Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/269

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CR0 4 CHOTJMELEY. rCITOLMELEY, Sm MOnTAGUE- __________ JoHN, Baronet of Hasten Hall II. Catherine, wife of William Wclby. of Denton, in the and Norton Place, cc. Lincoln; M.P. for North Lincolvvehiro James Cholinsley was s. by his eldest son, 8. 5 Aug. 1802; a ins father, as Jossw CHOLMELEY, of Eastoci, who A in 2160. lie so. 2nd baronet, in March, 1831 ; set. Pocislspe, dan. of Sb’ Joseph hence, i,f Twyford, by Foviclope, 10 Feb. Th29, Lady Geurgiana Beauclerk, 5th dan. of William, of hlelnvhvghani ; Warburton, llart. of . ley ; acid liiah’’pp, 8th Duke of St. Albans, and has Dart. ef Farham. She traced her descent, through seven had issue, I. Montagne-Aubrey, I. 29 April, 1830; d. 1044. cc. HUGH-ARTHUR-HENRY, 9. in 1830. 5. Flora-Carollue-Elizat cth, m. 14 July, 1051, te llem’yHussey MONTaOUE C’Hv,LaeisLrY, of Eaeten, sa. Mary, dan. of ilnmphrey Vivian, Req. of Singleton, Sir. for Glamorganshire, and ii. 25 Jan. 1060, having bad issue. LintAt. The Cholmeleys of Easton, are a branch of thy great baronial ilouss of Cholmondeley. WILLIAM UE CHOLMONUELcY, ths head of this noble and ancient family, d. he the 50th year of King ltrxmv IV. lie isv. Maode, dan. of Sir Johe Chency, of Wiflaaton, by Maude, dan. of Sir Thomas Capovehnrst, avid had two sons, 5. Rionaeao, his heir, who ci. Eleanor, dan. of John Davenport, iv. Robert. in h’dy orders, rccl,,r of Waynlleie, in the of Davenport, avid was ancestor to the families of Cholmondeley, Marquesses of Cholmondeley, and Cholmondeley, Lord Dslamore. Ii. JOHN, of whom we treat. The 2nd son, Jonvi CisoEsceLer, the ancestor of this family. He was seated at Copenhall, in the co. of Stafford. Ha had two sona, both namad John. The alder succeeded to his astute v. Huinpbrey, fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, in of Copanhall, and his descendants continued for tln’oe generations. The 2nd eon, John, wao the father of Richard cvi. Mary-Elizabeth, wife of James-Raymond Johnstone, Cholmeley, who by his wife Dionysia Philips, had issue, s. Robert Cholmeley, of Burton, in Linaolnshire, who vs. Anne Hastings, acid d in 1590. 5’. John, who by his wife Isabel Hare, had issue, HENRY CHOLMELEY, of Eaotou, co. Lincoln. He was knighted, and ii. 1020.- Sic’ Henry Cholmeloy, of Easton, ma. Alice, dan. of William Lacy, of Stamford, by whom he had, 5. HENRY, his heir. ci. John, of Kirkby Underwood, who so. Elizabeth, dan. of Edward Pilkingtou, of Derby, and entered his pedigree in 1654. He had a son Edward. Sir Henry Cholmeley was s. by his eldest son, HENRY CROLMELEY, of Easton, who a 1612. He ci. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir Richard Sondes, of Throwloy, and sister of George Sondoo, who, in consideration of his loyalty iv. Charlotte, wife of Johce Goodford, Req. of Chilton to CHARLEs 2. avid CHANLE5 II., was created by the latter Cavvtclo, in ibc cc. of Somerset, by whom she bad with monarch Earl of Feveraham. His successor in the earldom was the hasband of his eldest dan. Mary, Louis de Duras, other issue, henry Goodford, eisev of Chilton Cantelo; brother of the Due do Duras, in France. From his 2nd v. Penelope, wife of Francis-Lucius Austin, Eeq. of Hippingtovi, dan., Catherine, were deecevided the Earls of Rockhighane and the Lords Moseeon and Sondee. The mother of Elizabeth Sondoe, the wife of Henry Cbolmeley, was Susan vc. Jane, wife of Wiflhem-)lsrtisv Forster, Esq. of Lincoln’s Montague, sister of henry Montague, let Ran of Manchester, Inn, and was drowned, with her husband, in the wreck and dan. of Sir Edward Montague, Mart. ef Boughton, of the “ llothsay Castle” steamer in 1031. by Elizabeth, dan. of Sir James Has’ington,* of Eaton, and Montague Cholc’sclsy ‘1. 1801, and ayes e. by his eldest son, sister of John, Lord Harington, of Eaton, and grand-dan. Mscx roua CaOLMcLEX’, of Easton, b.ics 1772. lIe was for of Sir William Sydney, of Ponshurat. Henry Cholneoloy, of many years H.P. for Grvncthane. He was created a Deronet Easton, and Elizabeth Sondes, had, a eon and heir, MoNtAGUE CHOLMNLNv, of Easton, who a. in 1652. He 4 March, 1006. He a. 1st, 14 Sept. IsOl, Elizabcth, dan. vs. Elizabeth, dan. of Sic’ Edward tlartopp, hlart., of Duckminster, aced heir of Jolus SIan-is’ ci, Ksq. of Norton Piece, in the avid grand.