Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/393

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DILKE, Ssst CIsAItLIIS-WENTWORTH, hart, of Sloane Street, Chelsea, cc. Middlesex; ass created 22 Jan. 184(2; late Ml’. for Wallingfssrd ; 8. IS Feb. 1810 ; eta. 30 March, 1540, Mary, dan. of William tihatfield, capt. in the Madras Cavalry, 1 y wlinns (who at. 16 Sept. 1853) he has had issue, DIL when the earldesn and the ether titire became EXTINCT, Maria, as to Henry-Thomas, 2nd Earl ef Ilohester, except the English Ilareny of tsigby of Sherberne, and the Caroline, ci. in 1791, to Sir Thomas Neave, Burt.; and Irish Bareny ef Dighy, which devolved on isis kissensan, EDWArD-ST. VINCENT, the present peer. Ilantet, us. in 995, to the Rev. Samuel Serrall, of Crroli’uss—ltaren (Irish), 29 July, 1620. Parse (Great Britain), 5 Steplsen, col. in the army, 8.10 May, 1742; us. bet, in 19 Aug. 1785. 1771, Lucy, dan. of Stephen. let Earl of Ihehestor; and A ee,c—Az., a fleer-dc-li,, arg. Crest—As eslra,h, helslisg us she iseak a hsrss’—slsoe, all ppr. Charlee, canon of Wiadser; 9. in Slay, 1778; us. Mary, Sssppe,lv,;—’lwe sneaks7,, sr., rlsvireised atolLs the noddle, dan. of the Hon. Hugh Somerville; cud 0. 23 June, assd lined, sir. .li.fotte—lseo, 51555 fsrlss,sl. Peal—ISI interns hiossc, (lerno Ahil,as, Dersetsisire. Charles-Wriothesly, of St’sdland, near Wareham, 5. Joe’a ]]osee—39, ltelgravc Si1nare. 2 May, 3882; us. 1st, 21 July, 1831, Elizal,eth, only £ DIL DIG and d. 23 Sept. 1842. 5. 14 April, 1836. Purboek, en. Doreet. by her (svho 4. in 1707) had teens. 1841, having had issue, den. of the 11ev. William Floyer, and by her (wh,i 5. in 1834) had, Elizabeth-Mary, so. 2 Aug. 1636, Henry - lelaitland Wibsoss, Req., assd 5. 12 July, 1858. He ss. 2ndly,59 July, 1010, Frances-Anna. Margaret, widow os Rev, 0. Bingham, effsloheembe Bingharn, by whom (who 5. in 1849) he has had, Fr.sneos-Raehol, Si. 14 Feh. 1606, to the 11ev 18.-H - Wingflebl Dighsy, rector of Thornford, I sorsetohiro. Hr. C.-W. tligby is. Srdly, 17 June, 1086. Adelaide, 3rd duo. of the lit. Hon. George ilaukee, anti hy her has Charles Wrinthesly, 0. 39 Jan. 1869 Georgiana-Emily; Adelaide-Mabel; and two tither daus. George-Somerville, capt. in the army, 0. 27 Sept. 1805; us. 6 Soot. 1838, Lady Emily-Jane Butler Danvere, sistor of C eorgo, 8th Earl of Lanosborough, and ci. 10 Nay. 1064, having had issue, Henry- Somerville. 8. 21 Oot. 1837; Noel-Stephen-Fox, is. 2 Oct. 1819; Wilhiam-Napior, I. 13 April, 1844; 5., barrister-al-law, H.P. for Clselsea, Charles-Robert, is. 3 Nov. 1850; Elizabeth Jane, and Rmily-Luoy-Neville. Stephen. an officer in the Austrian service, killed is. Ashloa-Weniwortb, i. 11 Assg. 1530. iss hungary, 24 Fob. 1849. Julia-Mary, d. in 1138. Harriet, d. sossus. Stephen-Thomas, rapt. RN,, 5. in 1820. Charlotte-Eiizabeth, ss. in 1805, to her cousin, the Rev. Willians-Dighy. Gel. Stephen Dighy us. Sndly, in 1790, Charlotte-Margaret, sss. Anne, eldest dan. of Sir (lenient Fisher, s.f Packington, Co. eldest dan of Sir Robert Gunning, Part., and Warseiek, Knt., and ci. 1618 leaving issue, ttro sans, by that lady has, Robert-Henry, a liout.-eol. in the i. Thomas Duke, of Haxstock Castle, ancosioe of the family of army, is. in 1792 ; and Isabella, us. in 1814, to the late William-Choster Siaster, Eoq. of Knowlo Park, so. Somerset, and sf. 9 Jan. 1859. 6 Charles, is. in 1745; MA. canon of Wells; us. in 1775, Fssssssa Three was of Shustoek, 00. Warsvieb, and as. Sibill, Priscilla, dan. of William Hollior, Esq. of Castle-Carey, daa. of Nicholas Wcntworth, of Lillingoton Lovcll, cc. Oxon, and 00. Somerset, assd by her had a dan., Mary-Charlotte, as. 21 Sept. 1810, to the Rev. John st. leaving issue, two suns, Samuel, and Fisher ci. assus. The elder Dumpier, of Bulow, Somerset; who 5. 