Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/323

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U 0 W divorced in 1810, and who m. 2ndiy, tho Marquees of Angleoey) had issue, Nsrfalln, by inns wife Catinoriec, dans. of ltrnnin (‘lenrin. l-:nq. Hnway-Rnrnn.nnn, present peer. William, m. 1842, Amelia, daa. of the Rev. Joseph-White Niblook, of London, and il 10 July, 1750, aged Ill, leaving l’y her, M.D., and baa Henry, 6.2 Nov. ]844; Gerald, 8. 846; George, 6. ] 888; Amelia; Charlotte; Emily; Georgiana; and Louisa. Gerald, dose of Windsor, and chaplain to the Qneca, m. 16 Sept. 1s56, Ilagdalcn, dan. of Lord Rokeby, and has AlbeitVictor-Arthur (to ndsom i-LIT, the Queen steed sponsor), 8. 4 Jnly, 1865. Charlotte - Arbnthnst, na 17 May, 1831, to Robert Baron Ehary, P.C. Ho en. Sndly, in Teh 5816, Genrgiana-Chanistts-Augnsta, eldest dan. of James, lot Marquess of Salisbury, and by her (who ci. 18 Jan. 1860), had one dan., Genrgiana-Charlntte-IiIary, so. 9 Dec. 1848, to use Right lIon. 3 Ashley, clerk of the parliaments,, who Sir Henry Lytton-Enlwer, O.C.R. Lord Cowloy ci. 27 April, 1847, and was s. hy his eldest son. Creafiens—Baren, 21 Jan. 1828; Viset. and Earl, 4 April, 1657 Arnis—Qnartorly: 1st and 4th, gn., a cross, arg. is each quarter five plates, in saltier, for Wxe.LEstny; 2nd and 3rd, or, Sir William was s. by his eldest son, alien rampant, go., for Cnwr.nv; over all a plate. Crests—I Out of a ducal coronet, or, a drmt-lion, rampant, Sins W5LLeAM Cnnwreu, a hneyor of great eminence, nvlnn go., holding a forked penon, of the last, flowing in the sinister, one third, per pale, from the staff, arg., charged with the cress was made Loan Kn-:oecu or mc GReAT Semen, 11 Oct 3703, of St. George. 2 A cubit arm, vested, ga., cuff arg., encircled annd elevated to the peerage, 9 Nov. 1706, as Baron f’owper, with a ducal coronet, or, grasping a scimitar ppr., pommel and of Wnnghunns, es. Kennt, Ins the nutnsc year we find his lordship hilt gnld. Sscppsrteen—Tws lions, gn., each dneally, gorged, between Ennglannnl annd Seetlnnd ; annd ins the year fnnllswinsg and chain reflexed over the back, or. Motts—Porro unum cot necessarbnm. CO WE E It. COWPER, EARL (Sir Francis - Thomas - Do Grey His lordship mL 19 Get. 1723, and was a. by his einlor sons, Cowper, KG.), Viscount F’ordwieh, Baron Cowper, of WILLIAnI, 2nd eas-l, 6. 13 Assg. 1709; who asnssmod the Wiogfield, Kent, and a Baronet; lord.lieut. of Bedfurdshire; to the will of his maton’nsul nnscle. His lacdslnip 4. in Dec. In. 11 Juno, 1834. Lord Cuwper a. his 3764, and was a. by his sally scant (by his first countess, father, 15 Aps’il, 1856, as 7th earl. He in a Prince Monnrietta, yonngcet dun. ansd os-heir of Henry D’Anvcrqnecqsn,e, of the holy Rontan Empire. 