Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/408

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130 W sasent in the service of ChARLEs 1., and he tat in parltament under the usurpation of CroMwELL, at es Ii as after the lirstorotion, wisen itt seas sworn of the privy-conceit. Ito ot. I st Aisne, tlau. of Sir Oiiettard Botton, Loon C000rnLLoss at’ lonLoon, by s. Charlotte, ii. i’asi. 1021. whom tie hal. with outer issue, ittoyses, who i. NO eossst,s, is. Olary, ii. s’ooi. 23 Otsy, 1030. Anne, eldost dan. of O’ratsris 11111, Fsq. of Itill hail, and left The marqness if. 7 Sept. 1001, and tho sssarehioness Isaving three dans. Arthur 11111 .2ndly, Mary, (lan. of Sir William sssbseqnently s. to the estates of her node, Edo in, 2ssd Lord Parsons, esse of rise Ior’ls—j notices of Ireland, anti tad three Sanilys, was erratod B,,i-s,srss Seisoiys cf Oiobei’atoy, in the ether sons and a dao. tise eldest of whom, WIOLtAM IIILL, Esij., sneeeedo,l to the estates at use decease second and yostnger sons sneeessively. The eldest son, of isis lsalf—brether, Moyses, wilhosst male issno. TIsis gentleesan AeTuue-ltLenones.L-SAonrs-TRU5BULL, Orit marquess, K.P., was of the lsnvy—eostneil to CHARLEs II. and .1 oases It., f5.C.L,, lool-lient. of tsownshire, Ii. hOes. 17o5; 0. 20 Oct. 1011, and was Mi’. for tise eo. tloow. tEe a’. let, Eleast’sr, 4-its. of Olania, eldost dais, of fbtisee, Otis han of Plvsisosttls, atsd by Isor tOy. Otieli,- et C’ s’ Ic, arelsl,is iqi (if An,s,tgti, t.oen Css.oaeeLLoss (schn 1, 7 _t1e’il, 1020) litot issue, OF IOELAS 0’. svls,ias he hail ass onto soil, Ot,eHAeL. 1iIr. I till. - 2n’lly, Ota s , eli lest lass, of Sir Mavens Tres or, as iso seas lt’ihhiasss-b’redes’ieho—Arthstr-Olesshogn. eapi. in hIss Scott Gs-eys, ereateit ‘i iii 5 l5,esusison, ill I tiLl, for Ins sigssal gallantry ill svossseli. is is i.e f’noas went., at Marston Moor, ansi tseo other spun il ‘. l’s I 172, ast,l sPas 0. t iy Ins cutest son, littes,.srL I 5’ s., Ftp of llill,’ ‘orossgh, a sssember of rise privy— As-tusar—Edseiss, 31.P. fir en. Dosca, of Br sshsissalt, co Deobiols, rossnril, a ‘ ‘‘, siritsasesslo ci Lstgtanit ansI trelatsit. This gentle:oa is . ‘ se, ‘laos. asol ie’iv sif Sir John ‘l’revov, of IsIs hail As lhstr-Wihiasn, 0. 12 Nov. 1 sOOt and (lerhende— btryehioalt , ii d,i,js, master of t’se rolls is, Essglaed, si’eaker Mary. Ito ii. 2ndly, 10 April, 1 sOs, Mary-(’atlserioe, sister of Else I losi—o ,‘f Co,,isu os, assd host lerd—eesntssissiener of the great scat, md Isa-i tss 0 5’ ‘00, meson, his lss’is’. Arttsnr, who oolsevi ii on tlso estates of lois oaates’nal grandfather, s,sssttisc’E site it stat of ‘t’cevnn, assd was created Chas-latle-Atsgnsta, so, 2 Aug. 1343, to Geos’go Chotsoynd, Vssenc a r tirouoaooy. (hoc eliot stqia ‘, pots, ‘‘ Feerages ExtisseL’ tilt. 11111 was a. ly isis cite I son, Tnevoo ltsn, Esq. of lsiltstsorongh, otto sons elovsted to ttso Mary-Pesselope, so. in bOo, to Visconnt UrHpevt. - peerage of lrela’sd, 21 A’s:. 1717, as lda,’os Belt, qY Kils’,,s’lin, The nsaequess ii. 12 Jqsoil 1010, ant woos. by his oldest son, an 1 l’iaeo ot lO’itto’.o i gli, bolh in tho en. of Dosen. I lii AeTus’n-W’sLLs’BLraneLL-Ssasavs-TnessanLn-Wtansoo, ills loritship . Ot.mry, eldest ‘tan, ant es-heir of Anilsony Oboe, snarqncss, lt.P., ooiso was 0. 