Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/277

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C L A and further rewarded with giants of 793 manors. 1-b 0;. family of Hae-Jordass, left, with other issue, at his docoaeo, bland, dau. of Roger do Montgomery, Earl of Shrowsbury, in 1324, and wao s. by his only son, WILLIAM DE MORETON, Earl of Cornwall, who robriJing CLIcK, of whosn presently. against HENRY II., diod a prisoner, having his ryos put out Edmond (Sir), frosss wlso,ss the (extinct) Viscounts Booch;e of by ordor of that monarch, and his Earidom of Cornwall transferred to Stephen of Blois. This usofortnnate nobleman ttedmond, frons wl;osn several ensincnt families of BURKE, in loft two eons, viz., ALORLaIE, or ADELM, of whom presently. Joux, whose son, HUBERT DE Boaoo, Earl of Kent, JraTIrsAav OF ENOLAND temp. HENRY Ill., and one of the greatest Itcssr3’. subjecta Ia Europe, Os. let, Joan, dan. of William do Vers;ao, Earl of Devon; 2nd, Beatrix, don. of Wiliiaas (10 Warren, of Wormgay, iii Norfolk; 3rd, Isabel, stas;. and re-heir ci Prose the eldest eon, William, Earl of Gloucester; and 4th, Margaret, dan. of Ssso ULICE csE Itunon, Lorsi of Clan;’icorde, a person of Wssnzas, Iting of Scotland. Ilis lordship had Isaac, a son, great power, as;d sliatings;ished, like his progenitors, us SIR HUBERT OR lluRosl, sohoso son, WILLIAM Dc tirausi, arms, dosoended, saossnoaed to parlianseat 1st of EDWARO III., had, with an ULurn on Bur.nn, who was 2. by his son, elder son, JossN, ancestor of the Loans BuRon of (loins borough, a younger son, Ssn Ituon no hiuaon, ltnt., who Greenwich, 1 duly, 1543, Bares; of Bssaketlis; and EARL OF so. Elizabeth, sole dan. and heir of Foulk, Lord of 3lawsldwy, CLANnICAnOR; and obtai;;od, at the some time, from tl;e in Iterioneth, grandson of William (living 17 Ensvann I.), kislg, a gro;it of the snosaastory of Devia Nova, lu the fourth son of Griffith ap Gwenwynwyas, Prince of PowysWenwynwyn, diocese of Clos;fert, with tl;e advosvoons and do;satiosss of and was father of a sos; and heir, Sin Joiia on all the roctos’ies, &c., in Clonricordo and Dsuskellin, boles;ging Bunco, Knt., Lord of Ofowddwy, who us. Joan, don. assd co-heir of Sir William Clopton, ltnt. of Clopten, eo. Warwick, and ttadlorook, Co. Glosscester, and had issue four daos. and cssjoy isis bossours ; but slybsg i;i the following year, 134*, co-heirs, I. ELIZABETH, sa. Thosssss Newport, Eag. of Ihigh was e. by his os;ly son, Errall, ancestor of the cstiuet Earls of Bradford, ansi ttseir .RICRORD, 2;;d earl, whs, while lord-lieut. of Iceland, doseendant in the female hue, the present EARL OF BRADFORD; overthrew, tu conju;;ctio;; svitl; Sir Ricl;ard llingl;om, the 51. Anacin, is; Jobs; Leighton, Esq. of Streltos, and jus’o Scotch, at tho river hfoyo, i;i 1333. Ills lorslsl;iis co. 1st, sexes-So, of Watleshoro’, aneostor of the present Sin BALDWIN LEIGHTON, Sort, of Waslesboro’ and Loto;s Park; iii. Isabel, Margaret, dan. of Morssssglo, 1st Earl of Tl;onlo;sd, and so. Sir John Lingeyn, Knt. of Lissgeyn, and jure uxssrle, of dying is; 1122, was e. by his sos;, Badhsrook, ancestoF of Robert Lingon, Rsq. of Sutton