Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/330

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CrntwE, BostoN (Tlnogerford CreweL of Crewe, Co. ff,ol—Crrwe I loll, owir N aotiric’e, Clieshnre. Cheeter, ii. 10 Ang. 1812; a. his father, as 3rd lord, Temcmu Hsaso—70, lull Street, llcrkolsy Si1nare 4 Dee. 1835. Ji I ncat. “The township of Cr.s:wr, in the parish of Barthomley, in Cheshire,” says Lyeons, ‘‘ was, from a very early period, _______________ Calko Abbey, cmx Dcrliy; Lu. 18 the seat and hilieritanee of the family of Care, or Coewo.’’ Sn’. RaN000rli Ceewo, 5. 1352 (elder hrether of Sir Themes Crews, king’s serjeaot, frs,o whom eprussg the Barons Creive, of Stone, extiiact in 1721), was lord ehiof joetics of the Cn,rt sf Kin’e Bench, from 1624 to 1626. He pnreliased the manor if Crews of Sir Christepher Ilattan’s heirs, and hoilt Crows hail, which continued with his male descendants until the decease of JoHN CREWS, Req. in 1654, when his eldest dao. and I’auemrrv-Itasrijuo, lu. 14 Oct. 1816. eventoally sole heir, ANNE Caewr, succeeded. This lady is .Jolni Offley, Req., aUics—G’oss’giamimo—Iharpimr. (whese ancestors had been settled at Itadeley Manor, in Staffordshire, so far hark as the beginning of the 11th century,) mit her eldest son, on succeeding to the estates The name of this family, n’lnch is originally of Warwick- of his grandfather, assuming ins maternal name, hy act of shire anut Staff,mrdslnro, was Ilaaro’o, nntil cliamaged by tbe parlianieni, in 1706, became Jona Carwc, Rsq. of Crowe hall. By Sarah Price, his ga’anmlfathcr of the present hmaroisiet. wife, lie left, with other issue, Jon,1, los heir, Rsndalph, LL.D., rector of Barthoinley and War,nincham, brother Thomas, heiress) of Gosrge Fymoderne, of Fynderne, who ii. Ann Ifead, and was grandfathor of llie pressnt cc. Derby, descended from Idnge Fyisdorno, of Fysmdenae, JonaOrrser Cea,rmoltnai,, Es’i. of Were, 00. Flint, high- by los wife, the ‘lan. and heiress of Nicholas do Wihhington. sheriff ii, 1819 (see Bescc’e Lo aScii Geolry, So’o). The eldest sen Jona Cnowr., Esq. of Crewe Ilall, represented the cc. SIC JoaN hhatipug, Knt. of Swam’kstrn, whose ehdsst son, Chester in the parliaments of 1774, 1741, and 5747. lIe il. I. BeNnY llaopun, Req. of Calke, ca. Derby, was crested in 1752, lsavhag by Ins wife. Anne, dau. of Richard Shuttleworihi, a Barsiaet, 8 Sept. 1646. Sir Henry ns. Barbas’a, dan. cf Esq. of the co. of Lanesetor, I. Jeen, his snccesssr ii. gictard, a major-ocr. to the army ma. Milborongh, dan. Eeq. ; Jane, is. te Thsmnsas Tnu’fmurd, Rsq. ; Dorothy es. te of Samnel Alipress, Esq and ‘i ii 1814, hoavimig, I Richard, cm. is 1815, Frances, dan. of J. Stare, Esq., and Sir Nicholas Wihmuot, Rut, of Osmastou ; Isaheh, no. ts has lied issac. 2 Jalni-tmrrderick, ma. is 1819, Jlarrist, dan. of Robert, late Esq. Hot in 1635, and was s by Ids scsi, Lord Carrisgros, and has issue. S Willaoghby, in holy orders, reeler of Astbory, Chesluro, and Sinctdestsnc, cs. Sniop, ma. is 1916, Collieries, dan. of Iii. Sic Jonw, in whom, ins consequence of inheriting J. Jinrrey, Esq. and it. 5 April, ltrmo. S Ensma, ma. In JalmnPascy Edwardos’, Req. m. Sarah, a. to Obsdiah 1,ane, Esq.; and it. in 1814. n. Eticaboth, o. to Br. tttnchlttfc, lmtslmap of l’clerborongls. time family cancenti’ated. This gentleman iii. Anne, 2nd mu. Fmsces, or.. Is Ceo. Watsen, and had isnie. my. Emma, d. “sos. The oldest son, Jnna Cncwo, Esq. of Crewe Ball, b. in 1742 returned SI’. Sin houR, who a. Catherine, youngest dan.and coheir to parliament hy the co. Chester, in 1765, eat fmmr the earns Iieasv, his heir. jahn-Rd,rard, who 5.10 1761. slnre te the yoar 1886, when lie was elevated to the Crews. 