Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/274

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0 11 U iii. John, SIP. for for Looo, and one of the Lords of tho every nor looked to Duller as his successor, hut frem sems Treasury; is. 1st, 3 harrIs, 1760, Mary, dan. of Sir John political reasen of the moment, Sir Lloyd Kenyon was Si. Antis-n, liars , and lool three sons, of sslsOsn ViceAdnsiral preferi’cd, and became the new chief-justice. Muller diealipninted, air Edward Puller, of Trenant Park, Cornwall, woo created a baronet in 1008, and if. ssillsosst male issoir, llench for the Comsnon Pleas, and succeeded Mr. Justice in 1024. Ire left an ants’ dan A NSA—MARiA, solso s-,. in that Could as a judge of the latter court in 1704, but his health your, Col. ,tasncs—lsro nssssoad 1-2plsissssooe, srrso has as— smsscit rise additional surssaisir of Mr. John ];ssllcr stilt coolisissed to decay, and he was abnsst to resign altogether, so. issdly, Caroline, (lao. of Jelsa II outer, Faq., by sotroin lie had issue, l F’rrdrrirk, of i’nlyni and Lanrrath, Corasrall, a general— Stiuare, 4 June, 1800, leaving behind bins a name of lasting officer; ni. Charlotte, tat;, of lb. lomlyns, Esq., cud had nsute its tIre ausials af English jnrieprudcuce. ISis talents issue, 1’redcriek—Tha;ssas, 5 issujsr—gess. in Itse sirnt’, sersesl srsth his judgments sod his writings are still eentinualty looked the Catdsbrrans’gisarsts .. 16 Aeg. 16 sI , Lady Agnes upon as amsssg the most valuable and esneerirsgexpnsitisns Percy, sister ef tire i)ekn sf Nisrrhnissbor]assd, and si. June, 1060. - Williaie, is; holy orders, ,,‘. 15 Sept. 163a, t.ennnra— created a Barsunet, 12 Jao. 1790. The is;. when only 17 years ,Sophia, dad dat;. of Julio Ilaist, Esq. if Grange lured, of age, Susauuah, only dan. and heir of Francis Yarde, Faq. winch laity P. 6 Jan. 1—26 ; assul dndly, 13 Aug. 1043, of Clnssrstoo Ferrers and Ottery St. Mary, eo. Devon, and Fleas’ r, tan. oft lie late tier. William Cone)’. George Oh.), K,aeonerat in tIne arnsy, mI—coin— dying 4 June, 1800, was o. by his ooly son, inatsulant 5 lie let kilt. mIle brigade, Kist, Cars;. suf the hI. Ssa Fiskacse, b. 28 Sept. 1767, who, in pursuance Leg. ni lIon, and Not. of she Order of she Mcdjidic. .Yohin, li.N. ‘tie. Caruliiii’..u. to taurd Pottiesere. Agnes, dee. (icsuri_ina, on. to Cliasles ltsdse, Esq., 2nd sen of Sir Lydia, only dan. and heir of John Tielhiday, Esq. of Chorine Ilutso, Itsirt. I Caroline, sstsn us, tier cousin, William Duller, Esq. ol issne by tier, who uS. 1 Nov. 1171, OVi aspic, I )rresi, aesi sad issue, tveustseot’ili, capt. it N., one tif lIme tithe consnsissianero, ,& in 1552. Llicaliesh-Csrnline, on. to Sir Orcgory-Allnntt Lenin. tlrnristta, ‘us. to John lsivetl, hot. so. William. lit)., bishop of Exeter, ou 19 April, 1762. Anne, s. Stisain-Ehicaheth, es. 1st. 13 Aug. 1814. to George, 16th dan. and co-Isrir nsf J slims Thomas, bishop of Winchester, and ill in 1706, leasiag issumo. i. Rebecca, as. to Vicn—Aulnsiral Charles Watson. ii. Ante, s, to Reginald t’ole, Esq. of Tyu-ardrelh, in Cornwall. ms Ehieatneths, Ia, to the Her. William Dedawarth, and d. tim. )lary,.o to Sir Joseph Cnpley, han. iv. Llie,sheth, n. to tIme Iler. John Starges, D.D. The eldest son and hcis’, Jaxes DULLER, Seq. of Slsiltingham, somssetinse SOP. foe As’usis—Qussrtetly, lot and •hlh, MULLEn, sa., on a cross, Cornwall, sum. 1st. hhinobntls. dan. aad co-heir of Willlans, of the firsts lind and 3rd, YAanc, arg., a chevron, gs., Gould, Esq. of Dosssies, me. Devon, by whom (selsa 5’. in 1742) betsoe’ens three mcsrtcr-hosmgets. lie had one sen. Jasses, of Shillinglsamss aisd Il,;wnos, who sl. iii Leech—A Saracen’s head, cassped, ppr. 1772, arid seas grandfather at ,lussses W’entwos’lls Duller, Keg. of Suuppselees—h;extee, an cotrich, ppm., in the beak, a horse. Usseocs, co. tlersn, DCL., snssetilrse Ml’. for Exeter, mod shoe, or, sisminter, an eagle, so. sisbseqsnently SLP. for North Derenehire, who 5’. 