Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/387

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0EV 0EV conferred upon Humphrey Stafford, Baron Stafford of I Edward Eovi]1, 9 ,Ian. 1119. On the enhsequent attainder Sonthwicke, that nohleman was oroatod EARL 05’ DEVON in I of tho marquess all his honours expired, and use king 1469; hnt falling undcr the axe no a traitor, in the August annoxod to tho Bnohy of Comwall the lau,ls iu that county, following, the dignity expired.) I widob thus came to tho crown. Tue lordship is. 1st, ElizaUpon the demise of Hugh Conrtenay, his only surviving both Grey, dan. and hoir of John, Viscount Lisle, lint by brother, that lady had no issno. JOe in. 2ndl)’, Oortrndo, dan. of JonN COURTONAY, asenmod the EARLnO5J or DEVON, and William Blonot, Lord Honnljoy, by whom he left an only the Lanoastrian interest prevailing in 1470, by the expnleion child, of King EDWANO, his lordship was restored to the hnnonrs EnwARD COURTeNAa-, who, thongh lint twelrc years of add possessions of his family by the parliament that re- age at the death of his father, was committed prisoner to placed the crown npen the head of HENRY VI. The eobee- the Tower, and detained there during the remainder ef qnent defeat, however, of Richard Nevill, the eteut Earl King HeNRY’s reign, and that nf EriwaRn Vi.; but upon of Warwick, at Barnet Field, 14 April, 1471, again placed the accession of Qnecn lIARs’ he was released, and a patent, the fortnnee of the house of Devon in jeopardy, and the dated at Richmond, 1 Sept. kill, wae issned, creating him earl, joining IlAnnAner Os’ ANJOU, foil sword in hand, at EARL op DEVON. On the 10th October following, lie was fully Tewkesbnry, 14 May following, at the bead ef 0IAROARET’e restored in blood; but as the athonder of hie father was rear-guard. Thns the three brothers scaled with their never revererd, he did not succeed to the Earldrni of blood their bond of fidelity to the house of Lancaster, and Devon, created in the lot HENnY Vii., nor te the earidem with them expired the cantor branch of the ancient and created in the lrd Ileanv P111., neither did he to the illnstrione house of Cenrtenay. The last carl was bnriod at Harqnessstc of Exeter. His lsrdshtp had some command Tewkesbnry, and being attainted, the hononre and estates in snppressing Wyatt’s rebellion, and yet was afterwards, of Dsvoa became again forfeited, with the Princess EticAneris, accneed of being acceesory The branch heing thiss extingnisbed, we precced to that therete, and sent with bar highness to the Tower. lie was founded by snbseqnently confined is Fotberingay Castle, but released, Sm Hums 000RTENAY, of Maccomb, brother of EDWARn, throngh the interpesition of Pinup of Spain, upon that lrd earl (revert to issue of Hugh, 2nd earl). This gentle- monarch’s marriage with the queen; the Laity ELmZA5ETH man’s only sen, being liberated threugh tbe same influence. his lordship Sin lInen C’Ot’RTENAY, Knt., was of Bocenneck, in Corn- after this, obtained the queen’s permission to go abroad, wall, and H.P. for that shire. He so. Margaret, dan. and and d. at Padna, not withent enspicien of poison 4 Oct. ce-heir of Thomas Carminow (the last heir male of that 1166. He d. uaoi., and his estates reverted to the issue et ancient family, wbese ether dan, acid ce-heir was is. to Sir his great-aunts, and the four dane. of Sir Hngb Conrtenay, Thomas Carew, of Hehnn’s Ottcry), and bad issue, of lieconneck, and sisters of Edward, 1st earl. At his lords. EDwARD (Sir), his sncceseor. ship’s decease, lbs earidom of Devon was cemssidered to have is. Walter (Sir), 4. aiim. become extinct, and it remained dormant for ne less than s. Hand, is. Sir John Anandell, of Telverns. two hundred and sixty-five years. It wan, however, reel. Ehzahsth, is. te Jehn Trethnrffe, and bad seen, established in another brands ef the family, as heire male TnoasAs Tnr’ruuns’pe, whe left two dane., of the deceased lord (to which we shall new proceed), by Elicabeth, is. to John Vivian. the decision ef parliament, 19 March ,1SI1. It is clear, Margaret, is. to Edward Conrtcnay, Esq. of Lsrrock. however, that the Conrtensys themselves never once press. Isabel, is. to WtlHam Hehnn. viensly, thought of the earldem’s being in existence, es V. Florence, is. to John Trelawny. they would msot have accepted a baronetcy amid a visconnty. Sir Hugh, faithful to the lied Rose, fell, with his neble kine- The existing branch of the Conrtesays was feunded by