Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/400

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DON English Parliament, as sssrely for fist delirory of Dsshlin ansi vat. Sleplsrn-Aigoroon, 0. in 1014, late an officer in the army; other garrisons to their 000ssssissionors. After the restorsstissn, ho not gorernor of Corrirkfiatguo; and it 1668, hit lordship Tiso nsarsloesi il. 9 Oct. 1844. established a nsallarsnatirssh Iretare in list Unirersitv of Itoblin. Cj’esslt.sen—Jtaross and Visconnt, 1 April, 10291 Earl, 30 March, lIe o. lot, fortes, tess. of Joists II Hi, Esq. of I teniloy, ro. Warwick, 1017; Earl and Olarqssoss, 27 tune, 1 751—Irish hnnonrs. Barrio isy srtsosss he had Sm only doss., Mary, wise a ,tohso St. (hirstisia), 3 Josly, 1790; .tssg. lOll. Legor, Esg. TIso earl so. 2nstty, Lady Mary Viiby, ‘Ian. of A :‘i,is—Qssas’ter]s’ lit asssl 4th, eiseqosy, or ssnd go., a eioie John, lot Earl sif Bristol, lint by tlsat lady iso Isasl Ott iisrvsvtstg vair, for b.’ssscozsTnn 2ssd and 3rd, an., fretty, nog., for isssse t ansi ‘Jolly, Letilia, ossly sssrvis issgstast. sf Sir ‘Jilt isstn tTt’siiaoishai. ltsrkot,ltart. sf ftrosksliol 1, soil isy tier lcft One torriring stass., foot—A slosh, ppr., trings oxpandod, holding toils beak a Anise, wise at lit, hoists llssllrr, flail of (iowrass, susd ‘Jssstly, oassise, arg., humid, or. Franris Assngier, Earl of Lossgf rd lost sad no iassso The earl tssjijoss’Ios’o—’l’wo o’oiree, go., dstcnll gorged assd chained, or, of lionegal if. 16 Slarrls, loll, orison isis Isonoars doraired, h4roIa—IIay hark, lioms’sssVro’, Os’oooan Park, intl Pishorwiels, according to list linsitaiiaa, ts1s’n isis nojibeor, Ssss Ananris CsstrssnsTon, as Jnsl earl (cutest son of the l’osssis Hnanr—22, Grosreosar Ssinare. lion. John Chielsesler, by Mary, ytsangeit don. of Rogor Jones, Viseonnt tianeissohs). lift lorsisisip is. Jane, don. and heir of John ltelsingb.ssss, Leg., of Dsnsbrody, to. Wexfard, and was e. by isis elicit son, Asrrno’n, ard tart. This nobleman hating dislingnislsed Isisosolf its the in siary sorrire of isis asosa eosmiry, ttas np— pointed hsy iho l’rioi r of liesse, in 1704, nsajor-genrral of the Spanish fisroes: assd fill, 10 April, 1706, at l’arl Monjnich. flit lorslsisip’s Jail lasly (lsy list lii, Laity Jlaelsara Boyle, he hail son sssrriving isssst.) was l,sssiy Csstiserine Forties, dais. of Arlhor, Earl of (iranarl. l7 this lad7’ lao lsssd tort sosss and six dans. three of flit tailor, Jsssse, l’rassros, ansi I lens irita, trere nn— fortunately hnrsol to straIts in iSo Isosuso of ilolfast, eonsoaned by the earolessness of a sorvsisl. I lit lorstobip was e. by his older son, Anroon, 4th earl at orhase deoease, wifisont issno, in 1707, the hesaonrs devotrest Olson hit relshetr, Aoxsauo, blh earl, 0. iii 1779 (s’ldost son of the lion. John DoNgoAlkE, Vo.ocoutc’r (Hayon St. Logor,) and Chiehesler, ME. for Ileifast in 1740, by Eiizabeth,eldrat dan. of Tiarrita J)sirterssilo, rif Dosuerailo, cci, Conk, in the Sir Itirlsard Netrslig.sie, Dart of A elissry, Warts iekshiee), trho peerage isf Trolasnel5 a representative poor; 8. 