Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/351

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DAL Earls of Erreil. Walter (grandaen of the said WALTER), 3rd Storis-Chriotina, to in 1005, l,a l,icnt.-Col. Claarles-Tayloc hiss high eteward, died I 146, leaving by his wife, Iioatnx, dan. of Gilehrist, commonly designated Earl of Angus, ALEXANDER, Elioabcth-Ganee, sa. 11 April, 1061, (nolavns-C. Cernscall, bia auceessar ; John, killed at the siege of itatnictta, in the second crusade (i240); WALTER, ef whcns hereafter, and other issue. The last-named WALTER Os. the 2nd dan. Sir William it 16 Feb. 1065, and svas s. by lno elder son, Sir ef Slauritius, Earl of Menteth, and after a pro5raeted suit HOEORT-ALEx000en-ilonnnnx IIALvEi,L, the 6th an,l preeont with Walter Cusnyn and his son William, was awardo’l the baronet. earldom, by a decree of a psrliancnt hold at Soosse, 1205. Wslter, Earl of Montoth, by his rosmtcso bad two sons (who Ca’aott,a,s—7 Nov. 1665 A ctoe—Qnaclcrly let and 4th. or, assumed the suresasne sf MENTETn, but the family roLained 5 hcsad, cheqny, Ca. asad arg., betsvecu Ilaree bnekteo, as.; 2nd the patanml osat of STEWART, altering the feose cheqny sssd lcd, sa., a sated nsaua, pjw., a eaasta,n, arg.. ehac0ed witla a to a bond, for difference), ALEXANO5R, Earl sf Slestetls. Sir John t,loototh. The older son, Aloxsndor, bad two sons, I. ALAN, 7th Earl sf Menloth hving 1296), whose dan. sod heiress es Sir John Graham (beheaded l34O, sod had a dan., Margaret, whs ci. RoseeT STEWART, Bake of Albany. is. Jobs. From John lineally descended Sin WILLTAR MENTOTR, of West Morse, who m. and had issue, s. William. is. Atexandor, of Lsrbend. By tiso oathsction sf the elder branch, tbo reprosositation devolved, through John Mentetb (who to. Marjory, dan. axed heiress of John de Strivoling, sheriff of Clarkmasmsnt, Lord sf Cares, of Stirling, and Alvotb, with whom be acquired those lssds and that heritable offios), sn tise MENvcTsss of Lschcad. Alexander bad a son Alexander, who bad a son, IVilliasu, who had two sons, Alexander and James. Aloxasador’s representatives failed in his grandsoss, a. Tsenu.xo-.InnaosTnN, b. 1552. James Mentetb, of 7ilihthsll. JAn05 7dENTETR, tlae brottscr of Aloxsndor, bad a son, JAMEs, who was fatiser of Jnaescs )stcseTovn, of Anldoathio, whose eldest son, Jsnes MENTET5I, to. MAORALOR IIALYeLL, heiress of Binns, osnsmossly called The Lo,iy Biso.s. Mogdalon was eldest dan. and boiross-of-ontail of Sir Thomas Dslyoll, hart.. snd San TnossAs DANCER, Exit., alderman and mayor of the Kstlssrino Brummosid, of Rieesrtonn. He was son of the city of Waterford, was eavated a BAn0N5T 00 1 nnzocss, celebrated osvaller general. I. Tnoss.os DALTELt,, DALZELL, or DALZSELL, wlao was a 52 Ang. 5662.° lie sat. Sanab, dan. of tho Right lion. Sir major-general at Worcoster, and commsn,ior-in-chiof of the Adam Laftsso, Mist. saf Rathfaraataaan, co. Dublias, by his fsreos in Scotland after tho Rostoratisn. Mo raisod the wife, Jane, dan. of Walter Vasaglaass, ISoq. of Golden Grove, Scots Groys assd another regiment; and dnrissg the Conamonweatth Ring’s Co., and was o. at lais deecsse by his &dcst son, his estate of Binns was forfeited, and ho and II. SIR Tnosses, who ,t. ERas, in 1721, and was a. by his General Gsrdon served the Czar against the Turks. Sir brother, Itt. Sin LorTue, of llodreeasy, cc. Tipperary, who was o. Thomas war oreated a Baronet, with limitations to his by his eldest eon, heirs-of-entail. Sir Thomas was s. at his decease by his IV. Tnx MacnT Hon. hess TnaasAo, may-or itt Cashel, las son, 11. SiR TnossAs, at whose decease, uss , the baronetcy 3749, and high-sheaiff of the cii. Tipperary, hi 3743. Ho and fortune devolved npon the son of his sister, Stagdateno, ate., and had an only dan. and heiress, Mrs. Eyre, who which son then boosme, Ill. Sin JAseso DALTOLL, or MENTETn-DALTELL, of Bimas. Stacy Ryre, who so. Cliaa’tcs Grove, Esq. ; aaad Elizabeth He ass. Helen Campbell, of 3i’etberplsce, co. Ayr, and bad, Myce, the wife of Lancelot Maaldems, Req. Sb’ Thomas at. in ROBERT, his besr. - James, capt 1st regt. of foot, killed in America, 1763. Thomas, RN., killed