Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/326

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THOMAS DO CnAnv0000 had a charter of tho barony of strasoloerries, mar. 1 sinister, a stag, all ppr. Stobhs, co. Roxburgh, from the Earl of Marr, in tho reign .S’enbo—Oaoodrtdge Park and ttagton Otasor, Devon; Rooehall, of DAVID II. Front Ibis Thomas we paso to Silt WILLIAM CnANST0UN, ICnt., who hail a charter of the Sistloerl,ond Arisaig, ln’oernees-sloio’o; and Olonler Park, co. lands of New Cranatonn in 1533. Ho no. Ebasboth, dan. of Tswio Hsiooe—tstmcroft. House, 3, Grove End Road. Andrew Johnston, of Elphinston, and had a eon, Joao, who died, and seven dana., the eldest of whom, SARAH Ce,oreoaouw, no. William Cranstonn, non of Jobn CRANWORTIII B., see poat, PEERAGES EXTINCT Cranotonn, of Morieotonn; which William was capt. of the guards, leap. JAMes VI., and having received the honour of knighthood, became Son WIr.LI AM Cnoaaaouze. He was eiibeeqnently elevated to tiso peerage sf Scotland, 14 Nov. 1609, 55 Minon CRANeo uoe, of Co’eeting, with remainder to his heirs male bearing the naooe and arms of Cranstoun. His lordship d. in 1627, and was s. by his eldest eon, Jejin, 2nd baron; at whaoe deceases. p. the title devolved upon his nephew, IOILLIAM, 3rd baron (the son of the deceased lord’s younger brother, James, hy Lady Elizabeth Stewart, dan of Flanris, Earl of Eothwell); who 00 Mary, don, of Alexan’Ier, h’:nl of Levee, by whom he had one eon, JAMEs, his oneceesor. ISis lordship attending CooAeLns II. at the battle of Worcester, was there taken prisoner, and sent to 4O eso° hail, the Tower of London where be remained several years, his estates being sequestered, and bim:elf excepted ont of I. CIIAIILIOC-WOLLOAM-FOrOER1CII, 11.27., 8. 28 March, 1817. Cromwell’s indemnity, lie was s. by his eon, .IosIro, 4th baron. This nobleman in. Anne, don, of Sir II. llonry-Thiomao-Cnpo, 8. dl Fob. 1141; if. an infant. Alexander Don, Dart., sod was s. by his eon, WILLIAM, 5th baron; who no. Jane, dan. of William, 2nd Cnrringtnts Hotoso, Lincolnshiro, which lady d. Marquess of Lothian, sod load iastso, I. JAMES, hie 005cr0000r. a. W’iltiano—1{cnr3 , a captain in the army, I. in 1707; m. 1740, Asne, eistcr of Sir David Slorray, Dart., of Stoohope; I, Jo.Lnxannnn Cnaurron, Req. (solo of Qaintin Craufsrd, and bemg iml ,ltrated in the parriride eernnsitted by Silos lttandy (who was exoenteot in Morel,, 152), went abroad, snot it. a religions t enitent, at Sorer,, in I’landrrs, 20 Nov. 1732. Foq. of Newark, in Ap’ohh’r, 0110 of N.M. jnnttetnry bailee too. Charles, it. onso Ic. fleerge, no. Maria, dan. of Thomss ltriohaote, Esq.; and it. Sh’ ,tlexoosiior hood issue, in I 7v0, leaving issne log her (ohs it. in 1007), 1 ltenr1 —1(oov, so. lot, Chriotiona Sonort; end 2eolly, in Cloartos (Sir), O.C.R., a lteut.-gen. in lboe army, and eel. of the 1003, ltary-Anoe, dan. and eo-hrir of Sir Jolon White. fnr,t, Dart., nnd boil issue liv tbr fanner, a ibis., Chris— 2,,d ‘lI’agt’on-btosrdo t i. 7 Set,. 1060, Anna-Maria, yosasgeot tiaor-ltrisbaae, no. to Tloonoso tie tratfo, Esq. Ito it. in 1043, 2 Itoorge, a lord of avision, so Ia,rd Corrbsonse; it in I b0. ltohonl, 00 O55JO-b05. in the as-mv, frtl in matting his troops I )lorgooso’t. on. 5 1704, to tVilli,ono Coioningbotno, of Lain— show, .rot3 llohire slid 4. in I a4 I 2 .1 ant —know, no. in 1707, to tto,tfrov-Wlnreolaas, Count son ore a osoinsoment has tern rs’erted, at the public expeols, Psorgotooll, a 01 nan nobly : stool it. in 18:00. 