Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/369

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I) E L Florence. Thereia-Lucy-Sophia-Elphinstoiie. i. Georgiana, so. in 1782, to Edward-Pery Buckley, Esq.; and sf 17 Sept. 1832. ii. Matilda, m. 18 July, 1793, to Gen. tlcury Wyuyard; and d. 3 Feb. 1843. Ills lordship ri. 22 Nov. 1777, end was t. by his eldest son, WntiAnt-AuuusTus, 3rd carl; who 2. usssu. in 1783, and was itis lordship 5. in 1347, and soas e. by his grandson, o. by his brother, Joux-Rmunn, 4th carl, ft. 29 July, 1758; who so.22 April, from 14 Assg, 1.382, to 1 Joue, 1363. This nohlets,an, in the 1783, Catherine, dan. of Henry Lyell, Esq. of Bourn, cc. Cain- 39th EnsrAms Ill., shared in the glory of l’oictiero, wherein the bridge, by whom (who d. 27 May, 1826) he had issue, Gzoaox-Joutc, present peer. Caluerine-Georgiana, so. 16 Oct. 1817, to the last Liens. Col. eontentiott took place, as lao stefettdesl hisitseif teitls great Joseph D’Arcy, WA.; and ,f. 7 March, P124; theirsoa, Capt. valossr; anti tlte pressttro opon hitta brrontitsg great, sttels as Robert D’Arey, Indian army, 2. 14 Jtsne, lcOia: and their knew Ities cried ossi ‘Sir, narrenslor, or you are dried ‘‘ sslseee— only survi ring son, Ccl. Ocorge-Abbas-Kooli BArry, late of tspon ho yteldesl, accordiog to ttro;ssart, to Sir Detsnis 3torhoek, she 94th and 3rd West India reg., ass officer of usililarv a kaiglst of Artois, in the Etsglislt service’, lsnt heitsg forccsh distinction in India and Africa, acted with high credit as frottt that captain, esore titan tots ktaights ansi esquires el:sittted Govensor of the Gambia, where he was sppeinted in 1951. Itis lordship if. 29 July, 1792. Creaf lasso—Baron Delawarr, I Feb. 1162. Earl and Viscouut, tsretensians of Sir I;, ‘ger La Warr and Sir John Pelhatit (atseester 18 Starch, 17t1. Arote—Qaarterly; 1st and 4th, arg., afesse, daneett7e, so.. for Vartsoroesgh atsd t’elhatu) ltavitg been acknowlcdgcd the WEsT; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, Os’, and go., a bend rate for strongest, tot-st Delusvarr Isad, in cotnmetssoratiots of so aliant SActavtxs.n. Creofo—I. Wear: Ont of a ducal eeronet., er, a griffin’s head, savorel ; tstsst Sir Joists l’elhattt had rite Isetekie of a tsclt as a ac., beaked and eared, geld.—2. SAcKYLLLE: Out ci a cerotiet, taaettsetsto of tlae sattse aehievcntettt. Itis torslsisip eotstissstcd for computed of fiettrs-de-lis, an eatoile, arg. ,Ss’pjscrfero— Dexter, a wolf, coward, arg., gergsd wills a plaits several years otter t’oieticrs its ttse F’renelt svars, anti aeqsti red cellar; sinister, a cucka;riee, er, sltadoaved, and sealed, at. dllaefe—Joesr do ma vie. Seato—Bourn lion. Caxtan, Caanhridgeelsire; and Backhurst TnestAs, stseeessively Barsssss Delawarr. hit terstelsip so. iudly, l’arh, Baat Orinstead, Sussex. Tac’ss Hossoe—l 7, Upper Grosvenor Street. !flauft of }ta Warr. The first ci title family espon retard, Jnun LA WARe, had a ratification, in Use 8th of Jcav, of a 8 Jots. 1370, to 2 Nov. 1297. ‘I’tais nolstetta:sts, before a:sd after grant which that king had made, prier to his coining to Gao isis father’s decease, stat itt tlte ‘ears ssf Gascotsy svith Fritter throne, of the lordship ef Brtotolton to member of ise honour EDWARD. In the lhtsd tsf RtcnAan II., his lordsltip olstaittesl of Gloucester). to hold by the service of half a knight’s fee. a special diapensatiots excnaphita1 ttittt ft’ons altrtsdisag ass’ futare Me rI. in six years afterwards, and aas o. by his son, JcanAa LA WAaa, who thea paid twu hundred puniads for agaisast Isis ov’n good trill . Slsarty after svlsiels Ste departed livery of hia lands. This feudal lord was in artus against ICing this life, rsnszo 1298, and dying u’s,,’., ayes s by Isis brother, JouN, but ou paying a fine, with taco patfreya, seas re-adatillesi TtsoatAs LA W’ana, 5th baron, nhto being a priest, and tvctssr into favour. Nevertheless, we fiud him agaiu fightiag uudet of tlse elsrtrcla of Stanrlscste.s-, stat sstatssaosscd to pssrhiamettt use barouial standard, and agaia making his peace after the fro:n 10 Ang. 1399, to 7 Jan. 1426, as “Slagistna Thontus do Ia batile of Eveshans. He was s. by Jottx LA 5VAaa, wlso was sheriff of ttcrcfordsltire in the 3rd for nsstking tiso parisla clanrela of 2lasachcsler colcgiate to ecu— EnwAan I., aiad wat a. by tionew LA WAaw, who in the reigns of EntwAan I. and divine service cotsthntsally, for list gesosi estate of tteaso V., ansi EDwARD Il., having had military sumnsoases to attend the of lusts, the said Thoutas, daring tlais life, and afterwards for king in the wars cf France, and bei:sg actively engaged in the healtia of their souls. Ite 1. in 1420, sehen the Barony sf those aa well as the Scottish wars, was snnsmoned to parliament, Delasearr rlovssrest ispro Itis Isalf-sisters toss, Sir tteotaALn as a BARON, front 6 Feb. 1299, to 16 Jane, 1311. 