Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/272

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0110 of Harrhigt ‘ii. but ii. a. p. 2 Oct. liThE when his honours Hester, dan. and heiress of Sin Francis Rdwards, Mart., and became extinct, but his estates passed I.e his nephen. ResenT tn ‘LMoNI’rLi v, Es,1 , who Isas crested Vioceast 1icot Lisle, Esq. of Upway, and had a dan., who si. f’hsi,eea’lclce, of Kills, lii March, 1061. ile m. Eisz:ibclis, Charles Aebnthnot, Esq. Lord Slapas ci. 15 Starch, 1764). clan, and cs-heir of George Cra lock, Rsq. it Cavoroweli The earl 4. iumi 1770, and was e. by his grandson, Castle, iii stiff irdchire;and dying hi May, 1611, was 5. by Geonns-Ja,ies, 4th earl, 0. 11 Slay, 1749; am. 25 Apr13, his son, tlron. 2nd vt—c’ ‘unt who, bach, zeal’,asly 0 irwarilod of Ancasten, co heir (‘rich her sister Pnisoilts-Bari,eo’a-Rlba tile Rerointi ii, was t rioted. iii the aL’s ssb,ii of Winner hrtb, hiarois’ss if Willoughby de Eresliy, wife of Lord and 31 ii v, by lilt ro pat’ iii, 1 sled Ii’ .1 pi’il. lOCh, foci Bwy’lyn) of the Wysnie ‘if Btv-dyn, so. Carnarvon, Maria CJsslo’os i,hy, s_f As. I etc/i. will, r-en,ah icr to ills br’ ‘lhei’ by wbona (who ci. in ISIS) he had, C ri ‘ior., an’1 a’lv,isiee,i, 17 let’. I 702, to the dignities of u. BEoaoE-HoxcaTio, his heIr. Veies,’sl iIal,oae liii hal of Ctal. aa’hcly, wills similar ii. W.nnsaau-Hemenv-lluun 1 Ce SIP., 0. 31 Aug. 1800; is. res ersi,’n. his I’ ‘rdah,1i 4, tale. is Jasi. 1724, anti was o. by his i’isiy hr thtr, Li.’ ‘POE, fish can ; an,’, had preri’ tasty ‘notisigrnsheil himself a’, a taCit cv officer (Ii ci in,7 c’ situ itideil the lease— grena’lier yn ir is .f Wi Li., sIt, it 11w billie of the Eec net ,,ii’i had 1 ccli i ,‘. it’ it’’ the jsaeri5’5 of leai stid, I Macel,, 1714-15. as B’,. ‘a .1’ ‘cii’. gO ci. 11” x et at, 1 10 Jnlv, 1716, treate’l a peer’ ‘f Fh,.,l’u,’l. by the Dcl if Bit eon s_f Yeah,’ ‘gO. iii i/is J.’l. 0r As7sl oy. Iii,’ I’m’ iT.ip ia._tnnc-Ehz’s— b, ti,, lan, ‘f hair Van liar’ ‘n Rn temil inr,ch, by his wife, Annc-Ehizab( tin ‘lan. of l,’ons ‘Ic Nassau, Seignenc of Atsvi n1norq’ie, as h’ was father f Ilem’y tl’Anvecquerque, Rail c’f Gr:m thai,,. * Earl C holni’ in heloy, by this marriage, Iii. Clianlette-Beergiana, em IS May, 1818, the late Licut,— ha’i, with three ilaus,, three sans, via., i James, d. yOtmg. ii. Goonos, iis heir. its. Jasies, i. 18 April, 1708, had the rank of major on his was a knight of the Barter, lord ateavand of the household, first entr,mce into the arniy, his commission bearing date and chamberlain ef Cheston. Ihe ci. 10 April, 3327. The 12 May, 1711; all Ion 6 .tpnil, 17,11, he was sonetitoted manchtc,tiess, who yeas jeiut hereditary great ebsmhenlaius seceind lieutnant cehenel in the 3rd troep of horse irnards, of England avitb her nephew l’etsr-Robsrt, Lend Willoughby in which post he e,,nthi’ied till 17 dais. 1740-1, when he de Ereshy, if. 27 Jtine, 1538, was appoint5d colonel of the 4ath regiment of foot the,, ordered to hi raised; and on 1° Doe. [742, was promoted Cessliaas—Banon Choimondeley of Nsmptwich, 10 April, to be colonel of the 14th regiment of f”ot. In Juno, 1744, the regiment being entered into Flanders, he niade the 1689. Viscount and Reel, 27 Dee. 1706. Baron Newburgh, campaign that yoar. In 1741, lie was at the battle of 10 July, 1716. Earl and Slarquese, 22 Nov. 1315—English Fonconoy, 11 May, and in Jnly after was roado brigadier- henotans. Viscount, 25 March, 1661. Baron, 15 Slanch, 1714 general of his majesty’s fortes, in whi”h at’itton lie served —Irish hsni,nns, the remailtiler of the campaign. (In the apprehension of Arias—Ct,. in chic, taco helmets, in profile, ang., and in the progress of the re’bcih,’n in Sc’ tland, his majesty base, a garb, or. thinking it proper ti real part of his forces from abroad, Cecil— t demi-gniffin, sogroant, sa., beaked, winged, and he was one of the general ot’ters who came aver with ten batta.done of foot, which arrived at Bravesend abont membered, or, holding betaveen the claws a helmet, as in the time that the news came of Sir John Cope’s forces ,Sepjemrbene—Bexter, a griffin, sa, beak-cd, winged, and being defeated at Preston Pans on 11 Sept. that year. sicmnbereil, or, l.ingnod gem. ; sinister, a snoB; gold, gorged Soon after he was sent to Chester to take open him the with a ceDar, vair.. armed and langued, gu. command of hvo battalions of foot, newly arnved from S’obe—Cbolinondcley Castle, Nantwich, Cheshire; and Ireland, who marched under his eondnct lid they joined llongbton, Ratughiana, Noi’foik, the army of Marshal Wade, then in Yorkshire. under Trnea Jfaaoe—’lI. Canhton House Terrace. whom he serted as a brigaimer general, And when ldent.