18 Jan. 1841. sun, Saasres. Dstee, to. 1st, Elizabeth, dan. of Edward Zouche, of Ho (Charles) 5. in Oct. 1811. is. Wriothosloy, us. Mary, dan. of John Cotea. Req. h’ek$ng, 00. Surrey, Knight Marshall in King J.uszs I., and Weodeote. in Ssinp. and had. 1 Wriothesloy, is. in 1749: as. in 1781, a dass. of Lisut.Cal. s. Fisher Duke, sstherwise Went irlh of Woleten, cc. War— Lewis-Charles Slosslelieu, Baron of St. Hippohte; bat cd a-p.m 1827 5 Itenelns, is. in 1754; ci. ssnus. in 1812. 3 Noel, bin 1768, in holy orders; ci. coos. in 1830 I Mary, us. iii 1778, to the Hon. lingis Sosnervillo; and 5. 8 Sopt. 1794. 2 Frances, to. Os 1780, to Ccl. Richard Aabrey, and is new lIe sa. Sndiy, Chrysogen Draper, of Salop, and 5.1701, leaving deceased. 9 Elizabeth, so. in 1788, to William Stills, Esq., whom else by her a see and snecreser, survived; and 5.27 Dee. 1828. Their eon is Sir Charles Wrsrwoavn Dstwe, who 0. 5 March, 1726, having us. Mary, Mills, Ban. 4 Jane, sss. to Charles SOils, Req. s. Elizabeth, us. to Sir John Polben, Part. is. Jssliassa, sss. is Herbert Iliaekworth, Esq. iii. Frances, so. is James (bates, Esq Rio lordship 5. 29 Nov. 1757, and was s. by Lie grassdoon, Etswsnn, 8th boron. This ssoblemau 5. none. 30 Nov. Tlse second sen 1757, when the honoure devolved upon his brother, HENRy, 7th baross, who woo created a poer of Groat leaving issue by her svbo sI 28 March, 1782) an only sorriving Britain, 19 Aug. 1765, as Boron Digty, of Slsertes’sse, with son, Cnaatsss-WENTwearn DunE, who vs. 17 Feb. 1783, Sarals remainder, failing his issue male, to the issue male of his father, and advanced 1 Nov. iloo, to the dignitico of Tulsa-ford, and d. 25 March, 1826, leaving issue by her (abs si. Viocoseni Colcalsill, ro. Wsrsehck, and RAnt Phony, es Liacelo. 27 Oct. 1822), Mis lordship us. 1st, 5 Sept. 1765, Elizabeth, dan. of tlso s. Cu.eaLEs-WENTwOO5Th, of whom hereafter. Mnn. Charles FeUding, son of Basil, 4th Earl of Douhigh, is. Wilhhasss, wlsss s’s. Mary, daa. of Richard (leant, relict of but by that lady had no surviving isosso; ho us. Sndly, henry Silverleeb, of Lincoln’s Inn, and had issue, 10 Nor. 1770, Mary, dan. and heir of Jolsn Knowler, Req. s. Leuitbi, vs.20 Nov. 180$. John Snnoke, who si. 29 Jan. 1863. of Canterbury, by whom (who 5. 26 Feb. 1754) he hod, Enwassa, lato earl. Ruben, in holy orders, is. 10 April, 1775; 5. 25 Sept. 1810. Stephen, is. in 1776; d. in 5795. Charlotte-Maria, as. 22 Jnly, 1196, to William Wlngfleld s., created a baronet as abero. Baker, Req., master in Chanoery; and d. in 1887, leaving s. Sarah-Frances, si young‘s. issue. Rhzabelh-Theresa, is. in 1781; ci. in 1806. His lordship ci. in 1793, sad was n. by his son, Rnwanas, 2nd earl and 8th baron, lord-bent, and oustos Fuss Henne—76, Sloane Street. rot’.slornm so. Dorset, is. 6 Jan. 1773; d. uous. 12 May, 5856, 343 is. 4 Sept. 1943. i. Mildred, d. an infant 31 Jan. 1851. }Luwagc. Ssa TneoeAs DIsusE, of tilaxsloek Castle, cc. Wanriek, Eniglst, yotmgor son of Rseesan Ditar, ef Kirkby Slatleey, cc. Leicesier, Duke of MaNsisek. Ii. Fisnaa. The second son, seidose of Fulls Grcvill, and by her ‘cod issue, a’iek. vs. Silence, eldest daa. csf Js,lsn Fackharst ef Ccsteshy, Co. Nortisampton, relict of Richard Salloussahl, of Chipping Warden, in tlso same co., and ci. in 1710. is. Sasasseb, sl. sssssa. sss. ‘fliosnas, if. aistts. s. Ehiaabclls. dan. of Jonailsan Oumbleton, by whom (who d. 24 Marels, 1743) be bad isssse, I. Sasnuel, sb. o. p. is. WrsTa’anvss, nf whom hereafter. iii. Jonathan, sO. o. p. - i. Philippts, ‘1. young. ss. Catbenno. WeniTwoaTis DstKz, vs. Winifred Street, antI 5. 18 Ncr. 1781, u- Jane, who si S Jasse, 17a6. Tlss oldest son, CuAELE5-WENTWOaTTT flume, so. Maria-Dover Wallior, ansi sO. 10 Aug. 186$, having by her (who sd 12 Nov. 1838) Isad issue, Maria, sO. ynang. t’rcvslistn—lS Jan. 1862. Ars,so—Gn., a lion rampant, per pale, arg. and or. (loch—A dove, ppr.