3tiisrituc. Jouw Cown’nn, Eoq. one of the sheriff’s of the city of Charles Core, Req. of Hen’kstowe, cmi. Lisncoln, by whom Lsnsdsns in 1553, ansd alderman of Bridge Ward, loft, with (who tO. S Sept. 1626) ho had tanne, ether children, at his decease, I. WILLIAM Cewrcn, Esq. of Eatling Court, co Ernst, who Oconon-Aeoesves, Lard Forcf nick, was created a Baronet, 4 March, 1642. Sir William so. Peren-Leoret.n, successor to his brother, Martha, dan. of James Banters, Esq. of East Langdan, ha Edward-Sprneer, 0. at FInn-cute, 16 Jsnly, 1779; on. 23 Slay, Kcnst ; and dying in 1664, was a. by his gmndson, IL Sin WiLLIAM, MT. fsr Hertfsrd; who ss. Sarah, dais. nsf Sir Samuel Iloiled, ef London, knt., and had two seine, viz., His lordship wan en-rated a Prince of the Ilely Esmann Enspire, s. WILLIAM, his successor. en. Spencer, a barrister of note, who was appointed Attorney- Gsosion-AeonsTua, 4th earl; b. at Flerennec, 9 Aug. 1776; General to She Prince of Wales in 1714, Clstef-Jantice of who ci. unman., 12 Fob. 1799, when the bsnonra dovalved Chester in 1717, Chancruor of the Duchy of I.aecastor in upon his bretlner, 1727, annd hs the Oct. of the same year one of the ledges of Pevr.n-La:orcsLu-Louss-Pnaneno-Ness-su, uth rail, P.B.S.; tine Court of Cmnmmsn Pleas.5 By his first wife, l’ennington, 5. at Florence, ii Slay, 3770 mn. 10 July. 1005, Ausolia, dun. of dan. of John Gosdere, Esq., ho loft at his decease, 10 Doe. 1728 (his dau. Jndtth, known m a poctoss, nvas wife of Cal. Pcnttntnnn, let ViscecnsntMclbsnn’nnr, by whom (wise me. 2nndly, Martin Stadan, NP.), three noes, 3 William, clerk of the parliaments, who it. in l74e, leaving issue, inner, twO none, via. Geoeeai William Cewpen-, scaled at Park, near ltertford, who sin, bin cousin, Mini Sladan; and 1-leery Cowper, Esq., of the House of Lords. 2 John, PD, rector uf Great Berkhanopntead, in ilertfordshire, and chaplain to Gnusue II.; who so. Anne, 5. 17 also seell-knewn as Ins smiablo and tntiuaute friend. Dr. Jahnn Get. 1708, only dan. sf Roger Danune, Esq. of Ludhnnn hail, Johnson was 8. 19 Roe 1769, and ml. 29 Sept. 1633; he was line * Thin highly respected judge wan, perhaps, the ensly instaacc only non of John Jobonons, Enq., of Ludhunsn, Nacfolln, imy hns of an English advocate being tried for his life, and afterwardn nilting himself on the judicial bench. Sir. Spencer Cnwper, when a young man and a barrister of the home Circuit, was peat, STRAT,neees, B.) lie edited Coseper’s ISomer, has i’osthumonnn arraigned at the Hertfsed assiees, 56 July, 1699, ens the capilal Imiariu-Dnrcthy Jnmhonons, ml. at Ym’,xtnana, 11 Pein. 1664, charge of murdering Miss Sarah Stout, whose death was clearly Esq. of Sherinerar, eu Direct, nephes’ of Bdseaed, Slim Diske of the result of suicide. Ste. Cewper nvas hononrably acquitted. The trial made an immense scnnatiou at the lime. 273 U 0 W (who it. 13 Nov. 1737), tIes noes, WILLiAm Convene, the illustrious Poet, seine wan 6. at Berkhsampnteanl, 15 Nov. 1731, leans edueatc,l at Wont— mnsnter nohn,el, ansi ness a nnnennnl,es of line lImier Teenple, but never scout to the bar, lie held line sfliee sf Clerk of the