Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/333

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CR0 CR0 CROFTON, SIR MORGAN-GEORGE, of Muhill House, co. Leitrim 5. 5 April, 1850; s. his grand- father as 4th baronet, 24 June, Earl of Essex into Ireland, and obtained large grants in Frances, vs. in April, 1825, to Daniel Tigbe, Req. of Ilossana, Roseoenmen and Leitrim. lie to. Jane, sister of Sir Henry Duke, of Castle Jordan, en. Sleuth, and had, 1. EDWARD, his heir. is. Jel,n of Lisderne, sehehad five acne. In. William, who vs. Mary, eldest dan. ef Sir W. Usher, ltnt., Sir Edward sf. 8 Jan. 1115, end was a. in the baroneteyhy and had (with a dae-, Mary, vs. 1st, te Silvester Kennedy, Esq., and 2ndly, Se SirP. Davys, Ent.) a Sen and heir, I William, of Temple Moose, Sligo, OLP.; whose enty dau. Sia EnwAnn, who a. at the denuisvof his grandsnstherto and heir, Mm, vs. let, Geerge Pereeval, Faq. ancestor ef the Croaliona—llaroaetry, 12 June, 1700. Raven, 1 Ieee. 1797. FeeeEvALe, ef Temple hence, in Sligo; and Indly, A resa—I’erpelr, indented, orand as., a lies, paeeasst goardant, Richard Aldwertls, Eeq. of Stanlake gevts. iv. Hrsssv, ancestor of Ssa 3IoaoAN-GsosoE Cenerots, hart. cessntercbanged. The eldest son, EnwAson CnoeTone, Faq. of Mote, Co. Roacommon, left ansi Isoefod, or. THOMAS, ancestor, of the Csoorroas ef .Leegford .Lfass,e, en. Jfstloee—Dal Dens increneentssns; and ever the creel, Pro Sligo, and an elder eon, GEORGE CRGFTON, Faq., H.P. 1639, who erected the castle of Seal—Mete Park, Hoeeomneeo, Ireland. Note. This gentleman sa. Etinabeth, 2nd dan. of Sir Fmneio Berkeley, MI’. for the en. of Limecacle, and was a, by hi, eon, FnWAasO CaoFTnN, Eoq. of Mate, who was created a Baronet, 1 Jnly, 1551 ; which honour ceased with Siso Ortvea, 5th baconet; when his sister and heiress, CATHEa5NE CR0ETON, hecame repreeentative of the fa’nily. This lady vs. in 1743, Marcus Lowtber, Faq. (2nd eon of G. Lnwther, Eeq., H.P. of Kilrne, doecerded from a common ancestor with the Earls of Lonedale), who aeossmed the name of CROFTON, and being nreated a Baronet, 12 June, 1758, became, I. Sees MAnGes LowveeEa-CNGFT0N. He repreoented the borough of Raseommon in parliament; and dying in Jan. 1724, was o. by bin eldest eon, 11. Sta FOWAnD, III’. for the en. Roseommon, and eel. of tbo He,eommon militia. This gentleman vs. 12 April, 1757, Anne, only dau. and heir of Thomas Croker,° Faq. of This family was founded by Baxtewn, en. Kildare (by Anna, dan. and co-beer with her HENRY CEOFTON, Faq. of Hohill Casile, co. Leitrim sister, 2Jaria.Jnliaaa, Lady Morrea, of William Ryves, Faq. (youngest son of John Croften, Faq. of Bahtymurry, auditorgeeseral, of Upperwood, and co-heir also with her sister and her cousin, Nary Ifyvee, wife of William Candler, D.D. of Croftnn), whese great grandson, C.s,tteeomer, ce. Kilkenny, of Sir Richard Byvee, Rut., a I. 510nnAN CNOFTON, Faq.. was created a Baronet, 19 Aog. baron of the Exchequer), by whom be had issue,, isis soccessor. llooey-Tlseinas-Slaveoo, in holy orders, 6. 