Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/355

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DAR July, 1866 ; in. 12 July, 1841, Augusta, 2nd dan. of Arsss—Qnarterly: let and 4th as., on a bend, engmiled, Edw. Stanley, Esq., and Lady Mary Stanley (see or, three martlets, gn.;’2nd acid 3rd, gn., three torches, DERBY. E. OF), and has, j. Vzszv, Lard Crcrnerac, capt. coldatream-guards, NP. Ssppsrfecs—Iiexeer, arc Iriob wolf-dog ; sinister, an elk, for co. hlonaghan, 5. 22 April, 1842. ii. Edward-Stanley, lient R. N., 5. 16 Aug.l843. in. Richard-Maitland-Weetenra, capt. 92nd foot, 5. 30 Scat—Dtsrtrey, ltockcsrry, co. llonsgbass. Jan. 1245. iv. Anthony-Lucius, 5. 12 May, 1855. e. Mary-Eleanor-Anne. it in cage. The Dxweoas,origizafly of Yorkshire, removed to Ireland towards the close of Queen ELIzaeErH’a reign. THOMAS DAWSnN, who became, in the following reign, a burgess of Armagh, was grandfather of WALTER BAWSON, Keg., (eldest eon of John Daweon, ________ s. his uncle as 7th hart., 24 Sept. Esq.,) who ci. in 1704, leaving two aons, WALTER, his heir. Thomas, whose descendant, Thomaa-Townley Dawaon, ______________ Henrietta, dan. of Sir Robert Keg., left an only dan. and heir, CATRERIRE-)IARIA, Countess of Charloville. The elder eon, - WALTER Dxwscm, Keg., so. Frances, don, of Richard t. Ecwne-.tncRr’RO.tov, 5. at Nelson, New Zealand, 20 Oct. Dawson, Esq., an officer in CROMWELL’S army, with whom he obtained the estate of Ilaween’s Grove, co. Slonaghan, it. George-Julius-Hare, 8. at Nelson, 19 Aug. 1858. Sir. Daweon was s. at his decease by his only surviving son, in. Robert-John, 5. at Nelson, 3 Muse, iSIS. RScRAED DAwsoR, Req. of Daweon’s Grove, an eminent Iv. Francis, 5. at Frieburg, in Breiogan, Germany, iS Aug. hanker, and alderman of the city of Dublin, and 51.P. for Monaghan. This gentleman os. in 1723, Elizabeth, dan. of I. Emily-Bsrtha_ is. Mary-Elizabetb-Gordon. John Vesey, liD., archbishop of Tuam, and sister of Sir John Vcaey, Dart., bishop of Osesry, by whom ho left, I. John, who if. in 2742. is. THOMAS, his successor. iii. Richard, of Ardec. in Louth ; cc. in 1758, Anne, 2nd shire, whence it removed into the co. Somerset, and settled dan. of Sir Edward O’Brien, Dart. of Dromoland; and at I’allow Wood, in the parch of Stogumber, towards the dying in 1782, left issue, I Richard, NP. for the co. of Monaghan; sa. in 1781, the house at ‘allow Wood was a stone witb tbe carved Catberhse, 4th dan. of Arthur Graham, Keg. of Hockloy, initiala R. P., for R,cbort Dashwood, and the date 1680. and left at his decease, 3 Sept. 1807, ‘RIcRARn-TRossAe, 2nd Lord Cremorne. Penelope-Catherine, ca, to Mona. Jean-Fiddle D’Hersant; CHARLES Doanwoon, K.G.B., who ci. 1847. and cf. in 1017. Anna-Maria, a. to Simon-Ilnnbnry Isaac, Eaq. Eliza. Louisa, cc. to C. Costs, Keg. of Ilellamont Foreat. 2 Edward, lient.-col., t. in 1767. 2 Yhomae-Veaey, dean of Clonmacuolse, 5. in 1708; is. Joho, ancestor of the Daahwoeds of Essex and Suffolk. in 1753, Anna-Slaria, only dan. of lllayney-Townlcy F’oAcccla, of whom presently. Ralfeur, Eaq.; and ci. .s. p. 4 Lncina-Hency, capt. R.N. ; cf. in 1795. 5 lIlary, cc. to Gel. Windbasn Quin. 6 Henrietta-Frances, ccc. to Col, Charles Raw don. i. Frances, so. to Windham Qnin, Keg. of Adarc. i Mr. Alderman Dawson was c. in 1766, by hia son, TROMAa DAwaoR, Esq., who was elevated to the peerage The 2nd son, of Ireland, 28 May, 1770, as Bares Dartrep, acid advanced to Faa1ccee Dasawooo, Beg., was a Turkey merchant, and the dignity of Fisceasi Crcrnsrer, 9 Juno, 1785. Hess. let, an alderman of London. He ci. Alice Sleigh, sister of Sir. (15 July, 1754,) Anne, dan. of Thomas, Earl of Pamfret. by Alderman Sleigh, and bad (with six dana.), whom (who ci. in 1709) be had a son and a dan., both of Samuel (Sir), lord mayor of London in 1702, so. Anne, dan. ol whom ci. in youth. His lordship ca. Indly, 8 May, 1770, Jolt,1 Smith, of Tidwortts, sad bad several children. Philadelphia-Hannah, only