Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/265

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CHE Creeatioss—29 June, 1717. Arssss—Az., a chevron, between three mullets, or. Crest—A goat’s head, erased, arg., attired, or. Supporters—Two unicorns, arg., each gorged with a ehaplet of rosen, gu., barbed and eeeded, ppr., therein affixed, reflexed over the back, aline of roses, as aronnd the neck. Metts—Probitas verne honos. A IL CHETWYND. ( Go. trsvfl. oj Sept. 1809; s. his father as 3rd hart., 1350 ; sit. 2 Aug. 1343, Lady / Charlotte - Augusta Hill, eldest dan. of Arthur-Blnudoll, 3rd Marquess of Dowuehire, and has had issue by her, who ci. in cousequcace of a fall from her horse, 24 Nov. 1861, s. Walter, 8. 16 May, 1044; d. 2 June, 1144. is. GEORGE, 0. 11 Stay, 1049. ill. Walter-Hill, 0. 1 Jan. 1816. •s. Mary-Emily-Charlotte-Maria. it. Georgiana. 3 04 ; i;shoritcd, as 3rd earl, at the decease of his its. Isabel-Miss-ian. }Lmragr. This family is descended from a common ancestor with of Robert, lith Has-I of Cardigan, and by hes- (u’ho ci. the ennobled house of Chetwynd, and succeeded to the 22 May, 13li7) has ieotte, Grendou estate at the demise, without male issue, of Lady 1. Wstnn-Jossn, Lss-dpsthasa, SIP, for Lowes, HA, 5. Robert Bcrtic, to whom it had been left by her first cousin, William-Henry Cbstwynd, Faq., with remainderto the male line of the Chetwynds of Brocton, in the person of WALTE5t CEETWY5Sn, Esq. of Brocton, co. Stafford, who I ILL Thomas-Henry-William, 5. 21 Dcc. 1847. tie. Mary, dass. of William Sneyd, Eeq. of Keels, in the same iv. Arthur-Lowther, 6. 21 Dcc. iSiS. to. and dying 7 Nov. 1752, was z. by his eldest son, WILLiAM CIIE’rwvun, Esq. of Brocten, who no. in 1728, as. Susan-Emma, so. 7 Apr 1, 2811, to Abel Smith, Esq. Martha, widow of Thomas Haskcth, Hag. of Rufferd, and only dan. of James St. Amand, of St. Paul’s, Csvcnt Garden, its. Isabella-Chas-lette, m. I Jssly, 1815, to Samuel Whitbroad, to. Mid’Uesex, by whom (who d. in 17621 ho had two sons, namely, James, who 2. reuses, in 1774; and I. GEORGE CRETwYRR, Req. of Brocton, 6. 26 July, 1729; Ths ssssuame of Petham was assumed from a lordship in who wee created a Baronet, I May, 1795. Mc had received Merefer’lohire, where .‘sucirntly otood a castle. Thin lord’ the honour of knighthood, ho 3767, having filled, for many ship of Peiham is recordest to be a part of the possessioua of yearn, the office of clerk to the privy ccsmcil. Sir George WALTER PE PELHAM, in the list of Euwaees 3., and it is se. in 1782, Jaue, dan. of Richard Banths, Gent. of Little believed that his aurcsters held it psiur to the Coisqetcet. Fariugdeu, ho Berkshire, and hod issue, GEoaos, late baronet. Wilhiam-Fawkcner, of liroclon Hall, co. Stafford, 1,. 11 different reigns, distinguished themoelvee as warniero and Oct. 1780, msjor ie the anny ; 30. 25 April, 1641, Story- ststenmrn. Anne, 4th dan. of Sir Oswald Slosley, Ban, of Rolieston llall, and has issue, William. Is. 11 July, 1847. Edward-George, 6.28 Nov. 1849. Charles, 5. 1 July, 1551. Sophia-Anne. Caroline. James-Read, ii. Row. in Stay, 1606. Henry, of lirocton I.odge, co. Stafford, 1. 15 Aug. 1791; used by hie desceudassts as a seal-manual, assd at ethers, ess an. C Sept. 1827, Slacy-Aooe, 2nd dau. of the late Rev. each side, a cage, bchsg ass emblem of the captivity of this John-Hayes Petit, of llilion, to. Stafford, and has two Ft-ouch monarct’. and was therefore borne for a csvst, as iss eons and two daus., of whom the yoonaer son, John, m. 21 these times cesotemary. Sir John lead res-t,dss lssnsls sad Fob. 1667, Mary-Ellen, eldest don, of H. Hull, Req. of liarminster, houses in Wissthelsca in mas’rhagc with Jesu, dssn. of Wilts and the younger dan., Harriet-Caroline, was Vincent Met-beet, altos Pinch, ansi was s. hy Ida sole, m. 14 Sept. 1665. to Arthor do Home Christy, Esq. of Stse Joua PELRAM, KB., SIP., constable of Pevenscy Hurst, Csadham, Kent. Caroline, as. 17 Nov. 1606, io Lancelot Rsllestcn, Esq. of Castle. This eminent person represented the to. of Sussex Watssall, Netto, SIP.; and 2 10 Starch, 1844. Sir George 2. 