man, the Earl of Dei’en, at Tewkesbnry; and his eldest son, Sin Pnstxr COURTENAY, of Poivderhaan Castle (s-efer to Sin EDWARD COURTENAT, being invelved with his brother, issue of Hngh de Conrtcnay, 2nd of the original Earle of in the conspiracy ef Henry Stafford, Bake of Bnckingham, Devon), who received the honour ef knighthood from in favour of Henry, Earl of Eichmond, was forced to fly Edward, the Black Prince, with his brethere, Hngb and inte Brittany upen the fallnre of the plot and the decapita- Peter, the day before the battle of Navarot, in Spain, and tion of the duke. Participating, snbseqnsntly, in the vie- was constituted in 1101, lord-lieutenant ef Ireland fer ten tery of Boswonrs, he was elevated to the peerage by years. Sir Philip is. Anne, dan. of Sir Themas Wake, by HENRY VII. (20 Oct. 1409), SB EARL OF DEVON, and he whem he left three sens and twe dans., and was s. at his obtained grants, at the same time, of the greater part ef decease, in the 7th Ilsicnv IV., by his eldest son, the estates, manors, Sic., which bad belonged te the late RIcHARD COURTENAY, Lord Bishop ef Nerwich. This Thomas Ceortenay, Earl cf Devon, His les-debip is. Elba- prelate was one of the amhaeaaders sent by H5NNY V. to baths, dan of Sir Philip Courtenay, of Holland, and had an the King ef France, to demand the crewms ef that kingdom, only son, as his right by deececit, and to denounce svar in the event Wiffiam (Sir), KB., who ma. the Lady Katherine Plants- of non-compliance. Ho 4. in i4iS, and was e. in his estates genet, daim. of EDWARD IV. In ths year 1902, Sir William by his nephew, was arrested, with Lord William do la Pole, Sir James Sin CODETENAY, Rot., who si. Elieabetb, dan. of Tyrrell, and Sir Jehn Wyndham, and accused of belding Walter, Lard Hnngcrferd, and acqnired by the alliance the a traitorous correspondence with Edmund de la Pole, manor of ilelland Betresnx, in Davonshh’e. He had leone, Earl ef Suffolk, then a refugee at ths cenrt of his aimt, heside two dane., seven sans, viz., Margaret. Duchess of Burgundy; and he was attainted in 1204. Tyrrell and Wyndlsam were beheaded on Tower- WiLLIAM, his enrcceeor. bill, while Conrtonay was deemed to incarceration during Philip (tilt), ef Holland, wbese msle line failed with John the kinWs reign. Ceurtenay, Esq. of Holland; who d. in 1712, leaving a The earl 4. in 1209, and HENRY VIII. ascending the throne sister and heir, who rim, William Paeten, Esq., and had an in the same year, that monarch immediately released only dan., Sin WeLLIAM COURTENAT, and toek him into favour; but ANNA-MARIA PAnTON, who ni. George Threekmerten, he died in three years afterwards, hefcre he had either, Esq. letters patent or a formal restoralien ef the earldem. He Pevsn, Beenos op WssnnrsTER. This prelate was enc of was buried, however, -, with the honours of an earl,” at the the great pemens whe invited henry, Earl ef Itichmond (HENRY VII.), to make an effort for the crown, and aided especial command of the king. By the Lady Catherine btm in his subsequent preceedingn. Plaiitagenet he left an only son, Edmnnd (Sir), of Doviock, ancestor of the Cernish CourEnWARD COURTENAV. who having been restsrsd in bleed tenays. and honours, became 2nd Earl of Devon of the new Walter (Sir). creation. In 1522, his lerdsbip obtained a grant of Gale- John (Sir), knight-banneret. humphrey, wbmoae only dan. is. Thomas Carow, Esq. land, in Ceruwail, and of a “fair mansien,” eitaate in this pasish of St. Lawrence Ponhti-r, in the city of London, Sir Philip was e. by his eldest son, ferfeited by the attainder ef Edward Stafford, Duke ef Sin Whm,m,m.SM COURTENAY, of Powderhans Castle, ingh Bnckinghans; and was advanced by letters patent, dated sheriff of Devon in 1442. lie em. Margaret, den, of Williasmi, 19 June, 1922, to the dignity of Marqacae of Lecher. For Lord Bonvillo; and dying in 14Sl, ssass. by Ins son, come years this nobleman enjoyed the favanr of the fickle Sin WiLLiAM COURTENAY, who ss. Cicoly, ilan. of Sir HENRY. but be fell at lemsgtb a victim to that monarchs’s John Chenoy, of Ptmeconrt; and dying in 1212, was a. by jealousy of the house of Polo. He wae committed to the his son, Tower with Henry Pale, Lord Montacnte, and Sir Edward Sin WILLIAM Ct,URTeNAY, surnamed The Great. This E’svill, for conspiring to place Eaginald Pole, dean of gentleman, ma. 1st, Margaret, den - of Sir Richard Edgcombc, Exeter upon the throne, and was bebeaded with Sir sf Cnltelo, by whom he bad four sons and a dan. Ho is. 337 2