1783; d. Sept. 1833. I. Hrcn, lets oneeeesor. George-Alfred, vice-admirat, lt.N., I. in 1781; d. 23 Fete. 1818. ii. Denra-, in holy orders; vs. let, Ssesan, only dao. of Poke Willians-Gergee, caps. Celdetroam foot gnarde, killed in action at Bayonne, in 1814. Caroline, si. I Sept. 1858. Loseisa, vs. in 1803, to General Sir Peregrine llaitiand; and d. in 1801. France,, vs. 1882, to tIcs late SI. George Canlfeitd, Faq. of Donaman Castle, en. Resconesnsn, who 8. 1810; shed. 1831, leaving else present St. George Casslfflild, Feq. of tlonanean. Harriet, oa. to James Casifeild, Esq. of Drucisealme ; and d. 6 July, in 1837. Angsnta, vs. to James Casslfeild, Faq. of Benewon, RN.; and din 1831. Sir Edward 8.50 Sept. 1797, and bia widow, DAME ANNE CRO,’TON, was elevated to tho peerage of Ireland (an honour intended for Sir Edward, had ho lived), 1 Doe. in lbs same year (0717), by the title of liAaOtlEss eec. Morgase, see. Mnry, dose. set IVihliases Desisa, Eaq., baniser. Cnoprots, of Aisle, ee. Jlo,ooossasa. Her ladyship d. in 08i7, s. Aosse-2lagdalena, sa. to use 11ev. Jasises Issesese, used had and was a. by her grandeon, EnwARn, the proeent peer, eldest son of SiR EnwAscn, the successor of his father, in i7fi. This Sir Morgan si 12 Feb. 1882, sod was a. by blo eldest son, gentleman, 6. in 1779, vs. in 1801, Lady Charlotte Stewart, II. Sin, 8. 17 Jnly, 1702; a. 4 Jssese, 17s7, l’sassres, 5th dan. of John, 5th Earl of Galioway, K.T., by whom yossngoet dan. of Ralph Sssey;h, Feq. sf Ilarb:svilla, es’. (who din 1842) he had issue, Fnw.snn, his eneeosser. and preseist peer. Wllhlam,t 6. 25 Jan. 1814; an officer in else arsoy; 8. to s. SleacaN Gossnee, 3rd barssseet. Canada, in 1838. Sosannals-Anne. as. 17 Ang. 1830, to St. George-Francis Canlfeud, Eeq. of Oonaman Castle, en. Itoaeommoo, and has issno. Charlotte, ‘a. in 1832, to Gihbe-Crasvford Aotvohns, Esq. of Eaton bail, Cheshire; and 8. in 1839. * Thomas Croker, Fsq., was a descendant of the CaoaEas of Vcstro]sp, Essi. of Fort Asessv, ro. Ctssre, acid Issit lassie, Ballynepseard, en. Limerick. JOHN Ceoe.xa, 5th son of John Cooker, Esq. of Ballynegoard, sis. Assgestsss, is hole’ smsles’e ; sss. 7 April, lS2, Ctserlotie, 8. in 1750, leaving issno, i. KienAso, of the co. of Tipperary, who vs. Anne, dan. of dan, of ties late Jehes Eirsvan, Resi., ro. Guisnesy, assd s/having James Long, Esq. of Dublin, by Anne, his ,vife. dan. of Thoebald, 7th Lerd Cahir, and 8. in 1771, leaving a son, THoMAs Cooaxn, Esq., capt. in the arsesy, who vs. Mona, dan. of Crokor Dillon, Nsq., end was father of she late THOMAS CoorreN Caoaoa, Esq.. ttse able writer and