Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/344

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C U It 2 Emma, it. 1851. 3 Loniaa, to. in July, 1847, to the 11ev. b-B. it totter, rector Locus, present t,a,’o,set. Jane. of Tlasiltlon. 4 Geortiina. Iv. John, of Ksscndon, lIed,; it. 176°; ye. Isabella, tan, of Creations—12 Sept. 1794. Itobert Parnllo’r, Fort. ; anti it. I 829. leaving tss,tt’, I John. it. in 1797; formerly Ml’. for I Icrtfard et. Eltea’ 13 il,ratlar, sar,’o,,,tded ly fortifications antrl Iho sea, and in base, boll,, tan, of N. t’attioan, Ksq ., intl lttrs issne. I Isabella, to. 1041, to ft. La Itlisne, Eoi. at Norlltaw, Harts jpi., bitted ansl patnttmslled, or, eatneisted soith a palm-branch, 2 Catlterine, to. 1840, )lonoietti’ i.e tloiterttl tlottgettei. o . Len,torsl, it. I 7lI ; to. 17117, I)ertd liv. dati. of ,lol,n Close, fi’eal—OnI of a naval coronet, or, an arm, habited, ac., cuffed, Itttl. of Rosin’, ro. Serb, and it 1o44, leavtng isstte, I Lettnarii,it. 111th t m 1029, Cat’tditte I itt)’, mat Ittit tsttte. wi lit a ssr,lf’s load, art in tlto canton, gyroutty of four, gss. and 2 Eslota,ttt, it. in 1802; at. its 1923, Stargaivi y.ttdce. ,Jtttties, in Italy ttt’der, it. in 1983 ; at. itt I 92i, L —A Larkiitt. 4 Arthmsr, it. in 1804: as. in 1033. C.J. Smith, sister 9f Sir Charter Sutillt, Earl. of Snlto,,o, tolto it. 1040, leovtng sssoe. I Frances—I )arolhv, it. it, 1047. 2 Mary, .t. in Ia II, tO tile 11ev. A—A. Cameron. i. llag’lalcn, it anot. to lKtd. it. Mary, to. to lI,e ltev. John Clsanttler, vtcar of Witley, Surrey it. in 1840. Tho Sari soo, Macn Ctunir. Esq. of Upper Gattnn. Surrey, and afterwards of Hayes, in Middlesex; it. I) Stay, 1759; or. it Jan 1789, Elinahetb, dau. of John Close, iisq. of Easby, et. York, and it. 1 March, 1935, leaving booS, WtLs.rsut. it. I Aag. 1791. - Siarlc-Jehn,rrar-a’lnm. RN.; it. 21 Jaoe, 1790; se. 14 Jan. 1829, s, William Edmund, late lieut. jot Royal dragoon-guards, Jane, doo. of CIsorles’lioyttlsa Wood, hlsq. of Itayes, Miditlesex. Fornasiete, now Sta Forerniex Cc’nntn, Burt. Charles. ia holy orders, virto of Tilney ; 8.3 Oct. l8O0 as S Jnne, 1818, I ‘iana-Elicaheth, slat,.. of the 11ev. CharlesEnsebists I slsant. Edtrard, in tl,e F,. I. Co.’s civil service ; it. 2 Feb. 1884; ns. 1 n. Phitip-Jsiliau, lato capt. 60th rifles, it. 20 March, 1118. March, 1531, Georgiana, dan, of John )Iarrae, Esq. Aifred-Pelor, ia 11:8 It. I. Co.’s civil service, it. 8 Jan. 1808; n. Geargina-Heorielta, in. 27 Oct. 1668, to R.