Jssnrnsln sf the Itsuse of Lornis, list isis nnnental hsfirmnly issrnlnaeitanoni muss ovesnlunnlly for official duly. ‘I inns gifted annd gcnnlle inndivsnlnnal, wins translaseni ISomer snn ably, and who nvrstr Tine Tusk, John Gilpia, and other adnnin’ablemnocms, lnnntln scriannn nnnnd lively, netnich neill endure whlie tine English laeguago lassIe, was lhc n’ietnnn of a inopelens slab of insane onelnnsrhnnl3, relieved by secnsisuallucid islervals. lie nt. nnnnon.tiS April, 1600. Johns, hA., in holy orders, s-ho was 5. 1737, slid nO. scams. 10 Slay, roe. it. in 1756, leavnng linree dams., vie., llanriet (tine poet Cswper’s tueorile esrrcslmsnndennl), nm. to Sir l’tnsunan lienkoth, Burt. ; Eliaslnetls-Ctnarlslla, no. 24 April, 1 759, ts Sir Arclner Cn’ofl, hart. ; and Thesdsn-a-Jauo, who was tine object of tier cmnnssinn, the poet’s sffectienn, slid the subject of some of bin scene. onse of the eemmiaotnnnners fur the treaty of union (4 May, 1707) ho was declared loon linon CnAaeeLLoR tie GRCAT BssnTAnw, On the deunse of Qnnuen -kane, Lend Cssepcr was eennstituteni cisc of tIne I ,rds justices nnntil tine arrival of Gsnmcoc I. from Ilosim,esr. In 1716, bin lordship wan appsinnted lord high steward of Great Bnitain, for the trbnl of the relmel lenin ; annrh is Slanab, 171 7-10, he was advanced inn the dignities of Viscount Fsrniseirh and E,nnaL Cowpnn, but he nscnn aftes’wurds resigned the seals. The curl sin, lot, Judith, dan. snnd heir of Sir Robert Booth, Rut. of Lonndsnn, bnnt had nno snretvtng issue. Ho no. Ondly, Sian7, dana. of J suns Claverhsg, Esq. n,f Chopwell, inn bus-h-ann, ansd by her (who if. Peb. 172:ij had issue, lVet,e.nAsn, Lent Fem’,twirh. Spencer, in isoly orders, dean of Machans; sin. Durstlny, duo, of Churlen, 2enl Vineonnsnt ‘t’ownnnhennd, unnd ci. 5. p. 25 llureb, 1774. Sarah, ci. unn,n. in 1756. Annno, en. in 1731, to James Edward Celletos, Enq. of llayues ILlI, Rocks; and tO. 26 March, 1710. sum’niame of Ctavnnnwo beforo that of Cowpcr, in obedience Eaniof Granntbsm, wiseun Hurl Cowper, ni.27 Juno, 1732, and svhe d. 21 Sept. 1747), Osonee NAssAu, 3rd curl; 5. 26 Aug. 1758; sin, at Florence, 2 Jnnn, 1775, Anne, yoenngeot dan. and es-heir of 1806, Catharino, youngest dan, of Ttnmnmas-March Phillipps, Rnq. of Garendsn Park. cc. i.mjiccnter, and ci, lu 1023. his widow em, in 1027, the Rev. 0.-A. htunniitonn, and no. in 1010, 31 Jan. 1776. He tO. lift, aind was a. by his eldest neu, 10 Dec. 1070, ltenny-Jshns, lust Viscount Palneenstunn) he had Her grandnephew, the tlev. Dr. Jshn Johnson, of lloeeil aod Ctnius College, Caonbn’idgo, reeler of Yaxhmnnnn-esnms-Wrlbonrno, Nsrfolk, was the poet Cnnwper’s biograunlner, and wan a’ife Catheriane, dun, of liar ltee. Roger Donnnne, lilA., reetmmr of Calfield, Norfolk, and brother of she peel’s monher (acm’ Poems, sod his Correnpnmodonnce. ions widose, Sirs, He had one dan- besides l Cnnreline, em. to henry Scyesour, Semomet. Shed. 2 June, 1773. T