Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/365

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1) E U HENRY GREY, who inherited, on the demise of his parcels, years its parhiatssent. Sir llsttaslfe so. 21 srg;srrl, ‘lass. ‘f Sir the honours of both, as 12th Earl of Kent and lot han n Williasn tt’Arsv, of Witi,ss t .sotle, cc’. York; tsnt dying Lucas; and was created, 12 Dee. 1706, J”i’-eoref Ge,f’s’iet, 5. p. its l6°9, lbs title expired, while the eetat,,s dovstvssl sf Gederied Chit is, in iItrefordskire; L’,srl Heretet, so. Bsstjhrst; ott his nrptssw, and Morqesss of Kis,t. On 22 April, 1710, his lordship was WttLtAss ltossnssia (s1,tsr scot of Thosnas Robina,,ss, Es,1., created Dot’s of Kest and in 1713, installed a kisight of the by- l’llinat cOla, elast. of t’htsrles Taste’s-ed, hsq. of Artless, c’s. Garter. He so. twice 1st, Jesnisna, eldest dan. of Thomas, Yos’le), ovho had Otto har’sneloy revived ltt 1699 iii whielt Lord Crewe of Stene, by whom be had fossr sosts, who all year he surved llss odre of shot-ill’ for Ys,,kstnre. Sir a. a. p. before himself, and sevess dans., of whons the ci lest, Witliasss was lcsrl-snayor of the oily of Y,,rh its i7oo, and was a. to Viseosssst Glesserehy, son of the Earl of s’clis’a’ae’ssteel tiss satstn place is, pcsrliacoent, fs.t’sss 1,97 1’’ Rreadalbane, ssed ‘I. in Marsh, 1717, less ing ass silly dais., 1722. lIe at. Mary, slats, at tieorga Aislalde, list1. c,f Stss,t J saints. His grass s’s. Indly, ,Se1slsia, dan. of Willians, Duke I sy ltt’yal, its the aastse sastisty, lay wh’ ‘tss he b.t,t fire Otis, of Portlassd, by svhom he lsad a son, George, whe st. in es I otte dttst,, .ttstts. ci. to Th ,se:ts Wct,’slsy Na,1, , ‘f It’s; itr - infancy, and a dan., Anne-Sophia, who ss. the Right lii’s. has st. Sir William tI. ist 1736, ats,l was s. 1 sy his eldest scsi, John Egerton, Lord bishop of Puritans. The duke, losing 5: n 31s’, who st. taos., saitl,ist ss few daye of iii’ thus all his sons, obtained a new patesst, dated 9 May, father, svhest the title devilveit sttitsa isis I ,r,,tlssr, 1740, creating him Maencss us GREY, with remainder to Ssss TAN, rut. TIsia gt’ntlostsan v’aa a stusral ,,ffse’ar, ast’l his grsnsldass., Jesnima Campbell, dan. ef his eldest dan., att,dsso,l the rassk it rras--adtssiral of the White. lie was Lsdy Amshel Grey, by her husband, John, Ytseonsst blessorehy, tsatss lisrd—stiay’cr r,t Yt,rk, ns 1710 astd 1730. lIe ,ts, ilutry afterwards 3rd Earl of Itreadaihane, and to her heirs ettly tiass . stud Isoir if Willtss’n N,trtots, Not1 of llisf,,rth, cc. male. His glass, who hail filled sasne of the highest pnhlis Y,,rk, and had tsit;s el,il’lrest. Sir Tattered ‘I. itt 1734, ansI sitssstiasss (lord steward of the hosssehssld, los’d priry-eeal, svaa s. ity his eldest t-’ts, &e.), d. 5 June, 1710, when all the honsan’s bnt the liarqnessste Slit M’sttt,vss, as ha as, Dorothy, class, of ,tabss Thon,h,ill, ef Grey and the Barassy of Issess became extisset Eaq. of Stanlaot, tasst 1. withant basso, 4 llas’ch, 1370, wlsats bnt these devolved sspon his gs’andslan.,alssve naentiened, he waa a. by hi; ltr’ttlssr, LOuT Jxastaia CAMPSELL, then Lady Jeneisna Roysten, Tuossas l1,,ssaa,’a, lat Baran Granth,sns, v-h,, began his having ;sed’led (a tess days befss’e the death of her grandfather) political assd tliplsnsatie raT-es,’ as st’eretas-s- ‘‘7 oath sissy, isa Philip, Vissossnt