Court, Herefordshire, and ttastbrook, who assumed the name of ULIcK, 3rd earl. This s;obhoss;oss so. Ihonora, dosL BURTON, and was father of BosnaT BURTON, Esq. of Longssor John Dourko, Esq. of Todlyro, and had isssse, lIaR, and of Badbrook; Iv. Eleanor, so. Thomas 3tytton, s. Bscn.snn, Lord DseakeBio. Esq., lIP, for Shrowsbury in l472,jare uxorio, Lord of lbs II. Tbo;nos (Sir), it. . p. Barony of 3lawddwv, ancestor of, s. The 3ITTT0NO OF IIALOTOa; III. WILLIAM (Sir), who left two sons, ii. l5tvoNs OF GARTH AND PANYLAN; 115 IIYTTON (Sun PETER), OF Ls.ANEREn PARE, CO. Donbtghs. The older son, ADRLII on Buaon, wee father of WILLrAM PITZ-ADELM, who was sent by HENaT II., with Hugh do Lade, into Irelas;d, to reoeivo the submission of Roderick O’Connor, Ring of Connassght, and of the Ki;;g of v. Edsnond, of Kiloornan, co. Gaiway, fl-em whom derived Meath, a;sd fomuded there, according to Sir Richard Cox, “one of the beet and ;sobleot families, whtoh has yiehled many brave and worthy men, that have proved eminently serviceable to their king assd country, whereby the name, cstato, and family aro preserved, hi great honour assd reputation, to this day.” This William. who was made governor Rio lordship ci. N May, 1801, and was e. by his eldest son, of Wexford, was entrusted, oss the king’s return to E;;gland, Rsoaann, 4th oas’l, sus’s;m;med sf Kinessle, fs-om the valo;sr with the management of his affaire in Ireland. In 1175, is; be load displayed ;egai;sst the rebels there. This nobleman a synod of the bishops and clergy at Waterford, ho published svao created ass English peer, 1 April, 1624, by the titles’ of the bull, and the privileges gras;ted by Porn ALEXANDEN Baron ,Sossserhill aNsi 1’ieeoseNf Tossbu’istpc, en. Kent. as;tl III., in confirmation of the bull of ADRIAN IV., 23 Aug. 1829, advssoced to the Ras’i’issa of St. Albano. lbs constituting the king Lord of Irelend. In 1179, he obtained lordship uss. Fras;ces, don. assd heir of Sir Francis Walshugham, by giant, a great part of the provhsce of Connaught. lIe sI. in 1501, and was o. by his son, RICHARD DR Bunon, surnamed The great Lord of Con- one scsi, ULICE, his sss0000sor, and two doses., tlas’y, wifo of naught, who was lord-liontossasot of Ireland in 1527. This Edsnsss;d, eon of Jasuos, Earl of Os’monde and Ilonora, Riohard built the castle of Galway in 1212, and that of iii. to John Passiet, llarqsseso of Whschester. He if. in lfSl, Loughreah in 1138. Ho was a man of high as;thority assd aud was e. by his ossly aol;, power, and st. on his passage to France, ha Jan. 1213, in ULIUR, 5th Earl of Clsnoriearde, and Sssd of St. Alba;ss. proceeding to meet the King of Englassd at Bordeaux, This noblesnaso was advoneest tss the Marbo;seate of Clannieas’sle, attended “by his has-one ansi knights.” He us;. Itodierrna, don. of Robert de Gersaoss, and grauddau., maternally, of William, Rash of Northanaptosa, and had Cahill t’reesderp, or The Red Hassd, King of Consuaught, and HART, wise us,. hat, Charles 31 ‘Corey, Vioceent 3luskorry, amid had two sons, vie., 5. WALTER, Lord of Connassght, who, marrying 3-lAUD, dan. 2sssily, Robert Vihhiero, eoissrosoaly called Viseosust Putbecim