-dau. of Sir Erasmus Dryden, Mart, of co. Lincobs, and by hen (a-ho a. 2 Nvvv. 102:1), ho hail issuo, Canons-Ashhy, by whom he had issue, SIONTAnUE CNeTs5EnF,v, of Easton, who a. in 1100. Ho n. JamcsdHss.nison. Smite major in the 8th hnesare, sit. In se. 1st, Alice nrownlow, dan. of Sir Edward Drowiilosr, Mart., of Great Hnmby, in Livsochesbh’e; and 2udly, Ehzabeth, manuals; ha d. wilhsnt iesv:o, 2 Sept. 1824. dan. of Richard Booth, alderman of London, dcsecvidcd itt. Hesery-Daniel. of the Priory, Woodchcelsr, Gloucester- from a cadet hravvoh of Booth, Earl of ‘lVarntngton. liontagsve shire, late capt. ivs the 27th regiment: so. 1st, Georgians, Cholmeley was s. by his son, Jseee CHOLHELEY, of Eastan, who a. in 1722. He vs. Catherine WoodOno, by whsm ho had issue, I. JONN, his heir. cc. Siontague, in holy orders. III. Robert, who by his wife, a lady of the family ,f Willoughby, i. Elizabeth, cv. Aug. 1024, Ihe late SinJobn-Jaeob llnxisn, had issue, a dan., Catbee’ine, wife of Govomor n. Chsnletle-Stsria, d. isa 1822. U 11 0 Spry, of Darbadoes, whose dan., Wilhoimina, vs. Sir Weiham-Eanlo Welby, Mwt. of Mouton. a. Elizatetb, wife of Sir Robert Cocks, hart. county of Lincoln, avid was mother of’Dr William Welby, let hart. of tlontou. his wifo, dan. of Sir John Mordasnit, hart, of Massivigham, aced matee’nally descended frons Tollccesache, hart. distinet lines, to King Euwisen Ill., by his s,,ns, Liivnsl, of tvitwerp ; John, of (lannt (by his Phmtagonct wife); avid Thamaa, of Woadstock. John Cbolmeley was c. by his save, Sibthorp, of Canwick, co. Lincoln, ivy wham ho had, 5. MONTAGUE, his heir. cc. John, fellow of Slag. College, Oxford, in baly srders, at. 1810, Scihsa-Rlizs, 3rd dan. of ltd. l’ulier, Esq.; and d. 1814, leaving, 1 John-Montague, fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, ice holy ordets l vu. 0 Aogust, 1838, Eosa-Antcvna, youngest dan. of Major-tion. Ohiver-T. Jones, snd a. 1866, leaving issue a son, Henry-Jobvs, and two dons., Avstenia, and Laeira-Selina. I Selina. cci. htevery-James, M.D., so. in 1811, Eliza, dan. of William hlavard, Esq.; and a. svithovvl issue, la Juice, 1837. co. of Lincoln, sv. isv 1011, Stsria, dan of John Stiller, Eeq. and d. 30 July, 1052, leavisig fourteoss chtldreci, of whom Stephen, vu. Slice May cisrd ; John, hi holy orders, 0t.A., is roceor of Carleton Lode, Nortolk: is vs. and has issac Robert, DII , is vicar of J?indevc, Sonex; Humphrey is follosr of Magdatcn Colisue, oxford, and rsctor of Cherhome, liants; evict Jaceiss ia rector of .Swsbcy, Lincolsshirc, is vs. and ivas issue I Maria is the voile of Jaeoes Russell, Req. boly orders, d. meat. s. Catherine. ci. Sarah. Esq. of Alva, ice the co. of Clackmannaai, by whom sho bad, with ten other children, James Johustovie, view of Alva, Sl.F. for the co. of t’lackmaeenan, si. the lion. Augusta Nortovs, sister of Lord Gram etisy. Elizabeth-Caroline, wife of the Rev. John-Hamilton Gray, of t’anstycea, in the cc. of Lanark. Sophia-liatilvia, wife of SirJshnlloh’ Mackenzie, Mart., of Delvina, in the cv). of Perth. Mary- Cecilia, wife of the lion. Laurence Harcoan King hiarman, of Newcastle, in the cc. of Longfcrd, 2nd son of Visso,nst Lorton. Jemhma-Elcasssni, wife ci Lord Frederick Desuclerk, of Little Grimsby hail, hi ihe co. of Liocoin, 2nd son of William, fib Duke of St. Albaiss. Charlotte-Octavia, wife of Jamcs-llarnheeoi Cbolmcley, 2nd son of Sir Mossiagvis Chohacley, Dent. and Charles Govslfard, JIM., of tttove. ha the 00. of Kent; by whom she had two dens., Sarah, a’ifcof the Rev.J.-E.Collissn; and Catherine, wife of the Rev. 5.-K. Foreter. i. SIDNTA0UE-JOnN. his heir, the present baronet. Slay, 1845, Charlotte-Octavia, ysingosi dan. of James- Raymond Johnsteeve, Esq. of Alva, in lbs es. of Clack- dan of the late Rev. Lesvis Way, of Stansiocid, by whom hc had iwo dane. he at. 2ndly 22 March, 1862, Penelope, ovily svarvivinsg dan. of the Site Jsln Goodford, Esq. of Chiiton Cantello, Somcrsetshtrc. and il I Jnnc, 1085. Dart., of Sleadwell, in the co. of Norfolk. its Frssaees, cc. 6 March, 1828, to Sir Glyvins-EarleWslbyGregory, Mart, of Donhvn itall, ca. J.ancslve. Sin Montague at. hnvlly, 26 ltarrh, hfOf, Catherine, 4th dan. * The Hericigtone were beins-genersl of Bruce of Eaton, of lhecsjsmin Way, Esq. of Denham Piece, by svhom (who d. the only royal cadet of the house of RO0ERY I. Mcd DAvin II., Kings of Scotland. 219