Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/316

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COIINEWALL, Tna Rev. SIR Ceniss:a-IieNnv, of Moccas, Os. hereford, rector of 3I,,ccas. Herefordshire ; 5. 13 Aug. 1533 ; s. his brother, as 5th baronet, 14 Vet. 1838; nt. 4 June, 1567, Louisa- Frances, only dan. of Francis ,tI €1 I hlayley, Esq. (see note, BAYLEY, B.C ItT. ) I. tie’ saGE Asivasts, Esq. (fnsl son of Clandiiis Amysisd, Ess1., principal ssrge’sn and ourges,n-in—ordinary to Geoaen ii.). an eminent ,s,crchant of Linden, St P., one of tita assistants , f the Rassia Company, and an East india direct’’r, was crcatesi a llaronet, 1 .tng. 17f4. Sir barge ss. Maria, dan. of A Ln-Alsrahamo Mom-teen, Esq., a merchant of Ilauabnrgh, amid hail issue, unseaL his siscswssOr. Jobs, wise s. his fattier as a merchant, was SIP. fsr Camelforsi ansi ‘I_ eons- ii’ 1709. Asma—liaria, as. to Sir Gilbert Fihel, Ifart. horrid, is, in 1177, is James, lot Rail of islahncsbory. Sir Goorga’l. in 3756, and was a. by isis eldast son, ii. Sn: (1EOCOEAO5YANO, who, upon his marriage, in It Cecilia-Mary. 1771, with Catherine, ossly dan. and heir of Volters Cos’nowall, us. Joanna-Mary, ci. young, 19 March, 1958. Esq. of Moccas Court, hiercfordshire (whoss progenitor Sir Dominic Corrigan, son of the late John Corrigan, was Richarsi ds Cornewall, illegitimate scsi of of the city of Dublin, merchant, by Celia O’Connor, Ilicnxen, Earl of Cornowall, King of tha Resoans, second his wife, was created a baronet 5 Feb. 1866, in son of King Jisioa), assumed the ssirnasso and anus of recognition not only of his very high and very distinguished C55sNEwSLL. lly this holy ho hail issue, Geonno, his heir. Charles, ts. in 1767s; ci. I’ssssa in 1922. Katlseriise.Francss, m. 10 Sansnei Pepiso, Req. of Garostone and gratuitous public services consseeted with the HerefssrdshtOO. Anna-Maria. Franeos-Fltoabolb, is. lo honey, late Viscount Heroford, ansi University since its formathus in 1847, and was if. 26 Pci,. lad. MerrieSt, is. to the Right Icon. Thomas-Prankiand Lowis, of King and Queen’s College of Physicians in Ireland, an itsrplsn Court , or. Rashnar; ansi ‘I. leaving issue. Carahno, Os. to tho late Sir Whhisna-Dnff Gas’don, hart. Sir Geeogr, as his fatlaor-iss-iow did, rsprcscntosl tho Os. of A s,sorsi in hale, point siewnsessrdo in front thercsf tws battle— Hsrcfs,rd fssr sseeral years in parlian’ont. Hs st. 25 Sopt. axes in sshtire. all plsr. OlaUe—Consihio et imspeta. 1819, and was a. hg his sister ssn. iii. Sin (manor., 8. 19 Jan. 1774; as. 26 Sept. 1622, Jans, Y’ssrss H,sssae—4, iIerrisn square, W., Dublin, ssnly dan. of William Napse, Eoq. of Lossghcrew, to. Sisssth, Coos, tsp A’esolraeo—bnniaesrrig, Usilacy, cs. Dublin. and stscc ofJaasoa, hot Lord Sherhorno, and had issue, VELTOR5, 4th haoonot. William-Naper, hoot. RN., is. 20 Feb. 1832: killed it May, I sfd, so the s-ails af Ntngps in China, whilst gallantly load. icy his attn against lbs ‘faepttig reisels. Gos,aoe-iloaox, l,rosenl baronet. Celhecine-Elioaisetli, s. 7 April, 1840, to Thomaa-IV.