1 Oct. was eroateit a Iirfitih poor, Isy list title of B”ross ia1ieos&ct’ Of 1819; ass. 21) Aug. 1851, Mary.Austo-Graeo-Louisa, Yfahrrwiek, cc. St,Eoiai, 3 ditty, 1790 ansI adranresl in the Irish poee.sgc, 27 ditto, 1791 to use sitgssilirs of R0’i of Balfs’oi ossly thu. if the into 0. Lesaimx-Cotaytsgham, Enq., and MexQrnoo or DONCOAL. his los’ilship iii. lot, in 1761, and has hail jimmIe. a oon, Hayoo-Warhaui, 8. mId d. Anne, olslesi slats. ol ,l.iaset, 9th Vs ike of llasssfl tea, isy Elizabeth, 1852, Urnnla-Clare-Etrsily, asool May, el. 6 May, 1867. din. ssnd laeir of F’sisras’il Spencer, Esd. of ltesadleslsaas, co Hin lcsrd4sip a. an 4th viocciusit, at the deceaoe of Suffolk, asssl by iser (onto it. isa 1750) iaasi issue, i. ttnoaon-As’oc.xs s, 2nd marquess. ii. Asdlsssr. h. iss 17711 ii. iss 1758. sis. SionrerSiassley. is. in 1779; so. in 1703, Harriet, dau. of That ancient fatally of ST. Lnonn it of French extraction, and JoIsts, 7th Earl sif tosliowny assd ii. 23 Feb. 1019, learisig, I Aa’rnr’a, creslssl Basso T,aijiioosoro. (doe itai ‘hg;; i18.l 2 Gese’go—Aagssstot Fseileriok, in holy orsiers, it. aiim. in Sin PiononT SONT Lzooon, Not., as the name tras then I Asssse, ‘I. young. 2 Fhssalsetis. is. 16 .5mm”. 1022, in W’illiasn hhanlsssry, Req. of psmolesl 1srhusre ‘situ lais aruss unimesa he qusfit oil tue ship to Stobdi n, raisesl io the poeeage, as Loon lisTens ia so 1927. lssnst isa Sussex. ‘flits Hr L host, hiving osereonue a pagan 8 Harriet, if. its 1520. The nsari5msrss e. 2nilly, 24 Dot. 1750, Charlolte, n islow of auntIe tune, ssmssml iii his.’h uslace ‘ ,i pisitouity siosus’tsluod for many Tiaosnas Jloore, Esq. of Barn, 00. Tipperary, and dan. of Conway genrr.stiosss. ‘i’he utmost sler,’m’susit,nt of Sir Poshest, Sponsor, Es,1. of Treassira’. ro. 1 bunt ; road 3s’dly, 19 Dci. 171)0, Sin AssTssNv Sr. lassos, Not. of the ti,ms’ior, n’esst first into Iiarbssrss, kiss, of list 11ev. Visitor 1,sslse I iodfrry (trite ii. 28 trelasusb isa 1937, tseissg nsspoissti’si hmy hhoxnv VIII. one of that Dcc. 1S29;, neither of tsisirls sss.srriageo, issisrerer, prodneed eossssmsissisissora fur leluisug liar es’sswss lassds there ; ansI retort— issust. lIe ‘1. 9 last. 179!), sisasl trot 0. 1(3’ his eldest s’sss, Gnoison—Arous’trs, 2nd, lt.P., lorst—lirsslenani at 7 July, 1910. lIe o. A4ns0, dou. of llssgh W’zrbzsn, Esq. ci the en. of iiooet’al, 0. 13 Aug. 1749; is. S Ant’. 1793, A nna, ‘3’ssrlsasss, ansi isa I, onus ssmhes’ louts: i. WsLLIAaI. is. dais, of tho Isle Sir Eslo’ard Otay, Earl., .‘snd by isor (irho 0. WAnnato (Sir) of Uls’onslso, its’sst, asaeesior of ftc ST. Lnorns, 0 Feb. 1029) he had issne, i. Gnone.n-liaassi.xos, created Bare’s of Esusinhosreo ott! 00. Cork. isi. Aniony (Sir), Master of the Rolls in Iroland. 6 aet’irle,fi rgn.i, in the lifetinue of isis father, in Ang. 1541, and Ihe duets ions presesat inarspiess. ii. Eoseonn, dean of Ilaphoe, 0. 