Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/40

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ULSTER’S ROLL. THE NOBILiTY OF IRELAND, SPIRITUAL AND TEMPORAL, RANKED ACCORDING TO THEIR PRECEDENCE, A.D. MDCCCLXIX. His EXCELLENCY JOHN-POYNTZ, EARL SPENCER, K.G., &C., &C., &C., Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor. ¶ tHis MAJESTY GEOROE-PREDEMCK-ALEXANDER-CSL&RLES-] RNEST-Acousrua (Ex-Esusa Os’ HAreevEa), Ea.sso or AESSAQu. Aneu.ussuom. I Marcus Gervais Beresford, D.D., Archbishop of Armagh Si f Benjamin ONeale Stratford, Earl of Aldbaraugh. and Primate of all Ireland, Eislsop of Clogher. 2 Richard-CheneyLa Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, 32 tSTEPuRN Mooau, EARL OF MOUNT CASLL. Primate of Ireland, Bishop of Glendelagh and Kildare. 51 tMark lfacDanuell. Earl of Antrim. Duxas. I ¶tAuguotus-Prederick PitaGorald, Dsslto of Leinoter. 2 ¶tJames Hamilton, E.G., Duke of Abercoru. MaRquEsses. 1 ¶tJohn Do Ia Poer-Tieresford, K.P., Marquoso of Waterford. 40 ¶ Grauviile-Levoson I’roby, Earl of Carysfort. 2 ¶Arthur-WiEs-nltusdell Hill, Marquess of Dow,sahire. 3 ¶tGsorge-Hamiltsn Chichestcr, K. P., Marquess of Dcnegall. 42 tW5LL5.(M Hewasso, E.P., Eaar, or WacaLow. 4 ¶tlteory-Francis-Seymour Moore, K.P., Marquess of Drogbeda. 43 tJohn-hlonry-Reginald Scott, Earl of Clonmell. 5 ¶tmosnaa Taylour, KB., Marquess of Headfort. e ¶taecrge-John nrowne. 3larquess of Sligo. 7 ¶ Jobn-Henry-Welliagtou-Gratsam Loftus, Marquess of Ely. 8 ¶tFcederick-Wtfflam-nobert Stewart, K.P., Marquess of 40 j Charles-Knox Stewart, Earl of Castle Stewart. Loudoudorry. 9 ¶tFrancis-ttathauiet Cocyoglsana, KB, Marquess Conyugham 00 James Alexander, Earl of Calodon. ID tGEOEGE-Ta5OMAS-JOuN NUOENT, MaRQuess or WE5TasRATR. 11 ¶ Valeuhtne Browue, Earl of Kenmare. 11 ¶tJamea - Edsrard - Willians . Theebald Butler, Marquess of 12 ¶tWtlliam-lIalo-Jeho-Charles Pery, Earl of Limerick. Ormonde, Heredilary Great Euler of Ireland. 19 ¶tUhek-John do Burgh, E.P., Marquess of Clanricarde. Eano. I ¶$Charles-John Chetsrynd-Talbot, Earl of Waterford, hereditary 17 Charles-William-Francis Bury, Earl of Charleville. — Lord High Steward of I roland. 2 ¶tlltchard.Edmund-St. Lawrence Boyle, KB., Earl of Cork 10 William-Henry-lIars hedges White, Earl of Ilactry. and Orrery. I ¶ Eodolph-William-Bassl Feilding, Earl of Desusond. 4 ¶ William Brabasan, Earl of Meats. 5 ¶tArthur-Janses Plankett, KB., Earl of Fiugall. 6 tFredertck-Johsn-Wiiliam Lambart, Earl of Cavau. 7 ¶tilsarge-Arthur-llaatings Forbes, KB., Earl of Granard. 82 tWihltaus Hare, Earl of Listowel. I ¶1-WillSam-Themas-Spcucer Weutworth-Pitzwilbaus, IC. a., 83 1 Doctor Toler, Earl of Nerbury. Earl FitzWilliam. - 9 ¶tHenry-Charles-Keilh Pelty-Ftlzmaurtce, Earl of Kerry and of Shelburne. 10 ¶tJahn-Shsart Thigh, Earl cC Darstiey. 11 ¶ tGeorge-Jaoses Pcrceval, Earl of Egment. 12 ¶tJchu-Gcorge-Ecalsazon Personby, Earl of Eessbaraugh. 