Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/289

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CLI I. IIENRY-WELEO1SI, Isis suocessor. ii. John-Ellis, in holy orders; in. Harriet, dan. of William, 2nd Visronnt Ashbroolc; and d. without issue in 1797 life widow se 2ndly, F. Pryse, Esq., SiP. sit. Clsarles-llngenai, barrister-at law; 9. 13 Aug. 1769; so. in 1904, Anna-Maria, only dau. and heir of ‘fisamas IJunt, Esq. of Meuinglon sTall Cheshire, and sole heir of her greal-unrie, Ilenry Roharfes, 3rd Earl of Itadnor, liy whose (into if. 3 March, 1861) lie left, at his decease, if Jsinr, 1811, Thomas-James, of Lasshydcroelm, in Cornwall; 8. 18 Slarch, 1800, who assssnsed the addirional snnsaoie ci P,ooaoves so. in 1838, Jidiana, dau. of lime lute ihighl floss. lfegissald Pele-Carew, and has issue. (See Boaae’s Lsssrlest Gentry.) I. Amse-Essilia, it. in 1821, sums. The viscount it. 1 Jan. 1791, and wan s. by life eldest son, IlesuRy-WELnoRe, 2nd Visreunt Clifden ; 0. 22 Jan. 1781 who inherited, 2 Feb. 1802, the Barony of Siendip, upon the demise of his great-uncle, Welbore, Lord Slendsp. and Cr.sFFOIio oy Ctsunngmn, BaltoN (Charles-Hugh assumed the additional surname of ELLIs. lois lerdehip s,s. Clifford), en. Devon, and a Count of the Hssiy Roman 10 Starch, l792,Lady Caroline Spencer, eldeot dais. of Gem-ge, Empire, 8. 27 July, 1819; n. his father as 8th baron, 3rd Duke of Slorlberongh, E.G., and had by her ladyship, 28 Fob: 1858; ci. 30 Sept. 1845, the Hon. AgnesCatherine-Louisa, who it. 23 Nov. 1813 (with a dan., Careli ne-Anne, who it. uoss. in May, 1814), ass only san, GEeaee-JAases-WELeene. F.R.S. and F’.S.A.; 6.14 Jon. 1797; Lord Petre, and ltaa had mono, created Boress Derer, 20 June, 1831. lie so. 7 ilarrls. r. Lowss-Rsnunv-Huoss, 0. 24 Aug. 1221. 1922, Lady Georginasa l{sward, doss, of Cseos’ge. 6th Earl 51. Ediusind-Ubarlre.ltugb, 5. U Slay, 2807G. 2 May,1907. of Carlisle, E.G. ;°andd. dnringthelifetimeof his father, 10 July, 2833,0 leaving by her (whe it. 17 March, 1860), 1 Hanne, 2nd baron and 2nd viseennt. 2 Lnoporn-Gnonnn-Fnennalrsu, rapt. Eiikenny militia s. Bertha.lsiary-Agoes. Ix. Mary-Lucy-Constance. and A.D.C. to the late Lord Carlisle, whsn Lerd-Liem III. Beatrtco’-2lar’—h’stlsar2uc, tenant nf Ireland, NP. for ro. Kilkenny, 0. 13 May, iv. Edith-Terena-Mas’y. a’, Cecilia-Mary. 1829; so. 8 Feb. 1864, l{arriet, 6th dan. of Lord vs. Rmma-2slary-Agnes (twin with Walter). Cansoye, and has a son. 5. 8 Nov. 1864, and two dons. 2 George-Victor, lient. R.A., Ti. 21 April, 1830; d. Sept. 1803. 4 George -James - Weibere, sen’etary of legs tien at WALTER, 500 of Richard Fite Pour, living in the time of Paris, h.posthnmous, 8 Sept. 1833. 1 Lnria-Csrsline-Rlinsbeth, so. 12 Aug. 1091, to William, by whom he acquired t]Lsrrnnn CAsTLE in ltereferdehire, Lord Bagot. 2 Caroline-Aune-Harriett, it. 12 June, 1840, 3 Dians.Slary.iOiasirhe.Gesrgiana, m. 5 Aug. 1851, to the issue two eons assd two dane., sf whom the celebrated FAIN Hon. Edward Coke. Viscount Clifden it. 13 July, 1800, and was a. by his grandson, WALTER DE Cnsrronu, inherited as heir, at the death of hlsmiv, 2nd viscount, whe hod already s. his fattier, his father. Rio great-grandson,° as 2nd Baron Dover he was 5. 23 Feb. 1975; and ia. 23 and valour in the wars of iInNav III. and Enwann I., Os. Sept 1961, Eliza-Horaths-Fredsrica (one of Olin ladies of the Isabel, eldest dau. and co-heir of Roger do Vipeot, Lord of bndehamber to the Qiseets), dan. of Fredenick-Charles-Wil11am Westmsrland, and in her right held Bsmoconxss Cssnn, iu Seymour, Esq, and great-ga’anddau. of Francis, 1st that cc. This gallant soldier fell in the Welsh wars (CR515 Marquess ef ltertfsrd, and hod, s. ltzrcnv-Gnonon, present peer. 5, Lssnia-Gesrgiaon-liary, if. 22 Oct. 1864. is. Lilah-Gesrgiana-Aogusta-Ccnstsnee, lwiu wiih her sister. in the times of EnwARn III., Rscnaan it., and Hoaov IV. The viscount sO. 20 Feb. 1966, and was e. by his only son, He mis. Eleanor, dan. of John, Lord l;elass’arr, and had a ItsNssY-GEOROE, 4th and preesnt Vfeconsst