in 1765. Msgdalen, as. to Robert Stewart, Faq. of Rinsy. Sir James dying 2S Feb. 1747, was s. by his eldost son, IV. San ROBERT, who OL 22 Sept. 1713, Elizabeth, oldest Sirs. Bennett, of Viewms,usat, and Sirs. Attcisas, of Firville) don, of Nicol Graham, Esq. of Gartmoce, by the Lady of Fhilip Going, Roq. of llnnaqsail, cc. Tipperary, by Grace Margaret his wife, eldest dan. of Wm. Cnssningham, 12th his wife, sister of Thomas Bernard, Req., H.P., of Castte Earl of Glencairn, by bis wife, Lady Hensietta Stewart, 2nd Berna’d, King’s Co. (aSee BnnnE’s Lasds,f Scatty), anti hail .dsn. of Alexondor, 3rd Earl of Galloway, by whom he had issue, Ts505sas-EEENARD, present laaronei. cloven children, of whom snrvive,l, Jnases, his heir. JOHN-GEAI5AsI (Sir), lint., 6th baronet. Robert, general in the anny, ci. in 184S. WILL5AM-CUNNINOnAM-CAO-ENDI5R, 7th baronet. Harriet, so. to James Wilkie, Esq. of Fosdden, and tt. lila Jesnisna. as. to the by Adderly Campbell, of Ihe co. s,f widow. 21 Feb. 1653. Etirslaeth, d. April, 1961. He d. in 1791, and was s by his eldest son, ‘V. SsR JAMEs, who dying RROL. in 1041, was s. by his Sir Amyrald d. 22 Nov. 1043, and was e. by blo eldest seat. next brothor, VI. San JORR-GRAnAM, president of the S.A. of Scoisnd, vicc-president of the Society of Antiqnarios of Scettasad, of csaasidecsble reputation svlscc hc hoed, is tressamneal ta have and a distingnished writer en scicsace and history. Ho d. been a member. lie published, in IsIS, _hgeO’ps, Kieg of 7 June, 1651, and was a. lay his brother, VII. Sin WaLLaAss-Ctrwwmn’onAn-Cavnscnssn, capt. RN., Alit’, ac the Fa’be yttea’i,,a’o, a play’ icaaaslotcal fcaasss the Fiends commander of Greenwich Hospital, b. 3704; he so. in 1125, of Quinasilt, into hoa’asic yea-se, sclsia’hi wao fa’e,1oetatly’ pealonsae’l Maria, dan. of Anthony-Teixiers Sampayo, Req. of Peter- lIe pobhished, in 1671, A’bea,,ac,le. a tragi-ecauiedy, Icasslated bore’ House, and sister of the late Anthony Sampsyo, from the P’reneh of Cascmaeilhel sash alss AsO,sio, a paslos’al, French Minister at Hesse, and had isosie, R0BERT-As.ExAwnoe-ilseoeais, present baronet. Osborne-Williaua, lient. RN.. b. in 1834; a5. 22 Dcc. 1362. 301 DAN flat, R.A., equerry to 11.16.11. tho tate Prisce Cousesi, sinai now to tOo t(aeen, Esq., secretory of the post—cube, ireland, son tat .tohss Cccii. wall, En1. of icowoslon lhenoe, cc Sicaib. ascent and pistol, ealtiec—witc, tapr. iced—a dexter hand. holding a eianetsr, ppc. .Sa’ppaa-l. c.s.—’l’wo liens, sejant-gssacdasa, go., each sealed en a hillock, p1ac. ,tlotts—liiglae anti reason. A ootta,coastta—l dare. Sea,l—tttssnas Ilonse, i,inlil hgowebnre Teen Jfos’oe—h 20, ilelgrave-rsacl. DALZELL, Lnntt, ceo tLtstxn-ATII, EARL. D.LNCRI1, SIR Tuinslhs-E5RNARn, of Mndrcosty House, on. Tipporsry; high-sheriff of that cc. in 1852 ii. lb Felt. 1806 ; c. as 6th baronet, on the death of lab fatlaer, 22 Nov. 1840; to. 7 Aug. 1845, Helen-Jane, only child nf j,ahn Johnoton, Eoq. nf Hes’to, amid has hail osac surviving son and six Onus., m. Statitda-Jsaninao. its. Madeleine. v. Louisa-Constance. ILincagr. was mother of Thamas-Dascor Ryoc; Chsietaestcr Eyro 1776, when the barosaetcy devolved npan his grand-asephew, AMTRALO, san of Captain Tha,maa Dancer, and gs-andssn af Richard Dancer, Esq., yosangost brother of Sir Tboanas. V. SiR AsavR.sLn, b. 14 Nsav. 376S tat. 12 April, 1604, Jemnima-Matilda, 3rd dan. assad co-heir fn’ifls laos’ sisters, i’bulip-Going, b. 3 Slareti, 1568 bdeccased). Jobs-Sesyth, t. 10 Peb. 1S14 (steceased). Amyratti, b. 12 Starch, 1016. Charles. h. 1 Feb. 1013 (deeeascd). Ga’are-tloisg. SI osaghams. Loalsa. Elizabeth-ttnme, ,s. las 1838, is Jalasa lleed, Req. of Rahiens, cc. 3lemsaghsass. - DANCER. as. lichens-lane, iv. Emily-Margaret. vs. Nina-Ilasthags. Of Sir Thomas’s fasaihy, J,ahan Dasaseec, the past, a persoas before tlae Baths of lha’snesahe ssal hiac vice-regal ceasrs air hhatl,liaa. from this Italian of Tasse. lie aci’ate, besids’s, a rasmasnee, cahleal The Esaghbala Lea eec, tegetisec souls (aca’aardiamg to Winatanley, in his Lice.i of lie Facto) a eoassphele Hbeb,as’o of’ the Ties5 a, anal a Claceasich of ste Kiastsae of Pctsyaal.