-Ben. Henry Han-Icy was stnt to take npon him the casnmand of Marshal Wade’s army, the major part of w nob was innnediate’y ordered for Scotland, to fern, with o’,me other foists an army to snbdne the rebels; there likewise he was one tif the four generals who were intrnsted with the eo,,in,and of this army, Lient.-Gcn. Hawley, Major Ben. hineke, and Ilsig.-Gen. Mordamit, being the other three, aisd greatly eignadieed himself at the battle of Fatkirh, on 17 ban. 1745 6; hot the intense fatigne he undern cot in tins action, johied with the extreme seveiity of the smailier, nni’ortnnately deprived hum of the nse of his Moths fir sonxc time. ‘he attained eventually the rank of general. lie ‘I. 13 Oct. 1771, a. p. his wife, Penelope, n-as dan. of James Barry, Earl of Bars-ymore. The earl ci. 7 May, 1731, and was o. by his elder son, Bs;onoe, 3rd earl, RB,, 0. 2 Jan. 1703; in. 14 Sept. 172g Mary, only dan. of Sir Echert W’dp’de, 1st E’,rl of Orford, CucTRonluL, BARON (Francis - George Spencer, by whom he hid (with two yt un,7er sc’us, Robert, Is. I Nisv. h).C.L., Fl(S), of Wycliwood Forest, so. Oxford; 1717, at first na ‘firer of the goardo and aflernards in holy 5. ii Oct 1802 s. his father, as 2nd hanon, 10 nrdera,’j’ and Fredoni’k), George, Vise. tint Malpae (who is. Maceli, 1845 ci. 19 May, 1549, Lady Jane, eldest The familyef Na—san d’Atiaerqucrqne, raised to the Earl. dint, of the Marquess Conyngham, nod has a eon, stem of Branthim. affords nit lust ,uics 01 an alien being created, 0. 23 Oct. 1664, fsr a British Peer ‘,e Nassau or ‘c Aovianorenqus, EARL os Bnasrnan, it nasa i ‘HsctP, eep’). 0 The lion, and lies. Ilohert Chelmondcioy iii. 1746 Miss His lom-dehip ía hereditany ranger of W”yehwood Macv W,ifiineton (si-ton if the celebrated actress Margaret Woftngt in), ml left uos,ie, u. George-James. re”oiver-gen. of excise, 0. 5 March, 1752’ is. let, in 17911, Maria, mIan. of John Pitt, Req. of Rn combo, Dorset, by whom lie [mad, 1 William. 2 Itocaee-Beorgc. in holy orders. 0. 11 Oct. 1790’ em. in Fmnees.Soithia, mm. 36 April, 1140, to the Rev J,-C.-B. 1821, Mary-Elizabeth, dim, of Bodeehail Johnaon, Esq. and by her (‘rho ‘I. mu lRl7) has, Mary-Louisa, em. to the n, Robert-Francis, 0. in 1758. Rev. F.-Vaneittart Thoi’nton; and Eliza-Jane, I tlarriet. Me at. 2ndly, in 1814. Catherine, date of the late Sir Philip Fnie eis, KB., by whenu (who d. in 1023j he bad no Issue; and hrdly, in 1825, Stary-F.]izaheth, dan. of iii. Hester Frances, em. in 1783, Sir William Belllngham, ‘50’) CHU 1sf’, BeesEe.Jasoes, and a dan., Hester, who is. WilliamCla 1791. Bsocgiana-Charlottc, 2nd dan. of Peregrine, 3rd Duke 20 Feb. 1a25, Ilareia-Rsima Georgiana, dan.of the Ilight Hon. Charles Arbmsthnot. and baa lem’l issue, I Cnanoee.Beoane, 0. in 1029; a. II Jet. 1054, Susan- Caroline dan. of Sir Geer,’c tlashweod, Ba 4th Bert., and has ios’u’’, Bsoaoo-Meae’n iluon, 0. 3 Jnly, 1858, Susan- Slanian Emma, Marcia - Cbar]otts - Slania, and Mab”l, 2 Henry-Vere, 0. in 1034; em. 17 July, 1860, ymneosIsahieih.m. 2.1 dan. c,f Lieut.-I’oh. the lIon. B-A, Spencer. I Cherlotte Beersiana, sm. 27 April, 1352, to the Rev, Edavard-hladwin Arnold, SL,., rector of Barrow, Cl c-hire. 2 Marcia Stisannah.Rarnict. 3 Canm’hino-llachel, cl. 11 Slarch. 1363. Cot. Ihugb Sey nienr; and ii. 24 Jenac, 1825. his lordship was a’lvaneed to the A’aniifeia of Jlecksacsge and Shanoueeea’ne or Caotaro’cnenoy, 12 16ev. 1815. Re the at’nis. 2JsiIo—Cassis tntissima vtntiis, CHURCHILL. whena H. Al. the Queen stood sponsor. Forest. John-Thomas, 2nd Viscount Sydney, by whom (abs em. sndly, in 1832 Charles, 2nd Earl of Romney) he had, Riddeli, 2nd son of the late Sir J.-B. Riddeil, Rt. m. S[any.3.Icnnielta, accidonlaily killed in 1106 by the os enttirnitmg ‘ifs sarniage while in attendance on the Princess of Wales. ii, Jane-Ehcabecla. Dart., and if. his widow’ 19 Jan, 1844.