Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/294

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CEO Lxwrcso, Esq. (grandson of John Lawless, Esq. 10 May, its the same year, Boron Enelefsrt ef Lboes-Rem’l. cit Shankill, and son of Robert Lawless, Req. of AbingtoL, On II Aug. 1720, his lordship was raised to the Vieesesmty vs. Limerick, by Mary. slass, of Dominick Iladsor, Esq. of of Clsmmsssel; and II Boo. 1733, advanced to the dignity of Dublin, uscrehant), having rolmased to Ireland from Normandy, EARL sir CLONNEL. The earl os tssiee: by bis first lady, subsequently Is Ins father’s decease, and eenferne.:d Cathoeine-Anne-Slaeia, dan. of Thomas Slatbew, Esq., sister to the est,sblishsl chin-h, obtained a seat in parliament, of Francis, 1st Foil of Llandoif, and widow of P. Roe, Esq., and was created a ll.sisssxet OF IurLaxfl, 20 June, 1778. On bs bad us, surviving issue; by his 2nd, Idargaret, the dan. 22 Sept. 1719, Sir Nielselas was elevated to the peerage, as and heiress of Patrick Lawless, Eeq. of Dublin,5 be had lSAr.ose CLONe5-ImY. 11 is 1’ ‘rlslnp, 1. in 1735, Sn. in 1761, Tnoass,a, Isis heir; and Charlotte, who os, in Told, JohnReginald, Margaret, cuts- dau. of Valentine lirowne, Esq. ef Dublin, was a. by his only ssn, by wlsein (srhu 1. in 1793) Iso left, Vazsveitse-Ilsowve, tale leer. Marr-(’,nheriae, ci. se she late ‘fh,enas Whaler, Esq- of W’balev Ahslsey ; ansi 1. Its (Set. 1431 Valealina.Aliria, s. In the lIen. Sir Franeis—Nsstkaniel JouN-Hewar, 3rd earl. llsrtss, CCIII., t,ein brellier ef henry, let Marquess Chsarlee-Granthaen, colonel lu the army; 6. 1 March, 1113; Ceavaghase, and C. 4 PsI’. 19-11. Clsarlohlr-Lauisa, ci. to Edward, 14th Lard Dunsaay arid d. on. in Slarnh, 1641, Frauees-Maria, dan. of the late Brlph - in 1316. Ills lordshi1, 1. 29 Aug. 1791’, and svas a. by his son, Vxeesaswr-Beowsr, 2nd baron, in 19 Aug. 1773, who was Harriet-Margaret, as. 20 June, 1827, Edward Mostyn, Lord created a peer of the United lfingdoos, 24 Sept. 1931. Ills lordship s’s. 1st, 16 April, 1953, ltliza-Geergiaaa, youngest Louisa-Augusta, ns.3 Dec.2020, Jobn-Slatorflas-rison, Faq. dan. of Major-Sen Geerge 51, agan, and by that lady (his marriage ts-itls wbons was diesnlved by net af parliament, Charlotte-Rachel, so. in April, 1810, to Iisnry, 2nd son of 7 April, 2011, and who re-nsarried, in 1819, tlss Rev. John Sandford) lie has had issue, i. Valentine—Anne, 6. iss lass; if. oses. in 1915. ii. $lary-Mertsseet, i,. 1st. in 1829, to Jolm4tielsod—itonry, His lordship d. 18 Jan. 2636, and was a. by bis elder son, itaren sIc ttoh,eeh; sesd2adls’ (the first marriage Isasing Jonso-llessav, 4th earl, who was 8. 4 Jass. 1517, and cm. 27 been dissolved by eel of parliament’, 3 Ai,ril, 182o, Is Lord Apnl, 1636, the Hots. Anne Be Burgh, olslest don. and coheir Sussex Lenisex. His lordship a. ludly. in 1611, Emily, 3rd dais. ofArelnbtstd JooN-hlEawY-BonINALn, presets I peer. Dengtas, Req. of Camel: (cousin to Charles, 3rd Duke of Tssosmas-Cnaas,es. lient. rifle-brigade, late ,t.fl.C. Is the herd Queeosbers-s-). relict ‘f the hlmi. Joseph Lecson, and enotlser of the Earl of Ildltewn, by svhs,m (who it. 15 Jasne, 1841) Francis-Ulysses, 8.24 April, IsSO; 1. 3 Ang. 198]. be bad issue, m. Enwasn. present peer. ii. Ceeil-J,”sa. SIP., 6,. 1 Aor. 1923; :a. 7 Pet,. 1849, Iiaeheh-Slary, es. 3 May, lOGf,, Lless-ehlyss Teahserne Bassett Franees.te ‘srgtsno, ssi,losr of bun—William Idolse, Lvi. of Las,Ierstoson, sod dais. of the late Morris Townsend, Eshiib—Sssphiss. Esq. of Slsetperten. SIr. Cecil l,ewhess 1. 