Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/397

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347 DIX DOD D 0 D S W 0 R T IL DOBSWORTB, Sm CHARLESEutvsltD, Barb, of Newlau,1 Park, en. Yos’k, 8. 27 June, 1853; a. his father as 5th Burt., 30 April, • Richard-Thomas, capt. marines; m. 3 July, 1808, Harriet, eldest dan. of T.-H. Wilsea, Esq. o. Fameastlc, Carmarthen; and ti in 1834, leaving issue. Rebecca, ci. susm. Clcmentine, ci. noes. 1840. Margaret, sa. to Edward-lIsn,ell Dawkin, Esq., and is deceased. Elizabeth, so. ta Chacles Ililke, Esq., son of William 0)111cc, Eoq. of )laxstskc Castle, an is deceased. Docotlsy, us. to the lien. Ileary Small, and left at his dccease three sons and two daus. Caroline, 0.3 April, 1090. ui Richard, ,l. ssnss. s. Rebecca-Maria, so. to Sir Henry Atkins, Bart. of Claphaae, and (1.26 Ang. 1731. n. Bridget, sa. to Thomas Raflhie, Esq. of Derby. iss. Margaret, so. to use Rev. John Godwin, rector of Reswsrth; undO in 1767. Sir Wolstan d. in 1731, and was s. by his eldest son, IV. Sits WOL5TAN. This gentleman ns 1st, Otiss Freer, dan. Sculthos’, by whsas he lead no child; and 2ndly, Ann, thea. of of Governor Freer, by wheel he had WoLsTAa, Isis snreessor; Cisrislopher ltedgscn, Esq. of Weslerton, tey wisam Ise left at and Isco daas., Rebecca, and Anne, boils deceased. tie see. his decease, in 1740, a elan., Elizabeth, svife of Alexander 2ndly, Thtodesia, dan. of Itensy Wright, Esq., of Mobbrrley, flaliday, Req. ef Delfasi, in Ireland; and a eon, in Cheshire, and had by her one ssn, Wiflsuglsby, and five I. Jonw-Onvroreo Ssmm, ltsq., wlecs woe crcatrd a Darc,nrt, daus., tsro of wham only married, viz., Eleassor-Franees, ,sife 22 Jan. i7S1. Sir John see. 28 July, 1701, llrnriella-Slaria, dasi. of George Fochin, Rsq., of llsnrne; and Rosansnnd, wife of of John Dodswoi’th, Esq. of ‘rlsorntnn Watlass, ees. York, Clement Rynnrrsley, Esq., af 1nxlsy. Its s,e. 3relly, Margaret, through svleom the present Sir Charles Dodswerth is in a direct dan. of William Cross, Gent. of Scarborough. Sir Weistan dreeesst fresse tting Euwxon, III. (see Deaae’s Rsyal Iaessiliea), sO. in 1766, and was s. by his eldest son, V. Sea WoLsnie, who ci. ones. in 1801, when the ti11e devolved s. Enwar,n, 2nd baronet. upon his first rsnsin, - VT. SIR Be.aussour-Jesarn, RN., who 0. unsa. 20 July, 1814, is’. Cse.aonns, late baronet. and was s. by his brother, VII. Sea )VsLLonnney-Wos.s’rsrs, who us, 21 Nov. 1811, Della-Anna, dau. sf the Rev. Thsasas Adnult, rector of Croft, us. Charlotte, ci. ones. iv. Etira, el. ssesue. Leieestershire, by svhons (who sO. in 1821) he had issue, VIs.uounnay-WoLsTAsc, eighth baronet. Reanmont, b. in Nov. 1.311; in holy orders, rector of MarketRoswerlh; licence, in 1821, lbs eurnae:r of Donswnaa’a only, in hess ni sl. 1 Nzv. 1816. Eleanor-Frances-Anna, so, I June, 1848, to tsoltin Ilayroek, use 11ev, Freelerirk Deelesvartls, PsI)., raison of W’iesdens’. lie Esq., an officer of dragoons, and has an only son, WillougbbyRobert-Dottin, sss. 29 Sept. 1604, Susasess;sh, youngest dau. of llessry ilasskins, 8. 