3 bto’lon-D’Aroy, no. in Jnly, 1190, to ltagsld Stewart, of ttrbbtgi’t, daos. of henry ll,,ltand, Seq., and left isooe, Cabrino soil 4. in 1833 x. Anne, no. to C. Orthy, Log, of Patton, eo. Northsmhetland, Sir Alexander oh. in 2662, oosd was s. by his son, it. Mars’, no. to Archibald Molirt, Esq. ibm lordship it. in 2768, and was s. by his ol’lest son, Joair.e, 6th baron. This ,oohtemaio no. Sopbia, dan. of Olorio-Thro’ena, oldeot dooot, of the lion. Ceto. Gage, and Jeremiah Drown, Req. of Aboranri. Co. Surrey, by whons sister of Iteury, 3rd Viscount Cage, by whoom ho bad bone, (who on. lndly, Michael Lade, Es,1., and d. 56 Oct. 1779) he Thomas, beillod at Waterloo. had issue, Wonuaai, tots stoco0500r. JAN00, sIlo lord. Chsrhro, no.Sliss Elisohrtlo Tnnoer, and by her (who of 22 Jane, si. IC. to Cenorsl Cbswne; sod 2ndly, 1036, to the Pot’. 1761) had Ja.oass-tfowoen, 0th lord. Go’orgo, ooi. in Lbs srnsy; it. at Storinano, 8 March, 1806, unns, Elirnlo,’tls. Charlotte. C U A WILLIAM, 7th baron; who it. unso. in 1700, when the honoors devolved open bin brother, JAMES, 0th baron. This nobleman was a naval officer, and distingnishod himself as commander of the “Bebbiqnenx,” in the eebebmted aetiona between Admiml Hood and Comte do Craeoe, 23 nod 26 Jan. 1762. Hiolordohip it. ovithont isone, in 1700, and wao s. by his nephew, JaaIrh.EnorAon, 0th baron; who no. in 2687, Anoe-Lon. nington. eldest dan. of John Starnamars, Req. of the inland of St. Christopher. and by her (who it. 23 Nov. 1610) had, .tA,Ins-tfnwann,pr000nt poor. CnAnLeo-FsEoEnoLR, bin 1013. Eltsa-tisotngtnn, on. 24 Solo. 1030 (sloe sras his second wife) to lttrhard Ford, Rap, of lteaoitroe, Devon; and it. 23 Jsn. 1040 ‘Mr. Ford, an omtnrnt critic writer and patron of the floe arts, it. 1 Sept. 1000. Anon-Caroline, it. in 1047. His lordship it. 1 Sept. 1810. Creoabben—t609. Arnie—Co., tboo’ee cranes, org. of Creclitog, its the peerage of Seootlaad; 4. 12 Aug. Crest—A crane, r000titig wihh its head under ifs wing, and 1809; o. no 10th baron, on the donaide of his father, holibng sop a stone with its right foot, alt ppr Ssppsrters—tsoxtor, a lady richly nltirett, apper vestment gos., Imdor, or, holding soot in her right hand a branch of Afetho—Ttsoso olsalt want ore I so ant. Kirkrndbriglst. its 1368. o U A U F U R D. C’RAUFIJItD, Sin OnonogO “ yo,ri3t, of Kilbirney, co. Stirlhtg; to holy ordoo’a, MA., 48 4:4 rector of Serelnhy,Lincnlnahirt; 4. 10 April, 1797; a. isis fntloor, no 3rd baronet, 9 Jnly, 1839; no. lot, 15 Feb. 1813, the Hon. 4 Hooter iCittg, aister of the Earl of Loveince, and by her n,0 s° _ (who r(. 18 March, 1848) has Hoet. dbodly, 3rd May, 18411, Martha, widow of Wil11am Cooke, Eaq., sod dan. of jnbn Holland, Eeq, of 5 July, 1065. 3Ltaragr. of the West Seas of hontland, a desrondatot of the Cnaos’onoo oJ’Kithiroey,) was created a Baronet, S Jtone, 1781. JAMes. tilt heir. daoo. of Wthltans, 2nd Lost of Fbarringlon, and s,idow of ‘ll,iimae. 3rd 1 tsl,e of Newrastle, boot it. without issue. ho the assault of Ctsodad—ttodrtgo, 19 tato. 1012 t for sobir to bloc g:ollont sobohier, in St. Patol’o eathoedrol. He no. Charles, Cohort, and Itenry. II. hon JAMEe, I. 20 Oct. 1762, who aesumod, ia 3812, tloo ooldirioeoal surnsrno o.f GbornaN. He so. 2 Starch, 3702, Alexandor-CharlOS, lioiot.-rol. in hhe army; no. in 1818, Doorbiara, 4th dati. of Goorgo-Witlions, 7tb Earl of Coventry and oh. 12 3tsrrh, 834. lIte widose it. 4 Sept. foflowing. Grosoo-WILLIaM, preoont lorinolort. 11ev. Sir h1.-D. Iholtinfiold, tiart., osbo it. 1850, soben his haeonetry become extinct. crentiiin—0 Jnno, 1701. Arose—Go., a feose, eros. Crest—An orsostne. .lfi,tia—Oise tabe oota. Besoibooim—Burgh Hsll, Lineolnobire. C It A CRANST 0 UN. W coo2 ORANST0ON, BARON (James-Edward Craostooa)0 5 Sept. 1818. TLiblcagc. Ito it. in 1773, nod wan .i. by his eldost son, 276