13 tSamerset-Arthssr Butler, Earl of Carrick. 14 ¶hlenry-Bentinck Doyle, Earl of Shannon. 15 iJohu-Yansitlarl Dancers Butler, Earl of Lancsbereugh. 1 Theohald-Dominiok-Goaffery Lee-Dillon, Viscount Dillon 16 ¶tJamea Duff, K P., Earl Fife. 17 ¶ Arthur-Richard Wellesley, IC. G., Earl of 3lansingtec. 10 tPhilip-Yorke Gore, K.!’., Earl of Arrau. 19 ¶tJames-Gearge-llenry Stopford, Earl of Courtown. 20 tJoseph-thenry t,eeson, Earl of 3thlltowu. 21 ¶tJames-liolyuessx Causlfeild, K.P , Earl of Charlemaur. 22 iJahu-Charlrs-GeorgeSavile, Earl of ltexbareugh. 23 Edward-Garth Tssrsiour, Eai-l of Vtnlcrter 24 tThomaa St. Lawrenc3, El’., Earl of IIoo-rh. 21 ¶tEobert-100nry ICing, Earl of lthssgstos. 26 ¶ William-Bhflip llolyueux, Earl of Setter. 27 ¶tRebert Jocelyn, K-I’., Earl of tteilcn. 28 tErnest-Aucustsss Vaughau. Earl cf I.hshssrne. 29 ¶ Richard-Charles-Francis Mtade, Earl of Clanurihlaus. 10 ¶tEichard-Plantagecet-Campbell Temple - Nugent-BrydgesChandos-Grenvitle, EasI Nugeot. 34 ¶tWilliam-LygauPabcubam, K.C B., Earl of Longford. 31 tHENRY-JOuN-REUREN DAwsoss-DAaaEa, EARL or PORTARL 5NOTON. 36 Rtehard-Sauthwell Dourke, IC.B., Earl of Ilayr. 37 jWiLLsaas-RsdnAan Awusastn-, EARL ANNE5LEY. IS ¶ William-Willoughby Cole, Earl of Essutsktilen. 39 $JouN CascnTous, K.P., EARL OF KaNE. 41 4Wihliam-Ullck-O’Couuer CoPe, Earl of Desart. 44 ¶jWilliam-Sydney Clemerts, Earl of Leitrim. 41 tGEOaOE-CnARLE5 Esxonaas, EC.B., EARL OF LucAae. 48 tSnssrasox-Rscuao Luwxx-Cossasv, EARL OF Dza.asoass. 47 tFasANcn DERNARO, EARL OF BANnON. 49 ¶ John-Luke-George Hely-ttutchinsen, Earl of Donussghmore. 03 ¶ tWilliam-Themas-Is-Peer Trench, Earl of Clancarty. 14 ¶ Archibald-Drabazan-Sparrow Achesou, Earl of Gosford. 15 tLAwRENCE PARsONS, EARL 01’ Rosse. 16 James-Chaa-les-tterbert Welbore-Ellis Agar, Earl of Nornsanton. 19 ¶fGearge-Augssstus - Frederick - Charles Jlalroyd, Earl of Sheffield. 80 tFrancis-Jaek Needham, Earl of Kilmorey. 61 ¶tndwhn-Eichard-hVindbans Wynttham-Quin, K.P., Earl of Dunraven and ltassntearl. 84 ¶ Themas-Henry-Granvilte-Stuart Enox, Earl of Ranfssrly. ‘saeouaTs 1 ¶tEdward-Antbony-John Preston, Viscount Gormanston. 2 tleury-Edmund Butler, Viscount Maantgarret. 3 ¶ Vietor-Mbort-Gearge Child-Villiers, Viseouut Graudisoc. 4 Arthur Anisosley. Viscount Valeutta. 6 fArthur-James Neltsrvllle, Viscount Netterrille. 7 ¶tP.icharsl-GeorEs Lumley-Savis, ‘,isoo,srt Lusrlsy. S ¶ Prrry-Ellec-Frederick-Willtam Ssuythe, Viscount Strarsgfont. 9 1 Charles-Rudolpts-Jsseph-Francis-Clement Taaffe,Viscount Taaffe. 10 tThomas-hheron Joses, Viscossnh Rauelagh. II ¶ Clohwortlsy-John-liyre-Fosher Skeflhsgton, Vhscessct hasserseue and Fcrrard. 12 ¶ George-itoralio Cisolmondoley, Viscount Chalmondelcy. 13 Ilugh-Ricbard Dawnay, Viscount Dowue. 14 Richard-Bigot hlslosworlb, Viscount Molesworth. 15 t Richard-Walter Chstwyud, Viscount Chetwurd. 10 ¶1 William-John Esudrhek, Viscount Midlelon. 17 ¶toustavaa-Frederick hiamiltan-Euaaell, Viscount Boyce.