7 July, 1d49 Joliana-Mary, us. 17 Sept. 1849, to Charles Goring, Req., HF., Esq. of Staes’llyuehs, en. Wilts, icy wisons (who ci. 12 Mamh, of Winston Park, Sussex, who sO. in the same year. Sir Willonghby-Wolsian, sO. in 1827, and was shy his son, VIII. Sea Wss.Louenev-WOL5TAN, I. in Oct. 1816; nba us. if dragoons; se.8 Jsme, 1000, Elizabeth, only child of Joim Armetrsng. March, 1841, Louisa-Anne, youngtr dan. of the lair Lieni.-Gen. Cadwalloder, 9th Lord Dloyuey, by whens (who sO. 11 June, Sir Ryan Lloyd, K.C.II., of Fornoy hall, re. Salop, by the 10.33) he had issue, Drwagor Lady Ts’iasleetown, his wife, dan. of the late Gen. Charles Essotaee, and by her (who ,f. 20 Jan. 1811) had three I. Jshe (Major). Is. 27 June, 1809; ,l. ssseso. II Hay, 1852. daus., 1 Alice, so. 10 July, 1861, to Charles Sultan, Esq., late ii. Edward-ttrcdorick, hA., Is. 1811; ci. seers. 1813. rapt. 12th lancers (see Srrross, Bait.); 2 Louica-Julia-llory, so us. Cho,’les, l;.N., Is. 2 Aug. 1811; ci, noes. 10 Feb. 1532. 29 Aug. 1864, to Lieui.-Cnl. Edwyss-Sherard Burnahy, grenadier sv. Mnvxssew, dtls baronet. gssards. of Iloggrave flail, en. Leieester (see Buoee’s Lussleef v. fIoorge, ci. young. Gesstry); and 3, Easma-Geergina, es. iS Dee. 18ff, to CecilThornton, only son of the Hon. O.-W.-W. Forester (see pssl and has a dan., ll)csa.Alexandriue-Ehrabeth-Maria. Fnorsvra, B.) Sir Welstao tO. 23 July, 1810, and woe r. by his vii. Cadssallader-Janecs, late of the 14th foe., 9.1027; el nsses. uncle, ix. Iso ALEXANCER, capt. RN., b. 1780; who us. leb in 1818. I. Sophia-Ssesssn. Resamund-illory, dan. of the lien. Joseph-Dixie Churchill, rector is. lteesrietta-llaria, ses. 1 Dee. 1018, to the Rev. Itohert of Llieklissg, Norfolk, and by her (who 0. in 1831) had issue, s. Arexaiessea-DeA000NT-CulserusLL, present baronet. ci. Itielsard-Wnlstan, t. in 1821; us. Euro, dan. of Richard iv. Frauees-Cleas’lette, us. 4 Sopt. i857, tee the Rev. James Lo Gould, Req. en. Beaumont-Joseph, Is. in 1122; ci. at Calcutta, 24 May, v. Anna-)laria, sss. 1 Aug. 1054, Geserge Peickrtt, Esq. 1846. iv. Wolslem-Fleetweed, b. in 1827. v. Nelsen, 0. in 1829. s. Resamond-Hary, us. to Capt. W-T.