr John-Fenton Ccelo.-AaTnua, 7th and present EAOL er CclcsToarsetn. Crealieno—Baren, 7 Nov. 1018. Earl, 4 Aug. 1628. Arias—Quarterly: esm. and gil. Crest—A tower, az.,,a demt-lieu iseuant from the battlements, Farrer, of Ashley, cc. Northampton, and ci. 29 Oct. 1051. or, ducally crowned, go., holding between the paws itt. Elizabeth, deceased. iv. Louisa, ii. 10 May, 1868. a grenade, fired, ppr Suppsrtcrs—Dexter, a wolf, cr, ducally crowned, gu.; viz. Caroline, ci. cain. 12 Juno, 3058. sinister, a talbet, erm. Molts—A Leo et rege. Seats—Bretby Hall, Derbyshire; Shelford, cc. Notts. U HE T W 01) E. NEwDIGATE - LUDFORIJ - CIIETwons, erect—Out of a ducal corosist, or, a demi-lion, rampantissuout, Stn JoHN, of Chetwode, in Scuta—Ansleyllall, Athorstone,Warwickshire; and Oakley, Buckinghamshire, and of Oakley, near harks I Drnyton, Staffordshire. no. Stafford; b. 12 Nov. 1788; c. fun Hcsse—l3, Lower Berkeley Strsct. hie father, as 5th hart., 17 Dec. 1845; ns. 1st, 76 Oct. 1821, Elizaboth-Juliana, eldest dau. and coheir of John Newdigate-Ludford, Esq. of Ansley Hall, co. Warwick, which lady d. 17 Juno, 1859; ho rn. 2udly, 17 Jan. 1861, Arabclla-Philho, widow of the late James Reade, Esq. of Lower Berkeley Street, Portman Square. Sir John assumed, by signmannal, in 1826, the prior and additional ouruameo of NEWDICATE-LUDFORD. ILizzcagc. All authorities agree in referring the descent of thisfamily to a very remote period; some trace it antecedently to the Conquest. The earliest of its ancestors whom we find upon resord is Sin Jome CneTwooE, lord of the manor of Chetwede, from whom, 22nd in lineal descent, was 1. Jonis Cnorwnno, Eoq. of Oakley, who was created a 0115TWTND, VISCOUNT (Richard-Walter Chotwynd), Baronet, 8 April, 1700. Ho is.. 1st, Mary, dau. of Alderman Sir jonathan Raymond. Hut, of the city of Londou, by no. Dublin, in the peerage of Ireland; Is. 13 Den. whom he bad a son and three dana.; and lndly, Catherine, 1800 ; no. lot, 50 Aug. lSii°, Mary, dais, of thin late dart, of John Taylenr, Eoq. of Re.dington, Sbropshire. Sir Robert Moos, Eoq., and niece of the late Dr. Charles John ci. 22 April, 1733, and was a. by his sen IL Sin PHILIp-TOUcHEr, who ci. in 1727, Elicabetb, only Moss, Bishop of Oxford1 aud by her (who cf 5 Don. dau. andbeir of George Vsnables, Esq. of Agdon,00. Chester, by whom be hod six surviving children, and dying 15 Nov. 1704, was s. by his eldest son, III, Sin Jonis. Thisgentlemaum. Dorothy, lrddau. and co-heir of Tobtaa Bretland, Eoq. of Thorneliffe, Cheshire, by whom he bad eight children, none of whoco, however, survived ii. William-Jobn-Granvills, 0. 12 Aug. 1034, lient. 73rd himself but his successor Jonis. He ci. 21 May, 1770. His son, 213 0 H E and Warrington, and by her (who ci. 12 July, i926) hod iooue, - rector of Ashton-uncter- l.yur. Lancashire, and perpctual curate of Chiltou, 0. 1 Nov. 1791; Ia. 1st, 1819, CharlotteAnne, dau. of Morton Walheisso, Eoq., and sister of Edwcn’d-,Jobn, lot Lord Hotbortou, and had by that lady 1 George-Morstou, deceased. 2 George, licut.-col, lots 5th hnosarc, 0. 20 July, 1823. 3 Anguotns-Littlcton, 31 A. 8.7 Nov. 1833; ci. 2 Dec. 1800. Elicahcch, only dau. of Samuel Evano, Esq. of Barley Abbey. 1 Emihy-Ilyacinth-Anue, ,s.itc 1815, J. Bailey, Eoq. of Sbonloy ll,iuso, Bucks. 2 hyacinth-Laura, . 7 Jstly, 1008, to the Rev. William Moudoford Bramstoo, ef Willisgals-Boe, Essex. whicb lady is also doccasrd. lie ci. lrdly, 27 Feb. 1849, Elizabeth-Anus, relict of Fienucs Trotman, Esq., which lcdyct. 15 June, 1861. Ho a. 4thly, 30 April, 1962, Elbabeth-Sophia Rickotts, of ilortun and Boarotall, Bucks, sir. Charles, t’. 6 June, 1704 docoasod. iv. Henry, 6. 20 Nov. 1790; in holy orders; in. llariancn. dau. of John Highflsld. Esq. of Liverpoi .1; and ci. in 3843, baying by Joanna, his wife whe f. 7 July, 18851, an enly child, Dorethy-Boughy, a. 10 Aug. 1904, to lbs 11ev. John ‘1. married. Flctchor-Bougbey, Hart., and became a widow tu 1823, witb issue, and ci. 22 Jan. 1049. is. Anna-llarta, an. 23 Dcc. 1912, to the Rev. Richard v. Charlotte. vi. Ssphua, ci. uaan. Sir John an. indly, in 1827, Elizabeth, dau.of John Briotow, Faq., and ci. 17 14cc. 184.5. Mis widow an. Iudly, 22 May, 1848, Andrew-Kennedy Hutchison, Esq. of Chostcr Square. Crsalisn—8 April, 1700. Ar,ao—Qua,tcrly: org. and gu., four crosses fcrmd, csuuterchanged. gu. Motto—Corona inca Cbriotuo. OH E T WY ND. of Bearhavon, no. Cork, and Baron of Rathdownn, 1857) has had ioono, s. late of 14th dragoons, 0. 26 July, 1823; an. 16 Slarch, 3058, Horriet-Johanna, eldest dan. of the late Walter Campbell. Eoq. of San,lerland, N.H., and has issue, Rictsann’wkixco, 9. 27 Nov. 1850; Illeanoro, and Catherine-Frances foot killed in a skirmish with the Eaffirs, H Jan. 1847.