11 June, 1799; s.. 21 Sept. ,ni0’, a son, I 021, Atnelia-Sps’easl-lieasso, SrsI lass. (by Isis wife Heroes Sin Wsnsssni ST. Lnoen, r’ho wos sppoiolomh commissioner Spread) of llenry-t)oasse 1.b’erasly, Esq. of tassige, to. hiattrick, assd Stiihorgasa Castle, ro. 1 inhhn, toil isas I tin000n-AnousTcs.ILoMILT0N, t. 27 Jane, 15221 late in ereatnally in totilo (in single eonsbai), lmy HusJh iilagcttt’o. lord the army. 2 hlenry-Fitnwarinc, 0. II Sept. 1831; is. 14 daly, 1000, us. Elinalseth RolIse, sf Itilltenny, ansi was o. by his son, Ehinabnlh-Jolia, ossiy child and heiress of Snmnel—Anty Sun WsLLiAn ST. l.rann, a privy eouneillor, and lord-presi. Senerssn, En1. of l’oslissgttrd, Sssffoils, and tins html issue, desat of Ibloneier in 1627. Sir William ropresented the oily of n sin, 5. 10 April 1501 ; a son, 0. 13 Seid. 1602; and Coils in l’am’liauuont in 1639, ansI teas appoissted in that yonr Foresrrr—Assgtsslisi—l I arolml, ii. ass inizsat. 20 last. 1363. 3 Adoltdan.s.John.Speneer—Clssss rhihtl, h. to tier. 1530 I Annalselta-Aagssita, ri. lot, 23.fssif, 1044, to Washington, a lady of Lower C,eemasay and dying, 2 July 1042, loft, 9th Earl Ferrors; ansI Jsadiy, 13.1 sine, 1004, to frederick— with other boat, Ihenry Walih, Esq., loto rapt. 70th regf. 2 Dorean-J sdiana-Fassssy. tss. Spesserr-Assgnsfsis. 0. 27 Nor. I 009 ; 1. 27 3lay, 1025, sv. Anther, 5.30 Sept. 1300; /23 June, 1010. v. liasoilloa-Franrim, t. 9 Olareh, IS1O, an sOber in the army; Sin Wis.s,asai ST. Lnonn, Knt., SIP., who fell at the battle of sit. 7 late. 1037, Its oseriss—Anaslatia, dssss. of the late Col, Newbory, bsa loll, tease, by Isis hrothser, James itlalse of Arihis’y, en. Daln’ay. sod sister of Lord donut ST. Ln,son, lisq. of Dnaeraiie, en. Cork, who so. 1sf, Wnllseossrt; and i1. t Jan. 1034. vs. J ohn-Lodfard, 5. in Nor. 1011, late an officer in the arsny Lady Mary-i ioroas Chiohostor, only dan. of Arthnr, 1st EasI of no. in 1841, Caroline, dan. of 11. tievan, Esq. .350 DON n.30 lice. 1013, Alplsonsine-Losoise-Loara do Narboasne. JloIfo—Invsisssss seqssshsr honor I or, htonor soqsoitmar fosginoecm. 00. Antrtm llanspmtead 3larolsall, forks. DONE RAIL E. oils his fathor, 27 March, 1854. }Un Citgt. don, ci frosu writler,, ono of ilso eossspson;ons in a rusts of list Cowonnnon 1 antI areormliss to a tradition us I iso fansily, the liersoss srlso sop— Dane ts’ls, 5 issisahittrit this’ mmcmiii r of Pie isosbe, its Neni, fsxesh hIs iou issin Fssgl smail, stas eosinlitsotesi lord—shepusly of Ire.iantt, of Uleonulir, Rout, assd of Ike Ox. Lnnnns, of Ibeytrard’s I hIll, W5LUA,m Sr. Lonon (diniohteriled) left, by Isabel Itayen, his for the goverosnenl of Otsmnter in 1159. Ito teas killed of Fernsassagh, trhso fell Isiassoif at the same hose. Sir lVarhans serjeasat-mn)or-g000ral in the army; he was sssbseqsiently emhIss) cml niralussl hue relsels in Irelansl ; ‘us. Gertrnde do Vrhns, Wamaioai, his laeir. Jesus, smsooessor to Isis brother. The elirst son, Dooogal, and had issne,