-Chsslcr Slasler, itss1., eldest son of (tel. Master, of Icoale Park, (ilsoceslershstre. Selina-Ilaria, 51. yenng, in 1827 Mary-Jane 1. SAng- 1629. Prances-Anne. lienrietla, as. 29 J,sly, 1658, to lho Rev. Augssstos-Cisssler Master, vicar sit Preston. All Sainls, (lloneestershirs, 4th surviring sen of Cs,l. Masher. of Knsle Pack. Careitne-Seihss, 1. young, its 19711. Sb’ George if. 27 Dee. 151st : his widow, 33 Psb. 1553. Sir (barge was s. by his eldest son, iv. Sin VELTeR5, who was t. 20 Feb. ISM; and it. s’ssss. 14 Ott. 1800, when hs was.-. by his brother, Tar Rev. COTTENDAII, EARL OF (Sir William-John Pepya), Sin Geonue-ilesav CossatwaLL. tbs 5th and present of Cottenlsana, en. Cambridge, Viscount Crowlsuest, barsssaet. Ceealiess Aug. 1764. Arssss—Arg.. anon, rampant, go., deeally crswned, or, within Baronet, deputy-lieut. of en. Surrey; b.lSAug.1825; a herders, engrailed, so., heaantde. Cresfs—Isl, a Csrnish chsngh, ppr.; 2nsi, a demi-lien, rampant, The family of Peeve, originally seated at Diaa, in Norfolk, gus., ducally crowned, so. Mails—La vie dnrante. Seat—Meccas Csuri, ilerefordshire. is ‘cpreaeuaied tss have settled at Cotteehsna, ha Canahridge CO R RIG A N. Conasusta, Sta DoMINsc-JonN, Bart. of Cappagh and Inniseorrig, in the en. of Dublin, and of Merrion-square, in the city of Dublin, M.D., one of Her Majesty’s Phyeicians in ordinary in Ireland, 6. 1 Dcc. 1802; ass. 2 Jnnc, 1829, Joanna-Mary, dan. of the late William Woodlock, Esq. of Dublin, and baa had issue, a, Jona-Jesepn, capt. 3rd drsgaon guards, 8.16 April, 1030; as. 28 Jan. 1051, Sirs. Ernesline Robertson, and ci. 6 Jan. bOG, basing an only cistlsi, Jona-Joeree, 1. 28 Dec. 1859. Capt. Carrigan ssrveel as bent. in the 74th Mighhanders at the Cape of Geed tiepe in lbs i(afflr war (in which ho uras waundrsl), and received a medal for his distingnislied conduct in that campaign. At the altack en the Waterkloof, he was aidsde-camp to Colonel Fordyce, whs seas shot al his side, and died in his arms. Me joined subsespsenliy the 3rd dragoon guards, acted 55 brigadenssjor at the Curragh camp, and tnaiiy accsmpanicd his regiment Is India. II. Ilshcsl, b. 29 (Jet. 1033; ci. 13 Jan. 1534. In. William-Joseph, LL.D., barrister-at-law, t. I Sept. 1835. i. Mary, si. 4 Oct. 1804, to Richard Martin, Rug. of Sterrion Square, high sheriff sf the city of Dublin in 1866. professiesnal position, but also his greet health attd education of Ireland. Sir Dominic has been a memlser of the senate of the Queen’s elected five times consecutively President of the honor never before bestowed on any of its Fellows. (‘reefbss—1 Feb. 1859. A ‘isis—Or, a chev,, between twe trefoils, slipped, in chief ,vert and a lizard in base, 151w. f’m-esl— CORRY, VISCOUNT, Eone, EARL OF. C 0 T T E N H A 31, a of Cross-hurst, in Surrey, Baron Cottenham, and a t. his brother as 3rd earl, 18 Feb. 1863. 3.Liiicztc, shire, early in the 16th century. WILLIAM Peeve, of Cottenbam, living 1541, was fathsr of Jona Peeve, ssf Co(teulsans, who ss. Edtth, dau. and heir aS Edmund Taibet, son of Sir Gilbert Taliset, and hsd issue, ,. ,tsss, lie heir. n Tslhst, of inapinglon, in Csmnbridgcshiro, is. Eostrix, des of John Castle, of ilavenhsm. in Norfolk; and dytsg 1664 aged 84, left three sons and a dust. (JOR C 0 ‘-U CO 1{NEW ALl1. Jtiiiszigc. CORNWALL, DUKE OF, See ROYAL FAMILY, PRINCE OF WALES. 266