24 March, 1624, and was s. by his son, II. San Gnonon, M.P. for Stafford, 6. 22 July, 1712, who asst, San WILL5AM PnLuAnI,* re-ho ne. let, Many, dusts, of Sir no. 20 Aug. 1804, Hasmah-Maria, eldoot dan. and co-heir of Richard Canew, of licdiugten, co. Ssers-cy, aud by tisat laity John Sparrow, Eoq. of Rishtou Hall, to. Stafford, by Elizabeth had tuo nose assd a dass. He as. 2ndly, Mary, dais, of his wife, dass. and oo-hoir of Ralph Moroton, Eeq., and by Wililane, Lord Saudys of Tue Vine, lord chambcrlssin to her (who sO. 7 Juno, 2160) had, GEoaoE, present baronet. William-MeRry, of Longsloo Hones, to. Stafford, 6. 17 Sept. Williasu (Sir), aRrester of ttsc Leeds Varlssreugla. 1811 e as. 15 Aug. 1854, Blanche, eldest don. of the Eton. EsIa’arsl, lord chief baron of llsc Exchequer iss ireland. and Rev. Aclhur Toibot, rector of Ingostrie and Chssrch Sir William was s. by his eldest son, Eaton, cs. Stafford, and by her (frons whom lie was Sto Nsouoa.As Pertaaor, SIP, for the to. Sussex. This divorced on her petition, 2 hay, 18651, has a son, Arthur, geutkmas m. Anus, dan. of Johu Sackvlile, Eaq., and had, 6. 22 Joly, 1857 and Florence. Marsa-F,lisahoth, so. 1st, 25 Jan, 1830, Henry Grimes, Esq. with other ssoue, iho youngor. of Colon Hooso, 00. Wanctcts, who is dcc. 2nd, 1 Oct. 1853, to the Rev. Hacthew Anstis, 2l.A.. vicar of Jean, Isis osscccsser. Ceihbtngton, near Loamingtsn, Charlolie, en. in Aug. 1820, to Col. Richard Ellison, of Sir Nirholao ii. in 1560. and was z. by his eldest scsi, Bonitham, to. Lincoln. Georgians, m. ha Sept. 1832, to Sir John Hanmer, Bart. Crcoiisss—l May, 1791. As-sos—Quarterly; 1st and 4th, or. a chevron, between three aesrendcd the Fre.saora of Swbsdseo’t, need she l’eLuano mnllcts,or; 2nd and 3rd, arg., iwo chsvs-sns, gsa. Cs-cit——A goat’s of Compress Fsst’ssce, now represented lsy else THIsTLE head, erased, arg., armed, or. Meits—Qussl liens visIt thee. vuwaxTes sf IJeo,spelsire. Seat—Grcudsn Nail, Aihcrstone, Svarn-ickohirc. 215 CHI CHEWTON, VIscouNT, see WALBEGRAVE, EARL. C H I C H E S T E B. CHICIIESTEE, EARL OF (Sir henry-Thomas Pelham)1 Baron Pelitam, of Stanmer, co, Sttsoea-, anti a Baronet; lord-lieutenant of the oo of Sussex; h. 25 A ug. fathor, 4 Jnly, 182d; in. 18 A;sg. 1825, Mary, 5th dau. 22 Sept. 2038; see. 11 June, 1861, Elinaheth-Mary-, only dan. of the lIsts. Sir Js’hu-lluncan Hugh, K.C.H. Is. Fs-aneis-Godolpldn, k 18 Oct. 1844. s. Harriett-Mary, ste. 31 Aug. 1110, to tise Earl of Damicy. of Woodhall Park, Herts, lit. P. Esq., M.P. for Bedford. 3ttiocagc. From the earliest pesiod it is certain that the family enjoyed very Idgis tennideration ; said its mesobors have, its Sass JunE nn PELHA0I, a galiant soldier in the martial reign of EnwAau III. • eharesi its the glos-y ef Peictiers, and had the houessr of participatiseg pcrsonaly ho the eapturo of the French king, JohN, for svhirh exploit he had as a badge of heuossr. the Bssckte sf is Bctt, which was sometimes in parliament, and enjoyed groat influenes at the ceesct of HaNuv TV. Presto Sir John, ws pass to his hisseal dcaccnd. HENna’ VIII., and had by her, Ttssmas, also s. Isis nephew isa the estates and representation of the mtly. Sm Joan PrLIIAM, H.P. for the cc. of Sussex, who ns. From Sir Williams nnelc, Aarnosy I’rsssaoe, of lltsastest,