5 Nor. 1633; and his widesr .e. 2rdt-, 12 Jose, 1026, Andrew Ilrowne, Lsq. of The ens-I 1, 7 PeP. 2066, asad wsis a. isy Isis cutest soss, JonasIIs’xnv-RsmosasALrs, lIeunl lined, en tlaiwov. 1. Vimlestina-Slaria, 5. V555553 His lordship 1. 36 Oct. 1652. CLONSIELL, EARL OF (John.Henry-Roginald Scott), Vioeonnt Clonmoll, and Baron Eam’lsfort, on. Tipperary, in the peerage of Ireland ; late Iieut. Jst life guards; b. 2 March, 1839; a. Isia father as 4th COCIeBCBN, Tnx RionT HON. Sm ALEX,5NDER- call, 7 Fob. 1866. }L;ncsgr. Johns Seen, Esq. (son of Michael Scott, Req., by his lSt)2; 3. Ins ssnole, as 10th bssronet, 30 Apt-il, 1858. wife, a dan. of the ancient family of Purcell, titsslar Barons Sir Alexander, a distiugssiehed advocate and lawyer, of Losrghmoe, and grandson of Captain Thomas Scott), having bsen bred to the bar, filled the offices of solioitor and was called to the English bar, 6 Fob. 1829,- and went attomnsy.general and prime-sorjeant of Ireland, between the yesrs 1774 and 1761. In 1784, he was elevated to the chiefjsmstieeship of tbe Court of King’s Bench; and ernated, 244 COC Earl of Beaucbamp. lie if. 23 Slay, 1766, and, 2nd earl; I. 15 Aug. i78l saO Pe’a. 1203, Henrietta-Lonisa, don. of George, 2nd Earl of B tyke snd Warwick, and lay her (who 5. 0 Nov. 1656) badise-ag, William Grey. Req. el Backwnrth, eo. Northsimbesiano, and has, Deanehansp-Heory-Jobn, 1.1647; Louis, I. 1110; Dudley-A exaoder-Charles, 1.1653; Evelyn-Mary; JessieLouisa; and Annie-Henrietta. Sinstyn. - of Sbelswell l’ork, Oxen, the Itight lieu. Charles Arbsathns,t. Caeshins-So1sbia, d. usia., 24 June, 1633. Ssphia-Louisa. Frances-Mary. Augsssta-Anns. of Ulysses, 2nd Lord Dsswsseo, by whona he had isssse, liesstenasr of Ireland, t. in 1640. Moria—Itenriella, se. 5 Jsly, I NH, Ia Ilse Items. George Pite— clarence, eensm. lt.N. (See MrsssTrs, liAIse, or). Annette-Losdsa - Sennderson, Esq. el brosnkeee Hossee, cc. Coven. CO C KB TiE N. Janhius-EuntuNu, Dart, of Langtnn, go. Beraviok, Lord- Chief-Jnstice of the Court of Queen’s Bench; is. in By his wife, Itary, dan. of Robert Lawless, of Abissgton, in tho es. of Limerick, and only sister of the let lord Clancurry. C,veDeae—Hart., 29 Jusie. i77e ; Baron,52 Sept, 178,1. 4 ,-,,,,s———Arg., oss a chief, hid suited, s;s., list-er gssrhn, or; ss f’resl—A bsaek, trsppant, plsr. baronet’s tsssss’I. Cast—Out of a shiseai coronet, or, a donsi-sssass, us arsssenr, holding in ber right hand a sword, and with the left a in profile, isis vices clued, lsnhlissg in (us rtgtst hsmrs’l ss sword, ba]aneo, all ppm. ; sinister, a female figure, representing all t’pr., this’ lsetssset osleemse,I wittt I Idsmssse sf tisree fesshisers, the .ltferes, hem exterior hand reeling on a sword, point dewnwards, exierior Isso, ye., tIme eesstre one, org. Smzimjsesa. ms—Beater, ss bsmtt, 551., amasse’I assd tmorssed, at’g., Belie—Fear Is tramssgreas. Sent—Bishop’s Court, Nana, sinister, a rots, erg .35,tla—Vis’5,sse et sssssssino_ Seete—Lyos.s. ltaslseoole, en. Ifildero; end Marothtoe, Bleokreek, near Iismbtin. 4th and present Earl sf Llesumell. Urenlisws—Baren, 1784, Viscount, 2789, Earl, 1703, A runs—Or, en a bend, ao.,an estoilsbstwsen tsvocreaesnte, ai. Saisessrhers—Dexter, a female figure, representing ,ftsefiee, also ppm. CLONMORE, LorsD, see WICELCW-, EARL OF. COCHRANE, Loon. see DUNDONALD, EAnL OF. CL 0 N ill E L L.