antiquary. is. Tisonsas, of Baxtown, en. Ituldare, one of the cia clerks in Chancery, whose dan. and heiress, ANNE, vs. Sea iv. Clenches, barrister—at—law. EtwnnCaOrroN, Ban., aod v-as created Bar000,, Cnoftsn. v. Pssrsons, ess. 2 Ang. 1831, Aisne-Palsnor, slssss. of gdward Lord Croflon’s broolser and sisters werO granted, Il July. 1837. the same precedency as if their fatlser had soccoeded Is Weotby, Req. of lIigts Park, eo. Wirklss,’, ansi tens, the peerage. 283 co. Wicktosv, assd has isenr. Sophie, vs. S Isrc. 1837, to Eyre Evans, Req. of As], 1110 Towers, en. Limeriris (.sr’ t’AsoEav, It.), wtce 8. 17 Jnly, 1012. Frrderira, sue. 24 Sept. 1131, to the Its’s’. II et,rrt St ‘Lasseldin 751 A., tsrebendara’ of ilerrfsrst, asssl rector ot tlorford, Salt,. bin son, the barony, and is tha present Lord Croften. Crest—A o;atts of wheat (seves ears on one stalls), or. Sappertera—liextcs’, a lion, an.; sinister, ts stag, tpr., armed paInts et cogs. CROFTON OF 1I01-HLL hOUSE. * 1861. JLIiiczigc. teseep. ELezAoEru, ancestor likewise of the Locdo 1801. Sir Morgan so. in 1719, Jane, youngeot dun. of Liout.Ccl. B’Abzae, by whoua be had iosue, Croflen, Req. of the cc. Leitrins, ased had issar, 1 Sbergan, in holy orders; 8. t847. 2 henry, 8. yeneg. I Seesan, as. 1822, to tier llost 17ev. Jssorphe Singer, P.34., biehop of Meatb, who is. if Jaty, ldtf. He vs. ladle’, Fraseecs, eldest desee. af Capt. ifottiete, of holybreete, co. Stigo, esseel of Licktsitt, en. W’arcostes’, and by leer laao lessee, 1 John-ffoltiolt, neajor-ten. in lice army; col. of the blithe regt.; m. Aaeee-Agaes, only chili of Jetses Addison, Fee;. of Froseon. 2 Clsartes-Shenhope, vs. Maeq’, eldest dan. of Dohe Craftee, Eeq of I,akofiold, en. Lcitriae. I Jane, 8. in infancy. 2 Sarais, sss. to thee 17ev. Retort Slavety. 3 Ls’tthia, sss. 1st Liesst.-Cet. ttebrrt ltnrn, royal arlilory. iossse. n. Jane. Wsstmoatb, and by her (who 8. 27 March, 1217) had issue, sI. tienry-Wllhases. of lssrlatsulspa, cs. W’idklow l as. let, llareia—Assaelesia, yoassgeet deco, acid eo—tes’ir of litatisiess Eurhe-, Faq., 21.1’. fer Laaestevasegle ; asef lsestiy, 1840, Slariesissso—Aeesellu, doss, of the flea. Jasesee Casatet, ci Fodstsseis, Sesesex, by wbossi iso I ad isssse, I I lenry 2 Ed,vurst, drreasosl; 3 tis’erge; 4 James; I Stor;onneAnsolia,3h. Crs,flon s,s.arelly, loll, Frances, dun. sf ltsh,rst Nshsarst, 1 lssgh, tlotsert, assd Frasscs’s—llarleeres by her (svho is also due.) tsa,i leone, I Itagla-Aogootse, fsrmerty ens s’llicer its the file use,] 10th regIs., s,. 7 Feb. 1826, Anseha-Ilserriet, eldest dan. of ella late Catst. Charles P arsiuhcaresess, tiN. — 2 Edward, in Isesty orders, MA., eu. 10 Aug. 10.05, Far’.sh, 2nd doe. ef William ‘fanner, Faq. of l’estehaeas, Is. L. icr Ssssscx. I Rosily-Frances, as. to Waisen Seatrhtrd, Req. I llssgh. I F’eoey—Putister.