13 March, Jfs,Ile—Aqunila misc csnpit muscas. t665, and urass. by lns son, Jssros-ttesrAnn PULLER, Esq., now of bones (see Bunsr’s Lua’lesl &e,stry). Mr. Puller us. 2udly, in 1744, Lady June llathnrst, 2nd dan. of Allen, tsr Karl Rotharst, and had, John, of Merval, ME. fur West Lose, ns. Anne, dan. of Williaiss Le,,son, Ess;. of Careless, and it. in Dec. 1793, leasing, Jons, of Msrral, and other issue (Ssc SURER’S Landed heels’;;.) Edsrard, sss. llarrist, dass. of Jsslin Pteokyo, Esq. of Port Lsune, and 5. in 1781, loosing a sen, John, in holy orders. Fnawris, of sehees preseishly. Jane, as. te Sir Williani Lesnon, lot Dart., of Carelen’, co. Cornwall; their our, Sir Cliorles Leamos nhoui.o, p. 12 Feb. 1869. Oift the 2nd sod lash bart. Mnry. us. ho James Teinlder, Esq. of Stayer. Mr. Puller ii. in 1763. Ilis $rsl eon, 1. Paanems Rueces, Faq., b. 17 March, 1715.6, a very essshisent lasovee, seas edineaerd at a peisofe school in the West ef Englass d, ssn lnasissg seliielt ire was adasitted sif the loner Tesslsle, in Feb. 1763, and became a pupil of Sic William Aohurst, at thsst time a great special pleader, whnm hn afterwards excelled. His own practice, on becoming a special pleader, was very qnirkly eohsbllshed, and it inereaesssl to a vast anessnimt. After spending Rome years CLANCAItTT, EARL GE (Villiam-Thomas Le Poor. in that branch of legal husissess, llssller was callnd to Trench), co. Cot-k; Viscount Bunlo, of Dunlo and the bar by the Hon. Society of the Middle Temple, in Easter Teem, 1772, and Iris earnings as a counsel sonn eqnalled these of almost all his brethren of that day. His Ba)inasloo; Baron Kilcuentrel, of Garbally, co, Gaiway, complete devotinn to his profession prevented his ever in the peerage of Is-eland; a Peer of the United gaissg iota p.srllament. the was made a king’s cennsel, Kimsgtions, as Viscaunt Claucarty anti Baron Trench, 24 Nov. 1777, and three d;ys afterwards second judge ef of (7arbally ; anti Marqlseee of Heusden, in the th t Chester circuit. If is friend, Lard Slansfiehi. however, Netherlands ; is. 21 Seist. 1803 ne. 8 Sept. 1832, avtro had the h5ghest opinion t,f Ins talents, would not be Lady Sat-aim-.Jsiliana Butler, dais. of SomersetRichard, satisded till he sac Iny his side, and huller waa appointed, I Slay, 1770, a judge nf the Court of King’s Bench. The indisposition of Lord Naosflcld, not long after, nosopelliug his absence, gave lhssller the prennncut part in the proceedings nf the eossrt, and he esssidncted the business there with ii, Frederick, major dothfest, 8. 18 Feb. 1835. c.susammale ability. lie was a strict and stern judge, hnt ln. Willhsm, capt. roymsl esugineers, 0- 17 June, 1837 ; ns. ever acted en the mest eullghtcnnd views, assd oss legal principles carmeet to a tricety, When Mansfield rcsign;ud, 224 CLA and his health declining, exchanged the King’s when he died suddenly at his house in Bedford have sureived the display sod success of his lifetime, for of our comsoson law, His work relative to trials at Nisi Prius is to this day a standard book. Mr. Justice RuPee was nf the will of his maternal uncle, assumed ihe surname of Yanon, bnt afterwards, by sign-manual, added to it his patrossymic of IiuLLnn. Be n. 27 Slay, 1772, Elizabeth- Liucolo’s too, and J.Iilhnmne itall, ma. Stafford, and had s. Francis, wire it. ynussg, 1 April, 1802. ii. Jonts, created Lord Chnrstnn. its. Edward, who ;isos;oocd the surname of Stanmsingham before that sf Uniter, aust being created a Bamuet 20 Jan. 1666, is the preoesit tOn Enwono MAsnNuNousal-PutLen, o’f Dithoro Stall. ro. St-afford (o. (Snot tiMe, usSr). Earl of ,ilortnn: and Sndty, to Edseard Godfrey, Esq. of Old Ball, Suffelk. 26 Oct. 3736. Sir Francis d. 17 April, 1802. Qesntise.s—Marouet, 12 Jan. 1780. Baron 2 Augnst, 3828. aeg., quarterly, pierced, of the field, four eagles displayed, Scais—Churston Fesvncs, and Luipten House, Dsvonshsre, 3rd Earl of Carniok. and has issueS s. Escn,ann-Soasss;scv. t’demsnssf Dante, b. 23 Jan. 1524; ni. 2;; Nov. 1866, Adehica-Geargiana, dan. af FrederickWilliam, 2nd Marquess of Bristol. 21 April, 1864, ilarriet-Maria-Georgina-.Martha, only child of Sir W. Martins, and has a nan, 8. 26 Sept. 1886. CLANBRASSIL, LORB, see RGBEN, EARL. CL A N C A R T Y.