Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/38

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xxxvi ROLL OP THE LORDS SPIRITUAL AND TEMPORAL. 126 Charles Earl of ltansney. 127 Henry Thomas Earl of Chiohesler. 123 Thomas Earl of Wilton. 129 Edward James Earl of Powis. 130 Horallo Earl Nelson. 131 Lawrence Earl of Ilosse. (Elected for Ireland.) 132 Syslnay Williana Herbert Earl Manners. 133 Horatio Earl of Orford. 131 llenry Earl Grey. 135 William Earl of Lousdale. 136 Dudley Earl of llarrowby. 137 llenry Tlsyune Earl of llarewood. 133 William hugh Earl of 31mb. 139 Alan Frederick Earl Calhoarl. 140 James WaIler Earl of Vereslam. 141 Adeltiert Wellinglon lirownlaw Earl Prownlow 142 Edward Granville Earl of Saint Germans. 143 Albert Edmund Earl of Morley. 111 Orlando George Charles Earl of Bradford. 145 Frederick Earl lleauehamp. 146 George Frederick Samuel Earl de Grey. (In anotlser place 218 Geargo Douglas Lard Sundridgo (Duke of Argyll), out of as Lord J’rroideet sf the Cseueil.) 147 John Earl of Eldon. 110 Richard Wihians Fenn Earl llawe. 145 Charles Sossinem Earl Sommers. 150 John Edward Cornwallis Earl of Stradbrake. 151 George ltonry Eoberl Charles Willians Earl Vane. 152 William Pitt Earl Amhemt. 153 JoIsts Frederick Vaughan Earl Cawdor. 254 Willians George Earl of 3luuster. 155 Robert Adam Fhihips Ilaldaur Earl of Camperdown. 156 Thomas George Earl of Liehfleld. 257 George Frederick GArcy Earl of Durham ISO Granville George Earl Grauville. 155 henry Earl of Elhngham. Sf0 Ilenry John Earl of Dude. 301 Charles Olaade Worsley Earl of Varheraugh. 162 James henry Robert Earl moos. (Duke of Roxburgho.) 203 Edward Adolphus Ferdinand Lard Seymour. 163 Tlsemas William Earl of Leiecster. 164 William Earl of Lavelace. 165 Thomas Earl of Zeiland. IfS Cleat-Its George Earl of Gainslearcugh. If 7 Edward Earl of Ellenhorongh. 165 Fraascis Charles Granville Earl of Ellesmere. 169 George Stevens Earl of Stralford. 170 William John Earl of CaGenhans. 171 Slurry Richard Charles Earl Cowley. 172 Archibald William Earl of Wtnbsn. (Earl of Fglintann.) 263 Gtargo Anton Lord ttyrao. 173 William Earl of Dndlcv. 114 John Earl Russell. 175 John Earl of Eimborley. (In another place an Lord Fury 2ff James Lord Sinclair. (Elected far Scotland.) Fuel.) 176 Birltard Earl of Dartrev. 177 William Ernest Earl of Fovrrsham. 178 John Robert Vneeunl Sysiney, Loot C/srsosber(rein of I/se lit Charles John Lard Colville of Culross. (Elected far Hosee/estet. 179 Robert Viseossnt Hereford. ISO William Ilenry Vincount Sirathallan. (Elected for Scotland.) S8l ltcssry Viscount Bollngbmke and St. John. 132 Evelyn Viscount Ealmoath. 153 George Viscount Tarriagtan. 154 Augustus Frederick Visconnt Letnsler. (Duke of Leinster.) 155 John Robert Viscount Sydney. (In anoiher place as Losel 277 Geargo John Lord Saudos. Chasesberirties of 5/se Hsnsetso/s/.) 1Sf Francis Wheler Vtscount Dead. 187 Slervyn Viscount Powerseourt. (Elected for Ireland.) 185 Thomas Viscount de Vesci. (Elected far treland.) 189 James Viscount Lifford. (Electrd far Ireland.) 190 Edw-ard Viscount Bangor. (Elected for Ireland.) 191 hayes Viscount Daneraile. (Elerled far Ireland.) 191 Came-allis Viscount Ilawarden. (Elected for Ireland.) 191 Camegie Robert John Viscount Si. Viueeni. 194 Henry Viscount Melville. 195 William 3Volls, Viscount Sidmauth. 195 George Frederick Viscount Templetaw-n. (Elected for 2Sf Goarge Rice Lord Dinevar. Ireland-) 197 George Viscount Gordon. (Earl of Aberdeen.) 198 Edward Viscount Exusauth. 199 John Luke George Viscount Hatelsiuson. (Earl of 290 Fletcher Lord Granioy. Dsnoughmore.) 200 William Thomas Viscount Claucarty. (Earl of Clanearty.) 293 James Hoary Logge Lord Sherbamo. 201 Wetlhsglon Iteury Viscount Combormere. 202 Clsarlos John Viscount Canterbury. 203 Itawland Viscount Hill. 204 Charles Stewart Viscount lIar/lingo. 205 ]tugts Viscannl Gaugh. 206 Stratford Viscount Stratford do Redcliffe. 207 Charles Viscount Eversloy. 