Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/299

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3tinragc. According to Wootton, the family of Cellotosi ie of Norman decease, in Marsh, 1758, seitls a dan., Lssey-Cerdehia, sobs ci. origin, and came to England with the Conqueror; for one of the great-uncles of the lot baronct went hack to Normandy, to recover estates in that dnehy, sold them, and ci. thcre a. p. They have been resident for many centuries in Devon and its vicinity ; and many placco are railed aftcr them. By a very ancient grant, frosn Reginald de Viilceors to Thomas Colleton, of an estate, and by subsequent deeds, Sir Jstlt;t ,t. itt 7754, and was a. by his grandson, in the beginning of the reign of Enwxnn I., wo find the It’. Sin Jossa, who as. lot, Assste, dan. of Francis Fulferel, Colletone otyle themselves gentlomen, and that they then Esq. of Groat Fulferd, by whom Its had an snly data., bore the arms which they still continne to nso. The first entry in the pedigree at the Ilosnid’s Cousgo is Lenisa-Carsliste, n’lso tct. Adstsir,sI Bishcard Gsnveo. Sir that of — Colloton, 8. abont 1447 ; who so. the dan. and Jelsta’s marriage iritis Mien Fnlfersl heismg dissolved by act heiress of — ltidgway, and had a son and heir, HENRY COLLETON, 0. about 1405 ; who so. Margaret, dan. asad was s. at isis decease, in 1777, by his otsiy see, of William Bury, of Csstletsn ; and dying before 1550, loft V. Sin JOHN-SNE5.L, lient. RN. ; who 5. rn 1081, a. p., two dana., one of whom so. Thomas Dyor, Esq. of Sbebbrook, aged 20, wlsema the title revertesl to Iris estssiu, and the other, John Bruobferd, Eoq., and three sons, VI. Sin Jxases-Nxsasu, 0. 1 April, 1752 (eec issue sf 3rd i. Edmund, 0. abent 1113, wIse left, wills three clans., one of Wihtians Nixon, Req. sf Lineelts, by Elizabeth, his wifo whom as. — Tanaton, Erg., ancestor of Judge Tansten, tars sole Can. and heiress of Willtnn Stnalley, Req. of tics on. ef eons, William and John, beth ef whsns d. s. p. ii. Pelsr d. a.p. sir. Tseasxs, sf whom we treat. The third son, THoMAs COLLETON, so. Thomazins, dan. of Thomas Ks1 Tlsossao-Wiiliam, rapt. 23rs1 fasihters, 5. is Jnlr, 1700, land, Req. of Devon, and had three sons, John, rn. but left no mals issue ; PETER, of whom presently; and Roger, Noesats-Clssrles, 5, ia Jtsne, 1800; ci. la 1515. who left issue, but nothing is known of thena, The second Sasansah-Bssne, ci. sssssss. in Dee. 1810. son, PETEa CaRLETON, wlso recorded Isle pedigree, including Angasla-ilennietla, ci. in 1810. three ascessts before his time, at the viattation of 1620, Anne-Elizabeth, 8. is 1017. was high-sheriff of Exster in 1010. tIe so. Ursula, dan. of 11as’-Saralr, d. an issfasl. Henry Hull, of Larkbeare, Exon ; and tl. in 1852, leavissg Its r5. 10 Jan. 1811, and was a. by isis son, (with a dan., Elizabeth, is. to Sir Hstgls Cracker, ltnt.) fostr VII. via JAMES-ROO’PELL, 0. 22 Dee. 1793, n’lss nm. 31 Dee. sons, all of wisom ci. e. p., except the sceossd, I. JOHN CeLLETON, 8. in 1058; capt. of foot, and a most active partisan of royalty in the beginning of tics civil wars. Graves, of Hetnhnry Fort, so. Devest (by Leutsa-Carolins, Capt. Colleton had a ccl. ‘e commission to raise a regiment only dan. and eventually heir of Sir Jsshn (elletsn, 4th from Sir John Berkeley, afterwards Lord Berkeley, signed ban., and his let wife, Anna, dan. of Francis Pulferd, Eeq. hy ths Prince of Wales; which regiment he raised witisiss of Great Fnlfsrd, so. Devost, by Atnsc, Srd dan. sf Sir ten days, arid expended for the king’s service £40,000, Arthur Chichester, Dart., 4tlt in Its,ral deeeasst froux Sir besides losing considerably more tban that sum by sequee• Jshn Chichester, father of tlte let Ls’sd Belfast), by whesn tratien. He was obliged eventually to retire to Barbadoee; (who ci. in Amerina, 14 Dee. 1831) he had issoto, but returning after the Restoration, Sir’ John Berkeley presented a naesnerial in his favossr to the kieg, who, in lassan-Wlllians-Chaelos, 8. 10 Marsh, lsl I; ci. an infant. consequence, enssfsrrsd upon him the dignity of Baronet, F’s-ederiele-Naoean-WiIliarnGravoe, 5. 