6 Aag. 1012; anil es. 23 Atig. 1037, Esq. of :itisowell 11111, Co. Miitdteso’e; aol dying 3 May, 1042, Carohinr—F,’assccs, cutest dots, of otati’i’ton. 1°c Viscau,st Con— left (is-ills a 4, s., Asisso, is. to Jolsn, 1st Earl of $Ioira) an osity erti,ol’r, assil left isstto, eon, lilt sit c-.-,’, W5LLO, 2n’t .‘iseonut, LL.D.; 0-ho ss’a5 oreoted Li. e”,’e Ki’sw’r• is assil Ri ci ‘s Ifil/oli’’roi’gli, by letters—tei’esst, date, I is - Ae’rssc’e—Wsns.ssas, ass officer 2smil Iife—gsiarils, 0. 20 JnIy, 3 Oel. 1 701, soil s roi,soi:sdes-, In stef,ssstt of sssalo issue, 0 i stone, A,-th,tr II ill; and esseobleit asssongsl time pvc ro of (irons llritais, tON- v, 1700, coB ott lI,’rssicts Oj’ JI reich, is the ci.. Ills lordshI I’, scise soas colooel of list Sosthls Dosesaslsire nohitia, o II ocx. III I’ esl4,i , 5’ s advaneol Is a tirilisls vioroinsi” 5. 6 Ang. loGo, and 0-as 0. by isis euler son ..le-entsss-W5LLS- and earl,lnns. ta Ass’, 1772, l,y the titles of Visro,’ot F,iipriist IJLUODOLL, the OtIs and present Olaequess or tlnwoswsen. assd Eel se Ill’ ‘a1,,,- ‘ ‘‘h, and rreatrd Mactress or Those sitter, Crnrodaas—Itaron sod ‘s’iicoont, 21 Aug. 1717 Visronnt and 19 Aug. 1 Osli. I is tsl”Iolsip was a tris y—s’osioeillor isa Essglassd Earl, 3 thee, 1702; tilarqlless, 19 .tcsq. 17-0.1 lie the peceage of and leetossd. us lid, Ise seas constituted hrst eoosssussiosser of Iretansti. Itaros, 20 Nov. 1706 bisrotsnt and Earl, 20 Aug. Erotic and 1’lasstasiosss ; i’s 17,-il, ayq oisste,l j’ ,isst postsaastos’— 1772 (in Or’ at lls’itaiss(. general; an’t its I Ten, nosssissated secretary of stale for tise 4, 1,1 o—tisaehevIy’. I si, so., on a fesse, org., brtsoeon three colonies, o’lsiels post Iso rs’siancd in 1772. In 1779, tsr was eoappointed leopaois, possonl—gisaodasat, or, sl’,’tc 4, of this Cold, as sssane sees-obey, and I cc-assse osse of the Ieaiti’rs of the adsoi— escallops, his, for lOLL; 2sad, party 1.00 bend noisier, ems ,,nnd nistration as hich ha,t to lear list cmo’ssslas’ity of the .tsoorinan es’snitsrs, a lion, ranapasst, or, far Toes on; lvii, gii., a cinqae— soar. His loesishila was r,-’ ister of tile high eanrt tsf Clsasscos-v foil, or, for Row-c; 4th, as’g.,ar Iseeross, a?,, helw’eess hhoeo i is I eotass’l. Ito a’ - lot, 5.5 1747, Olat-garolfi, dstt. of Roles-I trefeils, sliIi1,ed, tsnr pole, gus. an’t a-teE, o,tso far Row-n. Fisogerald, Es’-l of l0il’tare, assil sister of James, 1st flolee if Leisistet’, tsy sclsons hr had sssosiving issne, AOTnUR. Isis stsrees”s’. Mary-Aoielio, Ia Iii 5.’sg. 1700: oi. 2 Then. 1773. t s looses, lol 1,Iuts eohloi’rd, Os-. Marquis of Salioli’sr’ , aid seas bcsrsst to death at ilaiheld 0 I,-—htillstiorongls Castle, Ohowoslsiro ; ssssd Ibast Tianspotead I tonso, 20 Nov. 1072. Charlotto. h. tat Olorels, 1774; as. to Jolsn, lot Eat-I ‘falbot; t°as 0, Wokiiacliosss, lies-Ito. and ii. 7 Jan. toOl. ills lordslsil’ -‘ . 2nd13, Mary, Baroness Slav-eli, dais. aol heir of Toed Stow-eli, ant relict of the Itiglst lion. ItenryBilsoss Leggi’, son of the 1st Earl of Da,-soo,cslls, tsy selsoas lie lto,t rio issue. ‘The ssssrqn,’s 4. 7 f,et. I TiC, and was s. by Ins soss, AeToue, Otsit inais1ncoo ‘ . 