Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/358

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B NB 2 Lesteck-Franeis, Sullivan, boils ii. in India. 4 Henry-Samuel, 1. Oct. Ides, entered the army, and became lh—col. commanding the 52nd tight 1nf.iatr 7. Sept. last 1 1 tenrietta—Aniie, a. in vs 1, Ic ii rnrv-Itaynes Ward. Bog. 2 Anne. c’. in 1427, n i_i,’nt,—l’,’l - 11.—i Sunday (‘ainpi ‘cit. 3 Maria-Jane, oc. in 1 s24, to Viee-A’ieiirat John ltivelt— Comae, tIN. (cc€’li I’ sna a,’, Itana’.] 4 Elizabeth. a. in I 028, Ia Sir hemp Wiltoek, K.L.S.. l.ite CflVO7 in i’ersia. 5 rraner, 7. in I 524. 6 Alicia. a. in I asS, to the Per. John t.nelcwenit, reetne of l{ingham, Ox, ai 7 Jidia, a. in losS, J’doa Lyalt, Eiq., advocate general in Bengal, who ,l. i, I 546. Creaiii-o—9 Jidy. 183. .-lr cc— Arg., a chevron, neliuty, heliceen of kin to the Rev. Peter Do Beauvoir, her husband three mullets in chief, aa,,tiier in base, i derre,l, on. (then non and heir of Sir John-Edmoad Browne, Cr’ cl—Torn Tn,lhut cites in saltier, jg’e., otirnocmote’t ho’ a Dart.) assumed lay ni,tgn-manual, on bin marriage, mullet, pierred, sa., J,elwe,’n Iwo ai agn, vair, org. and Sn, Jlfcel,,—Un12 secernero honesium. Se ‘i—i loU’svnod, tEnnecotorohi the atiraaaoe of DC Ilnouvotil, and the armn of i’ BE BATHE. Ds 11 l.TIIE, Siit WILLI.1,ae-PLoy- the late Rev. l,,Darien Mann, of Denvir Hail, Downhosra, IeP.TT. if Kiaightstu;vn, eo. Heath; formerly a bout-ce]. in the army wife, Susanna, yontigest dan. of Admiral To] eDongal. K.F.M.; Is. 2ii ] lee. 1793; e. an 3rd Sir Joins served. eas’iy in life, in the 26th regt. He ha t’onet, on tile tis’oease of It in lai’o— contented the reprenetitation of Windsor fotir times, thee, Aug. 1828; ni. 18 Nov. 1520, and was returned its M.P. once in 1835. Mary, eldest dan. of ‘l’homae Earle, Enq. of Spekelantin. co. Lancaster, and by her (svho ci. 1551) has had, t. lletcnv-Pi’aonrae’. b, 19 Jnooo, 1823, major-gen. in the ni’1 ic h,’ttsos of Elhmnine an,t Shigo ; staniehy, ai-iaiv. i. Laura-Mary, ,l, in intoney. ii, Rcsia-Starv, ii, ii Nv. I d9, t,’ I.ieut,-f’al, S illiern - JOHN iltoosrar, Bog. of the Neale, created a Bitt-sm 1sf’ 2’oaos Latcioci in 1!att,ci,, ,uily ‘€ if the 1 ito ..tdoairal ll,ott, or Seshe, 17 June, tudlsi ; c,. Mary, dan. at Sir Dominick Tirowne, 3Littcar. Rune ne Tiarun, (‘an of the c nalcantc na in arms o,f Earl dents, ancestor of the Macguess of Shgo. Strong1 ow, in the inmost’ cii of Inland, a, I,, 1172, oht-oined extoavivo grants of nuau,,i’s and lands in the enmities cf l)oilc— tin, Death, I.’ ‘nth, ant l.ln’ghe’la ; tool In ‘in tuna descended Hnxiov Dr DaTa e, liv iiig le,,c ‘, IIi:xiov III . lord-claiefjnatieo DoMiNicK BaowNn, Beg. of Dreafy, Ca. Mayo, m. Earbara, of Euglaairt, wh’,os t’’ml’, iii Clcsiotchureto cathedral, c’ne’c’f the ciasightern and cc’-heirs Iher yenngest sister so. Ooel’or’ I, a. a. 12 ‘2, istlie see’ ‘11,1 in i’ ‘ii,t ‘f aiotiojnity there; and Toolis,,t, cd Malahi’ in Castle, cci Duhlin) c,f Sir Menry Tahhot, Tluoo DC tioTun, living ha 1268, ovltu han three satin; the and niece of the flake e’f Tyreonel, t,ird-lieiat. of Ireland, rnc,,nol of wh,,m, WtLLi oat nn BATHe, wan father of Jot,, an tiaTun, chief m.igiotr:ite of the city of Dublin dan, cf A. Kirwan, Esq, of Dalgaa, and was fattier of in thu 2th year cf Enw.osu’ 111,, an, 1 lord ‘ ‘C the mancirs IloasiNTeic Bnewan, Esq. of Breafy, F. in l7ei; who cC in tof Hathfagh, cc, Death, and c’l Ilrstntcandragh, en, t.luldin. Menti’ngh Castle, co. Gaiway, in 1778. lIe m. Mine, only Fi’am tine J,’hn lineally daoccaolcd through a tang line of dan, i,f Jccloi MArcy, Esq. of Gurteen, en. Galway, and had distinguished incest, rn, Joanne BaTa, Esq. of Rnightet”wa, t’aohel, and La’lyrati,, Bnasiaics-Aaniscse Buewon, Esq. o’f I.lneafy; Joan-Enatesa; in the n,cunties ‘f TInatI , L’’uth, omit Or’ghada, b. in and Anne, w-ho ci. aged 9 years. The 2nd scm, 2697 au’l 1. in 1738, Tins gentleman iiiheritc’l the eot,stes Jona-Eioienn ldnosritr, Eoq., F. I Oeh 1740, wan catled to nf Thanaas Path, Esg.. bin inicto, tic in, Fraoaeen elan, of the English liar in 1784; and was ersated a Basose’n or Cal. I’mncis Nangle, 1 ‘y Elizal cc tb his wife, class, of J,,hn Iuns.aan in 1797; he was high-sheriff of the cc. Mayo iii I’taukct, and hat, with a ol,m , Frances, wife ,‘f Patrick 1784, and asas a e.optaiti in the South ittayo Thilitia during C’,tnaek. Bog, of Rathald,’ou, tov,s s,cne,’’f whim the oIler, the i-el milieu nfl 788. He is. in 17hc2, Margaret, 2nd dan. of PrTeto DaTa, Eag., a,, in 1724, IIri’Igut, dan, and heir of Matthosv L,’i-iuaa, Fog. of Andee, cci. Lc,,ith, Icy Lnciaila, E,len’,nd etc Fniatn, Bag. sf 13 ‘yle, eo R,’sc,in,iaea, l’y whotn ce-heir and niece of Lncaa, ,‘f Castle Shsnn, co. Mouaghsn, he hal issste, Jooinn-Stinnam, lola aureessor. l.a f’omtesoe Anna - Ilaria Lanra, t. in 17651 erealed a it. 3i,,ntagae—Slepsey, harnioter-at—law; ,1. in 1039. Ctma,ic, e,se f the Or,lcr f .11,17’, (an cr8 cc i001itate,t liv iii. l’rs,lerielo—Aagnolus, ci. in idle. - the Qaeca of 1,nrtn XVI,, an,l held at Vienne, in Dauphoiny), iv. t’hocrhes-Stanly. bile eodt,t. in the Durliana artillery, 5. site insigicia of whirls hoer l.ntvstup ooas empowered to wear. TIun gentleman €1, 1,0 1777, and was a, by his einly sea, I, J 0010 s—It icnxtm hl,nTn, FL,1., srh,’ re-asecnne,l, I ‘y signm i. Car, line Ii orcaret, icc. to the late W’ibtiam-Oglr stunt, Esq. mail, the aria’inoil n,u-naeee ‘‘I lIe [toTal’, an ii a-an creain,l a ll:or, ‘net, 7 July, iset, Sir I lines a, Atu,a-Mario, clan, of William Wvnue, Esq. ‘ ‘f He, i’o,ctholnre, I, lao os-ito’, a d’in, cf the ancient Line’ .haot,ire Oa,uil’ro,f 31 ‘iplnt, ‘ft and had tow, s,00a ; an’l doun2’S Fe],, Ions, wan c, I y the el’ler, II, Slit J,oatcn-33’v’. as, 5, 2,; Oct. l2002,’’.,i mIs, ‘so deceace, s,,o,,,., in 12s, the title itcvi’to cd ip’’n his hr then, I or. din hta’cn c, the jn’crent 1 concoct. C nochic,’—7 ,Taly, idOl -. an earlier lute, cre,,led in I Off, ]‘eealae entinet oat the cteootli of Sir I asic,’ B,,lho’. .