Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/309

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COOKE. Cooscc, SIR l,7TILLIOH - HEnLEY- Ilarrict, so. to John Cooke, Jun., Esq. of Bedford-square, and CHARLES, of Wheatley, Co. York; Charbottc-liololrodo, sos. to Dryaa Cooke, Eoq. of Gsroten; who late capt. 7th husoaro ; 5. 5 Oct. Louisa-Lsscy, so. to he,’ cousin, Sir Charles-llibos.Lo,sobari 1827; s. his father, cc 9th bart., Stssnlc (late Stiddlotoso), Bosrt.; and ol. in 1024; he 1. io ] 060, 24 Dec. 1851; rn. 17 April, 1855, Sopbia-Assne-Mlizo, of. uoos. 15 Sept. 1010. Harriet-Eloioa, dan. of the late Sir Gessrge so. lndly, Mrs. Iiowott, relict of Thomas ltowott, Rev. Jonathan Trebeck, vicar ot Rag. of Milhans, assd dan. at James P;os’ror, Roq. Sir Goorgo Melbourne, Cambridgeohire. }LIitcat. The immediate aaeester ef this family was, Euwsoso CooKe, Eeq., mayor of Doneaater in 1104, 5501 Dart. of Melsay Cuotlo, 00 Northnmherlasod, and had boise, (the year when shillings were first coined in England), Vssiosaas-ll,oLoy-Cnossras iresesst baronet. 1106, 1107, and 1500. This gentleman had two sons: C000005-BowAnss-STnrsEn, 0. 1 Aug. 1o29. Lawrence, last prior of Doncastor, who a. in 1510, and Wiunian, groat-grandfather of I. Gcoaon Cooae, Esq. (eldest surviving son of Bryan Creof foss—tO Stay, 166!. Aroso—Or, a rhovs’ou, gn., between Cooke, Esq. of Sandal, co. York), who, in oonsidorathsu of two lions, usas0050t-gssardanl, so. Co’esl—Orol of a sososral erowss, Ins own and his father’s loyalty and sufferings during the coronet, or. Seul—Whcatley hall, near Dumsco.ster, Yorkshire. civil war, was created a Baronet, 50 Slay, lees, with ronaaindsr, in default of mob issue, to his next hrothsr. Sir Goorge ci. sssioe., and was a. by his brother, 11. Sic HENRY, I. 19 Oct. 1021; so. 29 Aug. 1619, Diana, sister and co-heir of Charles Hurler, Eoq. of Coats, in T,iucolnohtro, and had issue. s. Grosoc, his heir. is. Ilonry, of Owston, co. York, whose grandson, Bryan Cooke, Esq of Owston, SiP, for Stallos, ,ss.t8 Dec. 1786, Frances, slats. sod heir of Philip Poioston, Esq. of llafod-y-woro, ro. Boo- high, by Mary his wife, sisisr and co-heir of John Davies, Esq. of Gwysoosoy, co. Bust, aod Llanereh Park, co. Donisigh, derived from Cysric Efoll, Lord of Eglwys 5gb, son of Sladoc, lou Prinos of Powys, and had issos, I Philip-Davies, of Owston, Gwysaney, and Itafod-y-wern, 0. 11 Asg. 1793; os. 0 Doe. 1029, Hrloca-Caroline, dan. of George, 3rd Earl of Kiagston, and loft ai his decease, 20 Nov. 1853, with other issue, an eldest son and soccessor, Plsiiip-llrs’on-Davies Cooke, Esq., now of Owston, Gwysaosey, and ltafod-y-wero. (See Bunco’s Loncle,i 000bry.) 2 llobort-ilryan, in holy orders, probondary of York, and I. GEOROE-PREDE sscc-PAsTssw, 0. 25 Jan. 1001. rector of Wheidrake, Yorkshiro, & 29 Aug. 1000; no si. Edsnund-CourlcunP-Astley-PastoO, 5. 10 Aug. 1063 15 Jaa. 1020, Smily-Carterot, yoongrsl dan. of Philip- 155 . Nauotoos-Chanles-i’amton, S. 27 Sept. 1807. Smith Webb, Esq. of Stilford House, Surrey, and has lime. s. Storgaret-Poolon. 3 Anthony-Honey, ci. nab, in 1013. 4 Wilhasn-ilryan, 0. 0 Juno, 1005, DL. for Flintshire, lab an officer iso the army, ci. ssssm. 1 Story-Broncos, as. in 1010, to tlse Rev. ‘William Slurgesson, of Van and Oakhnrst, Surrey, rector of Watlington, The Coopers have boon long established in Norfolk. and vicar of lOlouatlleld, Sussex. its. Anthony, ci. o. p. i. Sarah, of. young. ii. Catherios, Os. to Gervase Eyes, Esq. of Rampton. Sir Henry woo s. by his oldest sun, 117, SIR GEORGE, SIP. This gentleman so. Catherino, Ilarlooton, of tlse family of Paotosn, faruscs’ly issvcstod with dun. of Sir Godfrey Coploy, Mart.; and dying 10 Oct. 1791, the Eas’ldam of Yamoossoth. (As hiraan’s Darooossf cost wao s. by his oldest son, IV. Sin BRYAN, SIP., who m. Priocilia, dun. and co-heir ,. Roherl-Mrosssby, SIP. fssr Gloucester, 0. 