dan. of Thomas Freame, Esq. of Thomas, as. Pcnclspc, don of hlellcrsdon, Keg., and Isad issue. Philadelpbia, by Margaretta, dan. of Wm. Penn, Esq., the The 3rd son, ‘celebrated founder of that city, by whom he had another I. FnAacls Daenwoon, Req., was created a Baronet, eon and a dan., who ci. also in yontb. The viscount, thus 28 June, 1707, and represented Wincbelsca i:s parliament. deprived of direct descendants, was created, 7 Nov. 1797, lie cs. fonr times : 1st, Mary, only dau. of Joh,s Jennings, ‘BARON CREMORRE, with remaindsi- to his nephew, Richard Bsq., by whom be bail two dans., ilary, the w’ife of Sir Daweon, Esq., and the heirs male of that gentleman. Hia F’nlwar Skipwitli, Dart., acid Snsannab, of Sir Orlando lordahip ci. 1 lllarcb, 1813, when the Visconnty of Cremorne Ilridgcman, B:srt.;2isdly, Mary, dan. of Yore, 4th Earl of and the Barony of Dartrcy expired ; but the Barony of B’catmorland, slid eventually one of the roheire to tbo Cremome devolved upon his great-nephew, RzcnARn-TaossAa DAwana, Beg. (eldest esn of Richard Darsny of Le Ilcepencer, by wbons be bad a san, Francis, Dawson, Beg., H.P. for Monaghan, by Catlcmine, dais. of and a dan., Rachel, who cc. Sir Robert Austin, Part. Sir Arthur Graham, Keg. of Hackley, etc. Armagh). His lordahip, Francis as. Trdh-, Mary, dan. of Major King, and by that 5. 1788, ca. 10 March, 1815 Anne-Elizabeth-Emily, 3rd lady bad John, w-ho becams 3rd baronet, and assumed tics dais, of John Wbaley, Req. of Whaley Abbey, co. Wicklow, status of Ruin Charles, who 1. osss. ; and two claus., lienmotto, bywbom (wboss. lndly, S Jnly,1825, the late Ilajor-Gen. The 4th wife was L.dy Elizabeth Windsor, dan. of Thomas, J.-Daweon Rawdou, formerly lIP,,) he left at bie decease, lot Earl of Plymouth, lint by her be hail no child. Sir in 1827, Rscnxan, present Baron, created Earl of Dartrey. Tbomae-Vssey, lt.-csl. Coldstream-guacds, solO Jan. 1851, insciiption on the monument describes Sir Francis as ltd AngnstaFrederica-Anne, 2nd dan. of the Rigbt Hon. J.W. son of Francis Daahwesd, of Yallow Wood, co. Soniel’sst. Fitzpatrick, SIP., andwaskilledattbebattleof Inkerman, Tie was s. by his eldest sass, leaving by her (who oc. 2ndly, 9 Oct. 1856, Charles, II. Bra FatNess, S. in Dcc. 1708, who, on the donsios ci eldest son ofH. Slagniac, Esq. ofColwortb, Bedfordsbsre), his nnele, John, Earl of Westmsrland, in 1762, s. to the 1 Veaey-Jahn, 5. 1853. 2 Donglas-Frederiek-Rawdou. Barony of Lo Dcspziccza in right of his mother, and was Ucealiass—lrish Barony. 7 Nov. 1797: Barony of she United summoned to parliament 19 April, 1703. his lcsrdsbc1,, Kingdom, 30 Sept. 1847 t Esi-Idanc, 12 July, l86i. 305 Dosuwoon, Sin EljwsN-IIARB, of West Wycoenhe,cn. Bucks, formerly of RH. 10th regt., 6. 7 Sept. 1825; 1863 , 25 Oct. 1853, Roberta. Aborcromby, 5th hart. of Rirkenhog, and has, 1534, 1963. 3Luiracjc. Tho family of Dashwood was originally coated in Dorset- latter part of the reign of ELIZABETH. Over the porch of Tins property romanced in the elder braneb of the Dash- wood family until sold to Sir John Tsvvelyan, of Nettleesnibe, by Robert Dasbwosd, Esq., father of AnMIEAL SIR SAMUEL Deauwoon, Esq. of Rawdon, in the parish of Stogumber, co. Somerset, is. let, 2 Sept. 1600, Elizabeth Sw-eetinge, and by her bad issue, William, who rs,sided at Cbcshost, cc. hereford, finsd for aldermao of I.ondon. lIe rf. leaving issue, iTs m. 2ndly, Elizabeth, and by her had s son, George, of Hackoey. co. iliddlesm, alderman of London, ancestor of the Dxsawoons sf Oxfardohirc, Parse (ccc ac.ri article). FRANCIS. who ci. stoat., acid 3lar-, as. to John Walcot, Keg. Francis ci. 4 Nov. 1724. and woe busied at Wycombe. Tics svho was at one thee at the bead of the War-office, and sub K DAS erect, two and ens, arg., inflamed, gn. Cl-eat—An estaile of six points, or. - both ppr., plain collared, and chained, or. Jlslss—Tstujonrs prsliice. Tssea Hsaoc—T0, Onrzon Street. cr11. DASHWOOD.