3 31a”els, 1703 ‘i. 20 Jsnse, 1700. Mary, P,aroneos °assd 5, lois. cit io 1l,’n. Mas’tvs, ‘-sndys,on’l lilt soife, Map’, ‘tan. nf W illiasis ‘frs’sssl,t,ll, Esq. of Fist IL es sleal l°,srk, Perks, t,v Olaey, No scifo, st,ssi. of Olesslagss, L’ e,t lllsits ‘loll. fly Mory, Rar’ sir’s ‘or o,ls s (sclio 1, 1 Aog. I —017). lIst liiarqssi Os had hstse, I. AeTnris-t’.Lrones.s., 7rd inarqoess. si. Artlsstr—31 i sos 31 itliai,s, Loen a,s’onvs. ti As-thor Otaresss—f’i cit. l’.(’., snreessor to isa bs-nttsro as Loon S coors. ,0o 0-’O ‘;‘l.) s o. Arllsssr-Assgnslssc-h’ilo is,. 0. It tug, loop ‘5, 10 liii,-, 1- u. s’. Onos’ge—Aisgtist.. ioajssr its ll,e aunt . is. 9 It, o - 1 ‘ 1: IsO, 21 let. 1004, (‘aoo-oiilr,i—,lane, a eiissgest ii ii. il 0 1sv,rll s. Fwco’cio-theeyvtes,e, offiree 00th font, ti 1640. ttnight., lbs’s. of 10 -‘ls,,’-e.,haos Iou-to, in Kesil and ‘y l’or 11. Eorrarit-lhasting, 0. toOl. (who if. iss MorrIs, 1 ‘421 Isos isssso, I Arllstsr—ltlsistslell—lJeorgo I—nnsts’s. lieu I. silt, beitad.’ t. sts , ,trehits’-liacclock’Jamos, 0. 21 Felt, 101,3, 13 Olay. loLl. 2 Assseisst,ts-Cliarles-l’d,eard, ii. 9 ,Otarclt, I ‘40. 1 Not its .tt.iey—lDlizs,Iies’i. 01. 20 _Ops-si, leO0, Ii Cal I. Else WsLLtAss DOTLE, Esq. ,f I Isiosisoney, en. Conboin, o,. Jos.r, 1I,iss. °,saserset 3’. assh, Oils soss of Eilss’aed,Osat Viseositil ,Ist’i. of hloseord Egan, I-sq., ass’t left 55 sots, ltassgii’. I C’assoss’tra lmse-Lotajos, 338 DOY Ills loodsitip Os. 2nihly, It Jo00, 1047, Loeiioa, 4tls datt. ol E. Essiglit, Es’s. ol Gadnserslions l°ai-k, Kent, and has a son, iloiirge-Marcos-W’andsbecto, I. I April, 1019. peerage of Enqlanit, 29 Jssne, I s02, with resoainder to her otaTnra - W5LL5 - ItLUOnELL - SAo’nxs - TrIUMDULL - Wsson5oe, 4tls osorqssoss. b. 10 July, 1016; is. frosn Isis horse tlsoosring him selsilo Isnntinst, 15 March, 1044, 0. 4 Nos’. 1010: so. 1st, 27 ,lunc. 1040. Maev—Essoily, eldest dais, of Sir ttichard Sullen, Carl .,an’t 1 her (55150 1, 24 Jan. leOn) of tlse presetat Lov,t hrorsitsele, neil Issos Issid Georgo—Edwye, 0. 10 Nor. 1529 ; Chaebes-E,iscard, ii. 22 Isee In3 OIiohael— Rowland, 0. Iii March, leeS 2. 7 Dee. 1Sf 7; Edaith-Mat’ia t Niea-Esssity; cod Mary-Alice, 5. 20 Aug. 1507. Lord .ttthiorEdo iss Iliti Isas, by royal licence, taken the adeUtienal sstr— noose of Tenvon. Es’s., now Sir George Chetss-t ad, has I., and ‘5. 24 Nov. 1061, from in)ssries reneleod from a fall frons her horse. t. Aesrsts 0-WiLLS-lIne annnL-Ts,Usssis LL-SAssnx s-lloDeo, tinesenl 11ec5’. 1010. s, Alice-Maria, to. 9 tiet, lsO7, to I,ord itesshs, grandson of tise 0I.oaltso-os of llesidfonl. ‘rot—A reindeer’s head, eoa;’ed, gil., atlired and plain osllas’ed, Os’. .‘sspp,o-toca——Dextne, a Ieopsrd, or, opt toed, on,, dorally gos-ged assit i-hainrd, gil, ; sinister, a -oissdeer, go-. allsve,l, csogssled, and J1i,slit’er tactics el fvressns otline I. i”iir,i JJos’b —24, ibeIgrave Sqoase. DOYLE. DOylE, Sun FnANCIT-HATTTNOSCHARLEC, Bssrt., hnni-sstor-ot-latv, owl Rooeivoe-Grsnrral of the Contomo ; Profeoooe sif Poetry in the Ursivoroity of Oxford; 0. 22 Ang. 1810; a. Isle fothrr, no 2nd barb., 6 Nov. 1810 I Ii. 12 Doe. 1844, Sidney, yossugoot doss, of the loto Right H,iss. (I.-W. Williomn’Wynn, 111a nssil by lane (svho rl. so Nov. 05157) has bone, 5. Ol.sry—AnnalrlI. is. Sidmsey—Annor.s. titicurr. CsraeLoo Dome, Es’s. of Bsnsi,blestossn, co Itilkonny, who £