and heir of thigh do Lade, the younger, became in her right, EARL OF ULSTER, on the death of his fatl;er-in-law. The marquess dying tlssss witl;sssst male iesosr, the Marqneosate He was e. by his eldest son, RICHARD, 2nd Earl of Ulster, usually called The Red Rest, winle the briob earldona reverted to his oossoin, whose grcat-grsnddau., Lanv ELIcABETn DE BURGH, only RICHARO, 8th earl, wise es. Elizabeth, dan. of Walter, 13th child and heiress of William, 3rd Earl of Ulster, as. LIONEL, Earl of Ormos;do, end bad tsvo lasso., his co-heirs, Mas’y, of AnheoFp, Duke of Clarence, 3rd son of EDwAED Ill., who became, in conseqnence, 4th Earl of Ulster, and L,srd wifo of Sir John Bs;rke, of Berrymaelsgb;sy; amid 91 argaret, of Comsaught, and had, by the heiress of Re Burgh, ass wife of Col. Garrot O’3loore. Ti;e earl, hoavisig no male only dan., Philippa, wife of EDWARD II0RTI5eER, 3rd East issue, was o. by his brother, nf March, and jurc axons, 5th Earl of Ulshr, ancestor, WILLIAM, 7th earl. This noblenean ma. 1st, Lntticc. om;hy p through his granddau., the LADy ANNE ItORTIMER, wife of Richard Plantagenet, Lad of Cambridge, of EDWARD IV., ltissg of Engined. II. WILLIAM. The 2nd son of Richard de Burgh, Lord of Conuought, WILLIAM on HUROn, is known by the surname of .dthaahip, the 2nd wife, John Bocke, creodod 0 3hay, 1594, Lor,f Ls;lrsss, from being put to death at that place by the King of he settled Ihie oaolle of Heetmek. t,ord Lestsim 1. e. ys. lIme Cossnaught. Ho was e. by his son, Ssa WILLIAM DO Bunco, who, having os. a dan, of the of Elm Hall, eu. ‘fapperary. Q 2 227 CLA 3t;sye, and tl;e extant Earls of Mayo. titcisard. tl;c county ot Gaiway, hove slesconslod. Thussssas (Sir), appointed lorst-treasssrcr of Ireland in 1131. John, fother of John do Burgo, archbishop of Tuam, who it. ii; 1410. ULICE DR Bunun, who was created, by HEN55T VIII., at to the crown. Ilis lorsishi1s did uot, however, bug 4 c:: } who e. as f th and 7th Earls of Clancicorde. Iv. Joux, created, 20 April, if 29, Viscorxr BUHRR, of ChaRss;erieo, Co. .islayo, ss’itts resnoindor, in deffiult of lois own male issue, to thee issao s;uole of Isis father. Itia lordal;i1s it. I 839 e. p., hsst the lisssitation in tl;e patent conveyed disc digusity to the house of Clonricarde. disc BrunRo or ltILconNAa, represeusted by SiR TuossAsN. BEDINOTON, K.C.B., and the lornxr.o OF Gnnnar;rLr,, do. Galscay, whose represe;;totive, the late l’noasAa-GIsRoRNE Bcanc, Esq. of GrccssSeld, so-as at one timo presunsptioe heir to the condom of Chaerts,arde. and widow of Sir Plsihip Syds;ey, and of ELIZABETH’S nufortunate favourite, thee Earl of Essex, by who;u h;e bad in Ireland, 21 Fehs. 1844. lie Co. _t;;ne, doss, of by him srss soother of CI;onleo, Earl of Cbancarty. SIse so. and 3s-dy, Robert Fielshieg, Esi1. of Clssnricarde as;d bio Esaghioh hsos;ours expired * Thsis nolulcunan, by l;is 2nd wife, Catl;orine, doss, of Donongls, 2nd Earl of Thomond, and by his. 3rd wsfe, Jlorssne, dao. of O’Brien of Bnlsarras, heft oIlier chilst non m on Inc only sos sf same year; and from his lordship’s collateral sheseoudanbs, thse Burkes of 31c’elick, derived the lob t’eter Ilueko, Eaq., J.P