-W. Wood, ef Northomptonshire, vii. Cisorlatte-SoIusl,ury. and 0.20 Aug. 3860, at the Friory iRendhas;s, Sir Clearles ‘1.28 July, 1037, and was a. icy his son, SulfsUe. is. Clementina-Careliese, 0. nose. 1843. III. Emily-Jaliana, us. 22 Jsmo, 1813, to Evan-Herberi Lloyd, 23 Sept. 1832, Anne-Julia, dao. of Ccl. Croe’der, Eli., lair of Esq. of Fernoy Hall, en. Solnp. Sir Alexander Dixie m. 2nJly, Miss Dornham. He entered the leyu Illesley, Req. of Rue’ley Ilall, Yorkshire, and hod issue, royal navy in 1791, and served stub distinction at the battle of, present l,arooet. Trafalgor, assisted at Use captors and destrsselion of twentyihree )i:stlhess-lllayney, Is. 26 Oct. 1836. sail of the line, sereral frigate, and sloops of war. Frederirls-Cadsuailader, Is. poetlsunseus, 13 Aug. 1835. During the last American war, he served in commend of the Sir Mattleese’ ,l. 30 Aps’il, 1838. Chesapeake’S and “Saraeen.” lie hsras...e a captain, 1 July, 1801. PIed. 20 Dee. 1837. Cs’ealiso—4 July, 1000. Arms—Az., o hen, rampant, or, a chief, of the lust. ‘Cs’rsl—An ounce, sejant, ppr., durally gorged, or. Msllsea—Qned ethel dixi. Dci gratia grata. Senl—Bssworth Fark, near lIiueleley, Leieesterslsire. LI Itmncagc. Jours SsssTn, Esq. of Ncwland hail (ten of Jehn Smilh, Rsq. of Ereleslield, by Priscilla Sylvester, his wife), us. 1st, Ann and had issue, is. George, in holy orders; Is. in 1772; ci. in 1811, noso. 5. Auna-Ileria. is. tlorrist, us. to Wm. Wade, late lieut.-eol. 3rd dragoens, and 0. s. )e. tIe 0. in 1789, and woes. by his eldest son, H. Sea EosvAau, Is. II Aug. i7ed, who asetseeed, by royal hie patronymic, Ssssvn, in cseelliaece suills the will of his unrie, 1030) he had no isosse. Sir Edss’urd si. 31 Dee. 18db, and seas a. by Isis brstleer. III Sso CHARLEO, t. 22 Aug. 1775; late hicut.-eel. 22nd light Req. of Liegoole, cc. Formanagh, used graodclau. of vs. Frederick, Is. Fels. 1822; as. in 1848, Jane-lIehecea, dan. of the late John Young, Esq. af Westrielge, Isle of Wiglet, 19 )larrh, 1850. Whyteheaf, lILA., Rector of All Saints, Nerth Sireet, York. sss. Elizabeth, us. 13 Feb. 1049, to Jeseph-D. TelIsy, Eeq. of ltilgraess, en. York, ased 0. at isa on beard lice “Tomar,” Ii Nor, 1887. Illaistre, LL.D. vs. Catherine, ss. 18 April, 1644, to J. lsaltoo, Esq. of Oleseing ford Fork, cc. Yorle, and Fiiliesghane Castle, etc. Liurelse, also ci. 1 July, 1564, leaving issue. (are Duuoo’sLeude,O &‘eotry.) iV. Six Mxvvursr, capt. royal art., Is. S Feb. 1013; whom. Bs’e;hortsess, Yorkelsie’e, Isy Eliza his suife, close, of Tle,,asae i’ul— Ilturielto. CraG’ u—lI Jan. 1781. A riot—Quarterly: 1st and 4th org., a bend, cngrsiled betercen three aesseeelche, go., fssr Douessuovn ; lsssl used 3rd, ;‘cr saltier, org. and eu. two trefoils, slijq,ed, ies pale, go., for Sassvn. t’,’esle—lst, llsstsssEeRTsi, a dexter cubit arm 155 eli:eia m;sil, or, tie,, Isaad, 14w., grasping a brsektn hiltissg-spcar, cisc l,rssrss part inel,urd go. ; 25sf, Ssssvu, out ol a ‘iaeal coronal, or, a boar’s head. rouped at the errk, or., crined, geld. Jtsslirs—l’ro legs sonata tine rege. Seah—Tleorsstun hall, Defile, Yurlsslure.