Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/321

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COY Caroline-Anne-Kate; 2 liontague-Charles-ltenry, 5. 5 Dec. wan appointed, in 1621, attonscy-gesserul, and advanced, in 1837; 1 Idary-Cordolia, m. 7 Oct. 1006, to Cal. John-Id, four years afterwards (1 Nov. 1625), to the lsigls office iii Adye, R.A., C.B ; 2 Kinily-Winifreda, a:. 6 Jan. 1057, to Lsrd Keeper of Ike great scat. On 10 Apsdl, 2628, ho was Major A.-J. Nixon, rifle brigade; 3 Annette-Jane, so. 7 Oct. elevated to the peerage, by the title of Boron t’orssilrp, ef 1863, en her cousin, Capt. Walter Stspfsrd. Sir Id. Stopford as. 2ndly, 29 Sept. 1853, Lucy, youngest dau. at John Cay, Aylosboesssgh, Cs. Wercrsler. Ilis lord’.bip in 1st, Sarah, Esq. of North Chariton, and :/. 10 Nnv. 1064, having had dan. of Sir Edward Selariglit, Eset. of lieslhrd, by whims l’s by her, Edward, 9.6 Feb. 1826; Lionel, t. 10 May, intO; a had a sea, Tuoaan, ins nsscrcosrs-, and a dau., Klizahsctls, so. son, 9.29 July, 1064, 8. 3 Sept. 1864; Emily-Evelyn-Lucy; to Sir ,John Hare, of Stow Dsrdelph, in Norfolk Lied and Dora. Robert, b. 23 Nov. 1802; and d. in Sept. 1828. Mary-Frances, 8. 1839. Etisabeth-Anna, 8. 1832 Jane, s. 11 April, 1833, to the 11ev. Abel-John ttosn, of 1. Jsssn, whose son, Sir John Coveniry of Fiheinster, co. Clonatin, eo. Wexfard, late vicar ef Westham, Essex, and has issue: their son, the Rev. 14.-S. Dam, bOA., is. 23 May, 1066, Charlotte-Anne, 2nd don. of Lord Inebiqoin, and hoe rsllcct upon CssanLm 11., won assailed by a party of consolers, a duo., 9. 9 Oct. 1867. Charlotte, 8. wsin:. Caroline, d. on infant. SOle lordship 8. 39 June, 3035, ossd was s. by his eldest son, Jsoirs-Tnoasxs, 4th eon, who was 0. 27 March, 1704 ; assd discovered, with a clones expressly slcpriving the king of as. 1st, 4 July, 1022, his cousiss, Lady Charlotte MosstagoScott, ii. Francis, wiLo -0,. tlsrics, and left an only eois aisd two dan. of the late Duke of Duceleuch, and by her ladyship (who 8. 20 Feb. 1028) had, Joasts-Ceonon DENnY, present earl. Edseard-Sydney, 9. 29 Aug. 1024; ci. 22 Nov. 1053, liarreetOsboree, don. of the late Rev. Edward Nixon. Eorcingtsn, 0. in 1826; ii. 17 Nov. 1040. Ills lordship ns. 2ndly, 29 Oct. 1850, Mono, don. ef the lists iv. William (Sir), secretary Is the Admiralty, and afterwards Chief-Justice Penssefother, ossd hod by her, Jshn-Mosslagu, 8. 19 April, 1053. Frederick - William, 1. 22 Feb. 1054, page of honenr is the mother of George, Slsrqnese of II selifas. 11cr ladyship a:. Queen. Walter-George, 5. 18 Sept. 1855. The earl si. 29 Nov. 1808. His widew it Dec. 1559. Cresftessa—Barsn, 19 Sept. 1750. Karl, he., 12 April, 1762 His lordobip it. 14 Jan. 1620-40, onil was a. Isyhis eldest eon, Moron (of Greot Dritoin), 10 Aug. 1794. ..drisz—Ac., three Tnniniao, dad 1usd, who iii. Mary, dan. i,f his’ William loseisges, or, between nine crose-erosslcts, of the lost. Creol— Craven, Hut., by whom he bad two sans, Ocurur and A wyvern, wings esidorsed, yen. Soppnrlcre—’l’wo stags, ppr., Tue’nias, of Ssuitfleld. Ills Isirilohip ii. 27 Oct. 1661, and collared and chained, or, each charged on the shoulder with a lozenge, of the last. Jllslls—Fotrias snfclici fidelis. ficof—Courtown, was s. by his older son, Corey, co Wexfsrd. COVENTRY. COVENTRY, EARL OF (George William Coventry), of Sir William Neyt, Dart, of Eh’niisgtnn, en. Olouceetes-, co Warwick, ann Viscount Deorhurot, co. Gloucester, and hod an nuby don., Anne, a. to Sir William Corew, ISn’t. b. 9 May, 1838; 1. an 9th earl, on the death of his of Asitleossy, en. Cornwall. Ills lssndslup as. Indly, Anise, ,l;sn. grandfather, 15 May, 1543 ; so. 25 Jan. 1865, Blanche, of Sir Streynebam lelaatcn, Knt (if Ciidiion Castle, ca. Des-by. 3rd dan. of William, 2nd Earl Craven, and has, s. Gnoaun-Wsas aol, Visceassi Dcerhssrsl, 9. 15 Nov 1865. devolved upon the lineal dcscesedont of Walter flovcssti-y, xc. A son, 0. 