Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/353

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P A-R Anne, cc. 1st, 17 Sept. 1742, to Rolsert-ilawkioe MacgUi, Esq. of Gill 11111, cc. Down; and 2adly, in Dec. 1748, to Bernard Ward, Viscount Bangor. Theodosia, Os. in 1745, to William Crosbte, 1st Earl of Glaadorc. The lordship was s. by his eldest surviving son, EDWARD, 2nd earl, who had proviossely inherited the Essglish barony of CLIFTON, mc the deceaso of his soother. 30 July, 1722. His lordship st. coos. 20 July, 1747, and was s. by his brother, JOHN, 3rd earl, 6. 1 Oct. 1719; os. 12 Sept. 1766, Mary, dan. and heir of J. Stoyte, Phq. of Street, co Woetuseath, barrister-at-law, by whom (who S. in 1802) he had ieeue, JOHN, Lord Cti[loss. Esiward, a gen. officerin the army, 6. 19 Sept. 1769; cf. 2 Nov. 1640. William, 8. 23 Sept. 1711, a ccl. in the army; so. in 1906, DABTMOUTH, E.UtL 00 (W’il)issm.Walter Leggo), Lady Georgtana-Clsas]otte-Soplsta Stewart, dan of John, and Viococsnt Lesvioharn, Cu. Keect, iss the pceragc of 7th Earl of Galloway, by whom (who if. in 1509) lie left at his decease, 6 Ang. 1849, a dan., Sophia, who cii. SS May, Groat Britain ; Bsss’c sec I )su’tnissutls of Ds;rtnassc; th, cii. iSIS, tlse Hon Henry-William Farooll; and 4. 3 April, 1546. Devon, iso the pes’rs;ge of Eusg)auucl; S. 12 Ausg. 1823; Mary, ns. in 1769, to tlse late Sir Lawrence Palic, hart., and e. Isie father, 22 Nov. 1833; ci. 9 J;usmo, 184d, Lady tim 1791. Tlseodosia, m. in 1790, to Tlsomas•Cherbury Bligh, Esq. Augusta Finch, elsleot class, of Henesege, fstls Earl of (nephew of the 1st Earl of Parsley), who ci in 1810. She Aylesford, aces) has hail iooesc, ci 21 Jaa. 1840. Their dan., Thcodnsia. el. 1967. Catlsertoo, so. in 1894, to Charles-William, Lord Stesvart, late s, Wcu,csxae-Ihrssnau, 0’ rocsoot Lewio/sasa, 6. ii Slay, 1801. Marquess of Londooderry; and if. its 1812. The earl 5. 31 July, 1781, and was a. by his oldest eon, JOHN, 4th earl, I. 30 June, 1767; cc. 19 Sept. 1791, Elizabeth, isu. Auguotss-Gsorgissusa. 3rd dan. of the late Itt. Hon. Willians Beowislow, of sv, 3lary-Flerenee-lleurietta, ii. 14 .Stay, 1963. Lm-gase, and, with other issue ef. youssg, had EDwAaD, Lord Clijiosi. Joho-Duzscao (Sir), K.C.B., 8. II Oct. 1798, DCL., Into envoyoxtraordieary Tnoae.a.s Lrour served the tHee of sheriff for the city of and nsisstster-plenipotenttary sst llaeorer; cc. London in 1343, sscsd was lcsrsl-uscssyer tea the years 1740 acu,l 1st, in 691, Elioabe;h-ltary, only dnu. of l’homas C8ishorne, 1311. In 113$, this opulent ritizess Isest Enwaton lit. £100 Esq., SIP.. nod has by her (who 4. in 1837) an ooly dan., tow’ardn carrying cci the war antis Fiance, whioh wan a very Elioabeth-ltary, s.c. 18 june, 1861, to Lord Pelhaen. Sir considerable onto icc those slays, and ssss(s’s than any other John so. lodly, 18 Nov. 1803, Anne-Julia, 4th dau. of the citizen advances), except the issrd-nsssyssr acid Simoss de late Stev. Fmncis and Lady Catherine Bross-nlew (etc pool, Franneis, who best earls £800 hi the esssutug 1-ear. Aides’- LUOOAN, B). Mary, sa. in June, 1822, to Charles Brewnlow, Req., SIP. man Legge se. Elizabeth, dase. of Tlsocscas ileauchamp, Earl (1st Lord Lm’gan); and S. to 1623. Elizabeth, os. in 1833, to the Rev. John Browulow. This nobleman, presented, in 1829, a petition to the ktng, acid his oldest surviving sin, claiming the Dukedom of lennox, in the presage of Scotland, WiLL5AN Lrone, geissg issta Iu’elassd, ccc. ,‘tsisse, only dan. as hoir-ef-licse of Charles, 6th Deske of Lennox acid 4th of Jobs, eon of Miles, Lord Birnsissghaues. IOe it at the Duke of Richmond, at whose death, in 1672, CccanLna TI. advanced age of 00, and was .s. by his ecso, woe oes-ved his grate’s heir. As Isis majesty’s (legitimate) Enn’ARn Lunar, vtee-prsoislent of lbsscister duzdng the Issue became extinct ffi lSO7, with the Cardinal Not-k, the lientenaney of his lcinaeoan, Sir Charles Blosczst, Lord last heir male ci the Stuarts, the Earl of Darnloy put forward Shuuntjoy. This gentlemacs as. Story, lou. scf Percy Woloh, Req. his claim as heir geneml, being descended frosts ef9loyvnlley, and hadeix oars acid ocvendacss. The eldeotsan, Catherine, sister of the 6th duke. The potttioe was referred WiLLIAM Lruor, was brought osst of lc’elasid by bin god. to the tlocsse of Lords, but their lordahtpe tame to no father, Henry Danveea, Earl of Dassby, oucd sesst by bite to decision uposs tt. The earl ci. 37 March, 1811, and was e. serve as a volmsteer sunder Gccotavus-Astetphses (if Saveslen by his elder son, Enwossn, 5th earl, 6. 