Clifdeu. (BARONY OF Misasoir.) WannER Bins, son of the Right Rev. Welhere Eilis, Archbishop of Canterbury, and sincerely repented. fled. bishop of Sleathi (for en account of the family sf Ennis, about the 5th HENRY IV., and was s. by his son, of itiddall, in Yorkshire—see Bunxx’e .Lsnded Gentry) Wsnosxss Cs.srronn, who so, Eleanor, dan. of Sir Arneld ‘having executed the dnties of some of the highest official Savage, of Bobbing Court, in Kent, and heir of her brother, employments nuder the Irish government bstwecn i749 Arnold Savsgn, sod had issue, Lnwss, who inherited Bobbing and 1702, was created, a peer of Great Britain, 13 Aug. 1784, as Baron .ltlendip, 57’ Msndip, cc. Sssuersel, wi;h Jonas Cnsnwoan, Esq., whose great-great-grandson, remainder, in case of failure of issue, to the heirs male of ANThONY CLIFFORO, Req. of Borooomhe, in Wilts, n his sister, Visceuntess Clifden. lois lordship m. twire ; bitt Anne, dan. and re-heir of Sir Peter Conrteuny, of Ugbrooke, dying s. p., 2 Feb. 1802, the title devolved, accordiog to the co. Devon, and had three nesis,t the yonngcst of whom, limitation, upon his grand-nephew, the 1st VisconotClifden. TnouAe Cnxsroan, Req., inherited Ugbreoke; he is. Amy creations—Baron, 27 July, 1776; Viscount, 12 Jan. 1781— dais, and heir of hugh .Steplelull, Rsq. of llremlse, Wilts, Irish honeurs. Baron Mendip, 13 Aug. 1794. Baron Devsr, and had tu-o nine, lisigh ssssd Tlsomae, and fonr dane. ; he 20 June, 1831. Arias—Quarterly: istand4th, or, en a cross, ef. in 1634, and was e. by his elder non, sa., five crescents, arg., for ELLIS; 2nd and Ird, an, a lion lOcus CLIFFORD, Req. of Ugbreoko, avho os. Slsry, dan. rampant, or, for AOAR. Crest—A female figure, naked, ppr., of Sir George Chudicigh, Mart, of Anhtee, no. Devon, and with hair flowing dewn to her waist. Supporters—Two greyhounds, hod two sons, TuoaiAo nod George: he it. lltS, and wns s. sa., the dexter charged on the body with three crescents, in pale, and the sinister with as many crosses, by his elderson, recercaife, disjoined, Erg. Mslle—Non hmoc sine nnmlns. Sin THomAs Cs.srrouu, ICnt., 5. 1 Aug. 1630; who having Ssats—Gowran Castle. Riugwood. cc. Kiikenny; Roe- filled several of the highest efficial es,splssyments (ssmssmget hampton, Surrey; and Haldeuby House, Northsinpteushire. others, eemptroller of the hosisehoid, l,,rsl high-treasnrcr, Tesce House—Dover House, Whitehall. C L I C LI F F OR D. youngest dau. of William, lltls sss, William-Hssgh, 0. 17 lien, 1038. iv. Walter-t:harleo-lgnatius, 5. 24 Oct. 1682. Itiiiciogc. REFRY Ii., so. Margaret, dau. and heir ef Ralph de Teeni, and hence assumed the sumause of Cnsrroun, He had Rosaasown was the eklsr dan. The eider son, R000R on Cs.sssonsn, who was reaowned for ids skill 1252,) and from him we bass to his dcecessdant, fiso Lr.wss uc t,’nirrossn, E.G.. a distinguished personage son and dau. Sir Lewis is nusrh noticed by onr historians. A5 being seduced by the zealots railed Lslts’nts, amongst whom he was sue of the chief; but being at iength nessvioced of his csvor,he acknowledged k to Thenias Arundel, Court, whose race is now exthnrt, and secretary-of-state, &ac.), was elevated to the peemge by thin tttie of BARON Cnsreoon, ssf Chudbeiptc, 22 April, 1672. tOe By Lady Geerginna Covendish hts wife, eldest dam, of ma. Elizabeth, dan. and ce-heir of Wihhiasu Olartin, Req. of Lindrhdge, ro. Devon, by whom he had seven sons, f’,nr of The premature death of his lerdohip. who avas an enlightened A dan. of Ronea ne CLirroan, Lord of Cltflbrd, m. Sits Earn, of Erdieley. (See BITERS 5 Landed I Welbere Ellis, bishop of Meath, was brother and heir of Geotry.l From Denry, the eldest son, descended the Chflerds of Borsrsambe and King’s Tcigntoo, whose heiress LIARY Currents, m. Cot. Hugh Bampl)dde. By Diana his wife, dan. of Ssr John Brisros, of Amber- William, 5th Dnko of Itevenshire. patron of literature and the arts, svan generally felt and deplored. Sir William Ellis, Knt.. who went to Ireland as secretary to James Taihot, Earl of Tyrcennel. icy CadGe, no. Sussex. 239