ltoysten, eldest cnn of Philip, 1st 1723, to horace Walpide (afterwards Lv’r,l It stlpisle), asnlsas— Earl ef Har,lwieke, by whons, who a. as 2nd Earl of Hardwieke, sadar to lbs sssrt of France. Front sisal peritid sushi 1749, she had two dons, only, I. AslAsse, her ssseeesser in tise hlarossy ef I neas. IT. llonv-Jeasnsa, st. Is Tisomas, 2nsl Lerd Gs’aelhsm, and was a1spoissted snaster c’t the great w,srtlrt,lso, awl swans tO slyiag 7 Jan. 1930, left Is’s slats, I Tnoasss-PsssLlr, sake s. the privy seusse-il ; ssssd itt 17 Il, seststitattsit osie if the priss— his father as 3rd Lerd Os’sssth:ssn, asd seas tise late NOEL DL ei1sal secretaries of state, wtiolt offies lie fuel ssntil 1733, G esv ‘,and 1 FRsnssses-Josss, created Viscous, 0 Us,,tsris/t asttl wIts,, se reonnss,I the post t,f nsaater of the great wardre,hsr. EARL or Rises, father of the present EarL ns Gssv. (He ite was oles’ated to the poerssge5 7 Aptil, 1761, lty Gte st9 it usfs’s tsmily ef thsBlassN.) The mas’elsiossess ci. 10 Jots, 1779, when the marqesessate of Lossu C5SN’tuons, BosoN Gn,tavnost, is ttr es. Lierale, expired for want of a male heir, bnt the Baretsy of Lucas suet sssbseqatently a1iptaisstsd one of the jtestntastars-gt tsertsl of Crndwsil devolved upon her eldest dan., ASTABEL Husss-Cssss’sr,r,L, Lady Husne, as Rarossess Lucas. Wos-ote’y, Net1, at Hevitsgham5 so. York, ast,l had tsssse’, Her ladyship was I. 22 Jast. 1751. She bad sa. 10 July, TT5O.sTAs, Isis sssseosacsr. 1772, Alexassder, herd Pslwarth (5ss13 son of 7 Ingh, Earl of Fresherirk, s. to Cssflssrise-G orts’nie, dais. of ulse lusts Jatsec Marehmsnt), who was created a peer of Great Britsdss, as flos’ess lJesssr, sf Bsswirle, 20 May, 1776; by this noblesnass, ‘fiseresa, is. to Jolts, Parker, hat Lord Boriagdsss; and 5. 1793. who ci. in 1701, she had no isstse. Her lssdysbip was si-sated Lard (sressthasn ci. 30 Sc 1st. 1770, said was 0. by his elder san, COUNTESS net Gaev, by letters-patesst, 23 Get. 1516, with T5TOIIA5, 2nd bans’, 9:0 Nov. 1738. This nshlenstns, remainder of that earldsna to her sister, Lady fls’assthstm, who was saleti a sliptatsuatiat, was alshsanstesl secretary of and that lady’s male issne. Lady Grantham ,t. in 1830, assd embassy to the eongrt’as ttf Attgobus’g, in 1761, and ass,haaoa,lor Ceuntess de Grey in 1833, whesa the latter was e. nssder the patent, by her nephew, Tnoataa-Psnvsr, Eas’l de Grey, Baron Lucas, and Mason sonstisuteil first lord-et-tratlo in 1791, aeerotasy of-state Hr Grantham, 6. 8 lice. 1781, who, nsa thus ssseeeedissg his fos’oign sHalt’s; amid its lIe.’, iso e,tnnhssdsd the preliminaries annt, assnsned the name assd arms of ttr. Goes: he had of peace with Frasses. His los-dship ii. 17 Aug. 1700, llaryJensinsa, previosssly rehinqssished his patrossynsie, RoasNasN, for Wcnnet,s.. He so. 20 Jssly, 1003, Henrietta-Frances, heir-p:’ssntnptive of Asnaht,1, Comstess de Grey, by whessn yosmgest dan. ef William, 1st Earl of Enniskillen, ‘sssd (who tI. 7 Jsn. 1030) ha loft tao eons, by her (who tI. 2 July, 1248) had twa surviving dans., AnnE—FLossNes, nose BARoness LucAs, a. 7 Oct. 1233, to Tssonoa-PasLsr, lab Earl ds Grey. Gesrgs-Angssstua, 6 lb Las-I Cswpsr, is Iso d. 19 April, l96. llosv-Gssxsuns, ss. 6 Jssly, 1932, to the late Capf. Ilesry Vyser, sets of listiert Vysssr, Esq. of Gaaltsy, sad Isis wife, ehe tady Thesdsaia-3taria Ashbnrnhass, end by hisn (saks d. 22 Jan. 1261) had