4 Aug. 1811, fec 18 Feb. 1060-1. Sb John, in conjunction with the Duke of officer in the senty; ‘c. 1044, Jane-Alves, elan, of — Dyer, Albomarte, and other diethagnished personages, had a grant of large dominiens in North America. lIe so. Estherisse, doss, of William Amy, Roq. of Exon, and left at isis decease, ReoeaT-AuereTue-F’s’s,rsnos-OsAves, Oils lsarsssst. in 1000, a dan. (as. let, to Liont. -Gen. Stewart, and 2ndly, to Humphrey Setwood) and fo’.sr saris, viz., i. PETER, his heir an. Tlssmas, settled in ilarbasloes, s;s. lice clan, of — head, Its ,5. 10 July, 1840, and was a. by his only surviving most, Fag., and had a eon, Pelen and two class., cite s’t. lo Ccl. VIII. Sin RoBERTAs’ouavua.Fs-Lmeen-Gu.svE5, Barracknsaetor Itendal, and the otlser, at. Csl. Garils, and left isasse, iii. Jshn, of SI. Jshmc’o Csllsge. Oxon, 8. nose. iv. Jomee, as. Ann, dae. of James Kendall, F.eq., Governer Cemtse, Esq. of Whithenidgo, North Derssn, and had, of Barbadses, by whssn ho had a eon, 1 Jshn, sobs sss. Elizabotls, dan._ of Sir Edward Erisle, ROBERT-AUO usvus-Wr LLTAas, present baronet. Ban., and relict of Thcmaa Drax, of Clsarhsrsngls, es William, I, 84 July, 3915, ci. an itsf,mt. Dorset, and Itad (wills a dats., Anne, isbn d. an infant) WaLs,s.osr-WsLs.ounsav-ssr-ilaEEsGn, I. 0 Aug. 1001. tim sons, Janrns-Eds’ard, irho possessed all Isis father’s eslairs Sir ilobert 8. 28 Oct. 1000, and was a. by his eldest ens, Str. an Barbadses, besides considerable property in Essglasd, l{oocnr.Auae’avrs-Wi rLsxas-COLLET0N, the 9th and present and svaa ll.P. for l.eotwimbiel, is Cornwall. lie baronet. ss. lit, Lady Anne Con-per, daa. of Earl Cowper; and 2ndly, F’rances Jennings, and 8. a. p. in 1787. Jslse, lsent.-esl. scm ilse guards ; as. Margaret, dan. ol (‘c’asf tess—hO Feb. 1000-1. — - Swainsos, Esg. of iles-sard Castle, so. York, and rehet of— Grace, Bag., and ci. a. p. Capt. Collstsn was a. by his eldest son, II. Sin PETER, H.P., 8. in 1611 ; who so. Elizabeth. sister of Col. John Lsslie, of Barhadses, and relict of Wtlltam Jshnstess, Req., stid bad (with a dan., Catherine, the wife 249 COL of Bnbert Itkbardeesc, Rsq.) ass essly e’ssss, isis srsrrrsesr, in 1679. III. Sin JOuN, 0. itt Ang. I 609. This gesstlescast as. COLLETON, SIR ROBERTAuoueTuo-WIL1IAaI, Elizabeth, dams. of John bud, Esq., H.P., cnsd had irene, of Ash Perle, r. John, 8. is 1701; colts et. his esasiti, Sasanstair, last. sf eo. Herts; 5. at King Willians’s the her. Jslsss Snell, canons of Exetor and dyisrg beta’s his father, is 1711, lrft (critic several dons., slI of n.’ltsssr 57. soon. except Fllizabells-Slary.Anns, so. to Joseph Town, Capo tsf Good Hops, 31 Csske, LID.) pro sorts, 1 Peter, st. assscs., aged 10. 2 Jossx, colts a. his grassdtstlssr. is. Peter, d. ,ssscss. in. Itetserl, I. in 1711; css. in Srpt. 1730, Itie sestoin, Aaste, only dan. and heir of James Callelen, Bog .,an’l IrfI as Isis susie. ia 1811, four sons, I Jolts, 0. ia 1751, eadel E.I.C.S., drosvncd at Cateusla aged 12. 2 Jxates-N.sssxu, n-Its a. as SOs bas’enet. 3 Chartes-Saekvills, lisni. reyal ertdlery, drtwnod in (‘asaslat. 4 ltsbert, ci. an infant. of lvirliamcnt, Ito sit. Isstlly, ti April, 1774, Jasse Mostter, baronet). Tlsis getitlensasa so. in 1708, .Snoaunah, slaot. si Lincoln, by whosn (n-ho tf. in 181’.’) he Isad issue, Jxassa-ltouprLL, late barsnst. entered Ihe army at sn early age, and was present at lire hattie of WaTerloo. Caroilse-Berkeley, ci. nssos. in 1022. 1819, at the L’rttiels Arcshaseadsr’s at The hague, and remarried at St. James’s, Weetnsinster, 24 Feb. lOss, SeptimaSexta-Cohloten, Sri eosrvivhtg dctss. (If Admiral Richard ss’hsrn his P.11. llse late Desks sf Verb stood sh’esssor; an Esg., of Janmalea ; aud ci 17 Aunt, 1017, leavhtg a dan., tiersnnde-Ssphia-Jane -Flanlsgesset. Gerlmde-J4acrieo-Eta-Do Itateals, ‘1. cc,, a, Alowslha_Plaslagenet—Alte;a—lte Slontlarl, st. sd,,sst. at Buttevant, so. Cork, n-ha was 5. 19 Sept. 3814, and did. 1 Oct. 1911, Slssry, ysuugeet dan. of Wihtians llary-Alewisha-Whllssetghhy, ‘1. ass infarct. Florence. A ‘scsi—Or, three stags’ heads, rotmpcd, r. Crat—A slag’s lseaei, as is sIte arnrs, C 0 L COLLET0N. Aug. 1851 ; a. he fatiser aa 9th baronet, 28 Oct. 1866.