3Iis Wesv, Lard West, as in tIns above :sccoamt of the Wesis. lordship sit. Clarice, dau. aad co-heir of John dc Ttvgoz, Barou Tregoz; and dying in 1329, was a. by his son, JoaN LA WARE, 2nd baron, summoned to par;iamcnt frotn 26 Aug. 1307, to 26 Feb. 1347. Tltis eotslentan, in site 29 EDWARD 1., Isis father still bring, was in the expedition titta otado itsto Flattdera, attd the next year he was in Use soars of Scoilaud. Ia the 29th of the same reign, on the decease of his mother, Clariec, he inherited a naoiety of Ott property of his grandfather, Lord Tregon (so which barotsy he was co-heir, aud for au account of which see Dunce Dceseanf aasf Eeliarl .f’ceragc); via., Ewyas-Harold, en. Herefotd; Alytagtoe, Wilts; and otherlands in the cot. of Somerset, Salop, and Northa.mpton. After this, during the remainder of the reigsa of EnwAaaa t., he was constautly engaged in Ilte scars of Scotland, and teas made a kaigltt of the Bath. In Ihe 14Os Env-Aan tlt., his lordship was in the great sea-figltt off Sissy; In the 161h, he was in the expedition to France, assisting at BE L’TttLE AND 1)UDLBT, RtlsoN (Sir Philip Sitino’l, the siege of Nantes; and in the Stth, he was in the van of the of Pett slattret, cit. Knttt5 test ti :t Dat’sstt oh, )attt :sta esificer BLAcK Paixee at the glorious battle of Ccxcv. Itis lordship royal Ianroe-gs.snrsls. b. 20 Jatt. )s23 ; sat. 23 A1srtl, to. Joan, sister and heir of Thomas do Orealey. Baron Orestcy, 1850, Mary. only child of the late Sir William Fssnlit, orhose chief seat was at Statachester, to. Lancaster; by which Bart., atttl lane, lady he acquired the great possessions of the Greslcys, and t. PntLtr, ft. 14 Slay, 1053. had a son, i. Joust, who predeceased his faiher, leaving Isy his wife itt. Iteury, 8. 17 Jan. 1818. Margaret, dan. of Sir John de itollattd, I Rouea, who .s. lais grandtatlter, as 3rd baron. 2 John (Sir), of Bokatsaptoti, in Berhs, svhieh lie laeid by eergeantry, in keeping the king’s dogs, called Itarriers, when he shotsld come into those pna-ts. Sir John svns in Sta Bvtsne SttELLeT, tat baronet of Castle Goring, so. for his the wars of Brittany; and dying in the 34th EnmAan Ill. 2nd wife, Etir.ntscth-Jttne-Sidney. only dais. and heir of William e. p. left his estates to lais brother. I Catherine, m. to Sir Warinc Lnlinter, Lord Lnttmer ef Perry, Esq. of Turrill Park, Boeks t of W’orminglon, eu. fILm- Bnsybrooke, and had iseoe, 319 1) E L Joists Latinaer, t Sir Thotnas katitner, successively tsarcas. Edavard Latinser, Ca’rnentse Lavtncw, as. to Thomas Grlffio, and hod a son, Jeitsi Gatreto-, whose descendant, BnwAars Gairria, seas created DAtsuN GairriN of .11 cay- I as,oto Sic Psoota LA Waaw, 3rd huron; tunstnonesl to parliament French Ktng seith Ilte lsattpltitt were tssade isriaottera. ‘touching the capture of tite ltittg of Frattee, it is recorded that tuetcit tlae hottottr of takitag the roy-al pruner. A otoegst these, the if tise t’etltauts, Bakes of Nesvcastlc, an’l of tlte Ls,esle an exp;oit, the erampet, or cltispe, of tlte captive prince’s greater rettOsen in erery osttses;sa tat eatttpaign. I Ic a. 1st, El izalsetls, ,l:sss. of Adatn, Ls:rd Welles an’s ha’l iseste, .lssttn and Aliatsom, dast. of .toltn, Lord Sloo,tsray, and had ats otsty datt., JOANNA, arlto sit. Sir Tlaosstas West, 3rsl lasrssn Weal, att’l Itad isaste, TitoasAs, Lord W’cst, selso ,f..t. ;,. ; atad ltEsnaALn (Sir), sstnttttened to parliatasetst, jsss’r ‘s ‘stf.s, as Bssrr’ts Dclasvarr. Lorsl Delawarr sI. itt 1370, ansI seat tsy Isis eldest son, Jotix LA tiAaa, 4tts barots, satettaosaesl to parliat:te:st frotti parliansenle, or serving the king in his wnm, or oltera-ise, Wnrrss.” In the 9th HENRY V., his lordship obtained license siet ef a warden and a certain nnsnlser of priests, to celelsrate DE L’ISLE AND DUDLEY. ti Aigernra, ts. 11 Jene, 1824. iv. William, 8. 19 Aug. 1529- t 9lary-Sophia. Itiitcagc. reeler: and of Fensltstrat Plare, Nets t : grassstdars. (naalcrnally