issne, • henry Frederiek-Claro, lIP. for Ripen. Hetsrietca-Ann-Tlsesdsssa, ps-sssnt Cossatess de Grey. Theodsaia, llarehienraa sO Northampton, who if. 18 Nov. 1064. The earl, who was lerd-lient. sO Irelassd from Sept. 1841 ts June, t 814, and who was Iord-lient. and enstas rstnlnrnm af Bedfordahire, and a E.G., d. 14 Nov. 1838, n-hen he svas a. in his Bamny of Lucas by his dan., LAnY Cowsess, and Otis lordship ci. 20 Jnty. 1796, antI n’as 0. its his brassy l’s in his other titles by his nephew, the Eons. or OtsroN. ilabtBdcln, 1LDrZ! raiittjani. Sie W5LLIAM Eonsnsow, ltnt., grandssn of William Robissson, asalor, hthary—.tcmiasa, Densger-hiaroaesa liranthssss, and rite lord-mayor of York in 1381 and 1394, and twice 21 P. heirs macia of Iter lttoly. Ibas’ittsy of tirsntls,ssn, 7 April, 1761 for that city, servesl the office of sheriff fssr the ea. York its Viaesttnt Godenich, 2s April, lslI. Earl of Ilipoa, Il April, 1638. He sa. 1st, Mary, one of the co-helm of Sir William 193J. .4,-ass—-Vcrt, a rheursa, t,cteesn litres stags, at gaze, or. Ramboreugh, Mart, of Housam, Yorkshire, but by her had Cs’esO—Gcsb it a eers,sset a’tssspsaoil itO Ilessi’s—sle—lis, sr a no surviving isssse; and lndiy, Frances, dan. of Sir Thomas inoant vert, thermass a stag, at gtsze, of Iha trot. Idetealfe, htnt. of Nappa, in the same county, lty whom he Sstppst’lera—Gts sit tsr sitlr a greyhetstssil regsetribsstt, sa. had two sons and thres dana. TIse sesand dan., Margaret, Mitre — tlssalia stls isseehite. m. Wsts,soas WEOnELL, Esq. of Erswiek, en. York. Ssr Seats — Stssdloy P 09’S I. sse’ar hli1tss, Yss’lsshtiro : Norton Park, William so. in 1638, and was a. by his elder sets, MLTCALFZ EoasNsnN, Eoq., svho was created a Baronet Anspllsill, en. ltodtsrd, is Easy tise seat sat lIsa Lady Ccw1ter5 30 July, 1660, and represented the city of York for several lbscss Houec—l, Carllass Gardens. 315 I) F 1( Mr. tlabissscttt avas ssusslsyeit ota differcsst inspttrtastt ,hi1,ls— malls tastasiosts to the varit,sss o,sssrts,,t Estre1ts. Its 173s, ho of (ireat Brit,sin and I roha,sct. He us. Ps’as,es o, d,ass ot Thossuas harris, Rag., asd sister of the 1st Earl ef htslset-atiery. Jir. h’re,lericls lhobisosn si. in 1791. to the court of Macintl5 its 1771. Its 1779, ho was lsssl elan. assd so-heir of Philip, 2nd Earl of Husrilwicks, lay Joseinsa, Marshianoaa dc Grey, and sister and FseursscatJenn, 1.1 Noe. 1701, svho sass a prominent polltioias a’stl srateosssats, a:sd salto, after huhiag vaniesss higis official a1spoisssmessta, bees ssse Ps’ss,sher her a slsorl lists its 1821. hIs n-na i’rralod Vtaeet’ol h’s’?’ ,2e0, 29 April, 1027, ass’l having tasisre rocesslh teen Secretary if slats for lbs Colsaii-s suit I,or,l Privy Seal, a’as adaesred lo the Eosstaoss or Ilirsa, 13 Apr:1, 1933. lIe sa. I Sept. 1014, Sarish-Alhinin-Losioa, only dais. antl crenissalty’ so-Isair of Robert, 41 Is Earl of Ilsek— i,sglsasssalsis-o, asstl hy her (st Ito tl. 8 April, 1063) had isasse, Gsscoe-h’ssnEn,cs-SAMrrL, his sarreaaor isa lssd Nosa. or Rseon; how EARL us (beex. Elsaaor-hlenriolta-Vietenia, si. 31 Dcl. 1226. hIts Isriahip d. 29 Jars. 1939. his older sass, Tnoxos-Ptssttr, late Eost, cc Gnev, K,tb. (eec st,jtrrs). c’,vatioao—Earosetcy, 1699. Narldesa T)s Grey of Wrest’j, 23 IleL 1616, to Asoshol, las Cosate’ss, rensainder to her Slsaford h,isr,,lnslsire : Psstsiny hleslh, Sas’rry. Wrest l’arhs, Bamness Lucas.