3 May, lOSS. 3Uncgc. This noble family won founded by Jouw Covatovnv, who amassed considerable wealth in the Ilnidpont, who n. as 5th Earl of Coventry. loin lordship so. city of London, and filled the offices of sheriff ond lord- Elizabeth, doss. of John Allen, Enq. of Weetusissete,-, by mayor in 14)6 and 1425. (lIe was one of the executors of whom he hod issue, the celebrated Sir Richard Whittiagton.) From this opulent C nsnnn-Wsi-m.saam, Lord Di srtn’nei. citisen lineally descended Tanuas Covnarav, ass eminent lawyer, who wan appointed John-Dulkelsy Cnventny-liulkclcy. Its d. in 1801. chief-justice of the court of Common Pleas in 1606. The earl it, IS Starch, 1710-1, assd woe o. by his euler sills, He no. Margaret, dan. out heir of Jcffrcys, of Earles Creomc, Gconon-Wu.n.ioni, 6th earl, who m. lot, M:srcls, 17o2, othe,-wioe Croome d’Ahitot, by whom lie had (with three bIas-ho, eldest dan. of John Ciusntisg, Nsq. en. Ilsscosumsn, dons., Joan, wife of Mr. Rogers, of Surrey; Catherine, m. by whom (who ii. 30 Sept. 1760) be had, to William Child, Esq.; and Anus, so. to George Framptori, Gnnnnn-W5LLL505, 7th earl. Esq. of Dorsstshirs) three sons, TeeMas, his successor. William, of Ridmarley, Worceslershire. Walter, whose son, WaIler, as. Anne, dau. of Simon Ilolcombe, Esq. of the co. The carl so. Sndly, 27 Sept. 1764, Barbara, dan. of Lund St. Devon, and left, with other issue,, of whom hercafler, as Ills Karl of Coventry. John, of Dleleboo, hsy whenno he hod, The eldeot son, Tuoniso CovnNvnv, pursuissg the profession of his father, (also ef. in Aug. 1808) ho lead, 271 COY (‘ovesetry as. Iisdly, Elizalieih, dan. of John Aldcreey, Eoq. of Spunstow, by whom ho had, Somerset,, acid M.P, for Weymonths, having isuuedo sonic observations iss Isis 110cc in lissrliaencsul, esiplossed to on 21 Dcc. 1070, and, after ,oalusg a gallant defence, dreadfully wounded in the nose. The circm,sntanec licing coinmuniralsd to paslianuesul, a kill was imsiediatcly passed, enlitlcd Ftc Csceolro .dcr, inihicliog the penally of t:ssinbmciii upon the perpetrators of the outrage, should they Sc else lower of paa-dossing Ilse olfendsrs. dane., I l”rancie, who d. ‘na. in leOl. I Elizabeth, a. to Sir William Keyl, Dart. 2 Cltra-Trsjeotina, is. to Sir Lacon-W’illiam Child, Kni. us. henry, ambassador to Sweden, in 1671, and afterwards escrclary of elate. one of tbo cosnsnienioncrs of the ‘frcasary; it, is 1666. s. Anne, is. 1st, to William Saville, Eon1., by svhsuis else 0-as lsdly, Thomas (Ihsichrle, Esq. of Wisnpalc, co. Cambridge. n. Joan, a. to Henry-Frederick Tisynne, Esq. in. 01 argarol, so. to Anthuiny, Isi K:u-l of Shnllcebury. iv. Dorotlsy, so. to Sir John Pochungloss, llort. Gconnc, lid 1usd. Thus nobleman m. Margaret, don, of John, Earl of Thanct, by whom be bad one surviving Olin, Joan, sad a dsu., Margaret, a. to Charles, Earl of Wiltshire, His lordship it 12 Hoc. 1600, and wan a. by his eon, JORN, 4th lord, at whose decease, seam., 25 July, 1607, - the title and estates reverted to isis uncle, Tsconnse, of Snittcld, in Warwickehtrc, on 5th lord, who was o,lvnnced to a viecounty sued condom by Eissg Wstnstcns, 26 Api-il, 1607, as V-ioceual Dccrhursl assd Eons. 5SF CuvnNvny, with limitation, in case of teilnre of Isle own issue m:slc, tie the gs’andeiess of WaIte,’ Covcsstry, next brother to tho 1st boon. His lordship 8. 15 July, 1699, and a-as e. by his eldest enu, Tnnosoo, 2nd earl. This nobleman iF. 1710, and was e. Isy his only son (by Anne, din, of llonry, Duke of Deassl’ort), Tnoasas, 3rd sos-i, who 8. ;st Rton College, 25 Jsus. 1711-12, iii bin 0th year, when the hoaonrs i-eves-ted to his nude, G503ERv, 4th earl. This nobleman a. lot, Dorothy, dan. The earl ii. 27 Oct. 1710, when the lssrouy become eXTiNCT, wbile tim sitlser honn,,srs, oud the greater port of the rotates, brother to the let lord, oscnrdissg to the limitation of the patent, nonsely, Wsecsosi Co-s-moms’, Esq. of Loisdan, then one of tins clerks of the green cloth, and measlier of panlionissst for Johen—Dulkelcy, who oesnnscd, hi’ act of ponlunnuossl, lbs additiansl name of DULKELEe, sod woe lhss denoisnssolcd Mary-Alicia, ass, to the lstc Sir Andrew Dsyntum, Bars.; and Anne-Slorgoret, as. let, ho the Don. Edward Foley; and Indly, to Captain Samuel Wright. e. John. 9. 20 July. 1765; 51. lit, bliss Anne Clayten, Isy whom