‘le,,,n—c,n., a cr,,ss, 1 ,eiooeen foisr hi,,ns raail’an I, arg. C eat—A lion, raonldant, arg sitppccrtieg in the arms a ‘bigger of the Cent, Iicsmdoel nail n. Margaret, 7. usa toll. lull, or. ditto—Ncr parvis sislo. se,’i—Woe,l tEst, Cluehcoler, C,’oo,hiaa—O Dcc. 1787. An,o,n—Qaarltrhy: 1st and 4th, so., BEB BE BEAUVOIR. q id BE BEXOVOIR, 5cR JOHNs’U $,2(e EDMUND, of Jolanntown, no. Dabun ; ii. in 1791 ; a. an 2nd hart, at the decease of lim father4n 1835 ‘ * Rochnrd Wi’i”ht, of East Harhiw ‘e0 Hail, en. Norfolk, and relict of - Admiral MacDottgai. Thin lady (who ci. iii 1832) being cole next Dc Beauvcoi’, jointly with thone of Browne. He onlinequently claimed knighthood as his right, and a-au ktnghted, in consequence, in 1827. Sir John lii. 2ndiy, 111 March, 181)7, Letiti a, y osuoges’ datt. of rector of Southei’y, Noi-fiiik, icy his accond Ittttngc. Thus fatuity dn-ives from a common ancestor with the Jona Dtoe’ero,n, Enq. ,f the Noale, in the ce. of Mayo, the Si-st logic-sheriff ‘f that c’ ‘mity. His eldest son, Itoh., Icy whom he had, with several dans,, three suns, viz,, Gnoaoe, Isis successor, ancestor of Lord Itilmaino. Do,aixicn. The aid scm, and sale s. by his eldest ana, Aai’nnw BnewNn, Esq. of Breafy, Mayo, who so. Either, tsvo socros and ‘ole daai. : Aannr,w, grandfather of the present aao,T toy hoer (svho’ cC 13 March, lb-iS), had isnuo, s. .liia’c— bfnsioan, present baronet. March, tala. 0,. in 1540, Jane, clan, of Thomas-Macanlay Ci-att,oetl, Esq. of Perrysisrood Lodge, and by lien (s’hs is iheeroosedt) tins iooee, John, 8. 17 April, 1541. J I’., of Cematme iVne,l Itonse, Surrey, and Ctocsham t’Iaee, Belgninia, aad Iaas issue. 1 W’ilbiam, haerislen-at-Iasr, dee, 2 llonlague, dec. a Ednmnd-ti’Ai’cy, hate 11.—rot. royal Eatsislaitlen dragoens, kaiglii of the legion of honour, of lion 5th class of Neil— jiBe, and has medal anti clasps for Bahoelos-a, anti a Sar,li,nan me,tal. 4 Augustus-hunt, caplain 2nd dragnen guards, deceased. 9 F’,’edenich, deceased - I Margaret-blunt, is. 2 Aag. 1898, to Tlajnr Maxwell Goad, .1. 1’., of Dibdon Lodge, ttyltie, Soulhasnpten. 2 bt’,Ivnee, ii lone, IsIS, to the Morqeess tie Catibrini, ef the holy ltcman Empire, and tins issne, a son, 5.1063. darer hicins, Icassunt. in bend, beiss era tsvo douhhe-eetisrs, arg. a multi-b, far difference; 2nd and 3rd, org., a ehevcoa, ge., etss eon lava einqnefeils in elnef, and an eagle in base, na 308