208 Charles Viseassut lhalifax. 209 Alexander Nelson Viscount Bridpart. 210 Jahu Bishop of London. 211<. Charles Bishop of Durham. 212 Charles Richard Bishop of Winchester. 213 Oteury Bishop of Exeter. 214 Canuap Bishop of St. Davids. 215 Ashurst Turner Etshots of Chichester. 216 Samuel Bishop of Oxford. 217 Thomss Vasvler Bishop of St. Asaph. 2tS James Prince Bishop of Manchester. 219 Alfred Bishop of Llaudaff. 220 Walter Kerr Bishop of Salisbury. lIt labort John Disisop of Bath and Wells. (In another place as Lard Aackland.) 222 Robert Dishap of Ripau. 223 John Thomas Bislsap of Narwicts. 224 James Cstquho’an Bishop of Bangor. 220 Samuel Bishop of Cat-lisle. 226 henry Bishop of Worcester. 227 Charles John Bishop of Gloucester and Bristel. 228 Edward Harold Bishop of Ely. 229 William Bishop of Clsester. 210 Thomas Legts Bishap of lioctiester. 211 Gcaro Augustus Bishop of Ltchfield. 232 James lilshop of Hereford. 213 Wiltinus Caunor Bishop of Peterbaranglt. 214 Robert Biahap of Casisol Esssly Waterfard aud Lismore. 235 William Rishsp of Dorry and Raphao. 216 Charles Bradrick Bishop of Tuam and Killala and Aclsoary. 237 John George Brabasots Lard l’onsanby (Earl of Bess- borough), Lent dl srortl qf I/se Ifsasr/sald. Her Majesty’s Poise/pal Secretaries of Stole. 219 William Lennox Lssceltes Lard Do lInt. 240 Jacob Hessry Dolavat Lord Hastings. 211 George Edward Lard Audloy. 212 Alberic Lord Wilangisby do Eresby. 213 Thausm Crosby William Lard Darre. 241 Charles Henry Belle Lard Clinton. 245 Thomas Lord Camoys. 246 Henry Lord Beaumont. 247 Charles Lard Staurtan. 248 Henry William Lord Romere. 249 llanry Lord Willoughby do Brake. 210 Sackvilto George Lard Conyers. 201 George Lord Vatsx of Hareawdou. 92 Ralph Gordon Lard Wentsrorth. 254 St. Andrew Boassehansp Lard St. John of Blotsa. 200 Frederick George Lord Itaward do Walden. 2Sf William Bomard Lard Potre. 257 Frederick Benjamin Lard Sayc and Solo. 258 John Frauds Lord Arundoll of Wardaur. 239 John Stuart Lard Chftou. (Earl af Damloy.) 260 Josoph Thaddous Lard Dormor. 261 Goat-go Floury Lard Toynisam. 262 lleury Valentine Lard Stafford. 264 Charles itugh Lard Clifford of Chudloigh. Ifs Alexander Lard Saltaun. (Elected far Scotland.) If 7 William Bullor Fullerton Lord Etphiustane. (Elected for Scotland.) 270 Charles I.ard Blantyre. (Elected far Srstiaud.) Scotland.) 272 Richard Edmund Saint Lawrence Lord Boyle. (Earl of Cork and Grrcry.) 273 George Lord Hay. (Earl of Einnoul.) 274 Hoary Lord Sliddloton. 275 Willians Jshu Lard istoasan. hf John George Brabaron Lard Pansauby. (Earl of Bestbaraugh.) (In another place as Lord Sfesrnnl of I/sr Hsaarlseefet.) 278 Alfred Natitaniel Italdon Lard Soamdala. 270 Goorgo Ivos Lard Boston. 250 George James Lard level and Holland. (Earl of Egmont.) If 1 Augustus Henry Lard Vernon. 282 Edward St. Vincent Lord Digby. 283 George Dauglas Lard Ssutdridgo. (Duke of Argyll.) (In another place as one of Her Mojealys Prisecipal &csctot-irs gf Slate.) 284 Edw-ard Lord Ilawke. 280 Tlsomas Henry Lard Foley. 207 Tttomas Lord Watsingham. 288 William Lord Bsgat. 289 Charles Lord Soathausptau. 291 George Rridgrs tlarley Dostuett Lord Rodney. 292 William I.ord Berwdek. 294 Jaisa Ileury da Ia Poor Lard Tyrnue. (Darguets of Waberfsrd.) 295 hoary Bsntiark Lord Carleton. (Earl of Shannon.) htIO Charles Lord Sufflold. 297 Goy Lard Darehesler. 298 Ltayd Lard Kenyau. 299 Charles Caruwattia Lard Brsyhraako. 300 Georgo lbamiltaa Lord Fislserwbct. (Ofsrquees of Danegal.) .301 Henry Hall Lard Gage. (Viscount Gage.) 302 Edward Thomas Lard That-law. 303 Robert John Lord Auckland. (Ia anailter place as Bis1sss of Beet/s reset WrIts.) 104 George William Lord Lytlelboa. 303 iearga Lard Mondip. (Viscount Ctifden.) 306 Aretsibald George Lard Stuart of Cattle Stuart. (Earl of Otoray.) 307 htaudatpls Lord Stewart of Garlses. (Earl of GahIaw-ay.) 308 Jaoaos George Floury Lard Salbersfard. (Earl afCaurtown.) 309 Williem John Lord Brodrbck. (Viscount Hidleton.)