1. in 1724-S. Aese, it. aa intunt. 1mcerage as Banotc Cnswr, of Genre, in fhsihire. His .brnmmsum,,, io. to Sir Thomas Palmem’, Bars. lnrdehnp so. ha 1776, Frances-_tune, only dan. of Folks Cachscrine, iii. to Sir Henry Oangh, Ban. 91’ary. 280 ORE GrevUls, Eoq. (envoy.extraordtnary, in 1776, to tim Elector Crasvfeed, 21 April, 1598; Scottish bamaenrs. Bares, I July, of Bavaria, and mnintstor to the Diet of Itatisbon, only son of the hey, Algsrnen Grevihie, and grandson of Fnlke, 5th .,‘lr,so—Quarferhy: first and f,sirtb, go., a fosse, cheqoy, L,,rd llroohce), ha’ whom (who it. in ISIS) ho had issue, arg. and as. for Liansar. Second amid third, or, a lion, ranipant, Jnaa, Ins heir. go., debrmiioed of a ribbon, in hmcnd, sa., fi,r A non- Thoma, is. II April, 1809, to Foster Cnidiffe-OHey, Esq., N StE CV ; a?l within a bom’ilnre ci the thirml, semds mof stare, or. eld,’sf son of Sir Fester Cnnttffo, liar)., soil became a widow S’a1mpsrtors—Twa hi,mus, sej mint, gmmardant, gsi lUcIte—En- in 1511. Shed. 55 Fob. 1850. Lied Cress it. 28 April, ] 020, and was s. hy his son, I sun, hid 1 rd a general-officer in the army who ni. 9 Slay, I SliT, I henrtetta-Slaria-Anna, only dan. of George Walkor-Ilnngcrf’irot, Rsq. of Caine, by tlenrietta-Ilaria, his wife, dan. of Jehma-hlnngcrfard Keats, Req., sen of Jolni Keats, Esq., suit Framaces, his wits, dan. of Sir George htnngerferd, ansi by her (who it. 14 Jan. 1826) ho had issue, Sirseerroon, present lerd. It rnrtotta.llnsmterfsrd—ltHey. Ilarta—llanmzrrferd. 1. an iofant, is 1812. Anmmmdislla—l tangerltrd, i,i. St Jnly, 5851, te Bichiar,h— Stsnctieo, Lord Ilsnghsten. Ills lerdslnp it. 4 lIes. 1 s:ts. Crestiss—25 Feb. 1686. Armam—Qnarterty: 1st and 415,, so., a lion rampant, arg., for Csoo’o; hod an,t 3rd, arg., a crass fiery, so., charged with a lion jsmssant, geld, for Crssfi—lst Csowe, oat of a discal coronet, or, a Iton’s gamb, erect, are’.; lodty, Orrm,ov. a mhoIei-hisn, raispant, gisanisot, or, holding di this liasrs a slip af euro, liFe. Smmjmjwi’toro—h levier, a lien, a:’g., eollnreil, an., thereon ttn cc rssrs, or; sinister, a grillto, so., wings elevated, nrg., beaked sod teoged, gn. .ltL,timm—So’mind,m’ ceo tef,’rior. CSORWE, SIR JOHN JTABP1iR, if Nov. 1824; a. his father, as 9th l.nrt., 1 Jan. 1844; no. 20 Nov. 1845, his cousin, Georgiana-JaneHenrietta-Flies, 2nd dan, of the late Vice-Admiral W.-Stanhope Lovell, RN., KG., and has issue, Sin Itmrnaam hixopt’a, justice of the Common Ploan, tsomp. ELszanevms, is.. Jane, rtan. (and at tIme death of her Lord omf Wihlingtsn, co. Derby. By this lady Sir Richard had a sea, Asmthmosmy Fanut, Esq. of Foston, and n’idsw of Sir Henm’y hleasnnent, Rot., and had issue, JoaN ; William, of Belstomas, ma, and left issue Elieabsth, so. to Richard Stanley, Nicholas Itnrt, Eoq. ; and Barbai’a, no. ta John Manley, hi. Sin JnnN, Sheriff of Derbyshire in 1640. This gentlemass ims. Sasais West, amid dying in 1669, was e. by Ins son, the large ostotos of Sir Join, Harpnr, Rut, of Swarkstoo, wham ‘1. in 1677, the gm’eat wealth of the various branches of dan. of Lard Wiltonglmby of Parhiam, by whons be bad one san, JO0N, and a dan. Anne, ‘so. to Borlase Warren, Esq. of Staplefoird. He 1. in hits), and was e. by his semi, of Thomas, Loi’d Crews of Stone, by whom tao bad, ORE 1826, United Kingdom Crest—An ootm’ieho, is mc., liolihing in his mnmiimthm a ket,’, er. dimes fort. Sm’sls—bl:migli halt, Wigan, Lancashire; amid Danecht Honso, ,therdeea. CLIX WF GIlD, Bun .,0f6 l’oLLOR, BenT, CREMOI1NF, U .,afe l)ARTIIFY, E.seco, (OF. ORE WE. ORE XV F. Sing.’.hIarlmmmr, 5. 4 April, 1856. ILtltCltgt.