21 Feb. 1762; so. of Robert Squire, Eoq., lt.P., and was o. at his decease, in in 17M, Asno, obau. aisol heiress of William l’urosoll, Esq. of 1714, by his oldest son, V. Sic GEOROE, high-ohoriff in 1739, who sss. Cathos’ino, doss. and co-heir of John Snnderlaud, Nsq. of Doncaotcr, and loft two olasoo., s. I’asscssaa, ci. s,stos. in 1000. n. Cathorinc, so. to John Cooke, Esq., and hod a ito, JOHN CooKE, who so. llarrict, dan. of Sir George Coeko, 7th baronet, and d. is 1027, leaving, 1 Harriet Cooke, us. lathe Rev. Thus-Prod. Sissososs. 2 Charlotbc Cooke, no. to lbs Rev. Jonathan Treheck; wIts of. icavisog a duos., Harriet—Eloisa, ‘so. to she present is. Samuel-Lovick, rector of Isseoldeslhorpe and Ilarbon, Co. Sir Wm.-R.-C. Cooke, hart., asod a son, Joloo-James. 3 Lonisa Cooke. 4 Mary-Anne Cooke. He d. 16 Aug. 5756, and woo o. iso the title isy his isrother, Yb SIR llsovou, wiso us. Story, dau. of CoL Foley; and his wife, looircss of William l.cusau, Esq., and by lice had dying in 1769, wan s. by his only son, VII. Sir. GEORGE, of Wlueatley. This gentleosan no. lot, in 1766, Prances, don, of Sir ‘Wiilians Sliddletoss, Hart. of 259 COO Dolsay Cantbo, co. Northumberland and by her (who of. in 1700) bad ioous, George-Augustus, 0. is 1700; so. in 1097, Elizabeth, dou, and Seats—Slant Castle, co. Oteais; The Hall, Stoust Charles, co—isoir of Cbas’les Mollisis, Rio1. of illytloc, co. Molts; assd oi. o. p. in 1000. W’ILLIAOs-lssvoN, late baronet. Frasecs-Elszabclh, sos. to the 5-leo. Jolon lbamodes; who of. in IsO?, loavisg three sons. bbs ol. 13 Dec. 1043. Cuoloorisoc, a. oooo. in 1024. Isosi four dasis. Si. Op. in 1021. Goorgusua, as. to Adns. Sir Goorgo Ryro, ItCH.. vhs of. 501839. Joolia. wan eol. of the drsl battalion of the West York nsil.itia. Mo ot 2 June, 1021,asod was o. by his coos, TIll. SIn Wsorsaos-lluo-aa, an officer iso lbs foot-gssards, b.lllaroh, 1702; wbso so. 0 A1sril, 1023, Isabella-CeciliaYiviasoa, ysomougost dan. o,f the lato Sir Williass Middletosu, Louisa-Jasstlta, a. 12 July, 1030. Isabella-Cecilia, org., a olensi—lioss, gosardant, isosoani, sa., gorgool with a olucal C 00 P E R. COOPER, SIR ASTLET-PASTON, of Gadobritlgo, 00. Hes’tford, Is. 23 Feb. 1824, late capt. of rifle brigado, to n’bich regimont he woo appointed in 1848, and in which he served in the Crimea, and received a medal and clasp for Schootupol. Tie a. his father, 6 Jan. 1866; us. 7 Nov. 1855, Etholdreda-Julia, dun, of the late Geurgc Newtoos, Esq. of Croxton l’ark, Cambridgoohire, and has issue, is. Slory-Ethcl-PaotoIb. 3ti1ICat. Tue Rev. S,roouoL Cosorso, D.D., roctssr of Great Yarmonth, Yolvrrton, omd Storloy, so. Slosria, sian. aud heir of Janors Branohy, Seq. of Sho,ttistsans, in Norfolk, by AnnaSlosrios, dan. and oveutnosily locir osi James I’uotoon, Eoq. of Hotiars J’eoroge.) Mo ci. in 1000, leaving, Dursboy, and dying in 1o45, loft issue, 1 Purseil-Hrossslsy Punish, of Slaseossboe Pas’k, cs. Gloucoaler, os. in 1013, Cloarlosbbe, dat,. of N. Cliftacsh, kso1. of Frosuplos Coosrl, ond has, John-lbranshy, 0. 1 Jan. IRM; lVibliass-Pasten, I. I2Juse, 1821; Charlotte-Anne; Ps’aooosSlary; and hobo. 2 Robert - Jcrnoys, is holy orders, is. 2 Nov. 1795; ne. Arahollso, dams. of S. lVailisgtos, Esq., assd has oso duo., AraS,clla-hiasTiOt. 1 Charbosto-Janelta. 2 Ilcuriolba-Slania, sos. in 1032, to ttsncy, 2ud son of Sb’ Heosry Iteatlsools. Norfolk, 5.4 Fob. 1763; sos. in 1757, Surols-l.essoon, dun. aed eventssally oo—lseir of Tlssoosas Itede, Essj. ost let boerisselsasn Abbey, Sosifolk, (svho iolocrite,l lisoot essoie coo ls,’,r-at—baoc and svpr000stasive of the fanooly 1sf Nauobon,) by Tiseosphiba issue, 1 Mranshy-Bloks, S’.H.S., sos .Sbory-Anne, ualy dno. oh Jolsu itecling, Esq., and by bier (who 5. Isis widow, 21 Jan. lots COO ppr., attired, ongssled, and charged on the breaatscitbo a geiffiss’ head, erased, or. Msllo—Over fork over. en. Donegal; and Tyccalless Stcassorlar, co. Dosegob. Town House—I, Ilaosilton Place, Piccadilly t