-T, Darerspat’t, cr22 Jane. 181.5, Jane-Latltam, dan. of Grorge Mainwaciog, Esq. nnd it. in 1847. Elizaitelb. Anne, s’s. 11 April, 1831, In the late henry-S. lloailteote, Rag Sir William a. his father, 16 March, 1847. of Wooditary, Middlesex. Ceeafisss—1846. Anne—Go., a sallier cooped, arg.; in the centre chief point, a rose, of Gte tool, barbed and seederl, ppr. I. Wittian CURTIS, Erg., lord mayor of London ha 178.2, Crest—A cock, ppr. resting its foot espon a roar, org., hotbed and seeded, ppr. Reaidnree—Cra ford, Kent. CU ItTI S. CURTIS, SeR LUCIUS, of fiatcombo, 1033) ho had kosre, no. Hauta ; admiral of ,i. Ttmsthy-Ahrabatn, b. 1 Jan. 17Sf; oilS April, 1808, lIargarct-lla.rrie’l, the Fleet, a,sd K.C.B. 6. 3 Jsrne, 1786 ; so. 1 June, 1811, MaryF’igg, cheat clan, of lloaea Greet’ ham, Eaq. of East C’oeeltaiu, in the eamtse 00., deputy-jtmdge-arlvocate of the Fleet, by whom (who I 2 Eiama-l”ltarlottr, Ia. 18 Feb. 1531, ia Charles-Janses “-.... ‘ d. 30 May, 1841) he haa hadiosue, i. Rogor, comm. RN., it. 9 Nov. 1812; it. 10 Dee. 1816, si. Roger-Lucius, Iteut. RN., it. S Hay, 1516; it. 19 Nov. 1853. ill. Roger-William, it. 13 April, 1817 ; m. 1853, Sliss F-B. Virat, and ri. at Trinidad, 23 Sept. 1839, leavisag issue two sons, 1,ttcitts-Irwitto Curlis, it. 1838, 0. 23 Jan. 1800, and Amrc,erms, it. at Trinidad, 1538. tv. Roger-Frederick, it. 26 April, 1519 it. 14 July, 1815. v. Soptimun, it. 3Apr11, 1511. s. Ilary, m. to John King, Esq. of Loxwnnd House, co. Suooex, amtd has issue. ii. Elicahef h-Catherine, at. 8 Jan. 1556, to Capt. RoditeyPayne O’Shea, lair 28th foot, and has issue. 1st. Fraoces-A,sue. Sir Tasirists a. hia father as 2nd baronet, 14 Nov. 1816. He ;vao appointed Admiral of the F’heet 11 Jau. 1 8134. IL innrc. Ronomrr Coons, of Ilowuton, in Wiltshire, m. Chrietabrlls a. F.nmmo, sit. to hheury-CadwaBader Adams, Esg. of Anstey Rlachford, and was father of I. SIR Ronea Ct!nTla, hInt., O.C.R.; a nava1 officer of ti. Rebeeca-llory. or, 29 STarch, 1025. to Timothy Curtis, Esg. distinguished bravory, who having attained the rank of raid. heN., son of lIme late 11ev, Charles Curtis. sdmirnl of the Ited, was created a Baronet II Sept. 1794, in Sir William d, 18 Jan. loin,,,nd was a. by hia oldest son, ronoideratioo of his horoic achievemenis under Lord Howe, II. Sio SVittmaas, 0 2 Itareb, 3782; svho m. 10 Nov. 1503, in tito tuemorablo engagement of ithe 1st of Jt;oe in that Itary-Amisme. omaiy child of Geom’go Lear, Eoq. of Lsytamastamao, yeas. He had been previously knighted for his conduct at Essex, and l’y her (who st. 13 Nov. 1861) bad issue, the siege of Gibraltar, in 1782. Sir Roger as. Sarah, W’tttsaa, present baronet. youngest dan, and es-heir of l’l. Brady, Esq. of Gatcomhs George-Lear, it. II Sept. 1801; a. 21 Jan. 1822, Ango,la— House, hampshire, by whom (who it. 10 April, 1181) he Elicabeth, dan, of Clsarles-R. Cslton, Esg. of