25 Feb. 1785; so. 26 July, 1821, in the Low Cssuzstrieo. On Inc rrtcsrn to Bnglacsst, ho woo Ecema-Jauso, dan. of Sir Roucry Paruoll, Bart., afterwards flu-at eonntitcctesl keeper of the khsg’s wssrslrebe, during Lord Cengleten, and had issue. JOHN-STTTAST, present eari. Edward-Vesey, iu holy orders, vicar of Birlisg, Eeot; 8. persevering exertions its the royal racose, befssre and after 28 Fob. 1828; ccc. 23 Jan. 1814, Lady lsahel-Mary-Praeeeo the murder of the kissg. At the lsssttle of Worcester he was Nevill, dnu. of the Earl ot Abergaveony, and haa, Ledovick, 6.24 Nov. 1834, ansI ROsalinsl-leabel. wife hcsd not contrived bin escape frsaus Coventry goal is) Ileary, to holy orders, ineusehent of Nettlebed, Oxford, 6. 10 June, 1514; so. 14 Oct. 18.58, Enema, youngest dan. of Cel. her owcu clothes. Ifs wan high its favour after the flestoratioss, H. Armytage, and has Gertrude-Frances, and Eva. Elisaheth-Caroltne, ccc. Dec. 1899, to Ileginald-Johe Ceest, 3rd Ifs Os. Elizabeth, oldest doss. of Sir Wilbaus lVashicsgious, soc of the Hon. and Rev. Henry Cust. Emma-Bess, so 6 Jesse, 1834, the Rev. Articssr-Pereeval Csust, of Paekhcgton, co. Letcester. acid granddacs., nsatsrnally, of vicar of Sn Mary’s, Boasting, 3rd son of else Iloes. Wtlliam Sir George Villiera, of l7rsadsobi- in the eases eo. ; asciI Gust. His lordship, who was bed-lieutenant of the to. of Meath, Geosour Lcuuo, Esc1.,au’.:sval acssl nai?itary officer of 5. 12 Feb. 1833. Cs’eatiesse—Eeglish Barony, 9 jetty, 1608. ls’ioh Barony, goveruaor of Partsnsontbc ; isa D7(ls, sistvouseed to tise gssrensor. 14 Sept. 1721. Vtoeouoty, 7 STarch, 1721-3. Earldans 29 Jsme, ship, and appoicstssl niaotzr of tIcs hs.roo aessi gessteman 1729. Arsoa—Az., a ge-HOn. segreant, or, armed and langssed, of the hndchomher to Jacoeo, Dscke of ‘lark. Icc 1077, ga. between three crescents, arg. Creef—A grilibs’s head, Gorernssr Lzgge was constitnied cr1. of a ret. of fsjsit, acssl emsed, or. Joppcss-les’s—Two grtffine, wings cvlsasded. ar, ecosuinated hieut.—gensral of the oi-shnancs, of whirls lie was dueally collared and chained, at. Maeto—I”tnem reapice. soosi afteu’wards nsade master. its iran eul’nesccesstly on-ens Sraeo—Cobhauzs Hall, ssear Graveseesd, Rent (wilsch easne sets of the 1srivy eossescil, and elevatesl tic lion Iseei’age, 2 Dec. the family through the Stewarts, having been granhisi, b7 1652, as Borso of Doctcssoss;h, to. Dens., wtlh remainder JAMEO I., to James Ste.seart, 1st Duke of Itichneond, aftec’ else after bis own male heirs, to his brsciher Wilhianc, ansl his attaleder of Henry, herd Coblsam, for his concern is Italeigh’o eonspireey); and Clifton Lodge, Athhoy, eo. lleatls, Ireland. heirs male, ills horsisluls nosos afterwarsls was scot ass Fosen Hossse—29, Hill Street, Berkeley Square. D A It P AR T M CU ‘P IT. 11. Hsnry-Charlen, 6. 4 Nov. 19.52. 5. Franzes-Ctsssrlorte. si. Ttltzabeth-Sarah ILiiititt’, of Warwick, acid was a. by his elsler sass, Suonozi Lnoao, who cii. Jlargas-et, don, of Sir John Blonsst; anti he servest afterwards under Pricers Maccries of Orange, life; acid nsads, soon after, grassm of the beslchansber, Cal. hegge, during the civil wars, become eosisiesstly distinguished by his faithfssl attachment to CnARLFO I., acid his wessssdect aced takecs prtsoccer, scssd had bee,s execuslsd, if his and essjoyed several lcscralirs acid honousrable offices. dging isa 1070, was a. by his eldest eres, emtnenca. Prone 1087 to 1072, lie conencanded hoe-of. bottle ships, ansi was oppoissteri icc the hscrter year Isesat, — admirssl of the n-laole Kucglish fleci todeescsclish Tcsegisr, ossil, on Isle rstne’n, obtoiecssl a grout scf £le.isoO. icc ren-ard of hia services. Dssrhsg lbs reigsi of Jaacre 11., Lssrd Bartnsoscth enjoyed the confidence of that nsoccaroh, and filled come of tlso siaest impartaot offices. Isi 1687, lie u-cia isplseinted 303