Kingsgate, bad issue, CUlt Iteger, a pest-rapt. RN.; it. II llarrh, 1780; it. ie 1881. Sir Roger it. 14 Nov. 1816, A t’,ss—I’s-r fessr, ss’avy, org. and so., in chief the rock of Iltrer fiet,rs-de-lis, of the first; on a canton, gst., a ssoard, eoecr, veal. org., sttpporlimtg a flag-staff, ppr., thereon s flag, oc , charged nz., to e rrtss, arg.. ;tlI seitl,its a itard,tre, or. Jtslts—l’er rttdtttt, Seal—GaseOltibe, hunts. CURTIS. CURTIS, SIR WILLIA9I, Bart, of Ctalbanda Grove, co. Middlesex; 6. 26 Aug. 1804; no. 18 May, 1831, Geurgino-Mania, eldest don. of Johan Stratton, Eaq., late of }‘orthtnghoe hudge, en. North. anaptou, and haa issue, it. 26 Oct. lOll; ; sos. 10 Feb. 1513, _tnlauarEmily, does. of the late Col. Master, of l4ootr Pork, ro. Gloucester; and st 11 May, 1560, baying an only child, WtLLt.sstlls ’atorn, it. 18 Nov. 1849. iii. Johit-Egecton, Iieui. 45th fool, 0.6 Dee. 1844. Fog. of Lsngport Rail, Staffocdsltire. ts, lladrliuc-Tlorriet-I.ouisa, or. at Nice, 23 Feb. 1881, to Col. W.-C.-t’heoler Master, t’.B., 5th fusiliers, IL inrac. and for 33 yours SIP, for that city, was created a baronet 23 Dec. IsIS. Ito a. 9 Nov. 1770, Anne, youngest dan. aud co-heir of Edward Constable, Esq., by o’bom (who it. 7 Aug. I., 2nd baronet, youngest dau. of the I;ste Young Green, Esg. of Foolc, co. Dorset; rt II May, 1587, having had, I W’idians-Frederick, 2 James-Charles. 1 .Orlbur-lleory, major in Bombay slaff corps; it. at 11am bay. ‘2) April, l’s64. 4 Alfred.,I,,l,n, capt. RN. I ttarriett—Anne. Sevoa, Esg. 1 Sophia. 4 Fronces-jloncien, 1 Anolher dan. so. Cltarleo-Tlenviclr, 0. 10 llarch. 1793; or. henrietta, luo duo, of the late 14ev, J.-R Pearson, of Croxhall, Derbyshire, and has issmse, I Cl,arlen-Williasn, so. 11 Jilne, 1810, Renciella-Franci,ca, ysatmtgest dams. of SVilliote—R t.obinoon, Esg. 2 Jamnes-Falconer, a. 7 Feb. 1861, Jnsephina-Adelside, elate, of the lale Col. Matmgims. S Iteginald, R.A., st. II Jan. 1862, Mary-Anne-Emma, elder lao. of James Salmanad. Erg. of Walerfoal, Cots,berlamad, aad l.aagtsssi I tall, Nolts, fitte Brace’s Latstleit Fencey.) b’m’aals-Jettn, 40th regt., fell before Sebaslopol, 195.5. S Searer—hlenry, to. 17 Aag. 1s64, Margam’ct-’ftmpper, eldest dues, sf Devic Cai’ey, Esg., Le ‘Valian, i.iaemnscy. 6 II enry-Downing. I llenrietta-Mara-Anne, at. Aug. hOSi, to Caldain Constable Cmrrtis,l’dllm royal lancers, 2 Frances-Anne, om. 6 Aug. hEll, to Henry Tnogood, Esq. of Toreaay. 1 Angmmsia-ltary, a,. Dec. 1818, to Charles-Il, Canuali, llsq. 4 Lney—Elizabclb. 3 Enamna-Carnelia. me. April, 1561, Is William Roil Eccles, Erg. of Daveuham, Cheshire, capl. rifle brigade. Ilall t and it, Ins widow. 22 Jane. 1557. KenI, aad has issue, 294